um expermenting with a. melonoxy group, the one im refering to dosent have bi pinnate growth as a juvy. The A. melonoxy iod is working on is very much a broard leaf strain, very bitter tasting phyliode. Pic s n that to come. Its a slow process, always looking at A. mearnsii and i,m chimming in on this quote because I have seen a plantation of those a dealbata with the jugari pods, will defo sherlock that 1. peace out
acacian wrote:I am wondering whether any of the species round here at all are floribunda. the one that I just failed was pretty much identical to the past ones too which are common to the area.. I do remember one which had much softer and paper like phyllodes I wonder if it may be what I'm looking for. hello Acacian I have found this acacia u seek planted along the road side and in flora funa reserves, {Iod will post results soon as A mearnssii is on the back burner}... we've suspected the council know not too use dmt type acacias and rather use cross breeds like the a mearnsii x a melonoxylon that we keep seeing if our eyes dont mistake us, ATM I'od is drying A melonoxlon phylliodes twigs and quality bark from a familly. A huge mother of a acacian melonoxylon she is suclkling her babies and they are so broard phylioded and green not dark and not too light, {not off the mother}!!! No way RESPECT ALL TREES AND SHRUBS... Please don't get us wrong. We have only taken from the 4 and 5 year old's, only branch bark and twigs. We offer toobacco and dark chocco. Acacias are dropping and poping up every where in the reserve round the mother tree the juvys don't have the bi pinnate leaves u see the council use. I often hug the mother and my arms stretch right round the base. We have travelled far and wide and they have always been in my backyard. wow.
Acacian, are you still in the new england area?
endlessness wrote:Excellent thanks for that Nen! There's a lot of Acacia dealbata in Spain too, several near my house and in and around Barcelona, I still need to do a proper test to see if there are alkaloids of interest. Here's an entry on it in a blog with many pictures: http://arboles-con-alma....ada-acacia-dealbata.htmledit: they call it 'mimosa plateada' (silver mimosa) according to the above link. have you ever done this, endless? where i live there are thousands of them, if no-one ever tested this (and i couldnt find anything conclusive in the net) i could give it a run. from the 3 avaliable species in my area, dealbata is the most wide spread, and even considered invasive, the "town service workers" (i dont really know how they are called in english  ) are allways cutting a lot of them from the side of the road. i´ve been more focused on longifolia and saligna on the moment, because i never found any data on dealbata, but sometimes i wonder if dealbata really doesnt have any dmt, or if that was simply never tested  Healing someone is an act of love, but how can you love someone whitout loving yourself first?
Anyone know how to make aya from A.Cyclops though? I have quite a lot here but dunno what part of the plant to use or how to do it exactly. Any suggestions? "Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong." -Terrence Mckenna
We should probably find out what's actually in it before going the aya route... be safe!
DMTea Nexian wrote:Anyone know how to make aya from A.Cyclops though? I have quite a lot here but dunno what part of the plant to use or how to do it exactly. Any suggestions? I'd like to preface this by saying I have never made ayahuasca before. As you would be well aware, our little nexus is brimming with knowledge in all things molecule related. All the information you need can be found in many of the sticky threads posted in the forums including this one. During a simple browse of this thread, I found that that Acacia cyclops has given promising results using leaf material (Page 11, post #201, posted by dromedary). So I would assume you would be more than likely working with leaf material. I would do far more research into the species before using it in ayahuasca as the plant may contain potentially harmful or undesirable alkaloids that an extraction would usually get rid of. I have very limited knowledge of the process in which ayahuasca is made, I did, however, see that there is an Ayahuasca section. Threads such as "All about aya <3" ( will lead you on the right path to the safe procurement and consumption of ayahuasca. I'm sorry I can't give you more information, although, the information is out there if you take the time to look! In any case, good luck with future endeavours, I hope to hear about many of them!
echoing Lupis Arante and wira, thank you both, i would advise caution on any oral ingestion of most acacias...this thread was to prompt further research into what is in species, and to appreciate acacias as unique teachers, but always the advise has been to avoid oral experiments with unknown species...a handful have been deemed relatively safe by human trial, and error...with A. cyclops we have two positive phyllode extractions reported (one naturalised in South Africa, and yes the other dromedary in Aus), but no further research at this stage...most acacias are a frontier of modern knowledge...and i think constitute an ongoing specialised path.. MultiDimensionalTherapy - dealbata has barely if ever been looked at..
thanking all recent contributors to the thread, i've been generally absent while trying to find time to frame the language to convey the joy of a relationship with these trees, and their significance, in the written form.. to know a tree, though, is to know far more than an alkaloid..
peace unto all of you, and respect to the trees.. .
..i just want to add a personal afternote to this long thread, which relates to a number of questions i've seen in other threads which i really don't have much time to answer anyway.. it's partly philosophical..there are specific reasons i don't discuss my own experiences (there is one or two buried in there) nor go into techniques of administration in detail..this was the specific advice given to me by my teachers, and their way - there is enough information here for the truly focused researcher to find their own path with these things, safely..i could only hope to be a fraction as wise as those who gave me advice, and this was how they taught..that the framework is given, but the best way to learn is to research ..and that some things can only best be transmitted directly between people, not in writing, oral tradition...but the best teacher is study..
the information is here for people to build their own relationship with Acacias..take the time..the main point other than investigation being relationship..and the uniqueness of the lifeform.. the relationship between humans and acacias is ancient, and will continue far into what future we have..this thread's a kind of bridge..
lastly, i know there's some interesting research going on out there, from Africa to South East Asia, to the middle-east and Europe, and i warmly welcome continuing contributions on this..
these trees ended up becoming like friends, who i can only hope to do justice to.. the delay in the book i've mentioned has been in what to say, and what not to..
thank you to everyone who posted here, everyone who started growing acacias, and to the trees.. and of course peace unto all of you.. .
oh yeah, one other thing, i want to retire gracefully..i just keep seeing some things pop up in other threads which i thought had been well and truly addressed here at the nexus..
when i talk about ‘framework’ above, a major aspect of this is having an ethical and sensitive approach to the environment and life-forms, and indeed to sustainability..
people should not be taking bark from wild trees as this will kill many times does this have to be repeated here..not only is this effectively destroying populations of trees in the wild, its harmful to the entire ecosystem which they are part of…this shows a complete lack of respect or care for the one should be touching wild plants in protected environments at all..
as other nexians have confirmed, one species is now in serious trouble in the wild with vastly diminished numbers…in just 15-20 years of people going out and targeting it..when there’s lots of alternatives..and it can be a quite long-lived tree if left alone, contrary to net myths..another species which i won’t even name in this thread, but call ‘Species C’, is so restricted in distribution that i and others predict it could be easily virtually extinct in the wild in another 5 years, yet people continue to publicise it..and target it! and now there are plenty of reports of the decimation going on of A. acuminata… do people in Australia forget the Red Cedar? logged for fine wood because it was so ‘common’…within a short time it was near impossible to find in the wild anymore, it didn’t just grow back as people thought because they’d interfered with the it’s so rare it’s almost impossible to obtain..
what is this all in aid of? there are many sources of dmt which don’t involve having to destroy pristine environments, sacred sites and national parks..this is the height of greed and ignorance…it’s enough to convince me that, for many people, taking dmt is of no help in their growth at all..i say to people in Australia, if they are buying dmt or so-called changa you are most of the time supporting something which is no better than destructive mining practices or rhino poaching..and the sale of dmt in general brings commodification into the equation.. people are too lazy to actually grow things and wait 2-3 years? and then of course when they do (grow them) they especially realise that taking bark is a bad idea..
it has been repeated time again here that the small twigs are equivalent to bark in content (and indeed demonstrated through tests)..pointed out that the twigs is actually a higher surface ratio of bark to wood and a lot more sustainable to the tree…it doesn’t kill them.. (why would you destroy a sustainable thing that can live for years, let alone a 'garden' you didn't grow?)
it has been said in extraction threads that the phyllode content of most species is actually quite good, but the kind of simplified processes people use may yield nothing, and that it should be A/B and very importantly the phyllodes should be dry, as chlorophyll (and volatiles) interfere with the process..this is the reason for many ‘non-results’ from phyllodes..people are just in a’s so wasteful
and the people who claim they take from trees that they ‘know are going to die’…in 25 years of looking at acacias in the wild i could never say with any certainty a tree is going to die, they can become stressed, die back, and then also come back…i challenge anyone who says this to provide the biological evidence for how they can say a tree is certainly going to die (if still standing)..that they target the oldest trees is even more evident of the greed and lack of respect going on here
please do more research, take the time…and don’t accept this marketed dmt or changa which is basically environmental and tree rape and murder…it hasn’t in this context lead to any enlightenment or improvement that i can see for people…just the suffering of the bush to feed narcissistic egos and deeper ignorance…ignorance of the environment and possible self-empowerment..
why do i bother to say anything about these trees? for them, and their environments… if people are taking ‘dmt’ and not developing an awareness or respect for these things, then its been a waste of time and innocent life as far as i’m concerned…and far, far away from any kind of age old collected human wisdom..
please take time to think about these things, if you’re someone who does this or participates in accepting things from these people…or you’ll only have to face this on your death bed.. do you not have a heart for the environment and it’s trees? is it all about you?
those who have learned to respect, grow and learn from trees i see a glow in, i see the growth in their lives…those who have just wanted ‘dmt’ for themselves i see no benefit, and in many cases they are kind of stuck…or split in their minds..
to those who Care (which is the way of those who taught me) i say thank you
this is what i have learned.. .
Indeed nen, indeed...
I have a question for you, you know how trees will move nutrients such as nitrogen back from dieing light starved leaves and branches, do you think they do the same for alklaoids?
hi DreaMTripper..
there are no detailed studies on that, but the main evidence i've seen is of alkaloids being moved, due to rain and growth cycles, from the trunk into the twig tips and phyllodes..i was recently reminded again by Snu of the findings by White of alkaloids in the flowers of species like longifolia, which also suggests movement in that direction..i would say the alkaloids tend to then accumulate there for periods, as the branches losing growth due to lack of light that you refer to still maintain the seems to be a generally upward movement of alkaloids followed by eventual metabolism of some kind, in whatever their functioning is..and of course there are differences between species..
people forming relationships with individual trees can work this out in detail.. .
those people still carrying on about trunk bark on the nexus, which is obviously not in the tree's interests, i've watched this kind of attitude for a while now...and something catches up with people, whether it's in what happens in their experiences on their extracts, or life karma, and eventually they's just people on this trip can do a lot of damage before they realise..there is something protecting the field of these trees in the end..and we find that in the 'old world' mythologies..
now i can gracefully retire..
peace unto you, and respect to the trees .
Retire?! haha, I wonder if you have a choice in the matter, Master Nen! Here I am, back again after a 4 or 5 year hiatus. This quest has been almost as costly to me as it has been enriching. I have had little "success" in over a decade, but I cherish every step. I was lucky enough to meet Nen at EGA in Melbourne, (you might remember me cos I gave you a rock  ). I was totally star struck. Unfortunately life went ballistic for a while and I had to try and focus on "the real world". Acacianism seems to have to be a somewhat full time pursuit for me.. kinda just takes over. So I have to have lengthy breaks, until something brings me back.. This time it was this girl't she gorgeous! (I have no connection to the seller). Anyway, for all these years I thought the yellow highlighted numbers in the index indicated a species that had tested positive for tryptamine alkaloids.. looks like its indicating photographs though? Did anyone get around to testing A.leprosa? To finish up quickly, I could really use a bit of encouragement, life has been testing me relentlessly for some time. I am acacia to the core of my being, it goes way way back into the depths of "history", but I have yet to meet the mother. I have attention difficulties and find it increasingly difficult to focus when using electronic devices, so I apologise for my lack of proof-researching! <3
A funny example of the way she teases me.. I was doing some experimental extractions a couple of years back, and I found an acacia I couldn't identify. It had a weird smell. I had a strong feeling about it. I lovingly started a small twig/phyllode ext, but never finished it because life got in the way. A couple of years later, after my beautiful saplings had all eventually succumbed to my now transient lifestyle, I sent an acacia distribution map to a friend and realised that the odour of the mystery wattle was very reminiscent of raspberry jam! So close!! She has certainly taught this former atheist the meaning of faith! 
Thank you for the info load
Yes thank you nen! You have left us all an absolute treasure trove of information. All the best friend.
Acaciasubliminata thats a fine looking wattle great find! (but by you or it??)
nen888 wrote:TetrahydroHARMAN in A. baileyana was from one of two experiments done by a friend of A. Shulgin..see a second time of year it contained tryptamine..not sure percentages..however, i also have a fairly reliable report of 0.1-0.2% DMT from twigs.. The DMT from twigs claim is very interesting, I'd love to hear more if you manage to get more information. A. baileyana is so common here (owing to its ornamental value) and unlike some species better known for their DMT content such as A. acuminata it grows fast. It definitely needs more research. I grow one, but it's still small. I expect it to be twice as big this time next year.
Nen, I'm from Saudi, I have read your article about [Sacred Trees..and Total Trees...& Acacias] was wondering if you could point me to the Acacia in the region. Many Quranic verses mentioned the Acacia, one of which, that Allah shaded his prophet Muhammad and his followers ~1400 under a huge Acacia tortilis.
..welcome 5MeOAmanita...i was due to appear again, and that's induced me..indeed the 'total tree' is a symbol of the power and reach of creation.. on page 82 i posted on the prophet planting sacred acacias at Madina, and on page 81 i mentioned: Quote:the Acacia is known in the Quran as Tahl
"It is the tree under which Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) took oath from his companions, described as Baiat al-Rizwan." ..i have been going through my many notes recently towards the book, and there is a lot of middle-eastern content.. and looking at the pre-Islamic wide significance of the Acacia in Saudi Arabia as the abode of the goddess Al-Uzza (the mighty).. the particularly significant holy tree there appears to be Acacia raddiana (which is a sub-species of A. tortillis) Acacia species found in Saudi Arabia are: Acacia abyssinica, Acacia asak, Acacia etbaica, Acacia gerrardii, Acacia hamulosa, Acacia latea, Acacia mellifera* Acacia oerfota*, Acacia origena, Acacia raddiana*, Acacia seyal, Acacia tortillis*(now re-assigned Vachellia or Senegalia, which many prominent botanists objected to) the * indicates credible reports or definite findings of tryptamines, the others have not been adequately studied enough it was forbidden under Bedouin, Islamic and indeed Judaic law to cut a sacred acacia tree in the we emphasise in this thread the use of leaves/phyllodes is the sustainable way of investigating the plant.. peace be unto you 5MeOAmanita.. . is an interesting species, definitely needs more investigation..there are several anecdotal reports Acaciasubliminata, i remember  thank you.. DreaMTripper, hi, and Mangekyo..thank you for your kind words . Saudi Arabia we see below Acacia oerfota (synon. with A. nubica), or 'Wadi Nissah' respect to the trees, and peace to all who honour them... nen888 attached the following image(s):  Wadi Nissah - Saudi Arabia .JPG (396kb) downloaded 173 time(s).
I've got a lot of samples lined up for testing, I'll add the results as I get through them. Acacia trigonophylla presents almost 0 alkaloids from root and trunk bark. 2mg recovered from 200g of working material. The nearest we ever come to knowing truth is when we are witness to paradox.