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Welcoming committeeModerator
#961 Posted : 12/20/2015 5:08:43 AM
From a PNW mushroom identification FB gp. Photo credit to Chelsey Anna
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
*γνῶθι σεαυτόν*
Welcoming committeeModerator
#962 Posted : 12/20/2015 5:09:26 AM
From a PNW mushroom identification FB gp. Photo credit to Chelsey Anna same skull different years.
null24 attached the following image(s):
image.jpg (241kb) downloaded 484 time(s).
image.jpg (151kb) downloaded 484 time(s).
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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#963 Posted : 12/20/2015 1:14:05 PM
A protein kinesin transporting a vesicle along a microtubule.

[Source: Harvard BioVisions]

Everything's sooo peyote-ful..
#964 Posted : 12/22/2015 4:58:23 AM
tseuq wrote:
A protein kinesin transporting a vesicle along a microtubule.

[Source: Harvard BioVisions]


Loooove how complex this whole situation is. You can just find wonder and awe hidden in every nook and cranny of this incomprehensibly large universe.
Gonzukes attached the following image(s):
Mw4zX.jpg (173kb) downloaded 443 time(s).
a2cdd391f18eeab02e174538e3624312.JPG (1,562kb) downloaded 437 time(s).
hI8wffq.jpg (150kb) downloaded 444 time(s).
13306867315_d7b5def069_b.jpg (326kb) downloaded 432 time(s).
10668839_382823001873652_8733622655859122666_o.jpg (142kb) downloaded 431 time(s).
MeMDLkC.jpg (2,154kb) downloaded 433 time(s).
space-mars-atmosphere-hd-wallpaper-mars-atmosphere-density-compared-to-earth-mars-atmosphere-model-mars-atmosphere-compared-to-earth-mars-atmosphere-temperature-mars-atmosphere-nasa-mars-atmosphere-co.jpg (965kb) downloaded 430 time(s).
prBcfJo.jpg (153kb) downloaded 433 time(s).
Lkyptz0.jpg (811kb) downloaded 429 time(s).
The-Heart-Nebula-IC-1805.jpg (337kb) downloaded 425 time(s).
Welcoming committeeModerator
#965 Posted : 12/23/2015 4:35:50 AM
One of the best alien entity portraits I've ever seen. I can hearthis one!
null24 attached the following image(s):
image.jpg (48kb) downloaded 408 time(s).
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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Moderator | Skills: Analytical equipment, Chemical master expertExtreme Chemical expert | Skills: Analytical equipment, Chemical master expertChemical expert | Skills: Analytical equipment, Chemical master expertSenior Member | Skills: Analytical equipment, Chemical master expert
#966 Posted : 12/23/2015 5:15:28 PM

benzyme attached the following image(s):
File Dec 23, 11 25 03 AM.jpg (1,613kb) downloaded 390 time(s).
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
"Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
Cognitive Heart
#967 Posted : 12/24/2015 2:47:57 AM
Surprised Love
'What's going to happen?' 'Something wonderful.'

Skip the manual, now, where's the master switch?

We are interstellar stardust, the re-dox co-factors of existence. Serve the sacred laws of the universe before your time comes to an end. Oh yes, you shall be rewarded.
Cognitive Heart
#968 Posted : 12/24/2015 3:36:38 AM
'What's going to happen?' 'Something wonderful.'

Skip the manual, now, where's the master switch?

We are interstellar stardust, the re-dox co-factors of existence. Serve the sacred laws of the universe before your time comes to an end. Oh yes, you shall be rewarded.
#969 Posted : 12/24/2015 6:22:50 AM
For you art bunnies Pleased

Comes from a site very much worth visiting and do some of that 'clicking':
Art as a tool for change
#970 Posted : 12/24/2015 7:55:03 AM
Cognitive Heart wrote:

That's where the /r/psychonaut image comes from! Thanks so much, been wanting that for ages Very happy!!

Jees wrote:

For you art bunnies Pleased

Woah that's really beautiful :O. Is that Android Jones? Kinda reminds me of his stuff. Love it, thanks for posting Smile

Here's some more stuff:
Gonzukes attached the following image(s):
Moebiusarzach.jpg (338kb) downloaded 378 time(s).
oNPCBkx.jpg (326kb) downloaded 378 time(s).
PIA15817.jpg (3,015kb) downloaded 377 time(s).
Lpllx7F.jpg (587kb) downloaded 376 time(s).
r0T3nVk.jpg (171kb) downloaded 375 time(s).
LostinSpace_el.jpg (51kb) downloaded 376 time(s).
opo9919i.jpg (714kb) downloaded 375 time(s).
PyqMUTx.jpg (277kb) downloaded 379 time(s).
Welcoming committeeModerator
#971 Posted : 12/25/2015 12:37:37 AM
Happy Friday eve everybody!
( this is animated on tumblr if anyone wants to school me on saving animated gifs to iPhone)
null24 attached the following image(s):
image.jpg (380kb) downloaded 352 time(s).
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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Senior Member
#972 Posted : 12/25/2015 11:16:42 AM
Sync! Was just about to post that gif Smile

Merry Chrimbo, you filthy animals!
Cognitive Heart
#973 Posted : 12/26/2015 11:30:55 PM
Cognitive Heart attached the following image(s):
12376510_1497360947239475_814284453821362746_n.jpg (62kb) downloaded 278 time(s).
'What's going to happen?' 'Something wonderful.'

Skip the manual, now, where's the master switch?

We are interstellar stardust, the re-dox co-factors of existence. Serve the sacred laws of the universe before your time comes to an end. Oh yes, you shall be rewarded.
Senior Member
#974 Posted : 12/30/2015 11:46:53 PM
Take the first right after the last light post Surprised

edit: I have to say... I do love a good infinity GIF!

Cognitive Heart
#975 Posted : 1/1/2016 6:37:35 PM
All seeing.. all knowing..

'What's going to happen?' 'Something wonderful.'

Skip the manual, now, where's the master switch?

We are interstellar stardust, the re-dox co-factors of existence. Serve the sacred laws of the universe before your time comes to an end. Oh yes, you shall be rewarded.
Welcoming committee
#976 Posted : 1/2/2016 2:45:52 AM
DoingKermit wrote:
Take the first right after the last light post Surprised

edit: I have to say... I do love a good infinity GIF!

"Are we there yet?"


New to The Nexus? Check These Out:

One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish

Cognitive Heart
#977 Posted : 1/6/2016 11:36:21 PM
Cognitive Heart attached the following image(s):
10372327_445062555685008_189433852308610805_n.jpg (83kb) downloaded 191 time(s).
'What's going to happen?' 'Something wonderful.'

Skip the manual, now, where's the master switch?

We are interstellar stardust, the re-dox co-factors of existence. Serve the sacred laws of the universe before your time comes to an end. Oh yes, you shall be rewarded.
Cognitive Heart
#978 Posted : 1/7/2016 12:26:19 AM
Infinite waves of fractal light..

'What's going to happen?' 'Something wonderful.'

Skip the manual, now, where's the master switch?

We are interstellar stardust, the re-dox co-factors of existence. Serve the sacred laws of the universe before your time comes to an end. Oh yes, you shall be rewarded.
#979 Posted : 1/12/2016 10:36:51 AM
Cognitive Heart wrote:

Beautiful and psychedelic! Love it!
Gonzukes attached the following image(s):
12489447_942876899099120_8169732802408490382_o.jpg (126kb) downloaded 447 time(s).
6a00d8341bf7f753ef01b7c7772f65970b.jpg (268kb) downloaded 446 time(s).
yEOHY.jpg (174kb) downloaded 446 time(s).
Thinking-Cactus_670.jpg (350kb) downloaded 447 time(s).
rZVBQFJ.jpg (100kb) downloaded 443 time(s).
9acc207f50e67236d2c011bc01e2d492-d7d3eqn.jpg (698kb) downloaded 446 time(s).
W7Lhxrz.jpg (234kb) downloaded 443 time(s).
thom-tenery-thomtenery-elvencity-wotc.jpg (444kb) downloaded 444 time(s).
oU6PS3F.jpg (100kb) downloaded 444 time(s).
tut-5.jpg (550kb) downloaded 442 time(s).
ewXzFZZ (1).jpg (111kb) downloaded 438 time(s).
Senior Member
#980 Posted : 1/12/2016 3:36:43 PM
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