Its doesnt make a nasty product just to raise the ph and precipitate out crystals..Thats a fact.. There is a lot of misinformation out there,,it took me about 8 months to figure that out... It takes about 7 gallons to wash a "load of crystals"..... bluejay attached the following image(s):  rueextractDSCF4170.jpg (14kb) downloaded 370 time(s).
bluejay wrote:Its doesnt make a nasty product just to raise the ph and precipitate out crystals..Thats a fact..
There is a lot of misinformation out there,,it took me about 8 months to figure that out...
It takes about 7 gallons to wash a "load of crystals"..... I dont understand what you are saying... you said salt makes the product impure. I said salt does not make a product impure as it is removed in the final step. Maybe you mean that the manske salt precipitation final product is too crude, which I agree, but remember that there is the added freebase precipitation at the end, plus one can repeat the whole process as many times as desired(acidify, let decant and throw away what precipitates, saturate with salt, keep the precipitated, redissolve, basify, get what precipitated). The steps get rid of different kinds of impurities. The chemistry is pretty sound here, I dont know what you can argue. If you have a suggestion that one gets a good and pure yield, then why dont you share the information instead of just saying there's a lot of misinformation? Do you want people to keep acting on misinformation such as you say you were in the past?
grind seed,,,soak in HCL water,,,filter,,, raise ph to 12 via lye water,,,let stand,,, vacuum pump out water,,,,pour in ph 12 again 2 more times,,,settleing after each time,,, now pour in straight hcl,,crystals dissolve and realse junk that was captured within them,,hcl water will be dark again,,,,raise ph to 12 and just keep doin this,,,take about a week and a half to run one jar,,hence running many at a time...
bluejay wrote:grind seed,,,soak in HCL water,,,filter,,, raise ph to 12 via lye water,,,let stand,,, vacuum pump out water,,,,pour in ph 12 again 2 more times,,,settleing after each time,,, now pour in straight hcl,,crystals dissolve and realse junk that was captured within them,,hcl water will be dark again,,,,raise ph to 12 and just keep doin this,,,take about a week and a half to run one jar,,hence running many at a time... ok so you make an acid soak, but no boiling? Filtering, isnt it a pain in the ass also (thats why SWIM decants several times, makes filtering much easier later on. but maybe you have a suggestion for filters or equipments to make this particular filtering easier) ? Then what do you mean pour in ph 12 again? You mean mixing the freebase alkaloids in ph 12 and letting them settle again ? Or raising the ph of the solution where the alkaloids were taken from again? Then redissolving them in hcl, and then basifying again? but what use is it if one doesnt at least decant when doing the hcl, as it will always be the same alkaloids/impurities being redissolved and crashing out? or am I missing something? what kind of yields and what kind of purity of final product one can get with this?
How isnt this clear?...The crystals that crash out are now sitting in ph 12 water..suck it out ...then put more in..keeping doing this till its clear again..then you hcl it so when you crash it out the water is clean to "hold" junk that was in it... You need a digital ph tester and a vacuum pump to do the bluejay tek...bluejay attached the following image(s):  rueextractDSCF4174.jpg (16kb) downloaded 349 time(s).
When drying on a hotplate..tip one end up slightly and the excess lye{whick is now bakingsoda thru water and air oxidation) will float to the higher end so you can scrap it off if you want a purer product..IT IS HARMLESS NOW THOUGH...
I actually put 1/2 TRUE baking soda with the dry crystals to ensure there is 200 milligrams being a machine is used to cap them...
Even the smallest gel cap will still hold 300 + milligrams and is to high to sell to the public...
Harmala overdose is not fun and is a dizzy sickening vertigo...(400 milligram dose spread out thru the day...
Never exceed 200 in 24 hrs...
thank you for explaining. Why choosing the harmalas HCL as a final product and not the freebase? so what is the dose that you consider a good one from your product? btw there is still a disadvantage (at least some might think) in your tek which is the use of HCL and caustic soda. Some people are not happy with that. SWIM is very happy he can make his extraction with food safe products, just water, vinegar, sea salt and sodium carbonate (which can be made from putting sodium bicarbonate in the oven). No nasty hcl fumes or caustic soda burn risks. I cant see much the quality from those pictures as its in a solution and there is the colour contrast. Such as in SWIM's picture earlier on, also one cant see but after drying it was a very light brown. If he re-did the process once or twice, he could probably get very pure product. Also in SWIM's technique he could incorporate your pH 12 wash, using sodium carbonate instead. Maybe will try that sometime 
My product is in freebase form?? and you will not have enough room to change the ph with those weak chems.You will be using many gallons of water.thats why.. I have washed up to 10 times and have seen pure yellow harmaline settle but this is no way profitable to do and keep the price low.. I decided to release this because you need expensive lab equipment and there is alot of work for your average joe.. If you can get almost a pure product with only 2 washes, I will give you my lab and grow room equipment
well you said yourself to raise only to pH 12. You can do that with sodium carbonate, and you dont need many gallons of water, you need more sodium carbonate per water, and not so much actually. For the acidifying step, its true that vinegar doesnt lower the pH as much as hcl but why would you want extremely low pH? dilute acetic acid can make a high enough pH to guarantee all the alkaloids are in acetate water-soluble form. I see no reason why you would want more than that. As for the 2 washes, SWIM only did one re-run on his process and from dark brown got to very light brown. Maybe one or two more would get something quite pure, but this is all speculation until he actually does it, obviously.. But honestly, so far he feels no need as its pure enough as is, more would be just perfectionism and general lab skills practicing. Sometime but not right now 
my choice of chems has no bearing on the final product OR its safety...So to each there own..enjoy playing..
endlessness wrote:So SWIM redissolved 6g of brown impure harmalas in 1 liter of warm water+vinegar, and let decant overnight. Quite some dirt fell to the bottom. So he poured the top part out, and he filtered the bottom part (was not so bad this time) and threw away. Then he had a very nice clear liquid to play with. He warmed up the clean reddish colour liquid and added 360g salt. It all changed to a more opaque cream colour. Quite a bit of the salt did not dissolve, but he was not worried as later on he would get rid of it again. He let decant overnight in the fridge. It had a quite beautiful transparency to it. Some of the harmalas stayed on the top, so SWIM just filtered the whole thing. This time filtering with his improvised vacuum contraption was much easier. The filtered hcl harmalas + salt looked light brown with some yellow tint. He didnt dry it completely as he would redissolve in more water anyways. Then SWIM redissolved the harmala salts in warm water. The colour changed to this beautiful translucent red. He then added maybe a couple of teaspoons of sodium carbonate, and the colour changed immediately, very beautiful transformation somehow, first yellowish then to this creamy opaque colour, as the harmalas precipitated as freebase. He let decant overnight. The liquid was bright and transparent fluorescent yellow, and on the bottom there was a nice light brown/grey layer of the freebase harmalas. Now he filtered (was very easy with his improvised vacuum filter) and is letting dry. It looks light brown, when its dry he will take pics. Maybe nothing like some perfect white crystals like dmt, but he is very happy as he know the whole process was with safe products, no weird chemicals, and he can ingest happily and have a nice pharmahuasca trip at some point  Specially this second time around when he repeated the whole process with the crude harmalas, it was very nice to work with, the colours were changing beautifully, the filtering was easy. SWIM enjoyed this  So of what I've seen so far this seems like the most approvable method for a home extraction. Great report by the way  SWIM recently yielded 2.5g of fairly impure (pure enough  ) alks from some 100g's rue after losing a fair bit to alcohol and various other mistakes. He shall be trying this again fairly soon and shall probably be using this report as his guide in hope of a larger yield and a more pure product. SWIM's quite happy using this method as it is but does anyone have anything useful to add to any of this? Of particular interest is this talk of egg whites. Some folk talk of their utilization of egg whites in these kind of extractions with a certain frustration about others who don't use them. As eggs are pretty cheap and all that, I can only imagine there is a more logistical reason for people not using them? I can only guess it doesn't work so well as most would rather spend time in filtering hell than throwing down some eggs. But then again some people do approve. What's the deal here?
Well SWIM will certainly test this on a portion of his next extract. Seems a bit silly to not even try it at least.
What's stopping other parts of the extraction working it's way into the omlette?
Dagger wrote:"soulfood" wrote:What's stopping other parts of the extraction working it's way into the omlette? Some may end up in the "omelette", although it is not that much. Perhaps 10%. I guess it depends on how much liquid you have when making the omelette. What I do after filtering out the omelette, is that I add more warm water to the omelette while filtering. This should pull out most of the actives if it is there. I just taste what comes through. If it is bitter, then there is actives coming out. Ah Ok! Yeah SWIM has a tendency to wash pretty much anything that comes into contact with extracts very thoroughly before he discards them. And I guess losses caused by the egg would probably be quite small compared to losses due to amateur filtering. Time to get more seeds.
so if harmaline freebase is purchased online can it be turned into a salt for sublingual use(to be combined with 5-meo-dmt and dmt) using the fasa tek. PEACE
damiana wrote:so if harmaline freebase is purchased online can it be turned into a salt for sublingual use(to be combined with 5-meo-dmt and dmt) using the fasa tek. Freebase harmaline is better for sublingual use. Don’t turn it into a salt. You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.
If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
acolon_5 wrote:This is not my tek but the author is unknown so I cannot give due credit to the correct person.
...snip... Step two: Dump the seeds and wash the pot you were using. Boil some water and add rock salt (important to use rock salt because there is noting add to it, regular table salt fas stuff add to it. If you have to use table salt, make sure it doesn't have Iodine in it). Keep adding rock salt to your booiling water 'till No more disolves, so now you have a super saturated salt-water solution....
Step three: Strain the hot salt water into you hamarla boilings to keep out the salt rocks, Only adding enough salt water so that you have 2 or 3 parts harmala-water and 1 part Salt-water. I try to make sure that I have 3 times as much harmala solution as I have salt water. ...snip... Note: Kosher salt is the kind of rock salt to use because by definition it's pure NaCl, un-iodized. While rock salt could be any old thing with adulterants and what have you. Make sure to check the ingredients on the back of SWIYs kosher salt when buying them. Its even better to cook with kosher rock salt in the first place "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants" - Sir Isaac Newton
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Dagger wrote:"soulfood" wrote:I can only guess it doesn't work so well as most would rather spend time in filtering hell than throwing down some eggs. But then again some people do approve. I think it is inertia. People just don't want to try new things. It has to be talked about again and again, and in the end it might pick up speed. Then you got the ball rolling  And yes, it does work well. It works beautifuly, but I only found out after messing up my first boil. The ph was probably too high (about 3) and the egg white refused to solidify and was impossible to filter. I've droped the ph of the second boil to about 5, and tried again. This time the cooked egg white raised to the top or solidified in the concoction, and the filtering of 1,5 litres took about 2 minutes with super clean results. The same tea before was impossible to filter. I've ruined this one too though, I've tried to basify with calcium carbonate.  I was using sodium bicarbonate to drop the ph of the tea the second time from ~3 to ~5 and the tea became slightly milky. Was it the baking soda or the alkaloids percipitating? If it was the alkaloids, is it possible to drop the ph and the same time keep the harmalines in solution? "Once I thought I'd been offered a joint but had been given angel dust. I smoked it, but had horrific hallucinations - oh my God, I was out of control. I saw eight of everything and believed that I could fly. That was when I stopped taking drugs. I started doing them to be a rebel, then realised that doing drugs just meant I was being an idiot. Now I hate drugs. I constantly tell kids to stay away from them - they are the root of all evil." - David Gest
So sublingual is the best method of ingestion for the freebase harmine crystals, could you dissolve them in an amount of liquid and drink that to combat the bitter taste? Also, does the sublingual method cause nausea? SMOKE MORE DMT, SMOKE MORE DMT NOW
You shouldn't dilute it in liquid if using it sublingually. It will be less effective that way. Place it directly under your tongue and hold it there for about 5 minutes. They are less likely to cause nausea when used sublingually, but will if you take a huge overdose. You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.
If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.