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Trying to improve Acacia information Options
#1461 Posted : 9/19/2013 1:47:14 PM
Hello dear nexians i've been a lurker for sometime know (was too lazy at the time to register)
and i decided it's time to finally join you.
I learned a lot from you guys.

anyway since i cannot post in other threads, and i learned some important facts in this thread while lurking I'm going to do an A/b on acacia albida in a while and report back with the results hoping they will be positive.
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#1462 Posted : 9/21/2013 11:51:40 PM
..the fastest growing for nexian interests are A. maidenii (strain variant) or A. floribunda (seems seasonal variation) ..
and welcome Psilofun..await albida results with great interest..on phone so bit brief..
#1463 Posted : 9/22/2013 2:07:53 AM
Hey could someone be kind enough to tell me whether this an acacia?
DreaMTripper attached the following image(s):
IMG_20130922_111554.jpg (156kb) downloaded 278 time(s).
#1464 Posted : 9/22/2013 9:03:31 AM
not an acacia sorry... also for any i.d queries please post in the acacia identification thread as this thread is more of an information resource and gets cluttered/pulled off topic when too many people post pictures of trees up for identification.. link is in my signature
#1465 Posted : 9/22/2013 9:07:27 AM
Sorry my mistake mixed the threads up..

Are cyanogenic glycosides present in the phyllodes of the reliable few; Maidenii , floribunda, acumanata?
I imagine its always a good idea to dry out the phyllodes completely?

Edit: I did some reading and it transpires that all that is needed is a thorough drying of the material it also is not soluble in non-polar solvents and can not survive in a solution of pH 10 or above.
Am I correct in interpretting that correctly?
#1466 Posted : 9/24/2013 9:54:06 AM
Yes you should dry the phyllodes completely before storage.. Mold can grow on anything wet, dark and organic.. Be it bark or phyllodes. Even if it's just in caseSmile

I haven't visited the thread in a while, its looking good and full of usefull information if you can navagate the 75 pages!l Looks like acacians sharpened his eye for identification! Good stuff bro!
And to Nen, I'm guessing your off somewhere spreading the word about acacias! I herd your recent podcast and it was beautiful! Good to hear a almost familiar voice from the nexus talk about acacias and Australia! I found it as soon as I felt the calling from the acacia again, now Im just waiting on that signed copy of your bookWink Haha. Well alot of reaserch to do over the next few months. I can't wait.
Respect the acacias!!
Senior Member
#1467 Posted : 9/26/2013 2:00:42 AM
Hi all!

Nen888, acacian, phyllode, gowpen, and all others, thank you for this thread. I spent 18+ hours reading it last weekend and came out the other side with a deep appreciation for acacias.

Numerous times I read nen's call for someone in the US to get going on acacia analysis. I'm here :-) and even better, I live near quite a few of the American acacias.

I've found quite a few Australian acacias naturalized in the southwest. Saligna, stenophylla, anuera, willardiana, rigidula.

Also, the infamous acacia berlandieri. (That's the one that supposedly tested + for methamhetamine, mescaline, ect.)

Aside from constricta, greggii, farensiana, ect, I found another plant that I'll investigate: mimosa biuncifera.

I'm also looking into caesalpinias and will start learning about calliandras.

Acacia love,

Picture: mimosa biuncifera in bloom :-)
wearepeople attached the following image(s):
Mimosa aculeaticarpa biuncifera infl det 13June07 859a 750x.jpg (135kb) downloaded 233 time(s).
+ ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- DMT Nexus Research ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- +
#1468 Posted : 9/26/2013 9:02:25 AM
..I'd also like to thank nen and all other thread contributors for this amazing thread... if it weren't for it and in particular nen's wealth of knowledge I doubt I would have gone so deep into my relationship with the acacia..

bring on the mighty 100 pages I say Pleased.. and beyond

look forward to your results wearepeople - glad someone here is finally taking the initiative with the US acacias.. no doubt there is some good medicine to be uncovered. be sure to keep us posted. good luck!
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#1469 Posted : 9/27/2013 2:51:33 AM
..hi SpiceMind..nice to hear from you..and yes, wandering the earth in acacia discourse.. book a little while off..
still always some more info around the corner when i get time..
i agree acacian's ID skills are really blooming..

and wearpeople..nice photos and US acacia info...page 58 followed by cavepaintings' flower assay have pushed the envelope of american and world wide entheo-acacia exploration..
18 hour read! wow..yeah the thread became labyrinthine..
thank you
and to you too and all...
Acacia Love Smile
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#1470 Posted : 9/27/2013 3:08:32 AM
..while pondering the USA, there are specific butterflies associated with acacias..

below is the larva of Phoebis a. agarithe on Acacia rigidula in Texas,
followed by the adult butterfly..
for more on butterflies and alkaloids, see the Passifloras of Interest thread..
nen888 attached the following image(s):
4_Phoebis_a._agarithe_middle_instar_larva_on_Acacia_rigidula_USA_TEXAS_Starr_Co._Falcon_Heights_12-IX-2010_52.JPG (58kb) downloaded 196 time(s).
8_Phoebis_a._agarithe_USA_TEXAS_Starr_Co._Falcon_Heights_20-IX-2010_39.JPG (111kb) downloaded 198 time(s).
#1471 Posted : 9/29/2013 11:50:56 AM
acacian wrote:
Success with the iteaphylla it seems. evapped and was left with crystas+oils.. will defat and bioassay soon

Hi Acacian, I am very interested in how things went with acacia iteaphylla, as I have four of them growing in the front yard ranging in size from 1.5m to 3m+
#1472 Posted : 9/29/2013 1:21:01 PM
hey Barretium.. i'm sorry to say I did not end up properly bioassaying it. the vapor was just too bitter to hold in for anymore than a few seconds- i presume it was an alkaloid of some sort due to the circular crystal formations... i remember nen mentioning the bitter taste may be due to phenethylamines? .. due to a recent dmt extract which was actually quite bitter I wonder what would have happened had I held it in for a longer amount of time..

the reason I say that is because I have been working with an oil from a tree i extracted from a while back and recently just got around to retesting, which contains dmt as the main alkaloid, but definitely something else in the mix giving it a fairly bitter taste. once the visionary effects subside there is still a prolonged distortion of "reality" for at least 45 minutes, suggesting the presence of another alkaloid.

the tree seemed very similar to maidenii - though the phyllodes had less of a banana shape to them - it was found growing next to a longifolia so I wonder whether it may have been an intermediate between the two. the flowers smelled the same as longifolia, though they are a creamy white. there was another tree next to it with much shorter phyllodes and more abundant flowers (though looked different to typical floribunda)
#1473 Posted : 9/30/2013 2:56:54 AM
Ah, fair enough. I pruned back one of the A.iteaphylla in the front yard close to a month ago and the regrowth has a purple/red tinge to it, which I am led to believe may be a sign of tryptamine alkaloids. I will do some teks on each tree in my front yard over the coming month, and if I manage to yield anything from 1/2 - 1 pound of each plant I will try to find someone who I can send the alkaloids to for proper testing.

I am interested in testing A.tetragonophylla, as there is a number of them growing near my house and I have already collected 200g of phyllodes - learned that using bare hands to obtain phyllodes of this species can do more damage to your hands than to the tree - and about 150g of stem/branch.

I should also add that I am currently running the lazyman tek on A.victoriae. I found one that wasn't flowering - about 3.5m high by 5m wide - that had a sign underneath it saying that it is in fact A.victoriae, just as you suggested about the photos of the other trees in my ID post. I will post the results with photos; hopefully it will be a success.

I guess the upside to being in such a remote town is that most of the species here haven't been properly tested, or at the very least have only been tested a small number of times, such as; A.pendula, A.tetragonophylla, A.aneura, A.rigens, A.notabilis, A.oswaldii, A.salicina.
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#1474 Posted : 9/30/2013 3:05:14 AM
..hi Barretium..you're right none of those species have been properly tested..a wealth of unknowns around you..the successful A. victoriae i am aware of was in a quite dry location..look forward to hearing how you go..
#1475 Posted : 9/30/2013 1:40:02 PM
nen888 wrote:
the successful A. victoriae i am aware of was in a quite dry location..look forward to hearing how you go..

Hey nen, because I used nearly 2 pounds of plant matter in about 3.5-4Lts of basified solution, should I used more naphtha for the lazyman tek. I used 500ml of naphtha in a 7.6Ltr stainless steel pot. I don't seem to be getting two separate layers. If there is two layers the naphtha layer is very, very murky - may be emulsions - and appears to be non existent, or very thin. Upside is, there appears to be light orange evaped naphtha spots on the top of the pot, above the solution where it appears naphtha has splashed and evaped. Hoping that is a sign of spice in the mix.

After a bit of reading around I have decided to run a warm water bath, added some sea salt, and have been applying gentle agitation by rocky my feet on the floor boards underneath the table. I think I may need to add more water, as 3.5-4Lts may not be enough for the volume of plant matter.

Update #2:
I added some extra lye, then realised the problem was not enough naphtha. Added an extra 200ml - roughly - of naphtha. Used the turkey baster and the liquid was very slightly yellow.
It's now about 20 mins later and pretty much all the naphtha has evaporated and I am left with small white and slightly yellow. Not a great deal, but I did have a few screw ups on first attempt. So second pull should go swimmingly Smile

Photos are off a 4.5Ltr pyrex tray aswell, so not too bad for a first pull, evaporating, with screw ups.
Barrettium attached the following image(s):
DSC_0439.jpg (143kb) downloaded 181 time(s).
DSC_0442.jpg (125kb) downloaded 180 time(s).
#1476 Posted : 10/1/2013 11:22:15 PM
you'd be better off doing an A/B extraction to reduce the volume of liquid your working with.. 500ml solvent is excessive and if you were only using say 500ml basic solution from an a/b extraction you could get away with doing 100ml pulls. what kind of naptha are you using? and were you sure that it didn't leave residue? excited to hear how this goes
#1477 Posted : 10/2/2013 7:02:21 AM
I used shellite that is 1000ml/L hydrocarbons. I went out and bought a 3ltr vase for smaller extractions. I used the stb method as I had the chemicals already and doing an a/b tek will be hard as I have to do it all outside (moved back in with my parents earlier this year, so not allowed to do any of the process inside) and therefore can't really use heat. I'll have a look through the teks to see if there is an a/b tek that I can still do in my situation, or if you can suggest the best a/b tek for my situation? The second and third pull with naphtha produced residue only, no crystals. Scraping the residue produces a yellow wax that turns to powder as it drys.
Tried vaping some of the crystals in a lightbulb vaporizer, but it had no effect.
Also, the crystals and residue from A.victoriae smells really nice, doesn't smell like chemicals. Don't know if it is from fats and oils or from any alkaloids.

Have also started a test with A.tetragonophylla
200g phyllodes
200g Lye
2ltr water
200ml naphtha
Left the basified solution sit overnight with occasional stirring.
First pull has produced yellow and white residue, but appears there are no crystals.
Soon to do a second pull, but looking doubtful that there are any alkaloids, just residue so far.

A.tetragonophylla update:
I scraped up the residue and all I could smell was 'plant' smell. So i think it is just the fats and oils from the phyllodes.
Will do a second pull, if same result, I will discard solution and test another species.
#1478 Posted : 10/2/2013 8:19:36 AM
If you cant do an acid cook, essential with acacia, then you can try either a tweaked version of lazymans tek or have the plant matter powdered but it has to be superfine to use in stb..
#1479 Posted : 10/2/2013 8:53:19 AM
Hey barretium this can be a solution for your outside acidcooks, you can get these bastards from bigW!
#1480 Posted : 10/2/2013 4:54:55 PM
I realised we have a couple spare slow cookers (1.5Ltr), so I will use one of them. I could also soak the plant matter in vinegar for a few days, as mentioned with the Lextek a/b tek.
Saying that, I have a blender to powder the Acacia, so I will try both methods simultaneously.
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