soulfood wrote:VisualDistortion wrote:SWIM is working with some rue right now. Nasty stuff. So much fat and oil in those damn seeds. He is getting down to a very clean product and is almost to the point where he is gonna drop it with some ammonia. I actually love this extraction. It's all about patience and fridge decanting. The benefits from repeating the process are highly advisable. With 1 time round SWIM's friend still got nausea when combined with DMT fumerate. A repetition yielded an extract that caused no nausea. SWIM's friend is pretty bad when it comes to his stomach though. SWIM agrees, this extraction is very nice! one just gotta have patience, decant always, repeating the process.. its all food safe and there are beautiful changes of colour throughout. btw, dagger, roasting in the oven at 180c does not hurt the actives at all?
Heat seeds at 120c until they feel a little brittle. Never noticed any substantial loss. Rue's cheap anyway. I'd sacrifice a little for a smoother extraction.
In a rare lack of patience that guy may have ruined my batch. He figured since he had gotten so good with my MHRB work that he knew what he was doing here. Now he was not trying to be efficient since this was my test run so a little slop was expected. Started with 100g rue seeds crushed and ground up. #1 Mixed with 1L water/boiled/strained X2 [milky brownish liquid, glowed like the sun under blacklight] #2 Boiled down that 2L down to 500ml solution #3 Boiled up 200ml of water and added salt until he couldn't get it to dissolve anymore #4 Mixed the two together to yield just under a liter of saltwater/rue tea at this point he expected to see some HCL percip out, he saw nothing that he could notice (the solution was still milky as heck so Im not sure IF he would have even seen it. now he's a little worried, he see's no discernible percip or real change in his solution even after fridging for about 3 hours. #5 Tried to strain through a teeshirt, shirt got shit stained to hell and back but no solids are left on it. He should also add that at every step, everything that touched the solution was left with a strange almost glowing water residue (He assume that's a good thing). So freaking out #6 He start dropping ammonia into the solution and watched the sweet dance of colors develop, the brown mush started to swirl into a murky yellowish color. #7 Let that sit in the fridge for an hour and checked, something settled. Its icky brownish and very fine. #8 he separated most of the liquid from the silt and separated that into a mason jar. #9 he is waiting until tomorrow to do the same again. So ummm do he have harmala HCL now or did he have that and not notice it and Ive already gone back to freebase? He assumes if its the second one then all he would need to do is separate/dry and then re-salt If its the former then he guess resoak in salt water and ammonia drop again? I'm a compulsive lier, I mean only a crazy person would really do any of this stuff I just wrote about, right?
You have harmala freebase.
Evap in acidic solution until all is liquid then saturate the hell out of it with salt. Like really get it in there. Leave it simmering for 10 minutes and you should still see a little excess salt (not too much, but any of you saltaphobes should get a job!).
Then leave it in the fridge for 2 days.
There should be a fair bit of harmala Hcl waiting for you.
Is there any difference between harmala freebase and HCL storage wise or potency? like 69ron said, fumarate salts of dmt are much better absorbed than other salts or freebase dmt ( i have no idea why though ) Also, just wanted to make sure, are harmala freebase soluble in water? Thanks.
many teks have been mentioned here - which should swim follow ? what are the average yeilds expected % wize ? antrocles wrote:...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...
...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".
Quote: ‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell Quote: ‹xtechre› cheese is great He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.
There has been some speculation on ayahuasca forum that in the process of roasting syrian rue seeda, some of the harmine gets converted to harmaline or THH... would this indeed be the case? PLEASE NOTE: Contents of this post belong to an ongoing hypermedia performance project that spans across different media, including Internet message boards. All incidents, situations, institutions, governments and people are fictional and any similarity, without satiric intent, of characters or person s living or dead, is strictly coincidental.
appelseen wrote: There has been some speculation on ayahuasca forum that in the process of roasting syrian rue seeda, some of the harmine gets converted to harmaline or THH... would this indeed be the case?
SWIM thought it was the opposite fo this, harmaline converting to harmine. SWIM thought that boiling the seeds did this, as well, and his extract seems to indicate this.
amor_fati wrote: SWIM thought it was the opposite fo this, harmaline converting to harmine. SWIM thought that boiling the seeds did this, as well, and his extract seems to indicate this.
Yes, I remembered it wrong way around. The idea being that roasting makes the effect of rue more "caapi-like" (besides making it easier to grind) I was just wondering if this is has been scientifically proven. PLEASE NOTE: Contents of this post belong to an ongoing hypermedia performance project that spans across different media, including Internet message boards. All incidents, situations, institutions, governments and people are fictional and any similarity, without satiric intent, of characters or person s living or dead, is strictly coincidental.
swim performed this extraction as is on the first page 50g rue - ground soaked and boiled - then swim added 1/3 the solutions volume in saturated salt solution - left it over night - and there is nothing forming at the bottom of the bottle - ideas -= swim is a bit stuck and would like to succeed antrocles wrote:...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...
...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".
Quote: ‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell Quote: ‹xtechre› cheese is great He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.
I never understood this way of adding a third of saturated solution.. the whole thing should be salt saturated, not just a third... i would add more salt.
did SWIY make 3x boiling, filtering coarsely at the end and then letting decant once for a whole day in the fridge? If not I would do it also.. but since some salt is already added, I would add more salt (total around 32g per 100ml of water) and into the fridge again
okay so swim got a pile of what looks like instant coffee granules - can swim take these add them to water - filter - and add sodium carbonate to freebase - wait for them to crash out then filter ? Then can swim add the freebase harmala alkys to a solvent to xtalize some way ? maybe acetone, d-limonene, naptha+freeze precip ??? or what - swim would like to clean them but has no alcahol of any kind and cant get any.(swim doesnt have ammonia either,) ideas ? antrocles wrote:...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...
...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".
Quote: ‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell Quote: ‹xtechre› cheese is great He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.
I just finished my exact of 50 grams of rue last night and ended up with 1.5 grams, Thank you to endlessness becase i followed your teck of salting then a/b extract. I just had to try it out when i was finished so i sublingly took about .o6 of a gram about 10pm and by the time i went to bed at 12pm i felt so great i didnt want to go to sleep. When i woke up for work this morning i still feel the efects or some strong after effects. It is great!! Thanks to all who contributed to this thread and to endlessness.
Phlux- wrote:okay so swim got a pile of what looks like instant coffee granules - can swim take these add them to water - filter - and add sodium carbonate to freebase - wait for them to crash out then filter ? Then can swim add the freebase harmala alkys to a solvent to xtalize some way ? maybe acetone, d-limonene, naptha+freeze precip ??? or what - swim would like to clean them but has no alcahol of any kind and cant get any.(swim doesnt have ammonia either,) ideas ? yes SWIY can dissolve them in water (with bit of vinegar just to make sure), filter/decant, add sodium carbonate and filter. But SWIM would recommend before adding the sodium carbonate, precipitating with salt again, as mentioned before, maybe even doing it twice. Well yeah I guess there must be a way to further clean them using some solvent.. You gotta find a solvent in which it is not very soluble in at colder temperatures but is soluble in at higher temperatures. Or a solvent that dissolves the impurities but not the harmalas, or vice versa. You can make the tests yourself or maybe someone else here will know, I dont. But to me, the beauty of the harmala extraction is it being food safe and so on.. I wouldnt add them to a solvent, but rather repeat the first steps consecutively to get a pure and safe product. redeyesmj wrote:I just finished my exact of 50 grams of rue last night and ended up with 1.5 grams, Thank you to endlessness becase i followed your teck of salting then a/b extract. I just had to try it out when i was finished so i sublingly took about .o6 of a gram about 10pm and by the time i went to bed at 12pm i felt so great i didnt want to go to sleep. When i woke up for work this morning i still feel the efects or some strong after effects. It is great!! Thanks to all who contributed to this thread and to endlessness. hey man no problem, im just a fellow psychonaut sharing the experiences like you Glad to know it turned out well for you! Did you have problems with filtering, or decant mostly?
hey man no problem, im just a fellow psychonaut sharing the experiences like you Glad to know it turned out well for you! Did you have problems with filtering, or decant mostly? [/quote] I had no real problem with filtering as i decanted. Swim has alot experince with tough filtering as in a previous life as a speed freak/cook, a/b extracts of psdoephedrine are very diffucult to filter. But like i said that was a previous life and i am strictly natural now totally reformed!! thanks to my little girl 
Dagger wrote: Try charcoaling the rue in the oven at around 180C/356F for 30 minutes. Should make it much easier to powder and filter.
ILPT just tried toast the seeds at 120C and only benefit he noticed was ease of grinding. Looks like toasting at this temp. won't get rid of oils. However he was a bit afraid to go as high as 180C. Perhaps next time As a kemist I never met ILPT in physical form and never talk to him. He share his wisdom, trough my mind, telepathicly only. Please don`t prosecute me, for his possible illegal activities. He is bonkers about chemistry and doesn`t even exist in this primitive reality !!!
This looks good. How do you know that you're getting harmine and not harmaline as well?
Also, the description of the steps confuses me for some reason. Please correct if I got any of this wrong.
1) boil syrian rue and pull as many times as you want. Reduce to a few hundred ml. Strain out the seed particles 2) Add as much rock salt to the extract until no more will dissolve. 3) put it in the fridge for a few hours. Harmine should precip out. 4) strain and collect the harmine. Let it dry.
Anything wrong with that? Thanks.
fnog9 wrote:This looks good. How do you know that you're getting harmine and not harmaline as well?
Also, the description of the steps confuses me for some reason. Please correct if I got any of this wrong.
1) boil syrian rue and pull as many times as you want. Reduce to a few hundred ml. Strain out the seed particles 2) Add as much rock salt to the extract until no more will dissolve. 3) put it in the fridge for a few hours. Harmine should precip out. 4) strain and collect the harmine. Let it dry.
Anything wrong with that? Thanks. harmaline will precipitate too when saturating with salt.
acolon_5 wrote:This is not my tek but the author is unknown so I cannot give due credit to the correct person.
What you need: Syrain Rue Salt (rock salt or iodine free table salt) Distilled water Vinegar
"At this moment I am looking at my Harmine HCL crystals growing on a plate... I saw this extraction somewhere else on the net, and didn't know If anyone had tried it, but it works... The first time I tried it I didn't get the 4 mm long crystals that I was supposed to get, but the whole extraction process I went through just became a cluster ---- in my kitchen... I hadn't cleaned all my glass properly, and I didn't have what I needed at that time....
Now I have seen harmine hcl for sale online and in can cost as much as $100 a gram, and you can buy a pound of seeds for less than half that and do your own extraction.... hmmmm
Anyway, here is the process I used to get the beautiful 1-4 mm long crystals growing on my plate... I don't even know who's process this is that I am stealing, but the one I use is for chem idiots like me, no math or any thing involved...
Step one: Take your harmala seeds and boil 'em ( you can add an acid or not. I always add a little vinegar, never measure though). When they have boiled for about 30 mins, strain the water with a tea strainer into a pyrex measuring cup/mixing bowl thing you can get from a grocery store. Boil 'em again... strain into the same container. Boil 'em again... strain into the same container.
Step two: Dump the seeds and wash the pot you were using. Boil some water and add rock salt (important to use rock salt because there is noting add to it, regular table salt fas stuff add to it. If you have to use table salt, make sure it doesn't have Iodine in it). Keep adding rock salt to your booiling water 'till No more disolves, so now you have a super saturated salt-water solution....
[EDIT: There seems to be some problems with steps two, three and four.. instead of doing step two with some water and then mixing this salt saturated solution to the rue tea, better to straight away add salt to the rue tea, saturating it with salt. No need to add cold water as said in step four. Just saturate the liquid from the rue boilings with water, which should be around 20-30g salt per 100ml liquid, and then put it in the fridge overnight, thats it]
Step three: Strain the hot salt water into you hamarla boilings to keep out the salt rocks, Only adding enough salt water so that you have 2 or 3 parts harmala-water and 1 part Salt-water. I try to make sure that I have 3 times as much harmala solution as I have salt water.
Step four: Stir it all up, then add a little bit of cold water to aid in the cooling of the mixture...SOMETHING should precipitate out. That's a good thing: the crystals form when the temp of the solution drops. Put it in the freezer for an hour. After that put it in the fridge for a few hours (longer if ya like, but three of four hours is what I did).
Step five: There should be a whole bunch of crystals and grunge at the bottom of your container It doesn't matter how big the crystals are just yet.... I could hardly notice that they were actually crystals, the just happened to be about 1 mm little needles. Now it should be strained again...I used a bandanna to strain, but a t-shirt will work... Put your filter cloth over the top of a big stock pot and slowly pour you crungy/crystal solution through it... Now you can dump the shit in the pot outand lay your t-shirt over the pot under a fan to dry out...
[EDIT: Do step 6 at your own risk. dissolving harmalas in different types of alcohol and acetone seem to create a different reddish and gooey product that is sometimes called Harmala Red, and it is possibly inactive, though there is little info on what it is exactly and if its really inactive, its toxicological safety, etc)
Step six: It should look like you have extracted sparkling dirt from the seeds... Scrape all your sparkling dirt off your t-shirt and into a clear glass container and add just enough methyl alcohol (ethyl should work too though, and you will know when there's enough you'll have yellowish/reddish/orangish alchy with brown shit in the bottom). The sparkles dissolve and the crunge doesn't... strain again through a t-shirt and into your a flat Pyrex baking dish or onto a clear plate. Place under a fan or somewhere with adequate ventilation and wait and watch.... " is this rescepi above ok to get rue crystals or is it out dated get HCI crystals dont i have to involve hydracloric acid??? any opinion welcom!
your necromantic powers are amazing starway no you don't need hcl that tek is not particularly outdated but look on the wiki at "the tao of rue" for one with pictures! They don't think it be like it is, but it do.