.. Love the Trees and they will love you back.. it's as simple as that..  be well all lovers of the Acacia.. .
The same tree nen posted but at night  Also while you mentioned the phillipines.. These beautiful old acacia trees are located around an old church in lazi siquijor. The church was built in 1884 and the trees are said to be older than that. 10 points to any acacia head that can tell me the species of the trees surrounding the church. I myself havnt been able to work it out but I thought the pictures were worth sharing.  
wow! very cool. Hope I can go there sometime. A single truth in a world of lies
^..actually i wasn't being very technical with that one, just liked the photo.. i believe it's actually Samanea saman (Rain Tree, synon. Albizia saman), same family (Fabaceae), called 'acacia' in the phillipines, though not technically a true acacia..i just liked the photo..  ..it was introduced to asia from south america..it has various medicinal uses including treating intestinal ailments, and contains palmitic and stearic acid as well as several flavonoids incl. kaempferol (known from Acacia longifolia flowers)...
I've just finished an extraction on 200g of Acacia Elata branch bark and have good news to report. -Acacia Elata  For the extraction I did 3 acid cooks using Vinegar as the acid. After the cooks I filtered all particulate out using coffee filters and then basified using Sodium Hydroxide. I added about 150-200ml of Xylene and shook it around inside the bottle, an emulsion formed but settled after leaving it to sit for 24 hours. I siphoned the Xylene out onto a pyrex dish and allowed it to evaporate for 48 hours. After scraping it all up today here's a photo of the yield. I'm yet to bioassay but it stinks of DMT.  "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it."
..great work wage..! i'd advise start cautiously as the first test i did of A. elata had a little 5meoDMT (as well as DMT) ..see thread index p1.. .
yeah well done wage! look forward to hearing how bioassay goes  I too just finished off another extraction from the floribunda.. this time i measured the phyllodes. I used 250g dried phyllodes... blended into small pieces, cooked 3x 1hr boils in acidic water. decanted overnight, filtered thoroughly then reduced to 500ml, defatted once with 100ml xylene... based with caustic soda dissolved in 150ml warm water.. heavy precipitation throughout the mixture (in fact it didnt turn a dark colour until I'd done a pull with xylene).. added 200ml xylene mixed well and let separate about 4 times.. pulled xylene and evapped via hair drier..its mostly dry but wanna wait another day. managed to scrape a small amount of the dry-ish bits and wiped onto some mullein.. definitely tastes tryptamine-like but there is something different about it. It has different taste to the crystalised alkaloid from the last one. Its is definitely active (and within seconds of inhalation) but I am unsure of what alkaloid it is now will post yield soon when the rest is dry and do a high dose from my newly built salt shaker machine... venturing into the world of the vaporiser so I dont need to use any plant matter... though I am going to make some "enhanced floribunda" as well..floribunda phyllodes are quite nice from a bong and this way I'll be able to keep pure essence and still utilise the bong. No xylene crystal this time ...just an extremely sticky amber oil/goo. next experiment will be mucronata again will hopefully get around to it after the weekend been very busy
^..look forward to an update acacian.. recently a friend pointed out the 'burning leaf test' on a particular Acacia melanoxylon fallen in storms was highly indicative of tryptamines..A/B has confirmed a good %, c.0.6-7%..this particular sub-type is in NSW, Australia..it was of a fair age and interestingly growing near active Acacia maidenii..i am beginning to suspect that rhyzobium may play a key role in the presence or absence of tryptamines in these two species, which one recent botanical/genetic study found to be very closely related (despite having different flower shapes) ..whether this was an individual case is yet to be determined.. ........... ..the knowledge of how to extract a plant is common.. the key knowledge which i feel will help the initiate is how to 'work with' and 'talk to' the trees.. the Acacia is from a high place, and clear.. it is good to meet it with this in mind.. and there are plenty of dmt containing plants, with differing character..many acacias contain many other things.. the Acacia calls to some..finding it is not so hard..but hearing it is more important.. if you can conceive what 'sacred' means, then a long path can be walked with such power plants.. those who fail to respect trees seem to stop working with them after a while..those who butchered wild trees for profit and ego have run away.. the Acacia has been on the earth a long time.. and, cared for by humans, i suspect will eventually travel (back) to the stars with us.. @ below, another Spiralled Acacia (A. raddiana) in the 'holy land'..  and a beautiful photo (attached below for members) of saharan raddiana, differing from other N. african A. tortillis forms.. . nen888 attached the following image(s):  acacia raddiana 2.jpg (434kb) downloaded 318 time(s).
yield from first pull with floribunda was 0.5g .. still another pull waiting to be evapped. very dreamy yet clear headspace.. I did try writing music under the influence the other day nen and it was beautiful.. got most of my track finished and had a real break through with it (musically speaking). thinking i'll try a higher dose today from the vaporiser... oh .. and nice badges -you earnt them 
nen888 wrote: the key knowledge which i feel will help the initiate is how to 'work with' and 'talk to' the trees..
I've been drawn to this concept for a while. Any tips/references? Thanks, 0.
^..the focus on plant, rather than 'dmt', is a major step.. also, as often suggested in the thread, asking oneself what one can also do for the plant (which has presumably done a bit for you)
..there is one thing i have noted over the past couple of decades of acacia work..and that is that, once familiar with the trees, acacia-appreciators tend to be a lot quieter about their allies than your typical 'dmt' or ayahuasca-head..a kind of silent knowing and protectiveness emerges..that's why a big couple of years of being 'noisy' was quite exceptional for me..notice how many acacia thread contributors become very quiet after a while..? ..i do maintain that, under the trees, i was drawn to speak (or type, rather) out in their interests and for greater education, and appreciation..now the trees lead me to a quieter (type-wise) and more personal approach to speaking of and for them.. ..i'll still be here, though..but there's a lot of information in these 65 pages so far which was not previously accessible..quite a bit to digest..
and i'll keep any new info/findings coming in..
lastly, for the skeptical of how this thread is in the trees interests, consider now how many more of them are being grown, around the planet..it's an evolutionary bonanza! and of course the combined feeling of acacians here tends towards ecological preservation, which had not been emphasised much on the net before..
..for those in Brazil (such as endlessness and iracema) there has been a lot of taxonomic work on acacias and allies in the past decade.. a number of plants locally called 'Mimosa' are in fact Acacias, and then there are a number of plants put in the genus Piptadenia (which previously included Anadenanthera) of still ambiguous status.. an example is the tree now officially called Senegalia multipinnata, which was previously called Acacia tenuiflora, and mistaken but not synonymous with Mimosa tenuiflora (hostillis) ..it has been used in the same manner taditionally as Jurema..it is found in Nicaragua, Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, Venezuela and Costa Rica. i'd still rather call it Acacia multipinnata.. nen888 attached the following image(s):  acacia_tenuifolia_1348_09.jpg (62kb) downloaded 281 time(s). acacia_tenuifolia_1348_06.jpg (52kb) downloaded 274 time(s). Senegalia multipinata pinnae.jpg (154kb) downloaded 275 time(s). Senegalia multipinnata.jpg (76kb) downloaded 272 time(s).
^so how can I tell if what I have is acacia tenuiflora or mimosa tenuiflora? I have a couple kilos of bark that was labled as acacia tenuiflora..and some that was labled mimosa hostilis. Seeds I grew my tree from were labled mimosa tenuiflora.. Guess I cant tell until it flowers? Long live the unwoke.
^..interesting jamie..i have been told that acacias are being passed for mimosa in Brazil..in local common name usage they are interchangeable.. from just bark it would be near impossible to tell the difference (unless there are additional alkaloids in the acacia) from the flowers it's an easy distinction [Mimosa tenuiflora flowers pic attached below]..the pinnae are slightly different too.. nen888 attached the following image(s):  mimosa tenuiflora flowers.jpg (126kb) downloaded 252 time(s).
^you can see that Acacia multipinnata (also synonymous with A. paniculata) has a greater number of pinnae, which are not slightly upturned, as M. tenuiflora's often are ..while near south america, another species which is known to contain alkaloids (incl. in seeds, suggesting snuff use), though what alkaloids not specified [ Composición Fitoquímica y Nutricional de Algunos Frutos de Árboles de Interés Forrajero de Los Llanos Centrales de Venezuela. Rev. Fac. Cienc. Vet. 2006], is Acacia glomerosa (Cari-Cari), used to treat dysentry, as well as producing edible gum..it is found from Mexico to Peru.. ..the type specimen (attached below) is from Oaxaca (Mexico)..then also pictured in the wild in Venezuela.. . nen888 attached the following image(s):  A. glomerosa type.jpg (861kb) downloaded 226 time(s). nouelborges_caprino_forraje02.jpg (37kb) downloaded 224 time(s).
observed the presence of quite an interesting acacia around the neighbourhood i'm now living in... erect phyllodes, shorter than most floribunda or mucronata. phyllodes seem much too stiff to be floribunda-no basal gland that i can make out though. some trees are beginning to form flower rods. slight red colouring to the edges of phyllodes-smooth grey trunk acacian attached the following image(s):  bckyard acacia.jpg (827kb) downloaded 321 time(s). backyard acacia.jpg (1,003kb) downloaded 319 time(s). backyard acaciaaa.jpg (919kb) downloaded 323 time(s). backyard2.jpg (1,425kb) downloaded 320 time(s).
---ooo0ooo--- wrote:nen888 wrote: the key knowledge which i feel will help the initiate is how to 'work with' and 'talk to' the trees..
I've been drawn to this concept for a while. Any tips/references? Thanks, 0. so thankful for this thread and it brings a tear to my eye. to spend time and thank the trees for all they have given us... really could you imagine a world where people honored the trees for everything they do for us... this really stopped me in my tracks.
Does anyone know if Acacia flowers contain any alkaloids? "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it."
^^.. mailorderdeity..thank you..am truly touched by your comments..it makes me glad of this thread.. .__________________________________________________________________________________________________________.. wage wrote: Quote:Does anyone know if Acacia flowers contain any alkaloids? ..it's so hard to find anything not indexed in the thread! but a while back, [see here on p.46], wira reminded us that White et al. (N.Z. 1951) did find alkaloids in some of the species looked at back then..i will index 'flowers' in the thread plus update the p1.index to p.65 when i get a chance (it goes to p58 presently) in the meanwhile, also recall the evidence of ritual use of psychoactive acacia flowers by meso-americans in this post on p.58.. . acacian..the single prominent central phyllode nerve in your interesting photos means it's not related to floribunda/mucronata etc..hmm speaking of flowers, the next species speaks to me.. so, back to Africa and Acacia robusta (Splendid Acacia)..wonder if xantho has it in that fine collection..? it has tested -ve in leaves for alkaloids once (in Botswana), but this can't be seen as conclusive..used traditionally to treat diarrhoreah.. it's seeds contain the beneficial 'fish oils' (fatty acids see p.57) palmitic, linoleic and oleic acid..meaning good nutrition.. first pic flowers of Acacia robusta subsp. robusta found Ethiopia, Somalia and Namibia.. then Acacia robusta subsp. clavigera (Brack Thorn), found South Africa nen888 attached the following image(s):  Acacia robusta subsp. robusta flowrs.jpg (220kb) downloaded 314 time(s). Acacia robusta subsp. clavigera.jpg (488kb) downloaded 319 time(s).
wage. wrote:I've just finished an extraction on 200g of Acacia Elata branch bark and have good news to report. -Acacia Elata  For the extraction I did 3 acid cooks using Vinegar as the acid. After the cooks I filtered all particulate out using coffee filters and then basified using Sodium Hydroxide. I added about 150-200ml of Xylene and shook it around inside the bottle, an emulsion formed but settled after leaving it to sit for 24 hours. I siphoned the Xylene out onto a pyrex dish and allowed it to evaporate for 48 hours. After scraping it all up today here's a photo of the yield. I'm yet to bioassay but it stinks of DMT.  this is exactly what my acacia confusa evaporation keeps looking like :o im scared to smoked it though