Lovely pictures I'm still at the same conclusion and this os all based off the pictures of the pods and the pictures that you supplied and i used that in reference with Google Images the leafs look correct the bark on the trunk looks correct the pods are spot on also your location is abundantly full with those types of trees so i say its what you hope it is im pretty confident I am no expert but based on my findings im prety sure u got a dmt gold mine just wait for nen he would know 100% remember if it is don't go pulling bark off the trunk Harvest substantially dig and get root bark and take no more thean 40% and traditionally you offer to tree tobacco. "PSYCHEDELIC DRUGS DON'T CHANGE YOU- THEY DON'T CHANGE YOUR CHARACTER-UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE CHANGED THEY ENABLE CHANGE THEY CAN'T IMPOSE IT...." -ALEXANDER SHULGIN
It's time to move on to the next step in the psychedelic revolution
marz wrote:Lovely pictures I'm still at the same conclusion and this os all based off the pictures of the pods and the pictures that you supplied and i used that in reference with Google Images the leafs look correct the bark on the trunk looks correct the pods are spot on also your location is abundantly full with those types of trees so i say its what you hope it is im pretty confident I am no expert but based on my findings im prety sure u got a dmt gold mine just wait for nen he would know 100% remember if it is don't go pulling bark off the trunk Harvest substantially dig and get root bark and take no more thean 40% and traditionally you offer to tree tobacco. Thanks marz. Don't worry I won't be taking anything from these trees (I'm thousands of miles away), it'd just be nice to know they're the real deal :-).
[/quote] Harvest substantially dig and get root bark and take no more thean 40% [/quote] i think this is right for mimosa, acacia is different and will not grow back is root, so harvesting rootbark can be deadly for the tree. i based this information on what i being reading over here and i am no expert so please correct me if i wrong. peace
Harvest substantially dig and get root bark and take no more thean 40% [/quote] i think this is right for mimosa, acacia is different and will not grow back is root, so harvesting rootbark can be deadly for the tree. i based this information on what i being reading over here and i am no expert so please correct me if i wrong. peace [/quote] I'm not sure either way to be honest. Either way my plan would be not to take any material from a live tree. My friend tells me that this forest is literally full of these trees and there are lots that have fallen naturally as it's on 'old' forest. He's already sent me some bark from one of the fallen trees there. An extract on that bark seemed to produce DMT / NMT (based on TLC testing), but it hasn't been bioassayed yet. I can post the TLC results if anyone wants to see them. Odd that it's still not flowering, it's getting quite hot over there now.
If you are harvesting wild material DO NOT cut trunk, root, or branch bark off ANY tree. This can kill or permanently injure them. Twigs, phyllodes, and dead branches only! They are gifts given readily to the observant forager. Inconsistency is in my nature. The simple PHYLLODE tekI'm just waiting for these bloody plants to grow
Sphorange wrote:If you are harvesting wild material DO NOT cut trunk, root, or branch bark off ANY tree. This can kill or permanently injure them. Twigs, phyllodes, and dead branches only! They are gifts given readily to the observant forager. Don't worry sphorange, we won't be doing that. It would be nice to get a positive ID on this tree though. Maybe it isn't an AC? If it were some other subspecies, with this alkaloid content it's well worth knowing about.
I think you might've been very lucky and stumbles upon some Confusa's. I've been looking far and wide for those and one of the key identifiers are the double veined leaves.
Let me know if you do any tests, would love to hear of your progress.
Love & Light
Hey guys. I see alot of these around, I think it might be mearnsii. samsara attached the following image(s):  20160501_163356.jpg (3,281kb) downloaded 162 time(s). 20160501_163456.jpg (3,235kb) downloaded 164 time(s). 20160501_163420.jpg (3,640kb) downloaded 162 time(s).
mearnsii have globular flower-heads, the pinnae colour suggests to me bailyana. Although it could also be decurrens or deansii Inconsistency is in my nature. The simple PHYLLODE tekI'm just waiting for these bloody plants to grow
thanks sphorange. i see it now, too. ill keep looking.
samsara, your tree isn't actually an acacia its Paraserianthes lophantha 
Sillycybe43 the tree in post 1095 is acacia floribunda, while the second I am not 100% on but looks very much like acacia saligna
Thank you very much acacian, very much appreciated.. Choose not of the eyes that lead, but of the eye that guides.
acacia sophorae 
So I found this beauty at work Sorry there's no ruler for measurements, all I had on me was a lighter Thanks to anyone who can help  kubizm attached the following image(s):  image.png (771kb) downloaded 86 time(s). image.png (701kb) downloaded 86 time(s). image.png (1,077kb) downloaded 86 time(s).I stole a globe map, saw the world for the taking!
Also found this beauty, any ID greatly appreciated I stole a globe map, saw the world for the taking!