lol I didnt even see my finger in there. good observation.
Lets see some yields people ! SMOKE MORE DMT, SMOKE MORE DMT NOW
Over the next 2 weeks my cat will be extracting dmt from a kilo + sum of mimosa in 200g ammounts at a time and is going to use noman's again unfortunaltly my camera phone has been lost and cannot post pictures. so i'll be posting estimate yields using my gram scale at the end of it all (by then it'll be measureable on a gram scale)
SWIM has done a kilo all at once...used a glass carboy...its a bottle to brew beer in...its about 5 gallons or so...yield was just about 18 grams... 18 was enough SWIM took just about 6 hours to cut the Mimosa up...and then ground it in coffee grinder...when cutting they cut it into quarter inch pieces...because when you cut it that breaks up the fibers more...helps you get a really nice powder...ahaha talk about purple boogers...took about 4 days to do...maybe a bit longer...hahaha SWIM cant remember...also placed crystals and power objects around the infuse the spice with more cosmic energy...HAD SO MUCH FUN DOING IT....SWIM said it was nice seeing a massive pile
Jorkest, how did you get 18 grams from 1 kilo ?? What bark were you using.. SMOKE MORE DMT, SMOKE MORE DMT NOW
inner root bark...and he got the root bark so powdered up..that the yield was awesome...they also used crystals to make a crystal grid around the was funny though...he told me that the first pull got almost nothing...nothing at all...maybe a few little crystals...but then...the next one he said was about 10 grams I cant say for sure how the yield was so great...there was also a full moon that week...who knows...ha now he has more spice than he knows what to do with...
What do you mean by inner root bark.. also does having the bark in a powder form greatly increase yield size? SMOKE MORE DMT, SMOKE MORE DMT NOW
i think the inner root like...the main tap roots...the bark is nice a thick...and very sturdy...and YESSS always powder your bark..ALWAYS...the farther you can break it down before adding it to lye water...the faster and more spice you can extract...always always powder it first...first get some hedge clippers..and cut the bark into quarter inch will have these little squares...and then put them in coffee grinder..and then grind the ever living piss out of reallly really good...its the only way
SWIM usually gets 5-6grams of pure crystal outta 1lb of powdered mimosa Life is the best video game, best graphics, best gameplay, infinit options, always upgrading, real life action.
I get similar yeilds to Hugh Cronic Through all of history mankind has ingested psychedelic substances. Those substances exist to put you in touch with spirits beyond yourself, with the creator, with the creative impulse of the planet. Ray Manzarek
Delsyd wrote:I get similar yeilds to Hugh Cronic A/B? STB? what solvent? Swim remembers swid from back in 02-03 from dmtworld as well as the hive...
My cat has done two 200g extractions. Nomans tek. Warm Naptha. And all the pulls combined. Estimate 4.5 through 5.5 grams total.  
Very weird thing happened to me while I was waiting for my train tonight. A desperate man run across the platform shouting " 0% YIELD FROM PHALARIS CANARIENSIS SEEDLINGS USING A/B AND FASA!!!!!!!", he then jumped in the rails and the arriving train killed him! I was so socked!!! Need to calculate between salts and freebases? Click here! Need to calculate freebase or salt percentage at a given pH? Click here!
my previous yeild looks crazy yellow but its really not. 
Foaf's exhausted his potion of white spice. He got a nice yield of 0.7% from Maya's pre-powdered. Here's the details: Yield of white spice: 3.7g (0.7%) Product: 505g pre-powdered MHRB from Maya (their cheapest). Later added a 10g free sample of Mexican MHRB and 10g of leftover solid bark, making a total of 525g. Process: Lazyman tek, usually Bartoline stirred for 20 mins then left overnight. Freeze precip. 12 pulls! (One still in the freezer but not that much goodies inside it so not included in figures), basically he kept pulling til it came no more. Other brands: Jeye's Kleen-Off caustic soda from cornershop and Bartoline Low-Odour White Spirit from B&Q. Also experimented with some Swan lighter fuel from Sainsburys. Used filtered water because heard that chlorine eats spice! Other notes: he's now continuing with xylene (T10009 thinners, 'Flag' brand) for any jungle spice... this will take a while as he needs to source FASA supplies. The potion sat around for a month during a leisurely extraction but this didn't seem to hurt the yield. He preferred Bartoline White Spirit to Swan lighter fuel because Swan evaporates too quickly so can't leave it sitting around because it's expensive stuff. Having to take off the Swan after an hour before too much evaporated meant it held half as much spice too. Also Bartoline doesn't stink out his house. The first batch of spice was pure white and the last light cream coloured. He just tried the last batch and it felt exactly the same as the first so he thinks it's still almost all nn-DMT.  Everything I write is fictional roleplay. Obviously! End tribal genocide: Quick petitions for meaningful change: End prohibition: And "Feeling Good" by David D.Burns MD is a very useful book.
180g Pre-Powdered Bark 180g NaOH 3.2L Distilled water Xylene pulls, then FASA 1) 1.2g pure white powder that clumps in rocks. 2) 1.3g off white fluffy powder, as if chalk had been ground up. 3) 0.65g yellowish miniture crystals, like ground up fiberglass 4) 0.4g yellowish miniture crystals... Probably could have gotten a little more but was happy with the yields, interesting how each pull provided a different extract. All totals are after 2 acetone washes. I'm curious to see if the different colors/textures will provide markedly different experiences... What, you ask, was the beginning of it all? And it is this...
Existence that multiplied itself For sheer delight of being And plunged into numberless trillions of forms So that it might Find Itself Innumerably. -Sri Aubobindo
Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
454g yielded slightly more than 4.5g using modified lazymans tek ...
Anything posted on here is relayed fables from a friend of a friend who does not own a computer. Since SWIM cannot type these up himself, I reiterate his fictional ramblings word for word to be a nice guy.
Hello pipl... SWIM finaly did it!!! SWIM used both ecstraction technichs (A/B and STB) on 150 g of Mimosa Hostilis, separated in 2 portions; A/B done on 50 g, and STB done on 100 g. Then SWIM combine both results, recristalise them in petroleum ether (Hempels thinner No. 823... And finaly got this:  It still look "dirty", but SWIM cant get rid off that yellow collor Can any SWIY suggest the amount of this Spice on the plate? There is a razzor blade there for comparation... How much sholu SWIM try? 1 "matches head" size of christals? Or maybe 2? SWIM is only expirienced in Ayahuasca & Pharmahuasca, so he realy need help in measuring Just keep the balance...the middle path... 93 93/93
STB 200g MHR 200g Caustic Soda 3l of water 300ml Naptha 2 pulls later 3.3g : ) You have to go within or you go without