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Trying to improve Acacia information Options
#1381 Posted : 7/18/2013 12:44:05 PM
Ok, so the suspected floribunda phyllode extraction yielded 100mg or so fumarate via FASA method and another 100mg or so pungent yellow oil that hardened quickly, via evap. Bioassay so far has been negative unfortunately. Retinodes extraction still in progress.
My question today however relates to mushrooms, it is that time of the year and when out on hands and knees picking psilocybe subaeruingosa my mate often finds herself looking up to find an acacia longifolia type tree...! Have not had the time yet to test, has anyone else tried psilocybe shrooms as a method of identifying active acacias?
#1382 Posted : 7/18/2013 2:12:10 PM
Acaciasubliminata wrote:
Ok, so the suspected floribunda phyllode extraction yielded 100mg or so fumarate via FASA method and another 100mg or so pungent yellow oil that hardened quickly, via evap. Bioassay so far has been negative unfortunately. Retinodes extraction still in progress.
My question today however relates to mushrooms, it is that time of the year and when out on hands and knees picking psilocybe subaeruingosa my mate often finds herself looking up to find an acacia longifolia type tree...! Have not had the time yet to test, has anyone else tried psilocybe shrooms as a method of identifying active acacias?

hey Acaciasubliminata... floribunda is a variable tree, as has been discussed quite a few times in this thread. I still usually find the extracts from it active and an interesting headspace, though lacking in the deep visionary space that I assume you are looking for.

in regards to the mushrooms.. thats an interesting idea - I haven't really investigated this myself, though I have had an extremely profound experience (around acacia longifolia funnily enough) on mushrooms out bush in an acacia-rife area where I felt the mushrooms were "referring" me to the longifolias around me... often when I take mushrooms I find their teachings are visually represented through their mushroom form (geometric patterns composed of mushrooms for example).. this night I had incredibly deep visions of acacia longifolia instead and felt like the mushroom teacher had been in a sense "penetrated" by the acacia spirit. to this day that stand of longifolia is often on my mind and as soon as i get a car I am going to drive straight out there and start working with it.. I am convinced there is something unique about them that is yearning for communication
#1383 Posted : 7/18/2013 3:02:22 PM
Wow Acacian, I get such a similar feeling! I was reading on the shroomery how the mushrooms feed on the Dmt in the decomposing matter and convert it to psilocin , which is also known as 4-HO DMT. People actually add Dmt to their growing substrate to increase the potency of the shrooms, now these subs under the acacias are among the strongest psilocybes in the world.. Guess someone's going to have to test the trees!
I actually wanted to ask you Acacian, about the smell you were getting from your inactive extracts, mentioned in an earlier thread. All of the 6 or 7 acacia extractions I have seen, had the exact same smell even though two different acacias were used. I once smelled some Dmt at a party and thought it smelled the same, but people describe it as a bad smell, where I find it quite pleasant, plasticky and floral, almost sweet? My friend said he could smell Dmt in the floribunda extract but it wasn't strong.. I think I probably just need to listen to my little blue friends Smile will keep you posted!
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#1384 Posted : 7/22/2013 5:35:08 PM
Acaciasubliminata wrote:
Ok, so the suspected floribunda phyllode extraction yielded 100mg or so fumarate via FASA method and another 100mg or so pungent yellow oil that hardened quickly, via evap. Bioassay so far has been negative unfortunately. Retinodes extraction still in progress.
My question today however relates to mushrooms, it is that time of the year and when out on hands and knees picking psilocybe subaeruingosa my mate often finds herself looking up to find an acacia longifolia type tree...! Have not had the time yet to test, has anyone else tried psilocybe shrooms as a method of identifying active acacias?

..the fumarate will not be active smoked..it has to be the freebase..
'rapidly hardening' suggests plant resins/tars [see p22] which will also diminish the experience..better filtering and de-fat suggested..
..with regards to mushrooms, a number of australasian psilocybin species (e.g. P. eucalypta & Psilocybe subaeruginosa, which are very potent) can be found growing on Acacia longifolia and A. melanoxylon dropped phyllodes, as well as other substrates..

acacian wrote:
I still usually find the extracts from it active and an interesting headspace, though lacking in the deep visionary space that I assume you are looking for.
..just increase the dosage, and try a vaporiser (GVG etc) ..Wink
i would also be curious to know if all your floribunda samples are from a similar region..as there are regions in which high dmt content is reported, though seasonal factors may also play a role..
#1385 Posted : 7/23/2013 1:18:17 AM
^ most of them are from around the melbourne area. A large variable in this could be rainfall, as it rains a lot in melbourne... its uncommon to go more than 2 weeks without rain. Do you know how long it might take for alkaloids to regenerate after rainfall? I've tried pretty large doses with the extracts - the other night i tried around 150mg and found that there is a very obvious change in headspace and an "ambience" to everything. very mild visuals but more of a feel.. was best smoked in darkness and silence

I was delighted yesterday to find a heshin bag full of phyllodes and twigs from what I at first thought was some floribunda from warrendyte, though on closer inspection I realised it was the bag of phyllodes from the mucronata from last year (which I thought had been thrown out) mixed with a bit of floribunda at the bottom..my housemate must have stuffed them into the same bag while I was in armidale. I did my best to separate the two..

I was also very happy to find lots of pods at the bottom too (same pods and seeds as the mucro photos I posted last year) so got some seeds soaking in hot water at the moment which will hopefully swell better than the last I tried to germinate. Finished processing the phyllodes lastnight and they are soaking now in a water and vinegar solution. they were collected last november when it was fairly dry so I am hoping to come accross some of this wonderful extract that I got from it earlier.

I'm being careful with this test not to overheat so I am instead just putting the ground phyllodes in a large rectangle ceramic dish, boiling water on the kettle and then pouring it over them and adding a little vinegar. then leaving to soak for 12 hr intervals before replacing liquid.

how's the UK going? hope everythings well haven't heard from you in a while! Smile
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#1386 Posted : 7/23/2013 1:24:56 PM
^..i guess more research needed..

as for the uk, been lovely, though my time short..one of the highlights was meeting some psychedelic west indians in london who are researching their african entheogenic roots (a lot to be discovered there!)

from a web discussion on growing Acacias in England: http://www.gardenbanter....ne-southern-england.html
I grow several varieties commercially down here in Cornwall and
from experience, the hardiest in order are, A dealbata, A pravissima, A
longifolia but I hope you realise just how fast they grow ??? A dealbata
can easily grow 15ft in 3 yrs, as can longifolia ! One of the nicest is
Acacia Baileyana (the Cootamunda Wattle) it has beautiful steely blue
foliage, the most deliciously scented 'fluffy' yellow flowers (from
Christmas onwards) and it can be kept relatively small. Regarding soil,
the best variety for alkaline soil is A rhetinoides and whilst quick
growing, it flowers several times during the year and also as a young
tree (A. dealbata will take several years to flower) but its not the
hardiest ! Prior to these recent cold winters, all the above have
thrived down here but it depends on if this colder trend is now the
'norm' Even this year, whilst we only had one really cold spell, it was
quite mild leading upto it and it took the newest growth out of my
Acacias in the garden.
Depending where you are ? why not try growing one in a large tub that
can be moved come winter, or be prepared to wrap the lower
trunk/branches, at least this way, it will come again from the base !

pictured below, growing in england, is Acacia verticallata (Prickly Moses), aus native..not known to contain alkaloids, but this is based on a single test..earlier in the thread it was noted that tryptamine containing Acacia retinodes is growing in London! for pics of aussie acacias in the UK see p.51
nen888 attached the following image(s):
Prickly Moses in Southern England.jpg (42kb) downloaded 276 time(s).
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#1387 Posted : 7/23/2013 2:10:48 PM
..whilst on the English theme..i've been talking to local horticulturalists who are enthusiastic about growing new varieties of acacia..one of my main points of the thread is that desirable varieties need to be selected..

probably the highest recommended at the moment to grow around the planet is Acacia acuminata, which is very consistent, high yielding (1.2-1.8% branch bark, up to 1.2% phyllodes) and will tolerate down to minus-12 degrees C..also, mentioned on p51, over winter in england many australian acacias will die back to the base, and then re-sprout in spring..virtually offering a fair amount of sustainable harvesting each year..
here are photos of Acacia retinodes growing in England..
now, while there may be seasonal/conditional/strain variation, it has contained DMT in at least two tests, around 0.5% total alkaloid in one..i find it hard to draw a definitive conclusion from kiang's earlier test a few pages back, partly due to extraction methodology..valiant effort though!
high nitrogen levels will probably boost alkaloids..and your local bees will be very happy..!Smile
nen888 attached the following image(s):
Acacia_retinodes.jpg (81kb) downloaded 270 time(s).
UK A. Retinodes.jpg (96kb) downloaded 269 time(s).
acacia_retinodes_Kew Gardens.jpg (108kb) downloaded 268 time(s).
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#1388 Posted : 7/23/2013 2:29:51 PM
ps..acacian wrote:
the other night i tried around 150mg and found that there is a very obvious change in headspace and an "ambience" to everything. very mild visuals but more of a feel.. was best smoked in darkness and silence
..nice, but what method are you using?..i would highly recommend a glass vaporiser or other concentrated vapour method to maximise efficiency..by such a method 50mg nmt becomes noticeable..30mg dmt is a shocking breakthrough (usually)
..just my 2cents worth..Wink
#1389 Posted : 7/24/2013 12:39:36 AM
nen888 wrote:
ps..acacian wrote:
the other night i tried around 150mg and found that there is a very obvious change in headspace and an "ambience" to everything. very mild visuals but more of a feel.. was best smoked in darkness and silence
..nice, but what method are you using?..i would highly recommend a glass vaporiser or other concentrated vapour method to maximise efficiency..by such a method 50mg nmt becomes noticeable..30mg dmt is a shocking breakthrough (usually)
..just my 2cents worth..Wink

Lately I've been weighing the extracts and then weighing an equal amount of phyllode of the source plant from whence it came, dissolve in acetone or ipa and soak back onto the phyllodes. I then smoke a well packed cone through a bong or put it in the machine...other times i just put the freebase in it. i've been finding the vapor has been leaking out the holes in the bottom though so I might just buy a GVG (I made it with a salt shaker, a glass stem and some steel wool).. I really enjoy the way a bong can break me through in one easy puff though. to avoid burning I usually just hold the lighter much further away from the dmt

... with dmt I always get very obvious effects as low as 10-15mg though.. 30mg always breaks me through... I generally weigh about 40-50mg with breakthroughs though... any confirmed dmt extract I smoke is obvious both in terms of the taste and effects.. the extracts I've been getting off floribunda I am quite certain are not dmt as they smell nothing like it and even large doses have no "dmt effect" .. the only dmt i've had off floribunda was that amber crystal, but the goo underneath it didn't seem to have any (or at least very little) .. maybe this was because it all grew onto that seed crystal or something I'm not sure.

could you describe the effects of nmt in your experience? I've only really gauged them by smoking confusa extracts and comparing to more pure dmt extracts. so its always been in combo with dmt. my other extracts which may have or be primarily nmt I can only speculate on- I haven't had any tested yet and don't have a reference point

in a sec i'll post an extraction I did last week on what I first thought to be floribunda, but later leaned more towards maidenii or some other julifloreae - the reason for this was that on some phyllodes I couldn't locate a basal gland, but on others it was present.. the flowers were also less abundant and only occurred in "bursts" at the end of branches. the rods seemed too long to be maidenii though. anyways.. details of the trees appearance will be in the acacia extraction workspace and I took a few photos of the branches I pruned..

- the really interesting thing was the experience I had on the extract lastnight though....

as follows: the small amount of goo ( i didn't weigh it as it was too sticky, but it wasn't much maybe 100mg) readily dissolved in acetone and was soaked onto a small amount of the phyllode I extracted it from.. two well packed cones were smoked through a bong.. the taste was very bitter.. after holding in for about 20 seconds a high pitched tone could be felt and I felt my head becoming very warm.. it wasn't particularly visually active, though small little dots and visual noise could be seen in my visual field, especially when I let my eyes remain still for long periods of time...

the next 20 minutes to half hr I lay in my bed in darkness. I don't really remember drifting off but suddenly I became aware that I was weening in and out of a deep dream like state - I kept having this dog come up and bight my arm and drag me out of bed to the back door. the biting didn't hurt but the sensation was very strange. the uncomfortable thing though was that I kept waking up out of it and not being able to move properly.. each time within seconds I'd fall back into the dream state and start getting pulled out of bed and dragged by this dog again. it happened probably about 10 times before I got a little frightened and sort of scared to fall into the dream again... these very profound dreams have occurred a few times now when smoking acacia extracts just before sleeping ... the last one, again had very strange encounters with animals- this was one of the wierder ones though

oh and what kind of glass pipe do you use?
#1390 Posted : 7/24/2013 6:24:32 AM
The A.retinodes extraction on approx 500g phyllode and twigs, resulted in no precipitation via FASA, and a strongly smelling (rotten plums, jasmine tea?) inactive oil via freebase evaporation. A very interesting result for me personally as the last (inactive?) floribunda extraction, resulted in very noticeable precipitation of fluffy white/yellow fumarates.

In regards to the location of the floribunda Nen, it's in central west NSW in a garden. She's attempted a freebase conversion of a small portion of the fumarate, which is still in progress. An ex-junkie guinea pig decided to IV about 15mgs, with no effect... maybe the very beginnings of a lift, but could have been nerves. I smoked/vaped heaps of the hard setting oily substance through a bong (with and without rue) with no effect. The guinea pig smoked a tiny bit with rue while tripping on shrooms, and felt like "a Tv in my head started trying to tune into a different dimension, but didn't quite get there" he got instant open eye visuals (probably the shrooms and rue).

Anyway, thank you guys so much for this thread, I am so inspired by it.

Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#1391 Posted : 7/24/2013 12:36:18 PM
^..you know, 15mg dmt not fully held in as a single lungful can be sub-threshold in effects..
but certainly there can be varying alkaloids in many acacias, some without much effect..but the 'hard setting' sounds like resins which, in the link i gave earlier, will interfere with both extraction and effects..
thank you for the experiments Acaciasubliminata..

acacian wrote:
could you describe the effects of nmt in your experience?

..for a few reports of nmt best to see:


NMT appears to have deep physically healing properties, and anti-depressant activity, which i have expanded on in talks, and elsewhere..
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#1392 Posted : 7/24/2013 12:59:29 PM
^..i should mention that the NMT experiment was plant-derived (acacia) and separated by paper chromatography..

i still (subjectively) maintain that the spirit of the plant is present in any extract, including a separation..

(IMO) the spirit is not something you can see..you feel it..it sees you..

speaking of the spirit, let's return to the holy Shittim wood, the sacred acacia of the holy lands (see Acacia raddiana in the index)

i'd like to quote at length (with edits) from an article: SHITTAH TREE >> Knowledge of Divine Protection [Grindon] http://www.scienceofcorr...ondences.com/shittah.htm
..in agreement with the Dictionary of the Bible:

It has long been known that by shittah is intended one of the species of the beautiful genus acacia, the Hebrew word being no other than the Egyptian sont, or sunt, by which name it is known to the present day in the ancient country of the Pharaohs, the n being omitted when the word passed into the language of the Old Testament.

Dean Stanley also remarks, in speaking of the vegetation of Sinai:

The wild acacia, under the name of sont, everywhere represents the seneh, or senna, of the Burning Bush. A slightly different form of the tree, equally common under the name of sayal, is the ancient shittah, or, as more usually expressed in the plural form (from the tangled thickets into which its stem expands), the shittim, of which the tabernacle was made—an incidental proof, it may be observed, of the antiquity of the institution, inasmuch as the acacia, though the chief growth of the desert, is very rare in Palestine.

The name acacia means the thorn tree, and no name could be better deserved; for not only are the trunk and branches beset with pairs of thorns, but every twig presents a thorny point. And yet it is a pretty tree; the foliage with its many leaflets is graceful, and in the spring the tree is illumined by innumerable little golden balls of fragrant blossoms.

It is abundant everywhere in Egypt and in the desert, and furnishes the natives with the toughest material for tools and the frames of their boats, a considerable part of their fuel, and the gum arabic of commerce. The wood is closegrained, heavy, and extremely enduring; some specimens still exist which are believed to be five or six thousand years old...

...The noblest plants of this class are the acacias; and the noblest corresponding spiritual growths are those of a knowledge of the Divine protection—a knowledge which comes from experience of the Divine power in repelling and shutting out evil from the mind. Swedenborg says that shittim wood “denotes the good of merit and of justice, which is of the Lord alone. The reason why it also denotes love is because the Lord, when He was in the world, from Divine love fought against all the hells and subdued them, and thereby saved the human race, and hence alone had merit, and was made justice; wherefore the good of the Lord’s merit is His Divine love” (Arcana Coelestia #10178 ).

That is to say this wood corresponds, in individuals and in the heavens, to the sense that the Lord alone fights for man against the hells, and to the consequent sense that His is all the power of good. The same thing is taught in other passages, especially in Arcana Coelestia #9486,9715; in the latter of which numbers, after repeating that shittim wood denotes “the good of merit and justice which are of the Lord alone,” ...

...The planks of the tabernacle were of shittim wood, representing the sense, in heaven and in the Church, of the sustaining and protecting power of the Lord’s love (Arcana Coelestia #9634). The ark also, and the table, and the altarswere of shittim wood, overlaid with gold or with brass; because the acts and states of worship which they represent are interiorly of the Lord’s saving power.

there are now a number of Christian and Judaic branches who acknowledge the significance of these entheogenic acacias..no doubt also, quietly, some in Islam, for whom the sacred tree is mentioned in the Quran..

below, the holy Shittah:
nen888 attached the following image(s):
acacia1_400_598.jpg (72kb) downloaded 216 time(s).
Parshvik Chintan
#1393 Posted : 7/24/2013 11:12:47 PM
nen888 wrote:
below, the holy Shittah:

i was half expecting to see a glowing toilet bowl Razz
My wind instrument is the bong
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#1394 Posted : 7/24/2013 11:56:51 PM
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#1395 Posted : 7/29/2013 2:46:44 PM
..i notice quite a few threads pop up asking questions about Acacias like A. farnensiana or auriculiformis (both in the index) ..

at this stage in acacia knowledge, and i say this humbly, basically this thread is the largest compendium of Acacia Tryptamine info i know of..prior to it, and still relevant is KeeperTrout's excellent 2004 pdf: http://www.largelyaccura..._Acacia_revision2004.pdf (though this thread greatly expands the species list, and endlessness' analysis with contributors' bioassays the content info)

i apologise that i haven't had the time yet to reorganise the thread so far into a more readable reference document, let alone finish a book, and this really needs to be done..
in the meantime, with the p1 index, and some patient reading, just about anything i know on any species' contents is in here (incl. info from contributors/researchers in here, who have pushed the knowledge envelope far ahead of any publication or other website)

as mentioned a while back, it was after pondering information theory (see index) and the state of acacia info that i started the thread..in the very transition period where we move from printed document to internet as the main form of disseminating info..
and it was to diversify the info so that the small number of publicised species would not be impacted further..

so as we approach 200,000 views, thank you to everyone who's posted in here..it's been quite a collaborative journey..!

the spirit of the Acacia tree has touched humans for a long time, and will for a long time to come..
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#1396 Posted : 7/29/2013 8:40:40 PM
..i couldn't resist this one..
at the end of last page..
Entropymancer wrote:
Just read this Reality Sandwich article about the Masonic symbolism of the acacia. The author gets a little too pineal for my taste toward the end, but it's interesting to read what various Masonic books and documents say about the acacia.

so..here is the Masonic Order themselves on Acacia ! ..their site: http://www.themasonictro...ort_symbolism/acacia.htm
The sprig of Acacia plays a central role in our third degree ritual...

#1397 Posted : 7/30/2013 3:11:29 AM
so there are a couple acacias i have had on my mind lately and was wondering if you knew of any alkaloid tests in the past nen? the first was acacia urophylla and the second acacia dimidiata..

germinating seeds for them at the moment which I just got in the mail yesterday .... been pleased with nindethana seeds as they sell 25g packets quite cheap - I'd recommend them to others.. also got neurophylla, broad leaf acuminata, mabellae and denticulosa. looking forward to seeing them sprout Smile

Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#1398 Posted : 7/30/2013 6:09:27 PM
^..i don't know of any tests or screenings for those species acacian..the case for the majority of acacias..
except, of course , neurophylla, acuminata and mabellae, all confirmed very good dmt sources, particularly in phyllodes..

keep up the pioneering work mate! Smile

another Acacia neurophylla pic attached..seed is available, and already being grown in Europe..
nen888 attached the following image(s):
acacia-neurophylla.jpg (113kb) downloaded 205 time(s).
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#1399 Posted : 7/30/2013 6:21:50 PM
..a very interesting Indian acacia mentioned previously in the thread is Acacia suma..
(synon. Acacia polyacantha)

it has ayurvedic and folk medicinal uses including treating infections and stomach ailments..
the activity has been confirmed by modern research, as has the presence of alkaloids
["Preliminary phytochemical investigation and anthelmintic activity of Acacia suma" Suman et al 2011]
..the Sudanese sub species (A. polyacantha sub. sp. campylacantha) contained small amounts of dmt [Khalil & Elkheir 1975]

as previously mentioned it is significant in the Vedas (c.1500 BC)...known as the Sami..
and according to The Indus Script and the Ṛg-Veda by Egbert Richter Ushanas:
...sometimes amber-coloured resin exuding from these trees after the incision of their bark mentioned as 'milking of the Soma' in the Veda. The resin of the acacia delivered probably the astringent variant of the Soma.

below the Sami, and Indra (with acacia)..
nen888 attached the following image(s):
Abrus precatorius..jpg (40kb) downloaded 230 time(s).
zzz420indraking.jpg (51kb) downloaded 230 time(s).
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#1400 Posted : 7/31/2013 12:37:54 PM
..a reminder..WORLD ENTHEO-ACACIAS LIST is on p39 here..

will update it in the near future..keeps on growing..

keep growing too acacians all..

and please be kind to trees..
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