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Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#1881 Posted : 12/26/2015 2:23:52 AM
wish all acacians here, their families, animals and plants well this christmas season..

..a recent reminder of the spirit of life, of true humanity and kindness, and trees, and sustainability >>
nen888 attached the following image(s):
Feed the roots.jpg (18kb) downloaded 271 time(s).
#1882 Posted : 1/15/2016 11:24:53 PM
Wich one is the best for our purpose ?

1) A. acuminata (small seed variant)

2) A. acuminata (narrow phyllode variant)

3) A. acuminata (broad phyllode variant / typical variant)
#1883 Posted : 1/15/2016 11:26:08 PM
Wich one is the best for our purpose ?

1) A. acuminata (small seed variant)

2) A. acuminata (narrow phyllode variant)

3) A. acuminata (broad phyllode variant / typical variant)
#1884 Posted : 1/15/2016 11:26:53 PM
Wich one is the best for our purpose ?

1) A. acuminata (small seed variant)

2) A. acuminata (narrow phyllode variant)

3) A. acuminata (broad phyllode variant / typical variant)
#1885 Posted : 1/15/2016 11:41:43 PM
All are adequate, and relatively fast growing from seed. Pleased
Inconsistency is in my nature.
The simple PHYLLODE tek

I'm just waiting for these bloody plants to grow
#1886 Posted : 1/24/2016 10:33:59 PM
Hi all,

My friend recently carried out an extraction and subsequent TLC testing on the bark from a species of Acacia that we believe was Acacia Mangium.

Unfortunately, he wasn't able to find any evidence of DMT within the extraction.

I've posted about it here: Acacia Mangium Extraction - TLC Results

A slight setback for us, but at least some knowledge for the community.

Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#1887 Posted : 1/25/2016 9:20:54 AM
^ thank you for this initiative eastlancsguy..

to address a couple of issues in the thread where you posted the results,
firstly it's not clear what you mean mean exactly by 'dmt reference' sample..no there shouldn't be two spots..from memory the oxide should be above..that spot may be NMT..making it likely a plant sample, not a lab 'dmt reference'..
secondly, there is certainly an alkaloid of some kind in there...
it could be another tryptamine, or a beta-carboline, or a phenethylamine, from that kind of 'height'...but such readings of TLC spot heights needs to be done in specific solvent systems, and previously recorded Rf values (height of spot) compared..
also, many recorded colour changes for reagents (Marquis etc) can be referred to in this thread>
Colorimetric test results (Marquis, Mecke, Ehrlich, etc) for different alkaloids

so there is certainly something of interest alkaloidally about this particular example of A. mangium...closer and further investigation would narrow the possibilities..a good contribution to needed investigation of this species, which may of course vary genetically and/or seasonally..

i wish all acacian carers well...
Senior Member
#1888 Posted : 1/25/2016 9:37:12 AM
nen888 wrote:
ultimately the dmt-nexus does suppport the sale, or buying, of this natural compound..

Eh? Do you mean "doesn't"?
"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools."
#1889 Posted : 1/25/2016 10:24:02 PM
nen888 wrote:
^ thank you for this initiative eastlancsguy..

No worries Nen, I've gained much more from this community than I've given back, so I'm happy to try and help in any way I can.

nen888 wrote:
firstly it's not clear what you mean mean exactly by 'dmt reference' sample..no there shouldn't be two spots, and yes the oxide appears, from memory, slightly below on a TLC...but do you mean synthetic lab reference, or from a plant..in which case what other alkaloid may be more apparent..

Yes, apologies, the sentence is perhaps a little misleading. The 'reference' sample of DMT was, erm, independently procured (I don't want to fall foul of forum rules here)... I don't know how it was created, but I suspect (based on it's yellow colour) that it was extracted.

nen888 wrote:
secondly, there is certainly an alkaloid of some kind in there Smile ...
it could be another tryptamine, or a beta-carboline, or a phenethylamine, from that kind of 'height'...but such readings of TLC spot heights needs to be done in specific solvent systems, and previously recorded Rf values (height of spot) compared..

That's good to know. I will pass on this information to my friend so he can do some further research. He is going to purify the samples further when he gets chance to see if that helps with the identification. He isn't a chemist though, so I may well be back here looking for assistance on his behalf!

nen888 wrote:
also, many recorded colour changes for reagents (Marquis etc) can be referred to in this thread>
Colorimetric test results (Marquis, Mecke, Ehrlich, etc) for different alkaloids

Yes, I've read through those. The Ehrlich, Marquis and Mecke results do seem to match the colours my friend saw when testing the DMT spots with reagents. It's confusng though that there are so many different reports. I'm not sure how one can identify a substance definitively with so many different reported colour changes.

nen888 wrote:

so there is certainly something of interest alkaloidally about this particular example of A. mangium...closer and further investigation would narrow the possibilities..a good contribution to needed investigation of this species, which may of course vary genetically and/or seasonally..

For info, the bark used for the extraction was collected from a tree in Thailand. It was 'winter' over there at the time. The tree was neither flowering nor growing seed pods at the time.
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#1890 Posted : 1/26/2016 12:49:06 AM
Bodhisativa...thanks for spotting that unfortunate typo..

yes..the DMT-Nexus does NOT support the selling or buying of DMT..!

and as has been often pointed out...use of wild plants in this context is especially unethical...incidentally, that's why the authorities moved in years back in australia, not becasue of underground research and exploration..but becasue of comercial exploitation..
i'm thinking 'Happy Highs' here...no excues Ray...selling out the bush..
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#1891 Posted : 1/26/2016 7:15:43 AM

..i'm not in a mood for mincing words these days, and want to re-iterate that as far as i've seen, the biggest threat to the sacred acacias, and the sanctity of their use by the 'explorer', has been not from law enforcement or government, but from elements within the so-called 'alternate' or counter culture...who have self gan and financial insenstive as their driving modes..

though, i think it's deeper than than...and this relates to my constant references over the thread to goddess Al-Uzza, and the troubles of the world..
now, i'm certainly pretty 'post-feminist', but i ask myself, why is it almost always males who are doing this....killing acacia trees (like Mohamed's henchmen on his orders), using them for their own self gains and exploitations, not putting back into the earth what they've taken out..? ...it only reinforces in me sense that, if we see mother nature as 'feminine', then within our so-called evolving entheogen enlightened counter culture are the very poisonous seeds of the negative 'patricarchy'...
conquistadors in the garden..

but on the positive side, the vast majority of well informed people are caring and aware..and here on the nexus we see so many people caring for and learning from the acacia tree..

and eastlancsguy...keep up the good work..
with the tools you have, you're already finding out a lot about a species which is new..
who knows what awaits you...
#1892 Posted : 1/26/2016 8:21:54 AM
nen888 wrote:

..i'm not in a mood for mincing words these days, and want to re-iterate that as far as i've seen, the biggest threat to the sacred acacias, and the sanctity of their use by the 'explorer', has been not from law enforcement or government, but from elements within the so-called 'alternate' or counter culture...who have self gan and financial insenstive as their driving modes..

though, i think it's deeper than than...and this relates to my constant references over the thread to goddess Al-Uzza, and the troubles of the world..
now, i'm certainly pretty 'post-feminist', but i ask myself, why is it almost always males who are doing this....killing acacia trees (like Mohamed's henchmen on his orders), using them for their own self gains and exploitations, not putting back into the earth what they've taken out..? ...it only reinforces in me sense that, if we see mother nature as 'feminine', then within our so-called evolving entheogen enlightened counter culture are the very poisonous seeds of the negative 'patricarchy'...
conquistadors in the garden..

but on the positive side, the vast majority of well informed people are caring and aware..and here on the nexus we see so many people caring for and learning from the acacia tree..

and eastlancsguy...keep up the good work..
with the tools you have, you're already finding out a lot about a species which is new..
who knows what awaits you...

Patience is not a virtue, that denotes inherence.
Patience is a lesson that cannot be mastered with an exam.
Patience is a mother with child.
Patience and mercantilism are strange bedfellows.

But, when patience comes for a man, he can call himself complete, when it comes for a woman...she just keeps eating, sleeping and breathing.
Inconsistency is in my nature.
The simple PHYLLODE tek

I'm just waiting for these bloody plants to grow
#1893 Posted : 1/26/2016 8:45:45 PM
nen888 wrote:

and eastlancsguy...keep up the good work..
with the tools you have, you're already finding out a lot about a species which is new..
who knows what awaits you...

Thanks Nen.

I had a proper look through the reagents post last night. I suspect the second spot on the plate (from the known DMT sample) is DMT. I will try to provide evidence at some point.

Still no nearer on the mystery spot within the DMT column, or the unidentified substance within the extract, but I guess that's all part of the fun :-)
#1894 Posted : 2/25/2016 1:10:10 AM
Remarkably thorough! Without question worthy of attention!

Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#1895 Posted : 2/25/2016 12:54:03 PM
welcome to the thread dmgtgalaxypull...Smile

though for me lately it's been "Mum's the Word" a little... Pleased
(writing is on way nevertheless)

..thank you to the trees !

[and please people...encourage people to grow with their own hands]

..on a final note for now, regarding the species people seek so enthusiastically for their content...
i say, in truth, that the best best possible experience and part of the plant one can use..is actually the
brown phyllodes which the tree has dropped naturally at its feet...as the lady of the fallen phyllodes mentioned once upon a time in the thread..

it's also the most friendly

i think that's really what ma intended

#1896 Posted : 4/11/2016 7:32:31 AM
So I've been working with 100 dried grams of A. Retinodes phyllodes using nens simple phyllode tek (see my sig) that I harvested from a specimen last January (they've been in my freezer this whole time).
Using Shellite as my Naptha I followed the procedure to the T, resulting in an almost lime green thick goo at the bottom of my Pyrex jug. I suspected fats and chlorophyll so with the wisdom of some helpers in chat I learned how to de-fat my product.
3 pulls later (so far) and it appears as though I did something right. I still have more to pull from the defatted batch, plus another pull or two from the original basic soup which I will also de-fat and pull.

I'm ordering a marquis kit soon so should have an assay in the not too distant future Smile and we'll find out what this mystery powder is.

It smells almost sweet, like vanilla cheesecake.

The fluffy stuff in the centre has a yellowish tint to it, the solid stuff on the side is more yellow that white I think it may still have some sneaky fats in it.

Inconsistency is in my nature.
The simple PHYLLODE tek

I'm just waiting for these bloody plants to grow
#1897 Posted : 4/12/2016 12:10:05 PM
awesome! have you bioassayed yet? thats so exciting!
#1898 Posted : 4/12/2016 2:44:40 PM
Dont just get a marquis reagent, that wont help much. Get at least 3 reagents like marquis, mecke and specially ehrlich... And if you can only get one, get ehrlich.
And if you have a bit more to spend get a TLC kit, that will def be better for identifying what you have.
#1899 Posted : 4/12/2016 8:06:32 PM
Not as yet, I don't have mg scales. But when I do, does 5-10mg sound like a good starting point? I'm going to make some enhanced leaf with the pinnae off of a black wattle grove nearby.

A cursory look around the web and it seems that ehrlich is the predominantly available kit in Au. I'd like to eventually get a couple of your TLC kits but the dollar is weak and the postage is strong at the moment Neutral

There are a couple of anecdotes regarding retinodes that claim .02 yields. Some as high as .5 and I think I read on this page that somebody pulled phenethylamines and nicotine out of one too.
Hopefully this will eventually help with the confusion.
I have to say this is really exciting Very happy
Inconsistency is in my nature.
The simple PHYLLODE tek

I'm just waiting for these bloody plants to grow
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#1900 Posted : 4/12/2016 10:07:51 PM
..great experimental initiative Sphorange..enough for me to emerge from my research Smile

with A. retinodes we're also dealing with slightly blurred and several times redefined species and sub-species lines, which could also be responsible for the varied reports..and possibly completely 'new' alkaloids,
as i mentioned on p.15:
..a very interesting wattle in terms of distribution and content is Acacia retinodes (Swamp Wattle, or Wirilda) being native to southern Australia, and naturalized in such diverse places as Hawaii, Bolivia, France and Spain..
it has several sub-varieties..
..one German reported test found 0.5% alkaloids (DMT, NMT, nicotine); Roveli in Australia [1967] found 0.2% of a completely unknown alkaloid, and no nicotine..
the closely related Acacia provincialis was once classified as A. retinodes X saligna..nexian yatiqiri found 0.2-0.5% of an unknown mix of alkaloids which had tryptamine-like and also some possibly unique effects [see question about my acacia spice thread]
..certainly a tree for further, cautious chemical investigation..

Roveli's unknown alkaloid did not conform to any reference alkaloids he had on hand, including tryptamines, phenethylamines, and histamines..

good advice from endlessness on reagents and TLC...and sometimes the simple phyllode method needs a bit of complexity...if the phyllodes are still green, there's still chlorophyll and likely some fatty acids..
so, yes proceed with caution (vaporisation the safest method if assayed, as often said) but very good work in furthering our understanding of this now world distributed species..thank you for the report so far..
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