a1pha wrote:vovin wrote:They can turn it off as well. People rely too heavily on the Internet these days and I don't think the masses will be so happy if the gvnmt flips a switch, so to speak. But even if they did, it would only further P2P darknets and the like. The Internet is a rapidly evolving entity which seems to work very hard against censorship. Who is to say the darknet will be invincible in this hypothetical scenario? Tor would probably be blacklisted. Everyone should preserve his/her 56k modem. So, what is the status of this bill at the moment? Has it reached the president yet? I find it odd that this isn't receiving the media attention it rightfully deserves. "'Most men will not swιm before they are able to.' Is not that witty? Naturally, they won't swιm! They are born for the solid earth, not for the water. And naturally they won't think. They are made for life, not for thought. Yes, and he who thinks, what's more, he who makes thought his business, he may go far in it, but he has bartered the solid earth for the water all the same, and one day he will drown."
— Hermann Hesse
easyrider wrote:Who is to say the darknet will be invincible in this hypothetical scenario? Tor would probably be blacklisted. Everyone should preserve his/her 56k modem. I think it is false to say any network is invincible. However, there are people out there building various distributed networks which are, in theory, pretty difficult to shut down. easyrider wrote:So, what is the status of this bill at the moment? Has it reached the president yet? I find it odd that this isn't receiving the media attention it rightfully deserves. H.R. 1540: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 was sent to the President on December 15 (ironically, the 220th birthday of the Bill of Rights). EDIT: Good read. Indefinite Military Detention Measure Passes On Bill Of Rights Day"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
vovin wrote:The sheer disbelief is what gets me. Most people are just downright unwilling to accept that these events are going on. They just refuse to believe reality even when they are inundated with facts. It's because to accept this would mean the realization that everything is about to end. Think of the implications no bill or rule is going to change any of this. From 5 minutes 13 seconds in: "I think that New York is the new model for the new concentration camp, where the camp has been built by the inmates themselves, and the inmates are the guards, and they have this pride in this thing they built. They've built their own prison! And so they exist in this state of schizophrenia where they are both guards and prisoners, and as a result they no longer have, having been lobotomized, the capacity to leave the prison they've made or to even see it as a prison." Watch part ten to be really blown away! Invisible space journeys? So many DMT references. Inconceivable! This film is saying what we are all thinking. 
So what are the real implications of this for us americans? All they have to do is declare marijuana and drugs tools of terrorism, and they could arrest and hold people without trial.. Does this bill still apply to americans living on american soil? (i remember someone mentioning that they added to the bill, saying that it applies to U.S. citizens abroad, rather than on american soil.) Should we be packin our bags and headed to a different/ less fascist country?? Or what do you guys think the chances are of them actually using this legislation to detain drug offenders, because i would think this would piss a whole lot of people off, and would fully expose their true intentions with this legislation You have never been apart from me. You can never depart and never return, for we are continuous, indistinguishable. We are eternal forever
PrimateSphinx wrote:BananaForeskin wrote:
One question I had was at what point is it your responsibility to leave vs responsibility to stay and fight?
That's a good point banana but I don't know what the feasibility of us winning would be with all the drone and spy technology that the military has these days. Seems like they would be able to take down and insurrection with the push of a button and without even deploying any troops. Regardless I'm stuck here for a while so I guess I'll just have to wait it out and maybe if things work out we'll go Red Dawn on their asses. Maybe if the military outright started attacking its own people we'd get some help from the Canucks or the Brits, but I wouldn't count on it. As Bill Hicks says America is the bully of the world, and we all know how violent and insecure bullies are. I think its going to take a lot more to win this one than just brute force but until then, They Live, We Sleep. As once was mentioned on the Nexus, if America was capable of quelling an armed insurrection, we would be out of Afghanistan right now. Anywho, I have a couple of boats and a clear shot to British Columbia. I'm not too worried, if things get bad. ¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸„ø¤º¨
How serious is this stuff? Is something actually going to change? They can lock-up people without any trial already, they can torture people already...they´re doing it right now.
Is this just a way to ensure no-one will ever be held responsible for the stuff that´s already happening, or are these things seriously gonna happen on a larger scale?
Knowing a bit about american politic´s and the media, i think you can only do these kind of things if you´re doing it on a small scale...nobody is going to seriously protest if some unknown person with a weird haircut get´s arrested, tortured or killed, as long as the authority´s use the soothing words 'national security'. If these things start to happen on a larger scale on the other hand...i´m not so sure the authority´s will still be able to get away with it.
I think politicians are very aware of this.
Parshvik Chintan wrote:The Day Tripper wrote:Whats the policy for posting an infowars link? Would that be considered conspiracy? because i just read one that will blow your mind. alex jones can be pretty laughable, but i would say go ahead and post it.. http://www.infowars.com/...g-fema-camps-across-u-s/Especially this- http://www.youtube.com/w...;feature=player_embedded"let those who have talked to the elves, find each other and band together" -TMK
In a society in which nearly everybody is dominated by somebody else's mind or by a disembodied mind, it becomes increasingly difficult to learn the truth about the activities of governments and corporations, about the quality or value of products, or about the health of one's own place and economy. In such a society, also, our private economies will depend less upon the private ownership of real, usable property, and more upon property that is institutional and abstract, beyond individual control, such as money, insurance policies, certificates of deposit, stocks, etc. And as our private economies become more abstract, the mutual, free helps and pleasures of family and community life will be supplanted by a kind of displaced citizenship and by commerce with impersonal and self-interested suppliers... The great enemy of freedom is the alignment of political power with wealth. This alignment destroys the commonwealth - that is, the natural wealth of localities and the local economies of household, neighborhood, and community - and so destroys democracy, of which the commonwealth is the foundation and practical means.” - Wendell Berry
polytrip wrote:How serious is this stuff? Is something actually going to change? They can lock-up people without any trial already, they can torture people already...they´re doing it right now. This is as serious as it gets. They have now given themselves the legal authority to do this. Before they were just doing it to non-citizens, gabbing them off the street in some foreign country and locking them away. Now they have the legal right and authority do to this to American Citizens living on American soil, just on suspicion of "terrorism". They don't have to provide any evidence to do this to you, don't have to give you legal representation, and can essentially make you 'disappear'. It paves the way for things to happen on a larger scale. And the mainstream media is complicit in this, as they are wholly owned by the corporations who have the most to lose by an awakened and aware populace. You won't see any of this in the MSM if it begins to happen, and if it does, alternative sites will be the some of the first things to be taken out. Look at the SOPA bill that is making its way through congress now. Basically legalized censorship of the internet, where the department of justice can shut down a website for any number of reasons related to 'copyright' or 'terrorism'. People won't but they should if that guy with a weird haircut gets picked up, as it is an attack upon out basic guaranteed freedoms. They wont be able to get away with it as long as we don't let them, but the populace needs to wake up to what is going on. What, you ask, was the beginning of it all? And it is this...
Existence that multiplied itself For sheer delight of being And plunged into numberless trillions of forms So that it might Find Itself Innumerably. -Sri Aubobindo
Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
Yes. But as far as i know, since 2001 some americans already have been detained without trial as well. The dude with a weird haircut already happens to disapear into thin air sometimes. No-one objects, as long as it´s just a dude with a weird haircut and no money. That´s disapointing but true, unfortunately.
I think people will start to rise-up against these things, when it´s not just the proverbial john doe anymore, but their brother, sister, son, daughter, niece or nephew. So basically, if the government realy starts doing these things on a larger scale...they will loose all the limitless power they now have.
To me it seems like they have done some realy disgusting things...and they´re afraid that one day, everything will become public, that one day they will have to pay for it. Just like gadafi was afraid, just like sadam husein was afraid. So they try to pass laws that will offer them some protection.
I don´t believe that the cheneys and rumsfelds of this world are as stupid to risk another civil war in america, because they will definately loose it. The american people will rise-up against such terror and i don´t believe that in america, the military will go as far as in syria. Most people, even in the military, know that they won´t get away with it.
It´s good to be vigilant, but i think that all of this is to cover-up things that have happened in the past and that are already happening today. Not to enforce a future regime-change within america. The regime change has already been taking place, gradually, since reagan.
I would look at it positively: apparently the cheney´s and rumsfelds are very afraid. Afraid for the truth to come-out, afraid for the exposure of all their crimes, afraid for the american people. No matter how docile the american public sometimes seems to be, they´re still afraid. They must have so many scelletons in the closet that even very docile people are not likely to accept all of it.
I would look at this like a chance instead of a threat. When your enemy apears to be more powerfull than ever, he´s probably at his weakest. Don´t be intimidated...just push a little harder.
One of the best articles I've read about it, it breaks down the legalese quite clearly and goes into a bit of explanationEven though the presidents have been claiming these powers under the AUMF from 2001, this would explicitly write the broad take they have been taking into law. I don't think it would stand up against judicial review, however I didn't expect the whole fiasco to get as far as it has already. Also, once the executive branch gets new powers it is never going to give them up without a fight. Quote:It paves the way for things to happen on a larger scale. And the mainstream media is complicit in this, as they are wholly owned by the corporations who have the most to lose by an awakened and aware populace. You won't see any of this in the MSM if it begins to happen, and if it does, alternative sites will be the some of the first things to be taken out. Look at the SOPA bill that is making its way through congress now. Basically legalized censorship of the internet, where the department of justice can shut down a website for any number of reasons related to 'copyright' or 'terrorism'. This article breaks down exactly how the media has been scamming us with bullshit arguments
polytrip wrote: I think people will start to rise-up against these things, when it´s not just the proverbial john doe anymore, but their brother, sister, son, daughter, niece or nephew. So basically, if the government realy starts doing these things on a larger scale...they will loose all the limitless power they now have.
To me it seems like they have done some realy disgusting things...and they´re afraid that one day, everything will become public, that one day they will have to pay for it. Just like gadafi was afraid, just like sadam husein was afraid. So they try to pass laws that will offer them some protection.
I certainly hope people rise up to resist their own overt enslavement. We are all slaves now, have been for generations, yet the vast majority are totally unaware of this fact. Gadafi was not afraid, in fact the vast majority of the Libyan people loved him. Research what he did with the country's oil wealth to improve the Libyan people's quality of life. Look at what he did to stand up to the west right before we went in to take him out. Also look at one of the first things the opposition did as the conflict began...they created a central bank. LOL wut? Dig a little deeper into the reasons the west went in and took him out. It had nothing to do with a popular uprising or any humanitarian reasons. What, you ask, was the beginning of it all? And it is this...
Existence that multiplied itself For sheer delight of being And plunged into numberless trillions of forms So that it might Find Itself Innumerably. -Sri Aubobindo
Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
Saidin wrote:polytrip wrote: I think people will start to rise-up against these things, when it´s not just the proverbial john doe anymore, but their brother, sister, son, daughter, niece or nephew. So basically, if the government realy starts doing these things on a larger scale...they will loose all the limitless power they now have.
To me it seems like they have done some realy disgusting things...and they´re afraid that one day, everything will become public, that one day they will have to pay for it. Just like gadafi was afraid, just like sadam husein was afraid. So they try to pass laws that will offer them some protection.
I certainly hope people rise up to resist their own overt enslavement. We are all slaves now, have been for generations, yet the vast majority are totally unaware of this fact. Gadafi was not afraid, in fact the vast majority of the Libyan people loved him. Research what he did with the country's oil wealth to improve the Libyan people's quality of life. Look at what he did to stand up to the west right before we went in to take him out. Also look at one of the first things the opposition did as the conflict began...they created a central bank. LOL wut? Dig a little deeper into the reasons the west went in and took him out. It had nothing to do with a popular uprising or any humanitarian reasons. No, the majority of the lybians hated gadaffi. He had a large base of support, true. But not a majority at all. I have no illusions about the true reasons for western intervention in lybia. But he WAS a very brutal dictator who killed tens of thousands of innocent people, if not more. It´s not a black/white world. Not every enemy of western imperialism is a gandhi.
actualfactual wrote:One of the best articles I've read about it, it breaks down the legalese quite clearly and goes into a bit of explanationEven though the presidents have been claiming these powers under the AUMF from 2001, this would explicitly write the broad take they have been taking into law. I don't think it would stand up against judicial review, however I didn't expect the whole fiasco to get as far as it has already. Also, once the executive branch gets new powers it is never going to give them up without a fight. Quote:It paves the way for things to happen on a larger scale. And the mainstream media is complicit in this, as they are wholly owned by the corporations who have the most to lose by an awakened and aware populace. You won't see any of this in the MSM if it begins to happen, and if it does, alternative sites will be the some of the first things to be taken out. Look at the SOPA bill that is making its way through congress now. Basically legalized censorship of the internet, where the department of justice can shut down a website for any number of reasons related to 'copyright' or 'terrorism'. This article breaks down exactly how the media has been scamming us with bullshit arguments The occupy movement could easily destroy this new AUMF, without any bloodshed even. Probably in a single day. The only thing they´ll need to do for that is putting it to the test publically. These kind of laws and bills are passed out of weakness and fear, not out of strength. Your enemy is making himself look bigger and more menacing than he actually is. To fear him would be a mistake...that is exactly what he wants. When someone is trying to look dangerous and intimidating, it´s usually a sign of great weakness: like a cornered cat that put´s up all his hairs to look bigger. That little kitty is actually very afraid and the more menacing it looks, the more afraid it is. Why is the little kitty so afraid? Because it broke so many of it´s own laws maybe, because there are bankfiles and other records out there that can expose all the things our little kitty has done. Large scale corruption with many billions of taxpayers money, illegal detention of many innocent US and non-US citizens, illegal invasions based on clearly fabricated lies of wich they knew it where lies all along, Exposure of the identity of CIA agents for political reasons, dumping the ashes of cremated US soldiers on garbage dumps, torturing people with the aid of doctors, embazzlement of very large sums of money, supporting terrorists themselves, trafficking of drugs, fraud, giving weapons to drugdealers, killing journalists, killing innocent people in iraq and afghanistan and covering it up......the list is long. And that´s why little kitty is so afraid. Don´t be intimidated. Little kitty is cornered...the truth is out there.
polytrip wrote: No, the majority of the lybians hated gadaffi. He had a large base of support, true. But not a majority at all.
I have no illusions about the true reasons for western intervention in lybia. But he WAS a very brutal dictator who killed tens of thousands of innocent people, if not more.
It´s not a black/white world. Not every enemy of western imperialism is a gandhi.
Never said it was a black and white world. Never claimed he was a good guy, and certainly not a Gandhi. But he certainly was not as brutal as western propagandists made him out to be. I would be interested in more information about these sources claiming he killed tens of thousands of 'innocent' people. If you got that from the mainstream media (ie: propaganda press) it is highly suspect and likely blatantly false information. Some of the things we do know about his rule: Free Education (country had one of the highest literacy rates in Africa) Free Health Care (if they couldn't perform the procedure in country, the govt paid to have you flown to a country where the procedure could be done) Yearly oil stipend to every citizen of Libya $50,000 wedding gift to anyone who got married. Largest aqueduct agricultural project in Africa, he literally turned the deserts green. And just so you know, one of the primary reasons the west went in to take him out is that he refused to accept dollars for Libyan oil anymore, requiring gold instead as payment. The international banking cartels could not stand for that. What, you ask, was the beginning of it all? And it is this...
Existence that multiplied itself For sheer delight of being And plunged into numberless trillions of forms So that it might Find Itself Innumerably. -Sri Aubobindo
Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
polytrip wrote: Why is the little kitty so afraid? Because it broke so many of it´s own laws maybe, because there are bankfiles and other records out there that can expose all the things our little kitty has done.
Large scale corruption with many billions of taxpayers money, illegal detention of many innocent US and non-US citizens, illegal invasions based on clearly fabricated lies of wich they knew it where lies all along, Exposure of the identity of CIA agents for political reasons, dumping the ashes of cremated US soldiers on garbage dumps, torturing people with the aid of doctors, embazzlement of very large sums of money, supporting terrorists themselves, trafficking of drugs, fraud, giving weapons to drugdealers, killing journalists, killing innocent people in iraq and afghanistan and covering it up......the list is long. And that´s why little kitty is so afraid.
Don´t be intimidated. Little kitty is cornered...the truth is out there.
I completely agree with you, it is the last measures of a system that is struggling to maintain control. It shows how fearful they are, and how quickly they are losing control. BUT....that kitty in the corner still has claws and teeth with which to scratch and bite. In all likelihood we will see an increase in brutal measures and crackdowns as more and more people begin to wake up to the truth and start demanding a change. It is happening in the Middle East. It is happening in Europe. It is beginning to happen in the US. Look at the crackdowns on OWS. Peaceful protests meet with brutality, etc... It is just the beginning, and it will get worse. There is nothing to fear as we far outnumber the architects of control, but they may try to take as many down with them as they go, and it is best to be informed about what is actually happening so you have the opportunity to RESPOND to events and not REACT to them. What, you ask, was the beginning of it all? And it is this...
Existence that multiplied itself For sheer delight of being And plunged into numberless trillions of forms So that it might Find Itself Innumerably. -Sri Aubobindo
Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
the us has prepared for a total destruction of the dollar the rest of the world is getting away from the dollar allready the saudis chinese japanese and russians all agree that oil will no longer be bought in dollars= bad news for the dollar
I think about everyone knows were in for a hard run. I think one of the major deciding factors is what the military will do in all of this. The police forces I am quite sure will not take the role on the front lines when this goes to civil war. Leaving the US Govt with the military standing between us and them. They will cut communication, Control the food and water supply and isolated us so as to keep americans from organizing. The media blackout. Will make it impossible to know what is going down. The issues with this is that the concepts work well when controlling a uneducated population who have little to no technology like north korea. However like many have said take out the avenues of communication and people will create their own. If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
 On a serious note, no, I do not believe this leaves us f****d over.. Yet. To gain power over the people, the government diverts the public attention to... Terrorism. I am not saying the government was the source of 9/11 or conspiracy theories as such, but they are in fact trying to turn everyone's attention to "the war on terrorism".. Somehow this coincides with the so-called "war on drugs". These things, JUST like the "war on communism", are what will lead to us, the citizens, getting thoroughly screwed. In the 60's, if you said anything against the government, they called you a communist and bad things happened to you. In the near future, you say anything against the government, they will call you a TERRORIST and bad things will happen to you. This document allows that to happen. The war on drugs, just reinforces this because now you don't even have to say anything against the gov't.. You can even be on their side, but they can say "You have marijuana, you are a terrorist.." etc., etc...
BananaForeskin wrote:
As once was mentioned on the Nexus, if America was capable of quelling an armed insurrection, we would be out of Afghanistan right now.
I don't think the war in Afghanistan is really comparable to what war would be like in America. First off many armies have tried taking Afghanistan in the past and they all failed. From the Alexander the Great to the USSR not one army could take that tiny mountainous country mainly of how hard it is to fight there if you don't know the territory, and how inhospitable it is. I think its the American military's conceit that led them to believe they could take it when Alexander the Great could not, when in reality the US military is tiny in scope to what he accomplished in terms of warfare. Obviously the US has gotten pretty good at it but they didn't have the same effect. But if war were to happen on US soil the military would be fully stocked and supplied and would know every little nook and cranny to weed out the rebellion from so many years of spying on its own people. If we think we are paranoid the military is more so. But we've all seen star wars, the rebels won in the end...But i don't think it will come to all out war, at least yet. I think the Gov't will do all they can to start silencing the start of a revolution so that the american people will remain docile and complacent, like they have for the past hundred years or so. Because we all know if the rebellion is made to look like the enemy, the sheeple will believe it because sheep do what hey are told. From communists to terrorists to protesters, they will be come one and the same to those who have too much to be afraid of from years of conditioning through tv and other forms of brainmelting propaganda bullshit. I would quickly learn how to tune your force powers folks, because we are fighting an evil empire. What are we but stupefied dancers to a discordant stystem, we believe - so we're mislead we assume - so we're played we confide - so we're deceived we trust - so we're betrayed