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Acacia and Mimosa Identification Thread Options
#1221 Posted : 7/11/2018 6:17:09 AM
Good day,

I was wondering if its possible to identify this as an A. Maidenii

Due to it's tall nature (over 10m, several long maidens hair like flowers per node, the bend away from the tip of the leaf branch and it's native location. I'm guessing waiting for seed pods will be ideal but just wondering if anyone more experienced than me could shed some light on this.


Thanks in advance Nexians.
If you tell the truth. You don't have to remember anything.
#1222 Posted : 7/13/2018 8:54:22 PM
I'm in the beginning of my DMT journey after years of numerous journeys with all kinds of substances. (If you're interested I introduced myself in the introductions thread)
I found the DMT to be the most interesting and it calls for my own research and my own extraction of spice because I prefer to be in control of the spice that I consume.
although it is legal to order MHRB here, the authorities are after it and legal actions are being held against people who are ordering it via online shops. I decided not to do it and try and look for local plants containing DMT and especially Acacia. After reading endless threads I didn't find reliable papers about extraction of one of the local Acacias, just some unorganized data which doesn't help much. I'm sure this region has DMT containing plants because it can be found in ancient rituals and manuscripts. After several days of researching the web I found one specific tree which is surprisingly positioned just in front of my office, I'm almost positive my ID is good but I will be very thankful if someone can confirm it. I believe this is "Faidherbia albida". Once it will be confirmed I would like to try to extract spice out of the leaves. I read several threads about extractions from those leaves but none of them continued, they were stopped in the middle with no reason or results. the rumor says that there is a group here which uses this tree for their ceremonies and they are extracting spice out of the leaves but it is rumors and I would like to test it. So, my first step is just to have a confirmation this is Faidherbia albida.
zigi11 attached the following image(s):
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#1223 Posted : 7/25/2018 1:33:37 PM
Hi folks,

Hope anyone could help with this interesting tree growing in area which is very similar to areas that are native to Mimosa trees in Mexico. Its located in South Caucasus between Iran and Azerbaijan countries.
Also to prevent possible misunderstandings this tree is not Albizia Julibrissin for sure (They also grow here and have different bark at all).

Thank you in advance!
Irween attached the following image(s):
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#1224 Posted : 7/29/2018 6:08:40 AM
Hello friend's Thanks in advance to anyone who might have an idea on what went wrong.

Because swim was only using 1kg instead of 2kg swim scaled down the tek accordingly.(Cook times remained the same)

Using the DMT handbook tek swim grinded up 1kg of fresh but dried Acacia maidenii bark, then acid cooked three times with 4pH hydrochloric acidic water, combined liquids were then filtered through a 50 micron stainless steel mesh and boiled down to about 1L and put into a 2L milk bottle.

Swim then dissolved 100grams of caustic soda in 300ml of water (The tek said dissolve in "SOME" water so swim had to guess used a wooden spoon to help it dissolve) after the 20min wait it was added it to the acidic solution, proceeded to add 150 ml of around 30 degrees shellite after shaking mixture (at least ten times) and extracting the shellite swim repeated this two more times and on the last used 200ml of Shellite.

Extracted shellite was then put into glass Pyrex dish covered with aluminium foil and put in freezer to freeze precipitate. After 24+ hours in the freezer swim quickly poured off the Shellite through a coffee filter into a jar. Swim then left dish upside down to evaporate any remaining shellite.

Nothing!! was in the dish when swim checked it also swim noticed the shellite never went cloudy only Yellowish.
Some one please what might have gone wrong ? Sorry if this post doesn't belong here.
#1225 Posted : 7/29/2018 9:38:10 AM
Did it rain lots before the bark was dried? Sure it was the maiden?
#1226 Posted : 7/29/2018 10:29:27 AM
Swim harvested the bark last Friday and the Last lot of rain was two weeks ago and it was only a five minute shower no decent rain for over two three months, Swim dried the bark slowly at low heat in the oven with the door open so it couldn't heat up to much could this have effected the bark ?

After extensive research swim was fairly certain that it is the Acacia maidenii – Maiden’s Wattle. Tomorrow I will upload pictures of the suspected maiden, i would really appreciate your and anybody else's opinions.
#1227 Posted : 7/30/2018 4:15:38 AM
An Acacia?
Simply_Me attached the following image(s):
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I realize that no one book, one person, or even one ideology will have all the answers. I believe my job is to remain open yet discriminating. My intuition helps me discern truth, and wisdom helps me identify malicious intentions.
#1228 Posted : 7/30/2018 4:30:16 AM
Pictures of what I believe is an Acacia maidenii, what do yous think ? All comments appreciated.
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#1229 Posted : 7/30/2018 6:38:30 AM
hey mremoo, thanks for posting all that info. i am thinking about doing a small extraction on my homegrown potted maidenii. much less material, but nice to see someone else is working on this as well.

i have a few comments & suggestions, and my experience is limited, so take what you will from it.

on basing: what i do when basing is make a basic saturate. i prefer to use KOH, but will work just as well for NaOH, just have to account for molar mass... 100mL H20 will effectively dissolve 100g of NaOH, and produce a highly alkaline solution (i think its still around ph13-ish, but might be all the way to 14; either way, its enough).
(KOH is less strait forward; i think its 122g KOH per 100g H20, multiplied by 90% purity; i always add an extra 5g or so anyway, just to be sure, so i add ~136g KOH per 100mL H20).
sometimes i have to add more base to the soup, in which case i make the solution again, and add as needed. maybe you didnt base the soup enough, because the excess water added?
for me, the acidic tea is a deep red purple, then as basic saturate is added, it will turn cloudy grey/lavender as precipitates form, then settle on a deep black-purple. i stop here & do a few pulls, but then i will add more base once pulls start yielding less, then pull some more, and usually find a bit more goods are released.

on shellite: i have very limited experience with this, not preferred. round these parts, there are various bands and qualities of naphtha, different mixtures i guess, some work better than others. and not all evap clean. its what i hear most folks use though, so itll work if used correctly (and if the barks not bunk). but mostly, i have found (both from experience, and reading others) that these solvents need to be HOT in order to pull much. I do most these steps in and out of just-boiled hot water baths, closer to 90 or 100c. for me, it gets messy and stinky, so i changed procedure and moved to limonene. this pulls more, works at lower temps (though i still work with some heat), and smells great!
in the future, you could backsalt, mix your (presumably) spicy solvent with vinegar, and re A/B (can use a gentler base this time too). this would save evaporating all the solvent, and having to acquire more. it also would help indicate how rich your extract is. if your vinegar doesnt change color (usually red or orange for me) upon mixing, theres probably not much in it. you should see the color leave the solvent as well. repeat if you think theres more.

on the maiden: ive read there may be different varieties of maidenii? none named that i know of, but known to differ in alkaloid content. your maidenii looks very different than mine id say. might be because mine is growing way out of its native range, and stuck in a pot. but the phyllodes on my plant are different for sure- ill have to whip out the ruler, but i swear the widest mine ever get are maybe 12-15mm, and they are generally strait, no curve. have yet to see flowers, so cant help there, but generally flowers are the better to look at when IDing plants, especially trying to decide between closely related species. im sure those with their feet on the ground Down-Under know much much more.

so if i were troubleshooting this myself, heres what i'd do (in this order):

1: heat the shellite for pulls. i work in glass bottles, and i boil a big pot of water, take it off the burner, and add bottle for hot water bath. keep an eye on it, dont fill it the bottle all the way, and crack the lid occasionally to release pressure. everything is going to expand with heat, especially if you have solvents in the bottle.
2: pull with less selective solvent- limonene if you can, or xylene or toulene. experiment with procedures utilizing these, they dont evaporate clean, so extra steps must be taken
3: add more base

theres other variables i can think of, but not much you can do about them at this point on this run, just try again next time. season, material, processing of material, using milder acid such as acetic vinegar, using milder base such as soda carb Na2CO3, etc etc

#1230 Posted : 7/30/2018 11:52:28 PM
Could this be a Acacia Maidenii tree is going to be cut down anyway so if it Acacia Maidenii Il have a lot of bark and leaves?Acacia Maidenii


#1231 Posted : 8/1/2018 10:59:32 PM
Thank you very much XDX5 for your great information! (especially all your tips on basing and extracting) you have giving swim much to think about. Good luck with your extraction on the maiden, swim would be quite interested in hearing your results.
Thanks again Smile
#1232 Posted : 8/2/2018 5:49:08 AM
i have found a field were there were a bunch of old acacias were standing but they have all been chopped down but as a result of that the seed banks in the ground have all come up. If there is a way to determine acacia by bark there a a couple piles were the old trees were bulldozed and then pushed up into piles. I might just try to extract a bit of bark of every fallen tree to determine if it has spice or not.

if anyone can identify any of these would be much appreciated i know some of these don't have any alkaloids but just want to see everyone's opinions on these Very happy
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Lupis Arante
#1233 Posted : 8/5/2018 4:59:11 AM

That does not look like an acacia to me.


..Regarding post #1228..

That to me looks like an A.Longifolia

..Regarding post #1229..

Seeing these amazing species cut down is painful... The species in image 6 is a very immature A.Obtusifolia (Blunt leaf wattle), images 28 and 29 MAY be an A.Maidenii, however, these are identifications based loosely on limited information. I urge you to challenge my identifications. There is a vast ocean of information about wattles available on the internet and in our humble forums. Look for an identification guide and do the field work to identify them. I hope this helps.
..Respect the Trees..
Buddha Time
#1234 Posted : 8/26/2018 2:03:19 AM
Heyo everyone,first time posting here and just wanted to say this is an awesome community and I'm happy to be apart of it, But I didn't come to this thread in particular to milk spiders,can anyone help me out to identify this type of acacia please? https://imgur.com/a/j0fZGt3 i took these shots in the darling downs Queensland,I know there I should've taken more pictures but these are all I got. I have tried to identify but I'm just really stumped for it. Thanks for your time.
#1235 Posted : 8/27/2018 3:19:10 AM
It is not Mimosa hostilis.
Despite often being called Mimosa it is not in the genus Mimosa.
It's Albizia julibrissin f. alba otherwise known as Silk Tree.
#1236 Posted : 9/7/2018 3:07:29 AM
I am very happy although slightly reserved because I am so new to this. I found this today and am hopeful
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I realize that no one book, one person, or even one ideology will have all the answers. I believe my job is to remain open yet discriminating. My intuition helps me discern truth, and wisdom helps me identify malicious intentions.
#1237 Posted : 9/12/2018 3:29:54 PM
M. tenuiflora regular and inermis, side by side.
iracema attached the following image(s):
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Lupis Arante
#1238 Posted : 9/16/2018 3:51:27 PM

That may be an A.Angustissima, however, I am not entirely satisfied giving that identification. I suppose A.Angustissima would be a good start point for your own identification.
..Respect the Trees..
#1239 Posted : 9/17/2018 5:13:54 AM
Lupis Arante wrote:

That may be an A.Angustissima, however, I am not entirely satisfied giving that identification. I suppose A.Angustissima would be a good start point for your own identification.

Thank you very much, That looks like you may be right. These species are so similar to the untrained EYE.

a sample extraction of some bark seems useless? Digging for root bark would be difficult here.
I realize that no one book, one person, or even one ideology will have all the answers. I believe my job is to remain open yet discriminating. My intuition helps me discern truth, and wisdom helps me identify malicious intentions.
#1240 Posted : 9/20/2018 3:14:56 PM
Is this a.confusa?
hitmeup840 attached the following image(s):
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