Just got through an extraction using this method. It was my first time attempting. Alkaloids are currently drying in a baking dish. They look beautiful!! Thanks so much for posting this tek. What dosage should I be looking at for full MAO inhibition to initiate a pharmahasuca journey?
If your harmalas are pure, then a good starting dose is around 200mg. For more info regarding dosing, refer to this thread. Convert a melodic element into a rhythmic element...
Thanks gibran for this lovely TEK, (with your customarily beautiful photography). The basing step is particularly delicious!
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but...when you are taking the results sublingually, are you using it in freebase form? I don't understand why that would work given that you need to re-acidify it to consume it orally.
Also, does this store quite well in the fridge in freebase form...or would it be better (like DMT) to store it long-term in salt form?
Limeni wrote:Thanks gibran for this lovely TEK, (with your customarily beautiful photography). The basing step is particularly delicious!
Sorry if this is a stupid question, but...when you are taking the results sublingually, are you using it in freebase form? I don't understand why that would work given that you need to re-acidify it to consume it orally.
Also, does this store quite well in the fridge in freebase form...or would it be better (like DMT) to store it long-term in salt form?
Thanks Thanks for the compliments. I take the sublingual alkaloids in freebase form. Freebase can also be taken orally, but some claim that acidifying first makes them easier on the stomach (there’s enough acid to instantly acidify a normal dose, so I don’t think it’s necessary). Sublingual freebase caapi extracted alkaloids are absorbed very quickly – maybe 5 minutes or so. No need to acidify! edit: Forgot to answer your 2nd question. I think that freebase harmala alkaloids are very stable. Storage in a refrigerator or freezer should be fine. gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
Thanks for that gibran...but I'm afraid I have another question.. I'm doing the extraction, and all has gone exactly as in your pictures...up to when the vinegar was added. Now the dark brown sediment layer is actually thicker than the precipitate layer was during the basing stage! Is that even possible? Should I be worried, do you think? I' m wondering whether you are supposed to leave the vinegar in for quite a while before diluting it with the water. Anyway I have now added some more vinegar, restirred, and gone to bed...but I'm a bit at a loss as to what is happening. Much appreciate your help.
Limeni wrote:Thanks for that gibran...but I'm afraid I have another question.. I'm doing the extraction, and all has gone exactly as in your pictures...up to when the vinegar was added. Now the dark brown sediment layer is actually thicker than the precipitate layer was during the basing stage! Is that even possible? Should I be worried, do you think? I' m wondering whether you are supposed to leave the vinegar in for quite a while before diluting it with the water. Anyway I have now added some more vinegar, restirred, and gone to bed...but I'm a bit at a loss as to what is happening. Much appreciate your help. It’s possible to have a thicker layer of insoluble material. It all depends on what condition your caapi was in to begin with. It’s OK to add water to dilute at any point. Rather than add more vinegar, just add water to make the decanting easier. You may even want to do a second water rinse and decant – then add the decanted water to the vinegar solution you decanted. (If the volume gets to be too much, you could even reduce by boiling.) gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
Thanks for all your help gibran - I got through to the end, and now have exactly 925mg from 64g of Cielo...which I am very happy with. I think the Black Caapi you used is regarded as the strongest, and I did have a couple of small spillages along the way!
Next I'm going to try the White Caapi which M@ya sell at literally half price, to see what that contains. Unfortunately it's powdered, but I hope that won't be an insurmountable problem. Do you think filtering the water from the initial boils through a muslin cloth would be necessary with powdered Caapi?
Anyway, thanks again for this very elegant and satisfying Tek.
Limeni wrote:Thanks for all your help gibran - I got through to the end, and now have exactly 925mg from 64g of Cielo...which I am very happy with. I think the Black Caapi you used is regarded as the strongest, and I did have a couple of small spillages along the way!
Next I'm going to try the White Caapi which M@ya sell at literally half price, to see what that contains. Unfortunately it's powdered, but I hope that won't be an insurmountable problem. Do you think filtering the water from the initial boils through a muslin cloth would be necessary with powdered Caapi?
Anyway, thanks again for this very elegant and satisfying Tek. Glad to hear you got good results. As far as powdered vine goes, it’s a bit harder to work with. I think boiling is unnecessary. For each pull, add boiling water and some vinegar, then allow to settle and decant. Keep pulling until the solution is no longer yellow. Post your results! gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
Lye is difficult to acquire in my place, so does this TEK work with sodium carbonate or other bases, and how much less good is the end product? thanks
tele wrote:Lye is difficult to acquire in my place, so does this TEK work with sodium carbonate or other bases, and how much less good is the end product? thanks Yes, it will work with sodium carbonate, ammonia, KOH and any other other moderately strong base. The product is no "less good"...you just have to add more of the less powerful bases...in the case of sodium carbonate, it's prudent to add it to water first so that you don't wind up with excess base in your final product and you may find you have to add significantly more base/water than with other bases. KOH is great and ammonia works very well, but stinks. All in all, as long as you basify enough, any base works fine. Wiki • Attitude • FAQThe Nexian • Nexus Research • The OHTIn New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested. In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names. גם זה יעבור
SnozzleBerry wrote:tele wrote:Lye is difficult to acquire in my place, so does this TEK work with sodium carbonate or other bases, and how much less good is the end product? thanks Yes, it will work with sodium carbonate, ammonia, KOH and any other other moderately strong base. The product is no "less good"...you just have to add more of the less powerful bases...in the case of sodium carbonate, it's prudent to add it to water first so that you don't wind up with excess base in your final product and you may find you have to add significantly more base/water than with other bases. KOH is great and ammonia works very well, but stinks. All in all, as long as you basify enough, any base works fine. OK thanks, do you know how much water one should add(ratio) to the s.carbonate and about how much more one should add S.carbonate than lye(is there a method to see when's enough)? I'm just interested in the tek and have no idea about caapi extraction... Thanks alot
tele wrote: OK thanks, do you know how much water one should add(ratio) to the s.carbonate and about how much more one should add S.carbonate than lye(is there a method to see when's enough)? I'm just interested in the tek and have no idea about caapi extraction... Thanks alot
The thing with both lye and sodium carbonate is that they are both very water soluble so it's pretty hard to completely saturate the solution. As far as ratios go, it depends on how much liquid you need to base, how acidic that liquid is and how fast you want the reaction to occur. If I recall correctly Gibrans Tek calls for 5g of NaOH in 50ml of water. To use sodium carbonate it would probably be safe to double it to 10g. I would make sure to run it through a coffee filter before adding it to the alkaloid solution to make sure that anything that didn't get dissolved won't end up in the final product. Convert a melodic element into a rhythmic element...
Another thing I would like to know is what's the recommended way to take sublingual harmalas? Just putting them under your tongue?
I read q21q21's instructions(but what are the other methods?): SWIM has had success using orange drink mix as well as stevia extract with the harmalas to make them not just bearable but quite nice.
-Take 20-30mg of harmalas and place/dropper them in your mouth. -Swish them around your mouth for 1-2 minutes, just like mouthwash -Gargle -Swish for 1-2 minutes more -Gargle -Spit out, or swallow. (SWIM spits)
tele wrote:thanks.
Another thing I would like to know is what's the recommended way to take sublingual harmalas? Just putting them under your tongue?
I read q21q21's instructions(but what are the other methods?): SWIM has had success using orange drink mix as well as stevia extract with the harmalas to make them not just bearable but quite nice.
-Take 20-30mg of harmalas and place/dropper them in your mouth. -Swish them around your mouth for 1-2 minutes, just like mouthwash -Gargle -Swish for 1-2 minutes more -Gargle -Spit out, or swallow. (SWIM spits) For sublingual harmalas, it’s best to keep them in their freebase form. Just put 15-30mg under your tongue and leave it there. It will completely absorb in 10-15 minutes, leaving no residue and no taste behind. No complicated procedures are needed! The freebase alkaloids taken sublingually really have no taste and aren’t unpleasant at all. gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
Has anyone taken Pharma as a Sublingual Pharma Powder Mix?
I have read of it taken as sublingual tincture.
But what about Sublingual Pharma Powder?
What would be a good starting ratio: 25/25 mg ?
Should it be Double Freebase Sublingual Pharma Power...
gibran2 wrote: For sublingual harmalas, it’s best to keep them in their freebase form. Just put 15-30mg under your tongue and leave it there. It will completely absorb in 10-15 minutes, leaving no residue and no taste behind. No complicated procedures are needed!
The freebase alkaloids taken sublingually really have no taste and aren’t unpleasant at all.
OK thanks. So one just can go ahead and blast off with GVG after those 10-15 minutes or should one wait longer? And how long the effects of the caapi usually last and do they make the vaporized DMT work longer? I also wonder, can one vaporize the freebase caapi in GVG, for example mixed with DMT? If yes, what would be the recommended dose? Thanks!
tele wrote:OK thanks. So one just can go ahead and blast off with GVG after those 10-15 minutes or should one wait longer? And how long the effects of the caapi usually last and do they make the vaporized DMT work longer?
I also wonder, can one vaporize the freebase caapi in GVG, for example mixed with DMT? If yes, what would be the recommended dose?
Thanks! I usually wait longer, but I don’t think it’s necessary. It seems that the caapi effects linger for quite a while – hours even. On several occasions I had taken the caapi alkaloids, then for various reasons was delayed for several hours in taking the DMT and had even forgotten that I had taken caapi. It was only when I felt the caapi influence during the DMT experience that I remembered having taken caapi. I’ve tried vaporizing caapi alkaloids in the GVG and don’t recommend it. It doesn’t vaporize easily and the vapor is very harsh. Since the effects are so nice when taken sublingually, I don’t see the point of vaporizing. gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
i vaporized fb harmalas on a conduction (not convection) vaporizer and it was smooth as glass.
What would be the recommended low, medium and high dose? Or at least safe starting dose?
I wonder if combining sublingual harmalas plus vaporized dmt, does it produce similar trip to Ayahuasca, except shorter in duration and possibly more intense? Or at least similar to smoked changa?
tele wrote:What would be the recommended low, medium and high dose? Or at least safe starting dose?
I wonder if combining sublingual harmalas plus vaporized dmt, does it produce similar trip to Ayahuasca, except shorter in duration and possibly more intense? Or at least similar to smoked changa?
For me, sublingual harmalas followed by a sub-breakthrough dose of vaporized DMT is very similar to a pharma experience, but of course it lasts only 30 minutes or so. I notice harmala effects with as little as 10mg caapi extracted alkaloids. I’ve also taken up to about 100mg sublingually, and it felt very much like an oral dose – including the nausea. I find 15-25mg sublingually at least 20 minutes (or as much as 2 hours) before vaporizing produces a nice effect. gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.