Dont mind the fractals tatood to my fingers... just happened to be the quickest way to blur out my prints cubeananda attached the following image(s):  head.png (1,750kb) downloaded 420 time(s). blade.png (4,651kb) downloaded 420 time(s). ligule.png (1,236kb) downloaded 416 time(s).
Yay you found some, wo, Phalaris Minor. Seeds are edible.
Unless it is just a longer P. Canariensis seed head. Then they're edible too! Either way it is most definitely Phalaris.
Finally, some grasses around here started to sprout up. First unidentified species: Not suite sure what to make of this one. No groups of them.    And the second: I believe this may be the arundinacea.    Any and all help is greatly appreciated! Thank you for your time.
Check out the Elymus genus. Have some Elymus Cinereus aka Leymus Cinereus aka Great Basin Wild Rye growing in my yard and also have some seeds sprouting. The seed head is the only thing that makes me think twice. A little more spaced apart than i'm used to seeing but might be a non-native strain.
In my eyes definitely not P. Arundinacea, Leymus spp. most likely.
Which i have also suspected for tryptamines, that's why i have such an interest in Leymus Cinereus because i collected foliage samples from Leymus Cinereus and Phalaris Paradoxa and mixed them up(didn't label bags they were in) before doing an extraction. The extract of 20-30 half-dried grams yielded 2-3 "blast off" dosages of unknown alkaloid composition. Most likely a 5-Methoxy derivative since more emotional frequencies were increased. Visuals were intense but since on LSD sort of more chaotic at moments.
For a while thought it was an extract from Leymus Cinereus and was really excited to find a source for dreams in this beautiful plant.
Turned out it was the Phalaris Paradoxa.
Well, though I agree that it looks quite similar (like many grasses), I live on the East coast of Canada. I don't believe they grow here and it's only on the West coast that Leymus Cinereus are found.
We do have a few plants in the genus Elymus, so it could very well be. Information on these plants is scarce, though. I find it amazing how little we know about the flora that surrounds us day to day. Or, perhaps I'm not looking for information in the right place.
Well, the search for Phalaris Arun. Continues!
Could someone id this? Spend a lot of time looking for phalaris arudencia or brachystachys unsuccessfully, but at least I've gained some botanical knowledge. Props to Chimp Z for his list of species, similar to the one I am looking for.
VIII Your grass IS either P. Aquatica or P. Caroliniana. This is a late May harvest of Phalaris Arundinacea in various stages of its flowering cycle. Chimp Z attached the following image(s):  IMG_4599.JPG (2,335kb) downloaded 333 time(s).
Sorry, to ask, but to whose post are you referring, Chimp Z? I am too tired to think.
If it's my post, I doubt it's P. Caroliniana, because the pictures were taken in northern Europe (I understand that Caroliniana is found only in North America). Could the white color of the leaves be due to the fact, that the plant is a few years old?
Replying to a much earlier post by user VIII.
hi i have a photo of some grass i hope is phalaris but i cant figure out how to attach the file haha i hit the attach file button and nuthin
hello! does this look like phalaris? thebeetbeat attached the following image(s):  IMG_9915.jpg (2,206kb) downloaded 270 time(s).
Found these nearby can anyone confirm this is phalaris arundicea? Al-Wasi attached the following image(s):  tmp_20216-foto_no_exif-1263571485.jpg (2,014kb) downloaded 235 time(s). tmp_20216-foto_no_exif(3)1934723455.jpg (1,307kb) downloaded 238 time(s). tmp_20216-foto_no_exif(2)354644790.jpg (947kb) downloaded 235 time(s).That moment when you wonder if this time you went too far....
Obviously everything discussed here is the fictional accounts of someone with an out there imagination. I mean really could any of these tales be real?
Appears to be so. Phalaris Arundinacea var. Picta.
What do you mean by var picta? Varitie? I was unaware there are varieties of arundicea. I thought that was the varitie. So this contains alkaloid I can. Extract then? And so how do I figure out when the best time to harvest this is when the alkaloids will be at their highest? I've read they vary a lot even during certain times if day. But would it be best to wait till the end of season to harvest and do you know of any links where j can find more info. Its crazy I found this without even trying k just looked while taking my son to ride his bike and it was right there That moment when you wonder if this time you went too far....
Obviously everything discussed here is the fictional accounts of someone with an out there imagination. I mean really could any of these tales be real?
picta is a variegated strain..and it's not known to be a good alkaloid container. Long live the unwoke.
wakeup wrote:
And so how do I figure out when the best time to harvest this is when the alkaloids will be at their highest?
I was wondering the same thing ...I believe it was spring/summer especially august.
How do u tell there difference between it and regular phalaris? All the pics I've seen online look exactly like that That moment when you wonder if this time you went too far....
Obviously everything discussed here is the fictional accounts of someone with an out there imagination. I mean really could any of these tales be real?
Again, the time fellow Nexicans take to attempt an identification of these grasses is very much appreciated! #1   #2   Thank you!
Hello,I took photos of some specimens I suspect to be Phalaris arundinicae I believe ,would be awesome if you guys can take a look  Hint: The area they were picked is former Yugoslavia so it should be Yugo red? Lysergicbinder attached the following image(s):  CAM00692.jpg (1,761kb) downloaded 231 time(s). CAM00689.jpg (3,422kb) downloaded 232 time(s). CAM00691.jpg (1,743kb) downloaded 230 time(s). CAM00683.jpg (2,658kb) downloaded 229 time(s). CAM00682.jpg (2,690kb) downloaded 226 time(s). CAM00685.jpg (2,571kb) downloaded 225 time(s). CAM00688.jpg (3,024kb) downloaded 227 time(s).