Quote:For what it's worth, my A. floribunda (the low-branching form) has taken -6C without batting an eyelid and is very vigorous.
Also the standard form of A. baileyana seems at least as hardy, but the popular (for its ornamental value) 'Purpurea' variety is tender and I've lost two to winters. ^ that's good info, thanks Jagube be well all acacians .
Hey Nen,
Thanks for all your hard work and others .
The Acacia is Jamaican me crazy! I am so proud and happy that we’re I live in AUS Acacias are thriving naturally and by human , it’s quite amazing really, its like every second tree is an acacia, my street winds into the bush through to the next town, parts of the street are by the river and have forest /bushland on the other side of the road , and they are absolutely everywhere !! I can’t test them all and this is what is driving me crazy haha 😆 are you able to point me in the right direction of field testing these acacias is the cheapest method , I don’t currently have $150 for a TLC kit atm but would to get one in the future They seem very handy for testing of other drugs ect , including the shitty drugs that our town acquires! The only reason I seek DMT is because 1. Almost impossible to find unless you goto a high quality rave/doof were you may find someone , 2. I have had great experiences with my depression with mushrooms and dmt . because of my SSRI antii depressant I cant take molly anymore , and acid is just as hard to find as dmt , our town is being flooding with dirty drugs , ice , synthetics ect, 3. The mushrooms told me I should do this for my self and my friends and family , I may not be able to save everyone from the crappy drugs but I can save my self and friends ! 4. When I am hullicinating there is no greater pleasure knowing you can have your own supply for when ever you want .
I have been reading the acacia threads over and over unfortunately I struggle to retain this information and can sometimes be hard to find that information again so it would be great help if you or someone could direct me in correct place to test these acacias that keep jumping out at me while I’m driving haha !
From the info I have retained you can use metho and marquis reagent, just ensure how you prepare it ect
Chimp Z wrote:Was browsing around the internet and came across some articles that said Acacias release tannins when antelope and giraffes eat their foliage. The trees send signals to other trees so the animals won't continue eating. What came to mind is if animal activity on Acacias can interfere with alkaloids?
(1)"Van Hoven made his discovery when asked to investigate the sudden death of some 3000 South African antelope, called kudu, on game ranches in the Transvaal. He noticed that giraffe, roaming freely, browsed only on one acacia tree in ten, avoiding those trees which were downwind. Kudu, which are fenced in on the game ranches, have little other than acacia leaves to eat during the winter months. So the antelope continue to browse until the tannin from the leaves sets off a lethal metabolic chain reaction in their bodies." (2)"A zoologist from South Africa, Wouter Van Hoven found that acacia trees also have another chemical defense system, whereby they release a chemical called ethylene. This chemical can travel up to 45m, ‘warning’ other acacias in the vicinity. Within 15 minutes all the neighbouring trees increase the tannin levels in their leaves, making the area pretty unappetizing to tree-browsing animals. In order to ensure enough food, giraffes tend to eat downwind from trees, in the hope that the trees do not alarm each other. They also usually browse only for a short time before moving on to the next tree."
Acacias that might do this though only 2 were specifically mentioned in articles below: Acacia Galpinii, A. Tortillis, A. Drepanolobium, A. Xanthophloea, A. Sieberiana(woodii)
seems like an acacia that produces hydrogen cyanide much like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acacia_binervia , which interesting enough looks like the acacia i found at a local truckstop in aus-vic EDIT: just found some positive news for Australia on Acacia Nilotica Acacia Nilotica is located in northern queensland, yet its classed as a weed so time is ticking . more info in links below https://www.environment.gov.au/biodiversity/invasive/weeds/publications/guidelines/wons/pubs/a-nilotica.pdf https://www.business.qld.gov.au/industries/farms-fishing-forestry/agriculture/land-management/health-pests-weeds-diseases/weeds-diseases/invasive-plants/restricted/prickly-acacia
Lately I have been deeply involved with my friends, the Acacias. Over the past few days I have been processing A. Cyclops, A. Longifolia, and A. Simplex. I can share a few results.(I'll post extraction pictures soon!) From 35g of Acacia Simplex bark(harvested February 2019 in New Caledonia) I was yielded about 200mg of yummy goo. Note this yield is from a pull I did 5 minutes after basifying. I'm conducting more d-limonene pulls as I type this. I used Purified water/Vinegar/Calcium Hydroxide/D-Limonene/Non-Iodized salt. Excited to try it out. My past experiments with this tree from New Caledonia have been splendid. Even alcohol extracts of this tree are active. I smoked some Acacia Simplex naptha-pulled extract from bark I was holding on to for a few years and it was amazing. I will report back on the activity of this new batch once I vape/smoke some. In July I harvest phyllodes and stems from inland Southern California Acacia Cyclops trees. They appeared to be in the 5 year-old range. This particular Acacia Cyclops caught my attention from all the other Cyclops in the area as its bark was all red even down to the base. I've been studying these trees for the past couple years, even living with them outside at times and I have never seen a completely red-stemmed Cyclops. Sure a lot of their branches/stems end up red but this whole plant had red bark. Interesting.... I got around to doing an extraction a few days ago. 40g of dried(dehydrated) Acacia Cyclops phyllodes/stems were processed and I was yielded 20mg of goo. Purified water/vinegar/calcium hydroxide/D-Limonene used. This is a great day for me. I harvested Cyclops in January near the coast and didn't really recover too much of anything from my naptha pulls. Think they might be producing more alkaloids in the summer/dry-season. I'm posting pictures of the Acacia Cyclops I used. The brew was much more red/orange than A. Longifolia harvested in the same area. The Longifolia brew was green/cloudy. I brewed the 2 trees at the same time in separate pots so I could compare their appearances, smells, and textures. Any questions or tips, LMK Chimp Z attached the following image(s):  cyclops red .jpg (1,589kb) downloaded 340 time(s). cyclops 3.jpg (665kb) downloaded 338 time(s).
Hello I have some notes to contribute to the Acacia cause:
Acacia Redolens: Harvested stems & phyllodes late August in zone 9b/Southern California/early in the morning(7-8am) from a hillside. Sun-dried. Apparatus: 273g dried Acacia Redolens (mostly)phyllodes and stems. - Distilled water, -5% white distilled vinegar, -stainless steel pots, -mason jar, - turkey baster, -digital pH meter.
Extraction:: -5 cups distilled water + 5 cups distilled vinegar Intense foam upon mixing liquid with Acacia. Soaked for an hour Put on the stove. I was boiling the brew for about an hour before I decided to reduce the heat. After reducing the heat, the foam seemingly dissipated. -2 additional cups of vinegar. Cooked for 3 hours total.(6-9pm) Strained off liquid and put the Acacia pot back on the stove. -5 cups distilled water + 5 cups vinegar added. At this point I thought Acacia Redolens' foam is something that could be cooked off. Cooked for 2 hours and then strained off. -2 pulls of Acacia solution combined and cooked down to about 1.5 cups of thick brown liquid. Total 7 hours for Acacia Redolens cook-off. -Added Calcium Hydroxide until the pH reached 11.67(about 1 cup) Upon stirring in the last shake of Calcium Hydroxide intense thick bubbles and foam started forming almost reaching to the top of the mason jar. -After soaking with calcium hydroxide I poured equal parts d-limonene into the Acacia Redolens solution. The solvent layer was swallowed up by the Acacia liquid. It seems this Acacia deserves major de-fats. I had a feeling since cooking the foam. Usually I do 3-5 defats on Phalaris before adding base, and after seeing the foam rise I predicted the Redolens would need defats. So since this is my first time working with the plant I figured I'd try out every approach. I will post results of my other experiments with this Acacia soon. The foam and goo completely inhabits the d-limonene now...I'm trying to think of what to do to recover some sort of solvent from that. I have phyllodes & stems soaking in alcohol so will have a crude Acacia Redolens extract on hand for future testing.
Acacia Longifolia: Harvested 7/13/19 during sunset. Southern California zone 10a There was a park filled with various forms of Longifolia. Nearly prostrate varieties and taller winding types. This extraction is from what I call "Acacia Longifolia #3" This tree had a winding trunk that extended for 10 feet before curving up to form a tree full of leathery bluish-green foliage. I could sit on the trunk like a bench. There were still a bit of seedpods/seeds on the tree. After harvesting the phyllodes/stems I dried the plant matter in a dehydrator. 83 dried grams. August: Equal parts vinegar and purified water added and cooked down to yield 4 cups of Acacia Longifolia solution. September: Finally got around to working with the acetic Longifolia brew. Cooked down the solution for 1 hour until there was about 1 cup left. The brew became much darker after simmering. The smell reminded me of Phalaris brews. After the brew cooled down 83g of Calcium Hydroxide was added making the pH 11.98 This was allowed to sit overnight with occasional stirring. Hot water bath performed with 200mL naphtha. 150mL warm naphtha collected and placed in a pyrex that went into the freezer. Taken out of freezer 13 hours later. After evaporating I scraped up a little goo, nothing useable. Then I added room temperature naphtha to the Longifolia decoction stirring it in for a little while. Siphoned that off with a turkey baster and placed in a pyrex dish to evaporate in the sun. I took some potent San Pedro that evening and hours into the trip, I hear a "Pop"! It was the Longifolia mason jar lid popping from pressure. Hearing the mason jar lid pop got my mind racing. Excitedly raced outside to find the pyrex full of solvent had evaporated. I quickly scraped up everything I could from the pan if there was anything. About the same amount of extract was recovered as with the freeze precipitation attempt. This time however it appeared to be crystalline. I burned the crystals on the razor blade and it turned to goo. Didn't detect any indole smell from the burn-test. I almost don't want to believe it could be calcium hydroxide because the pan was clear and flawless...but I'm open to the possibility. So with Longifolia I got a more attractive yield from room-temp naphtha pulls than with freeze-precipitation. San Pedro gave me the idea to do a completely room temperature extraction of Longifolia. I combined vinegar, distilled water, and vodka in a container and I'm going to let that sit for a few days before deciding how to proceed. I'm not one to give up on plants after a low yield so I will continue testing different pH ranges, solvents, harvest times and extraction temperatures. There still are a few more bags from different Longifolia trees to work with.
Acacia Glaucoptera: Harvested cladodes and stems 9/11/19 during sunset. Zone 9b southern california. Plant purchased from a garden store November 2018. The plant has grown 3+ feet since I've been growing it. I would guess it is 3 years old at this point. Dried with a dehydrator. Total yield of dry mass=369g 5 cups distilled water. 7 cups distilled white vinegar. Liquid poured off. Cooked for one hour since liquid was nearly simmered off. After that 8 cups of vinegar and 6 cups of water were added to the Glaucoptera pot. pH read 2.9 Cooked solution for 3 more hours before straining out the plant material. Returned to simmering down the liquid for an hour. 2 cups of Acacia Glaucoptera acetic solution recovered. An hour later I added about 1 cup of Calcium Hydroxide until the pH hit 11.5. Heated up a larger pot with water inside to perform a hot water bath with solvent. Mixed 500mL naphtha in. After mixing it around for a few minutes in the hot water bath the naphtha was siphoned off and poured into a pyrex pan and placed into the freezer(-8F). Stayed in freezer for 18 hours. Noticed some floaties, couldn't tell if they were crystals/alkaloids. Left to evaporate. Scraped up goo 4 hours later. Definitely more yield than from A. Longifolia(experiments done the same day) Slightly sticky oily goo. Smells musty. Haven't really smelled that smell before...
On a positive note, Acacia Simplex yields me plenty every time. Even evaporated alcohol tinctures of this tree wreak of DMT. I think I'm in love with Acacia Simplex. The bark straight up smells like DMT too. I've never come across Acacia bark as potent as this Simplex is. In late June I did find Acacia Obliquinervia that seemed promising. It was the last tree I met that day and harvested some foliage on a whim. When I finished clipping phyllodes there was a guy who rushed towards me and the tree so I got out of the way, I guess he had to pee really bad. Eyes super glazed from meth. I knew the tree was party when I met it. When the foliage was brought home my partner's kitty wouldn't leave the bag alone. Placing the phyllodes in vodka turned the liquid blue for a few days. There was a very vibrant energy to this Acacia. Also the stems smelled like Desmanthus roots but I'm not sure if that's a good thing. I'll post more results when I complete more tests. The above extractions are not really consistent, I know, but I do what I can with the time and resources I got. Hope these notes help.
(pictures soon after I convert them to jpg)
A number of psychedelic/entheogenic and harm-reduction organisations have collaborated on this project in response to reports of ring-barking, whole tree bark-stripping and felling of rare, (in some cases micro-endemic) and threatened acacia species in Australia. How can you help protect Acacias? 1. Ask your supplier where their DMT is coming from. Is their DMT sustainable, home-grown, or taken from the wild? 2. Refuse DMT products made from wild Acacia and other wild sources. 3. If your supplier’s DMT was made from wild Acacias, ask if it was made from fallen or dead material. Can they be sure material wasn’t removed from living trees? Did they obtain land owner consent? 4. Grow and share Acacias for ornamental reasons and encourage others to do the same. You can also help by spreading the word: Flyer - https://www.conseracacian.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Conseracacian-flyer.pdfWebsite – www.conseracacian.comFacebook - https://www.facebook.com/conseracacianInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/conseracacian/
Any luck or experience with simplex phyllodes, Chimp Z? Author of this Post assumes no Responsibility, nor makes any Guarantee of the Accuracy or Validity of material in this Post. Material Contained or referred to in this Post is presented for Entertainment Purposes Only. This Material IS Not Intended to be Inferred, or Interpreted as Information, Advice, News, Instruction, or Factual Information.
I have an Acacia Caven in my backyard but I am very new to DMT and have never done an extraction before. I am wondering if it is worth it to try and do an extraction on this tree as I am unable to find much info on it other than that it is potentially psychoactive. Is there any specific extraction that is recommended? Would it be safe to try whatever I pulled if I did it correctly and it seems like DMT? I will also make sure to cut off the pieces I need without killing the tree.
Not wanting to start a thread for a simple question so im bumping this amazing thread...
Anybody knows if Acacia acuminata self-pollinates, or do they need different specimens to cross polinate and fruit?
..ola endlessness, hope you're well there... i was thinking recently to come out of semi-retirement and post a bit to add some colour in the mass self isolation..(especially on the subject of plant based anti-virals and testing kits)...i have been writing (was in self isolation before the pandemic, only to emerge into it)...very nearly done writing...one main point of a book: there are so many more interesting things going on in acacias than dmt (however interesting it may be)..a lot of things we may well yet learn from.. before getting to your question.. JeffFlux - hi, and thanks for that link..i am glad there is more awareness in Australia of the ecological impact of things like commercialised changa, and the damage some have done to trees generally..and am glad you are getting this awareness out there...we must especially protect our rare species in this cross-roads time for humanity Woolmer - any acacia is worth testing by TLC or similar means, there are many unknowns, and some species can have some individuals containing alkaloids and others not..test by bioassay is not recommended without some form of analysis and/or a lot of experience, as there are a multitude of other kinds of alkaloids that can be present..there is no 'standard' extraction, the nexus has a few teks, and also i would recommend looking here for info on TLC kits..Acacia caven is a species that does need more experimental work done on it, in the name of science.. endlessness wrote:Quote:Anybody knows if Acacia acuminata self-pollinates, or do they need different specimens to cross polinate and fruit? ..with most Australian acacias, when flowering, the gender of the flower alternates between female and male phases..in wild populations some will be opposite gender at the same time..with a single isolated tree they can still self-pollinate...if a pollinator, such as a bird or insect, visits one day (when it's male) and then revisits a few days later (when it's female), and retains some pollen, it will pollinate and be able to produce fruit..they are evolutionarily prepared for this situation of there being a lone tree left.. in cultivation you can collect pollen on different days and then hand pollinate a few days later...in many african species (now vachellia or senegalia) the flowers are hermaphrodite, and can thus self pollinate.. those who want to get into the detail of acacia pollination mechanisms (Australian, and African now 'vachellia' ) see paper attached below.. and a pic of typical acacia pollen under microscope.. be well acacians all.. .
The picture of the pollen is very cool. olympus mon wrote:You need to hit it with intention to get where you want to be! "Good and evil lay side by side as electric love penetrates the sky..." -Hendrix"We have arrived at truth, and now we find truth is a mystery- a play of joy, creation, and energy. This is source. This is the mystic touchstone that heals and renews. This is the beginning again. This is entheogenic." -Nicholas Sand
Twitchy, I have not yet worked with Acacia Simplex phyllodes. I am growing about 50 or so Acacia Simplex babies so hopefully in a couple years I will be able to post some experiments on the Nexus. There's gotta be some people out there with large Simplex that can provide some insight on this species.
Do any of you know if Acacia Spectabilis is a tryptamine tree? Chimp Z attached the following image(s):  Acacia Spectabilis.jpg (1,282kb) downloaded 211 time(s). Acacia Spectabilis 2.jpg (1,119kb) downloaded 212 time(s).
(Tony6Strings, glad you enjoyed the pic.. )
ChimpZ..nice pics, thanks... beautiful blooms Acacia spectabilis has one report of alkaloids unknown from leaf (by Webb in 1949), and a report of possible phenethylamines from leaf (pinnae) from Chemical Abstracts (1952)..so it may be phenethylamines, but also there may be other alkaloids.. like most acacias, including those tested only once or twice and quickly, we don't have necessarily complete data.. good luck with your exploration and growing..hearing of acacia growing brings me joy and hope
i'll keep chiming in for a bit of colour in the lockdown, though i'm mostly quiet these days.. i mentioned in another thread the anti-inflammatory/IL-6 suppression activity of catechins (flavonols named from and found in Acacia catechu, as well as in lesser amounts in Camellia sinensis or tea)..IL-6 activation is responsible for the cytokine storms of severe coronabirud illness..related flavonols and tannins are found in many acacias, in large amounts, and their anti-inflammatory and other health benefits are yet to be fully investigated, though they increasingly are being studied, including anti-viral potential..they are a great example of why acacias are so important medicinally and apart from any alkaloids they may contain..
be well acacians all..
Hi Nen,
I recently attempted an extraction on Vacehllia Xanthophloea using around 50 grams of trunk bark of a dying tree. I used a sodium carbonate dry tek to try and pull any other alkaloids which might be present in this tree but unfortunately yielded nothing. I still have some hope with this tree and will definitely try another extraction sometime soon hopefully on the phyllodes/twigs.
Do you think the traditional usage as a dream enhancer may be due to the flavonols/tannins present considering that I yielded almost nothing?
..hi Woolmer, i haven't seen any thorough alkaloid tests done on Acacia (vachellia) xanthophloea..there was this thread suggesting some results : https://www.dmt-nexus.me...&m=529461#post529461 ..while certainly flavonoids would be a prime candidate for dream enhancement, as many work on the CNS, i have heard reports in Africa of quite strong sounding waking CNS alterations evoked in 'witch doctors' by the species, so alkaloids remains a mystery..it may be a case of sub-type, seasonal or individual variation (all of which occur in acacias)..also some of the dense tannin complexes in acacias may render a 'dry tek' ineffectual..usually a standard A/B would be optimal for an initial test for alkaloids in a plant.. and best with unknowns to start with a TLC and kit...flavonoids in acacias definitely warrant further investigation in general for both CNS and MAOI activity, on top of the promising anti-inflammatory properties already studied in science...i hope more information about V. (A.) xanthophloea emerges..we still have a situation where around 90-95% of acacias (vachellias, senegalias etc) are not adequately investigated in the scientific literature chemically, particulaly for alkaloids.. thank you Woolmer for this report and endeavour.. the original aim of this thread was to take the pressure off a small number of quite abused Australian species by encouraging research and diversity, and i hope this continues..also, i note more people are becoming aware of the uniqueness of acacias in the world of possible entheogenic plants...the other aim of this thread was to help see them adequately honoured, and also protected in the wild.. Africa, the Middle-East, India, Asia and the Americas still have a lot of under-investigated species.. i wish all friends of acacias well in these times..
Does anyone know where to get some DMT or acacia bark please
Silas wrote:Does anyone know where to get some DMT or acacia bark please That is literally what this thread is about, try reading it. Yes, it's big. And, what gogamoga said ↑ “There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work." ― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
Hi Nen, I know this is a far fetched question but it was just a thought that came up. Do you think it would be worth attempting an extraction on the galls that form on some invasive Acacias (Cyclops, Saligna) in South Africa. A midge (Dasineura dielsi) was introduced in 2003 which feeds on the ovaries of A. Cyclops and creates a woody structure. For A. Saligna, a rust fungus (Uromycladium tepperianum) was introduced that reduces seed and flower production and sometimes kills the plant. Do you think these would have a major effect on the alkaloid content of the trees? Here is a thread posted by someone on the Nexus with some detail: https://www.dmt-nexus.me...aspx?g=posts&t=10610