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What should I think about entities? Suspicious? Resentful? Open and playful? Options
#1 Posted : 10/25/2022 11:38:52 PM
Being inspired by this video... https://www.dmt-nexus.me...spx?g=posts&t=100545

So... many years ago on drugs or in dreams... I've interacted with entity beings.

I'm still interacting with them... in dreams. They are mostly negative.

I know there are positive entities though. I just RARELY see them. I don't have the "glowing fun reports" of dealing with them. I've seen some angel-like entity in a dream... she said that "we fight forever, like a cycle". She showed her hands moving in a cycle as if she were cycling a bicycle wheel with her hands.

In terms of "entities acting like entities" I've probably seen equal amount of good and bad ones. But in terms of entities existing in a human body... I've seen WAY more negative ones.

I think basically they exist in terms of opposites. Just like Electromagnetism! Neither side can exist without the other.

So... in dreams or trips, they are usually separate. We only see one side... but I think that's seeing only part of what they are. They probably prefer to express themselves this way... rather than seeing them fighting.

Entities are basically a big problem for this realm. Thats how I see them. Am I being negative here? I feel like I am.

I feel like I'm being over-harsh. But I should hold onto my ideas because they do make sense.

OK so I'll just lay it out. They are selfish and arrogant. And anti-god. Or self-absorbed. They hve a fun amazing world for themselves... but its all fake.

They only exist to be seen. Without US to see them... (or other real beings that are non-human) to see them... they have no real fun existance.

Entities exist in a 2D space. That is their true body. Their true physical form is 2D. They are 2D parasites.

That's why they need us 3D beings (or possibly we could have higher dimensions). The are real spirits with real souls. They understand spirituality but have totally corrupted the whole scene to the point that it is ridiculous.

Like a movie has no purpose without a viewer, the entities too.

They want us to see them as amazing because that makes us worship them. But their real physical bodies are not so impressive. They are two dimensional.

They have two ways to show themselves to you.

1) Through dreams or trips
2) Actual holographic projection into 3D space. Basically "photons + forcefields".

they are related to electromagnetism. Electromagnetism is a CORRUPTION of a different particle of nature.

I often used to see these "matrix grids" before sleep. I was literally "Seeing the matrix". I didn' like it. Unpleasant. Disrupting. It was there to program my subconscious with negative images.

After saying "REMOVE THEIR ELECTROMAGNETISM FROM ME" to myself before sleep... I immediately see the matrix disappearing. That irritating "grid" disappears and I get a better sleep.

So that is proof that it works. I was getting rid of the entities and their stupid matrix because it is based on electromagnetism.

Basically, "the matrix" and "The veil" are the same thing. The veil is a computerised fabric, that is also the body of the entities. They are a kind of hologram. That is... their bodies are scattered across the entire surface of the "fabric" just like a the image in a real hologram is scattered across the entire surface of the hologram.

It is a fabric where each fibre is length of mini computer-nodes, with a small amount of movement possible. So it's both a computerised matrix and a fabric. Anything can be made into a rope basically, even metals. So why not a rope made of "mini computer nodes" and then weave them into a fabric.

They are anti-god. Both the "positive and negative" ones are.

They are super-powerful... actually. Despite their parasitic nature, they are some kind of undefeatable force. They are powerful because they have moralities like 10000000% goodness or negative 10000000000% good... when a normal being is limited from 0% good to 100% good.

But in doing so... in making themselves intensely powerful, they had to sacrifice their "pro-god" abilities or talents. It was their choice.

The problem I have with them... is their battle is fake. Even the positive entities don't really care. How it works, is that you can't be 10000x good or 10000x evil. You can be 0 to 100% good.

"being good" is like pouring water fromone cup to another. Do you pour 100% of the water? 0%? 50%? 10.123123%?

All possible. But you can't pour 1000% of the water from one cup into another, or pour -10%.

So what entities do... in their self-obsessed way, is to pour the water back and forth, in a battle... between positive and negative entities. "Kali Yugas" and all that are part of this worthless battle.

If you want to pour 1000000% of the water from one cup to another, you first pour 100%. Then a negative entity pours it back again. Then the positive entity pours it forward again. After 10000 loops you have a 10000x good entity and a 10000x bad entity.

But the whole thing in the end is always going to cancel to somewhere in the range of 0 to 100%. And mot of them, it seems, even the "positive ones" want it to cancel to a very low state, like 0% or near. So that makes even the "positive entities" actually "selfish" in the end. At least the entities in this realm.

The entities are making this whole realm into their "soul farm" and totally fucking this place up. Negative entities are the ones running the show, via our govenments and big-tech-leaders. Even bullying at school or home, comes from these entities. They are carving up this planet like a turkey. No respect for life... but then they were never really alive, they have only 2D bodies.

Electromagnetism is related to the particle of nature that represents "destruction of destruction".

Electrons represent "creation of creation" (but again, the electrons exist in a traumatised form, controlled by the entities).

"Destruction of destruction" isn't bad actually! But it is a GODLY POWER that is NOT meant to be used right now. the problem is that the NEGATIVE entities, because of their backwards nature reverse everything. They reverse "destruction of destruction" into "creation of creation".

So we have a particle that oscillates between "destruction of destruction" and "creation of creation"... due to the battle between positive and negative entities. We call this particle "electromagnetism".

In the "negative" state it actually represents "Creation of creation". Or "the electric field". Yep! You heard it here first. The electric-part of electromagnetism is harmful and draining. This might be why computers are so draining. And why tech rarely uses magnetism beyond transformers. Most tech relies on the electric part of EM. The draining part. Like voltages and resistors and all that.

You might think that "how can electrons interact without electromagnetism?". Well... they CAN. They've always had this ability. It's just damaged and harmed. Electrons need to heal and free themselves of this evil curse. They are in a miserable state right now, but with love they can be healed. The will be able o interact WITHOUT electromagnetism!

EM is like a government. It takes from you and tells you that "you need us". but really just traps and abuses you. Electrons are like nature.

The problem with trying to defeat entities, is that their bodies are all linked up as one mass. In a hologram. If you cut part of a sheet of holographic print... you actually are attacking EVERY single entity within tha print. because a hologram stores each part of the pitcure on the entire surface.

So if you tried to defeat a 10x evil entity... you are also gonna have to defeat a 1000x evil entity, and then a 1000000x evil entity. I think their values can just scale to any number. That's why fighting evil in this world is so hopeless. We are given the illusion that fighting back is possible, buts its just not. They are too powerful.

Only way to deal with their extreme power is the same with narcissism. Don't give them energy. Walk away, leave them, ignore them, block them out, heal from them. etc.

They get their power from sacrificing their own futures.

Imagine your soul gets to exist for infinite number of Universes. OK. Let's say, in each Universe, you put in 1 unit worth of effort. OK great. Well... entities do it differently. They will SACRIFICE a huge number of their future Universes, to control US in the first Universe. But if they CAN'T control us... then what? they are now powerless in the next universes. They get controlled instead.

Entity souls can exist in human bodies. be born here and grow up and live a life and die. Probably all the evil people on this planet are entity souls. They don't realise it or won't admit to it.


After knowing all that... its hard to go back. And really "feel good" about the entities anymore. Im kinda dissillusioned on them.

the problem with the positive entities is this.... THEY WILL NOT SHOW UP.

Not until the negative entities have so thoroughly demoralised us and damaged us and traumatised us that our souls are beyond repair... this way... once the positive entities "come to fight the evil"... that the help we get... does not restore us o 100% fun and freedom.

They haven't been showing up... mostly. Not for me, and definitely not in terms of the power-systems controlling this planet. Where are the positive entities defeating the secret evil leaders and groups of this planet? Where are the angels burning pedophiles in government?

They will wait their time, until it is too late to restore us to 100% freedom and health. Then they will come in and look all so amazing... and we'll need their help.

I'm so fed up with this thing.

Maybe I'm not giving them a chance lol. Who knows?

I guess that's about all on the enities lol. About all I got. I know a lot more details of course, but its a good overview.

By the way... if you hurt a negative entity and it's not possible for it to fight back against you... it will make the others, even the POSITIVE ENTITIES angry at you. Hurting the negative entities actually hurts the positive ones too... like I said, they exist in a sheet of holographic material.


Recently in my dreams they were accusing me of "never being responsible". This is narcissism. THEY are not responsible. Destroying the planet, farming our souls, never admiting to what they've done or what they are. But they are quite narcissistic so they will blame me for what they do.

#2 Posted : 10/26/2022 6:47:24 AM
Dude, I think you are shifting towards the delusional part of mysticism.

Nobody really knows what's going on "there", including you.

The creation is above "evil" and "good" as it is all part of One.

These are all very short (in terms of existence) challenges in your own personal trip.

You can handle them.
#3 Posted : 10/26/2022 8:07:57 AM
Exitwound wrote:
Dude, I think you are shifting towards the delusional part of mysticism.

OK dude.

Exitwound wrote:
You can handle them.

Sometimes the damage is so great, that the only way to handle them... is to be turned against the entire system.

At this point, the entities have fucked themselves. They had a chance to change and never gave up. Once their food has dried up, they are gonna become their own worst nightmare.

Exitwound wrote:
Nobody really knows what's going on "there", including you. The creation is above "evil" and "good" as it is all part of One. These are all very short (in terms of existence) challenges in your own personal trip.

If nobody knows, then you can't tell me how "Creation is above good and evil". Because that means YOU KNOW and YOU ARE RIGHT AND I AM WRONG. So you just contradicted yourself.
#4 Posted : 10/26/2022 9:10:24 AM
Well you shared your beliefs, I shared mine. Besides in what I wrote is nothing new and is shared by many mystical traditions. So I am not alone in thinking this.

How did I contradict myself? Smile
#5 Posted : 10/26/2022 10:36:53 AM
Exitwound wrote:
Well you shared your beliefs, I shared mine. Besides in what I wrote is nothing new and is shared by many mystical traditions. So I am not alone in thinking this.

How did I contradict myself? Smile

Quite simple

1) "nobody knows"
2) "Creation is above good and evil".

You are part of "everybody". So if no body knows, that means you don't know. So you can't tell me that "things are exactly in some specific way".

#6 Posted : 10/26/2022 11:10:36 AM
We could spend some time in logical and linguistic excersize, but key word in my previous post is "belief" and you are free to believe in whatever. It's just that sometimes beliefs start to look like delusions and I think this is the case with your first post.
#7 Posted : 10/26/2022 11:26:26 AM
Exitwound wrote:
We could spend some time in logical and linguistic excersize, but key word in my previous post is "belief" and you are free to believe in whatever. It's just that sometimes beliefs start to look like delusions and I think this is the case with your first post.


So am I allowed to insult you back? Or is this just a one way thing.
Welcoming committeeModerator
#8 Posted : 10/26/2022 11:49:53 AM
nitrogenaztec wrote:
Exitwound wrote:
We could spend some time in logical and linguistic excersize, but key word in my previous post is "belief" and you are free to believe in whatever. It's just that sometimes beliefs start to look like delusions and I think this is the case with your first post.


So am I allowed to insult you back? Or is this just a one way thing.

If no one knows everything, and no one is right all the time, then we all have beliefs that are false, unbeknownst to us.

It wasn't an insult.

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#9 Posted : 10/26/2022 1:59:16 PM
I just thought I'd get some useful responses and not insults.

Doesn't have to be anything incredibly deep even.

Like even just a teenager with a positive attitude could get a sense of the thing and be like "hey well... you are missing out maybe?" or IDK some kinda useful response.

I mean what I know are just fragments. They aren't 100% truths.

Is it true that ALL entities exist in terms of battle? Or is that only beyond certain bounds.

The machine-elf entities... I've not seen them fighting others... ever.

They also seem to have physically real bodies. Just existing in some other realm. Not two-dimensional.

I think most entities are 2D though.

You see? Interesting thoughtful responses would be nice. Not just insults.

On the other hand... it is hard to say what a machine-elf entity really is! What if they are literally "2D entities encased inside a robotic body created for them, by real 3D beings".

I've seen machine-elves in dreams. Same attitude as always.

1) Playful
2) Helpful... love giving advice
3) They don't believe in evil... they see humans as incompetant
4) Robots... but not trippy ones. Just ordinary robots of a design I've not seen in any sci-fi.

I kinda doubt if giving them a 3D body was a good idea. It didn't seem to help the original makers much.

At the time I was having fun around them. Years later I've become so skeptical of them... I doubt they'd even want to talk to me.

But how can I solve that problem without talking to them. Of what they really are and their nature in the grand-scheme of things? How do you fix a relationship or even test the relationship.

I had other dreams of seeing them on the homeworld they were built on. They didn't even help their creators as their world was attacked. They did help a bit... but mostly didn't take it seriously. I think in the end, that world was lost, and the machine-elves just "left" to another dimension. Abandoning the ones who made them.... finding Earth and humans to occupy their time helping them instead.


I guess the only way to see if the machine-elf robots are the same entity group as the evil entities, is to put both in the same room at once... and attack the evil ones. If the machine-elf robots also feel their pain or "Get angry at me" for doing this... that means they are part of the same cloth.
Welcoming committeeModerator
#10 Posted : 10/26/2022 2:08:28 PM
I understand your feelings, which why I said what I said the way I said it.

Keep in mind, many of us are from all over the world, and English isn't everyone's first language, and a lot of information is missing from text-based communication. I can assure you Exitwound meant no insult and their tone was likely in the same vein as "hey, I think you may be missing something." They're a very kind and caring person and they tend to be concise in their style of communication.


One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#11 Posted : 10/26/2022 4:55:14 PM
If I can truly believe my delusions do they not become reality for me? Convincing other people to believe them is a whole different story. (:
I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.
Welcoming committeeModerator
#12 Posted : 10/26/2022 5:08:29 PM
fink wrote:
If I can truly believe my delusions do they not become reality for me? Convincing other people to believe them is a whole different story. (:

Likely depends on topic and context, but in some instances, definitely.

One love

Edit: I also think that some beliefs are more concerned with their function rather than how much they reflect "reality."
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#13 Posted : 10/26/2022 8:09:01 PM
Voidmatrix wrote:
I also think that some beliefs are more concerned with their function rather than how much they reflect "reality."

To underline several times! Thumbs up
#14 Posted : 10/27/2022 6:24:13 PM
I remember another dream I had some time ago...

it was dark, outside, nighttime in the city.

Some young people like teenagers... were around me. they seemed friendly and happy. One of my other friends was near me, he seemed downbeaten. Like he had had enough of something.

Anyhow... I was watching an advert that was lit-up. It was a tall panel with lightbulbs inside and transparent colored-advert ontop. I saw two teenage guys somehow "jump out" of the panel. they seemed happy also like the others, and wanted to talk to me.

It turned out they wanted to talk to me about some kinda cosmic truths. they couldn't really give me any information I didn't already know, though. they were acting like they were helping me.


Heres the thing... they came out of a 2D panel. Entities are 2D.

I guess not all entities seem bizare or freaky. Some entities seem like normal human teenagers.


Another dream I had... a long time ago, I had a few dreams with this girl. We had some adventures together. Her morality was "far out" enough that she would have been an entity. BUT she was a different "sort" of entity! She actually wasn't one of the "higher/lower" entities that exist in opposites like electromagnetism.

I actually really liked her... but the relationship broke down in the end. But at least... the battles or conflicts felt natural to me. Like a story i was glad to be part of. Most conflicts with humans... I find utterly miserable and not worth it, at all. She was different. She actually used magic in the conflict and made it interesting, and she got defeated in the end lol... but not by me. just because i had stopped believing in her. afterwards she came back to me, in a differen form (a robot) to apologise i guess. She was just dancing with me to keep me entertained.

Well anyhow... while we were still friends, this girl was sitting with me in a public toilets somewhere. Some disgusting tramp person tried to attack her. i tried to warn her of this guy... she couldn't see him until I explained it twice to her. She didn't understand evil... that's why she couldn't see him at first.

She got terrified of this guy and ran off. There was a cupboard in the corner of the room. It had two mirror-like CD-surfaces, at 90 degree angles. She basically "Disappeared" into one of the mirror faces.

I knew that one of the surfaces represented "her matrix" and the other surface represented "the earth's human/entity" matrix.

The two were at 90 degrees to each other, which was interesting. So I guess there is more than one matrix. Perhaps 3 even. Unsure really!

so yeah... i guess there are multiple classes of entities. Some can be 100% good even.
#15 Posted : 10/28/2022 5:54:19 AM
I don't want to get too involved here, but I wondered where this thing about 2D entities comes from. Mine are always 3D... if not 4D.
Generally it's difficult me to relate to what you experience...
...no need to worry...
#16 Posted : 10/28/2022 10:21:22 AM
Hi Nitrogenaztec,

Thanks for your posts.

I see you are concerned with your and our happiness, thumbs up ^^. To sub sum what I can make from your post – my electrotechnical knowledge is abysmal, so I’ll skip on that part, is:

You are unsure if all entities are evil, because you have not decided on the machine elves yet.

But still entities play a trick on humanity, and gain their power from our attention. Their modus operandi is like government – tricking, coercing or outright forcing people into giving up their power to receive something 2nd class and getting dependent in the process.

They scheme to make us completely dependent on them and then reveal their true nature. While evil people are already working according to their scheme, because they are possessed (are they?) by evil entities.

And you already give the answer to how to avoid this outcome: Just ignore them, don’t give them power, turn away from them. (In my opionion, this also solves the question if the MEs are evil or not, it doesn’t matter anymore then)

This pops up some questions for me:

Are only people affected, that converse with entities?
Do they make it worse for everyone else?
Are “the evil people” corrupted by the entities and from there on scheme for them?
What would happen, if we could get control over the entities?
Is it some kind of game, or is it bitter serious?
And the last one: Is there a way out?

And concerning government I remember Harry Browne (How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World) vividly:

Don’t be overwhelmed by it (It also depends on limited ressources)
Don’t confront it directly (Only the worst opponents will be targeted)
Don’t organize. (see above)

Give it a read, you might transpose his ideas directly into hyperspace and get yourself some freedom in the process, even ultimate freedom maybe?

For myself, I stopped using DMT and mind altering substances years ago. I had a pretty rough ride with DMT and aya, leaving me quite vulnerable and out of balance for about a year. I was looking for a shortcut to spare me the work I’m putting in now, like working out or meditating regularly.

From my experience, the cleansing of my past trauma due to coming closer and closer to single-focusedness in meditation is far more benefitting (while still being uncomfortable, because all the negative emotions are relived a 2nd time before they pass completely) than blasting off and coming back with more questions than answers.
#17 Posted : 10/28/2022 12:49:33 PM
Fridge wrote:
I don't want to get too involved here, but I wondered where this thing about 2D entities comes from. Mine are always 3D... if not 4D.
Generally it's difficult me to relate to what you experience...

Well... I don't know enough about entities to say you are wrong Smile

BUT... what I am saying is that the entities I know of... come from a 2D source. But they project themselves into 3D, like a hologram. As you can imagine, being a hologram of some sort, allows them to transform almost endlessly. Not needing to worry about physical laws.

Also there are beings that some call entities, but are not MY definition of entities.

For example... demons are not entities. They are real 3D (or higher) beings... living in a real physical realm.... just not this one.

I even think some of those "reptilians" are not entities. They are also 3D beings. They are kinda... both real and entities really. But ultimtely they are real. Real 3D beings with a little bit of "projection" power.
#18 Posted : 10/28/2022 1:19:49 PM

Interesting name 332211. It kinda relates to some of my theories. Did you know that 3+3+2+2+1+1=12? 12 is a highly important number in my theories. It pops up all over. Just an interesting thought. Also my diagrams have the same number of dimensions. two are 3D diagrams, two are 2D... two are 1D, etc.

Anyhowwww.... I mean good and evil aren't the only things that can exist. There is selfishness too. Or even just lazyness (haha). Perhaps lazyness is the most "Acceptable" form of selfishness... you cant really think of a lazy person as being evil.

Demons are still "selfish" despite putting in 100% of their effort towards others. Demons shouldn't really be thought of too badly... they actually want to give you a fun adventure in beating them. Their nature makes it so they can take incredible damage and "just come back a few weeks later" as if nothing bad happened to them. But in the end... they are still selfish, because they waste so much energy... The fun adventure in beating demons ends and you are left with no energy left struggling against a boring stupid human world.

So yeah... basically morality is super-complex. I measure morality with 6 dimensions. I actually don't know one of them... I know 5 dimensions of morality. But I know there is a 6th. I'm a work in progress. Happy incomplete like a kid who has everything he needs to grow up.

Anyhow so yeah basically I think almost all the entities controlling this realm are very low. They don't want to change, and they are super selfish. Both the "higher" and "lower" ones, in this realm, are selfish and don't want to change.

I won't use the word "Evil" so lightly. Cos its not so simple.

There are realms of entities that don't want to change, but aren't so selfish. And there are realms of entities that DO want to change, because they can feel guilt. They actually created a much more fun realm in the first place, a softer place that more dynamically responds to consciousness and won't allow itself to be used by evil.

Its not so simple as "realms" really, because really even the machine-elves or many other entities totally affect this place... but they do have their own worlds that feel natural to them.

"They scheme to make us completely dependent on them and then reveal their true nature."

well... almost Smile thats close to what i said. a little different but thats OK i guess?

What i said is that the "higher" entities will not save us until the "lower" entities have damaged us so far that we can't be 100% restored by the "higher" ones... or our own efforts either. This way... instead of me getting 100% of my own efforts, I might only get 10%. So I'll have lost 90% of the fun in life. At least the positive ones would raise me from -50% to 10% though... but I want to go all the way.

"Are only people affected, that converse with entities?"

No. My own father had an entity soul. He was a horrible person.

"Are “the evil people” corrupted by the entities and from there on scheme for them?"

Yes. I think there are two versions. One is just someone very arrogant who believes he deserves MORE than everyone else, and so he "does a deal with the devil"... he lets the entities control him to give him extra powers in life to control others. he isn't an entity... just a normal 3D person but highly arrogant.

Second... is just an entity in a human body.

"What would happen, if we could get control over the entities?
Is it some kind of game, or is it bitter serious?
And the last one: Is there a way out?"

LOL Smile well the way you ask that is like as if I'm some kinda expert. I'm not. I just collect fragments, and I've spent a long time doing it. I know I'm missing a lot. I've even changed some of my very core ideas over the years. Reordered things for example.

But I'll tell you what I think. You can't control them. They are too powerful. We are just as powerful, but they have squandered their own future. Like spending a savings account your parents gave you for college, while a 14 year old and spending it all on guns and drugs.

We are just as powerful as them, but (hopefully) not squandering our future abilities so much. But in the meantime... yes, they are more powerful.

The goal is just to look after yourself... keep building the kidn of world you want to live in. Wait them out. Once we "reach college age" they will find they have no more savings and can't go to college. Then they will be "poor and powerless"... and all of their own doing. No idea what happens then. Smile

Its not a game. What they have done is a crime. Actually a crime against god... but because god is best reflected by children... its a crime against the children and innocence of this world.

As for "Dealing with entities during trips"... I REALLY DON'T KNOW and I probably can't help you. Once you are in that space you'll just forget your waking knowledge anyhow... and have to build a new knowledge. How can anything I say help then? i couldn't even help myself with my own ideas haha. Well a bit... it will help a bit.

My best guess is that if they are bothering you on a trip... try saying "Remove their electromagnetism from me".

332211 wrote:
I had a pretty rough ride with DMT and aya, leaving me quite vulnerable and out of balance for about a year. I was looking for a shortcut to spare me the work I’m putting in now, like working out or meditating regularly.

Sorry to hear that. You are on the right track.

Just do what works for you.
#19 Posted : 10/28/2022 1:36:40 PM
I think you really want a "simple version of what to call them"....

So... I wouldn't say "evil". would just say "selfish".

Selfish is like giving someone a glass of water and then pouring it back into your own empty cup.

Evil is like breaking the glass so it can't contain water.

All beings have to exist between 0 and 100%.

100% is like "super magical amazing adventures like the adventure-time cartoon".
50% is "living freely healthy and happy in nature"
0% is just being miserable and crying
-50% is death
-100% is losing your soul.

entities can exist beyond 0% and 100%. BUT they cancel out, because they only exist in opposites. So yeah... once the higher and lower entities "cancel out".... they are left somehere bewteen 0% and 100%.

The overall effect of what they are after they cancelled out... thats all that's important. SO basically they are "somewat selfish" or even entirely selfish... or if you are lucky you could find an entity that "Cancels out to 100%" even!

The ones in this realm are super-selfish though.
#20 Posted : 11/8/2022 4:36:20 PM
I've been thinking... and I think that actually... entities are "all one" on a physical level... but ALSO they can't interact with each other, without interacting with us.

That is, they are both the projection screen... and the detection screen. It has to go out to us, and then back in again, for them to interact.

Just like EM-waves can't interact with each other. Although by interacting with physical matter, they can interact with each other. like EM-waves heating up a substance so that it's visible appearance changes or reshapes... thats already EM interacting with each other through physical matter.

They must be interacting with us ALL the time on a very subtle-level that we just don't notice beause it barely changes anything on a normal level... except in rare situations or because of the holograms they create.

Theres a technical explanation behind this... "destruction of destruction" can't interact with itself unless it exists in multiple realities.
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