۩ wrote:Quote:...Moving forward, my Administration will interpret and implement the provisions described below in a manner that best preserves the flexibility on which our safety depends and upholds the values on which this country was founded....
...Moreover, I want to clarify that my Administration will not authorize the indefinite military detention without trial of American citizens. Indeed, I believe that doing so would break with our most important traditions and values as a Nation. My Administration will interpret section 1021 in a manner that ensures that any detention it authorizes complies with the Constitution, the laws of war, and all other applicable law...
...While section 1022 is unnecessary and has the potential to create uncertainty, I have signed the bill because I believe that this section can be interpreted and applied in a manner that avoids undue harm to our current operations.... We know its there, but we promise not to use it. At least we promise not to tell you if we use it. In the interests of national security, its best for you if we don't tell you if we use this... What, you ask, was the beginning of it all? And it is this...
Existence that multiplied itself For sheer delight of being And plunged into numberless trillions of forms So that it might Find Itself Innumerably. -Sri Aubobindo
Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
Saidin wrote:At least we promise not to tell you if we use it. HAPPY NEW YEAR: YOU CAN NOW BE DETAINED INDEFINITELYQuote: "President Obama's action today is a blight on his legacy because he will forever be known as the president who signed indefinite detention without charge or trial into law,” said Anthony Romero, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union.
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
vovin wrote:They will not win they will not oppress us face it when Americans think they are getting screwed we get rather mean and violent. The issue is will it be a revolution wherein the greatness of man is shown or will we be living in mad max time where your all my bitches. There are a lot of Americans with a lot of guns in the rural regions I know for a fact the hillbillys wont go easily.
The big deal for the revolution if it is done right you will have the whole world supporting you in overthrowing the government. Im one of these "yokels" (no offence taken lol) who lives in a rural area of the US and i can tell you right now that every hillbilly and deer hunter i know is expecting for the military to attempt to impose force, and theyre all waiting with properties full of guns/ammo. they also almost all have generators, some sort of farm, and know how to live off the land. We will NOT stand for any BS. Could you imagine feelin all calm-then all of a sudden your fingers get numb-things start freezing-what is the season-where we at and why we leavin? -Lil Wyte
Vok wrote:vovin wrote:They will not win they will not oppress us face it when Americans think they are getting screwed we get rather mean and violent. The issue is will it be a revolution wherein the greatness of man is shown or will we be living in mad max time where your all my bitches. There are a lot of Americans with a lot of guns in the rural regions I know for a fact the hillbillys wont go easily.
The big deal for the revolution if it is done right you will have the whole world supporting you in overthrowing the government. Im one of these "yokels" (no offence taken lol) who lives in a rural area of the US and i can tell you right now that every hillbilly and deer hunter i know is expecting for the military to attempt to impose force, and theyre all waiting with properties full of guns/ammo. they also almost all have generators, some sort of farm, and know how to live off the land. We will NOT stand for any BS. I wouldn´t worry too much about revolutions and such. These bills change nothing. They´re already doing stuff like detaining people indefinately on the basis of vague suspicions, etc. This is all just to prevent legal actions against previous and current political leaders. And it´s not going to work.
Quote:I wouldn´t worry too much about revolutions and such. These bills change nothing. They´re already doing stuff like detaining people indefinately on the basis of vague suspicions, etc.
This is all just to prevent legal actions against previous and current political leaders. And it´s not going to work. This is the way we see it, they do what they want anyway, this is just for things taken care of within the legal system. As someone that has large unmarked double prop black helicopters fly low over his house on a weekly basis, i have no doubts that unscrupulous sh*t is going on. Oh the odd things that fly around in broad daylight when you live within 100 miles of Wright Patterson Airforce Base... Could you imagine feelin all calm-then all of a sudden your fingers get numb-things start freezing-what is the season-where we at and why we leavin? -Lil Wyte
Saidin wrote:polytrip wrote: I think people will start to rise-up against these things, when it´s not just the proverbial john doe anymore, but their brother, sister, son, daughter, niece or nephew. So basically, if the government realy starts doing these things on a larger scale...they will loose all the limitless power they now have.
To me it seems like they have done some realy disgusting things...and they´re afraid that one day, everything will become public, that one day they will have to pay for it. Just like gadafi was afraid, just like sadam husein was afraid. So they try to pass laws that will offer them some protection.
I certainly hope people rise up to resist their own overt enslavement. We are all slaves now, have been for generations, yet the vast majority are totally unaware of this fact. Gadafi was not afraid, in fact the vast majority of the Libyan people loved him. Research what he did with the country's oil wealth to improve the Libyan people's quality of life. Look at what he did to stand up to the west right before we went in to take him out. Also look at one of the first things the opposition did as the conflict began...they created a central bank. LOL wut? Dig a little deeper into the reasons the west went in and took him out. It had nothing to do with a popular uprising or any humanitarian reasons. Thank you Saidin! Im sorry but as far as political figures outside the US, you are the FIRST person on this forum to tell the REAL truth. sorry guys, I love ya, but you cant get your info from TV..smoke your stuff but leave the NEWS channel alone. When you want to know the truth you need to look at WHO has control of the media, the banks and is overrepresented in our government as a group. the victor ALWAYS writes history. the sad part is if you state the OBVOIUS truth , the majority (including here) will brand you with a bad title. there has been an old sayiing " if you want to know who really owns a country ask who you CANT talk about wihtout being scourged. It used to bee the King of england..but in America and western countries its some other group. Khadafi was going to make a nationalistic Africa, a united Africa.A great leader who would for example give a newlywed couple $55,000 to buy a house for family. Those "freedom fighters' were a rival tribe of Khadafi from way back who the CIA armed up. Khadafis main mistake was the one that has got all leaders killed including A. Lincoln, J Kennedy jackson, Hussien. Khadife was going to sell oil by GOLD backed dinars, not US dollars, which are a private issue funny money by the FED reserve banksters (rothschild, goldman, blumberg,etc) Hussien was going to sell oil by euros, and gold. there is only one country now that is not part of the world bank SCAM...IRAN...oh but they wank nukes! What if the did? Whatever happened to MAD? Israel has over 200 nukes(and is only country to NOT allow inspection),mostly pointed at Western countries because if we let them go they are taking us with them. What was the first thing that was built after Khadafi was overthrown?...A bank of Tel Aviv. I hate politics because I have studied world history THOUGHOUGHLY from all sides, and I always end up bieng the "bad guy" if I speak up Comments made on germany were wrong too..in fact these economists that are making sense about nationalism for US and keeping things here are doing all they can to say anything but the "Hilter economic system". In the 1930s there were only 2 countries that were economiclaly solid and growng due to breaking the yoke of the international bankers...germany and japan...hmmmm..imagine that?
Oh and BTW the word everyone is looking for as to why they CANNOT use our military against us is "posse comatitis"
It's only a matter of time on a earlier post I linked a article where they were training 20,000 troops for civil conflict within US cities. With SOPA I can guarantee you the nexus isnt going to be here long. The news media has been trying to hide the bill but Reddit is doing a blackout on the 18th and some hear Wikipedia, Google, and Facebook might join in. http://www.extremetech.c...r-option-to-protest-sopaThey're calling it the Nuclear Option heheh blacking out the whole web. There's also a boycott on the major news networks for trying to brainwash our population too. http://www.reddit.com/r/...e_cnn_fox_msnbc_and_the/There's a lot going on but the news wont cover it. If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
vovin wrote:With SOPA I can guarantee you the nexus isnt going to be here long. Unless they go after The Traveler directly I don't see how this is possible. As I'm sure you know, SOPA would create a DNS blacklist which means nothing to networks not using the typical DNS system. I have a feeling if SOPA passes it will only cause these alternate networks to grow. "Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
Unless it's being held in a secret location they cant get to they'll go after the servers. They have done this for several sites already. I don't know that much about this stuff but I know in my offshore casino days where my sites as well as my customers were based offshore but that didn't stop them from coming after those sites regardless of the legality of those actions and that was before 9/11. The US gestapo uses strong arm tactics to accomplish their will. Look at the link above they have the news reporters of our time running scared. Back in the day the Govt used to be afraid of the news and their scrutiny. Now they are literally puppets used to conn the less enlightened. If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
Here's a story I ran into when searching for the date that SOPA would reach the house for vote. Protect IP ACTNow that I'm reading it again, I remember this older Act being mentioned on the internet last spring. May have even signed one of the online petitions. It looks like it only went under the surface, I really am considering just getting a calender to keep track of these things haha. Hopefully some of these companies will actually black-out their servers and do enough damage to stop such legislation, because sadly the government didn't care enough about public opinion to vote against the NDAA. It all eerily reminds me of this quote by Frank Zappa, “The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” It's like these Acts are big red flags, and no matter how much people are noticing there's still a huge proportion of scared sheeple that actually believe all these "It's for your own safety" explanations. The only hell for a warrior is peace.
The warm fuzzy side of the cold hard truth.
To be fair, I'm not entirely sure it's fear-related. Sure, for some people, but I was talking to my folks about it and the reason they don't oppose it is that they just don't give a f***. They don't really feel like the government has the resources/outreach to actually do anything that will affect them, and to be fair, I do see where they're coming from... when was the last time the US government actually succeeded in pulling off something big, for better or worse? All the government has now is a really pissed off populace, what makes them think they can do anything about it when the forces of bureaucracy can barely even keep themselves going these days? ¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º¨
This is an exciting idea. Will start spreading it. This isnt just about media either. It's about information and its naturally flowing path.Technology is a natural extension of Nature. The same rules of data,order and sensory input apply. Don't accept the status quo conciously or sub-conciously. Choose to Evolve.not just for yourself, but for everyone on this planet, so we can actually begin to enjoy the Circus-fun-fair that is this Earth should aspire to be.
File Sharing Executive's Home RaidedNot directly related to SOPA or the NDAA but the temperature is turning up. I think it's sort of ironic that they are "estimating" that this illegal downloading is costing copyrite owner's $500,000,000.. as if people are automatically going to buy the content if they couldn't easily find it online. Personally I can vouch that I tend to buy the hard-copy of some of my more valued torrent rips Oh how desperate seems the death throes of an obsolete system. Star Trek economy here we come. The only hell for a warrior is peace.
The warm fuzzy side of the cold hard truth.
http://www.reddit.com/r/..._no_the_end_of_it_there/SOPA may be dead but that's no the end of it! There is a new bill being proposed called the The "Protecting Children from Internet Pornographers Act of 2011" that is far worse.Quote:"under language approved 19 to 10 by a House committee, the firm that sells you Internet access would be required to track all of your Internet activity and save it for 18 months, along with your name, the address where you live, your bank account numbers, your credit card numbers, and IP addresses you've been assigned."
Seems to me the government plan to control the internet is the first step in completely controlling population. After that they close off all "free" communication to the outside world inside America then start this civil war against the people to fully control the population? Since all of the media is already pretty controlled they just need to to take out the strongest tool we have the internet and not just the American people but the entire world. Since USA is already the bully/show runner of the world and isn't this already happening quite rapidly?! Sorry if I'm not staying on point but this just all seems like a planned out assault to control everything.
The train is moving along and they don't mind collateral damage. Aside from the NDAA and current battles over internet freedoms I suggest you become familiar with current UN projects such as Agenda 21 and ICLEI which has been endorsed in numerous cities worldwide. Agenda 21 and ICLEIAlso I think the information below is interesting. Sovereignty or so it seems is being (or already has been) swept under the carpet. UN Small Arms TreatyThe only hell for a warrior is peace.
The warm fuzzy side of the cold hard truth.
۩ wrote:SOPA may be dead but that's no the end of it! There is a new bill being proposed called the The "Protecting Children from Internet Pornographers Act of 2011" that is far worse. Brilliant move on the governments part. The piracy argument didn't work. OK - Let's expand the entire program, make it much more extensive, force IPSs to cover the cost, and hide it behind guise of protecting children from pornography. Gotta give it to 'em. Simply brilliant. "Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley