Moozi wrote:I was walking outsind and I came across this plant. I think its Phalaris but it's a bit different from what i've seen in pictures, but thought I'd ask you guys and make sure if it's a real thing.. It's pretty much impossible to ID the grass in that picture it could really be any random grass. The best way to ID is by the flower head and the ligule.
How about these? sorry but they've been through alot lol Moozi attached the following image(s):  20130708_172427.jpg (2,133kb) downloaded 363 time(s). 20130708_172450.jpg (2,339kb) downloaded 363 time(s). 20130708_172512.jpg (2,111kb) downloaded 365 time(s). 20130708_172611.jpg (3,282kb) downloaded 364 time(s).
a quick question.. you guys that had positive results with phalaris, do you use only the leaves or also the stems and flowers?
kiang wrote:a quick question.. you guys that had positive results with phalaris, do you use only the leaves or also the stems and flowers?
upper leaf blade is said to have the highest content, but i would imagine you could extract the whole plant just as easily. My wind instrument is the bong CHANGA IN THE BONGA! 樹
moozi, that picture is not of phalaris. Sorry. Long live the unwoke.
anonhippie wrote:Could this be a phalaris? Notice that its pretty dry, so the legule seems to have dried out and you can barely notice it.
I'm in italy so I hope its a phalaris aquatica var aq1
Hey everyone, please see my post on the last page for pics. I did the Hippie Salad Tek on this plant, and I didn't get a very good result. The crystals that I got didn't look like dmt (they clustered into small white circular domes) and burning a little bit, I didn't get that characteristic tryptamine smell. I thought I'd just give an update in case its helpful to anyone to know that what I found was not phalaris.
Keep in mind that absence of DMT, or DMT looking crystals is not evidence to suggest what you have is not phalaris. The lack of any detectible indole smell to the extract might be better but still not conclusive. I have never had a wild arundinacea extract that did not at least smell faintly of indole when burnt..but just smelling the extract in the dish does not always tell you. I have had extracts that smell like flowers and grass and not indole at all..and then reak of indole when vaped. and then some grass just might not have any? I dunno. Long live the unwoke.
I agree Jamie, that the burn test is a necessary but not not sufficient indication that the plant was not phalaris. I really would like to do a chromatography to be more conclusive as far as the actual contents. And then there is the whole deal with variable alkaloids in phalaris and all that.
Hey all, My previous post was merged to a different thread. But I have taken more photos of this grass. It was asked that the ligule be photographed to aid in identification. Please see the attached photographs.
That looks like a P. arundinacea to me
Which part of the grass is most suitable for extraction? Is the grass easy to cultivate at home? How would someone go about cultivating some?
DMTPanda wrote:Which part of the grass is most suitable for extraction? Is the grass easy to cultivate at home?How would someone go about cultivating some? read moar. My wind instrument is the bong CHANGA IN THE BONGA! 樹
The first two photos appear to be Phalaris arundinacea. The third I can't ID. The fourth photo (Plant 2) appears to be Phragmites australis.
 from my town isn't phalaris arundinacea!maybe but more small!
Regardless of whether it is or isn't Phalaris, the important thing to realize is that Phalaris is not safe to consume without prior chemical analysis, as it may contain dangerous alkaloids (Gramine, etc.). If you are impatient to try some spice... learn some patience. If it's meant to be, you can make it happen somehow. Good luck on your quest, Mao In my country, the legal go-to psychoactive substance is ethanol. Sometimes my friends get wasted and tell the craziest stories about how they go out at night to harvest strange grasses in the light of the full moon. They claim to meet elves, white light and jaguars. These are their stories.
SMAOLK ZEBONG Mon Ami, if you lose your inhibition we can take some extasy and DANCE!
It does appear to be a Phalaris species for sure. It does look a lot like aquatica to me. It's possible it could be another variety, but in any case it certainly is worthy of further investigation. Nice find!
That's great to hear! I'm totally excited! Thank you for your reply! I am aware of possible toxic compounds in phalaris aquatica such as gramine, and will be attempting my first extraction on this using this tek: https://wiki.dmt-nexus.m...act_DMT_From_Phalaris.3FHopefully I can get a few more ID's to be sure before I begin harvesting it. I just found out about DMT grasses in general a couple nights ago and have been researching ever since. Started keeping my eye out for it on the way to and from work since yesterday and spotted some other possible DMT containees. Went to get gas after work and noticed a field of this stuff next to the gas station! I had no idea which variety of Phalaris it was at the time, but I knew it was remarkably similar to at least one of them that i've been researching. Didn't take me long to find what i was looking for it appears!
Luna Fractal, that is either P. Canariensis, P. Minor, or P. Paradoxa. Hard to tell. I have a few dried paradoxa seed heads for reference but the foliage does not look like it. All those varieties contain alkaloids, and have personally proven P. Pardoxa's effectiveness. These are strains you would want to pick in the summer(June). P. Arundinacea you want in spring or fall after summer stress.
EDIT: Your grass is in fact Phalaris Coerulescens. Are you able to verify?