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Trying to improve Acacia information Options
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#961 Posted : 11/27/2012 4:14:22 AM
..and last up, to give an idea of the range of species in the Malay region,

Results of search for 'Acacia' in the Checklist of Plants of Myanmar, U.S. National Herbarium, 14 May 2006.
• Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. Habit: Small tree. Distribution: Cultivated
• Acacia brunnescens C.E. Parkinson. Habit: Tree. Distribution: Taninthayi, Yangon
• Acacia caesia (L.) Willd. Habit: Small tree. Distribution: Reported from Myanmar
• Acacia campbellii Arn. Habit: Tree. Distribution: Magway
• Acacia canescens Graham. Habit: Climber/Creeper. Distribution: Magway
• Acacia catechu Willd. Habit: Tree. Distribution: Magway, Mandalay. 
  Common Names: Cutch, Mung-ting, Nya, Sha, Shaji, Tun-sa-se
• Acacia chundra Willd. Habit: Tree. Distribution: Cultivated. Common Names: Sha
• Acacia concinna DC. Habit: Climber/Creeper. Distribution: Cultivated. 
  Common Names: Hpak-ha Sum-hkawn, Kin-mun, Kinmun-gyin
• Acacia confusa Merr. Habit: Tree. Distribution: Reported from Myanmar
• Acacia dealbata Link. Habit: Shrub. Distribution: Cultivated. Common Names: Silver wattle
• Acacia decurrens Willd. Cited as: Acacia mollissima Willd. Habit: Tree. Distribution: Cultivated. 
  Common Names: Black wattle
• Acacia decurrens var. mollis Lindl. Habit: Tree. Distribution: Cultivated
• Acacia diadenia Parker. Habit: Shrub. Distribution: Wide
• Acacia farnesiana (L.) Willd. Habit: Small tree. Distribution: Cultivated. 
  Common Names: Mawk-nawn-hkam, Nan-lon-kyaing
• Acacia ferruginea DC. Habit: Shrub. Distribution: Reported from Myanmar. Common Names: Sha-byu
• Acacia gageana Craib. Habit: Shrub. Distribution: Taninthayi
• Acacia inopinata Prain. Habit: Tree. Distribution: Mandalay, Mandalay, Shan. 
  Common Names: Sha-hta-naung
• Acacia intsia Willd.Habit: Climber/Creeper. Distribution: Wide. Common Names: Suboke.
• Acacia kingii Prain. Habit: Tree. Distribution: Mandalay, Mandalay, Shan.
• Acacia laevis Parker. Habit: Tree. Distribution: Reported from Myanmar. Common Names: Yo-peing-nwe.
• Acacia leucophloea (Roxb.) Willd. Habit: Tree. Distribution: Bago, Magway, Mandalay, Shan.
   Common Names: Tanaung, White-barked acacia.
• Acacia macrocephala Lace. Habit: Climber/Creeper. Distribution: Kachin, Mandalay.
• Acacia meeboldii Craib. Habit: Tree. Distribution: Taninthayi.
• Acacia megaladena Desv. Habit: Small tree. Distribution: Wide. Common Names: Subok.
• Acacia microcephala Graham. Habit: Tree. Distribution: Bago, Kachin, Mandalay, Sagaing.
   Common Names: Sha-tanaung.
• Acacia modesta Wall. Habit: Small tree. Distribution: Cultivated. Common Names: Thinbaw-tanaung.
• Acacia myaingii Lace. Habit: Tree. Distribution: Mandalay, Mandalay, Shan. 
  Common Names: Su-magyi, Tagaung-net.
• Acacia nilotica (L.) Delile. Cited as: Acacia arabica Willd. Habit: Small tree. Distribution: Magway, Mandalay.
   Common Names: Babu, Babul, Indian gum-arabic tree, Indian gum-arabic tree, Subyu, Subyu.
• Acacia obcordata Hemsl. Habit: Small tree. Distribution: Reported from Myanmar.
• Acacia pennata (L.) Willd. Cited as: Acacia insuavis Lace. Habit: Climber/Creeper. Distribution: Reported from Myanmar. Common Names: Hpak-ha-awn, Htaura, Suboke-gyi, Suyit.
• Acacia pennata var. pluricapitata Steud. Habit: Climber/Creeper. Distribution: Mon. 
   Common Names: Subok-gale-nwe.
• Acacia podalyraefolia A. Cunn. Habit: Climber/Creeper. Distribution: Mandalay.
• Acacia pruinescens Kurz. Habit: Climber/Creeper. Distribution: Kachin, Mandalay, Sagaing.
   Common Names: Kinmum-gyin.
• Acacia rugata Buch.-Ham. Habit: Climber/Creeper. Distribution: Reported from Myanmar. 
   Common Names: Kinmun-gyin, Subok-nwe.
• Acacia suma Kurz ex Brandis. Habit: Tree. Distribution: Bago. Common Names: Gum arabic tree, Tanaung.
• Acacia tomentosa Willd. Habit: Shrub, Small tree. Distribution: Reported from Myanma.


..and when gathering the seed, here's something nice to ponder on
Sacred Groves in India..

In Kerala it was the common practice among Hindus to assign a part of their land near the Tharavadu or house as the abode of goddess Durga or Serpent God Naga or Shasta and the place is called Kavu or Sarpakavu. Sacred Grove represent the major effort to recognize and conserve biodiversity (ethnic diversity) traditionally. The age old system of every village having a temple, a tank and associated sacred grove explains the ancient method of water harvesting and sharing and may be considered as the backbone of village economy. People were prohibited from felling trees and even removing a twig was considered as taboo.

...Tree species found in the sacred grove are Artocarpus hirsutus, Mesua ferrea, Vateria indica, Hopea parviflora, H ponga, Alstonia scholaris Mimusops elengi, Hydnocarpus pentandra, Holigarna arnottiana etc. The lianas include Strychnos colubrina, Anamirta cocculus, Tetracera akara, and Acacia intsia. Shrubs are represented by Ixora nigricans, I bracteata, chassalia curviflora, etc. The seasonal plants such as Geophila reniformis, Borreria sp., Naregamia alata, Centella asiatica, Aerva lanata, Adrographis paniculata, Biophytum sensitivum, form the ground vegetation. In southern region of the state, Members of the mangroves swamps like Myristica fatua var.magnifica, M.malabarica Hydnocarpus spp and Eugenia spp are found in the poorly drained sacred groves.
The major threats to the existence of sacred grove in Kerala are the disappearance of old joint family system and partition of family properties …anthropogenic activities and cattle grazing.
[the Kerala Forests and Wildlife Department]
..it is interesting that Acacia intsia is referred to as a 'liana' (climber) ..it has sacred Nepalese rituals associated with it..
it is pictured below, followed by Acacia chundra [(Rottler) Willd .] 'Sha' or Karangali, or Red Ebony..found India, Burma, Sri Lanka )
The bark is medicinal and used to cure diarrhoea. A combination of the bark and root boiled in water helps to bring down high blood pressure. Strong timber can be used for construction and agricultural implements.
[Flora of Nilgiri Biosphere] ..fruitful learning and research all..!
nen888 attached the following image(s):
acacia_intsia-1.jpg (53kb) downloaded 319 time(s).
Acacia-chundra-300x252.jpg (47kb) downloaded 324 time(s).
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#962 Posted : 11/27/2012 4:50:01 AM
..ps on Sacred Groves in India..
another photo of: [from http://barbarapijan.com/...kshatra/05mrigashira.htm]
Acacia Catechu (Khadira) tree = sacred to Mrigashira Nakshatra

A group of lotuses; the Nakshatra Mrigashiras

"the lord of the stars", the moon; The Nakshatra Mrigashiras.

best of antelopes , a very beautiful deer; Nakshatra Mrigashiras

relating to the moon , like the moon , lunar
The planet Mercury ; The Nakshatra Mrigashiras, Serratula Anthelminthica

relating or belonging to Soma(the juice or the sacrifice or the moon-god) ,
connected or dealing with Soma , having his nature or qualities;
a Soma sacrifice; an adherent , worshipper
cool and moist; northern; auspicious
"resembling the moon", placid , gentle , mild ; a pearl; moonshine ; gentleness
planets, esp. of the Nakshatra Mriga-shiras, Chitra , Anuradha , and Revati
happy , pleasant , cheerful ;
Of Budha or the planet Mercury; of the Vedic Rishi Budha
The left hand; the left eye;the middle of the hand..

after Khadira, the 9 forms of Durga..
nen888 attached the following image(s):
05Mrigashiras_tree_Acacia.jpg (170kb) downloaded 319 time(s).
navadurga-the-nine-forms-of-goddess-durga-madhubani-painting-on-hand-made-paper-folk-painting_13278_500.jpg (83kb) downloaded 318 time(s).
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#963 Posted : 11/28/2012 12:10:10 AM
..in anticipation of a hopefully forthcoming post by the very tuned in timeloop..thanks for the info..Smile

on p8#155 there was an important ethics discussion for which i am thankful..

cheif hobo stank wrote:
BUT I really do question the wisdom of listing those Vulnerable species , especially on a publicly viewable forum. It would take only a decade (give or take) to wipe out a couple of species very limited populations through unethical harvesting. And we KNOW there are unscrupulous harvesters out there
i myself questioned this for a long time..if you check carefully you will find that the vulnerable species i have listed have already been made public (such as in Voogelbreinder 2009, or by other's net postings) ..i decided that a greater public awareness would ultimately benefit the plants..extracts from rare plants were being unquestionably distributed as simply 'dmt', most recipients unaware of the potential destruction behind the extracts..i have not listed any other vulnerable species because of sentiments similar to your own..in fact, i once urged Mulga not to put a certain tree on the net until more research into it and diversity had been done..my decision to create a public discussion forum was not reached without 'consultation' of the plants involved..

..but thank you cheif hobo stank, i am as concerned as you about the safety of these trees..

..the ensuing discussion resulted in my changing the listing of one species in the australian list to read simply Species 'C' (Aus) ..now, i do plan to put the name back on the list at some point, but i would like to see a few more solid evidence species get 'discovered' first..i am about to discuss how serious it is for this species (NSW) ..if you have the nounce to research (& respect) see the reference book recommended earlier in the thread..seed is available..it was announced by JJ to contain around 1.0% dmt in the phyllodes and bark..

..it is rarer than Acacia phlebophylla..meaning the total estimated number of plants is less than 9000! ..some recent estimates a lot less than this number!..fully mature plants considerably less..it is in a list of urgent threatened plants..the reasons:
Threat Class: Threatening Species References
Agriculture and Aquaculture:Agriculture and Aquaculture:Land clearing, habitat fragmentation and/or habitat degradation
Biological Resource Use:Logging and Wood Harvesting:Habitat loss, modification and degradation due to timber harvesting
Climate Change and Severe Weather:Habitat Shifting and Alteration:Habitat loss, modification and/or degradation Northern Rivers Regional Biodiversity Management Plan (NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water (NSW DECCW), 2010p) [State Recovery Plan].
Ecosystem/Community Stresses:Indirect Ecosystem Effects:Loss and/or fragmentation of habitat and/or subpopulations
Human Intrusions and Disturbance:Human Intrusions and Disturbance:Human induced disturbance due to unspecified activities
Human Intrusions and Disturbance:Human Intrusions and Disturbance:Mechanical disturbance during construction, maintanance or recreational activities
Natural System Modifications:Fire and Fire Suppression:Inappropriate and/or changed fire regimes (frequency, timing, intensity) Species Profile and Threats (SPRAT) database (Department of the Environment and Heritage (DEH), 2006ad) [Internet].
Species Stresses:Indirect Species Effects:Low numbers of individuals. Commonwealth Conservation Advice (Threatened Species Scientific Committee, 2008ag) [Conservation Advice].
Transportation and Service Corridors:Roads and Railroads: Development and/or maintenance of roads

..now, this species has been wild harvested and extracts sold on the black market!!! read that again if you don't see how serious and perverted that is..
acacian wrote:

tree-raperTwisted Evil ...... acacianStop

now, here's some info-vigilante info..the other week the name of one such exploiter was posted on another site..i know the person who posted that info..if such individuals continue i'll post full name and photo..Twisted Evil

..so, i do feel positive that as awareness grows and information is spread, such terrible and unnecessary acts of violence on nature will diminish..and what's so further excruciating is that i sincerely feel 98% of people who read care to read threads like this believe in doing what they feel is the right thing, and there seems a near consensus here of what doing the wrong thing certainly is!

..so, thank you timeloop for bringing me back to this topic, and that poor lovely strong tree..
pictured below..
nen888 attached the following image(s):
threadtened habiat.jpg (93kb) downloaded 315 time(s).
threatened flower.jpg (46kb) downloaded 304 time(s).
#964 Posted : 11/28/2012 12:45:42 AM
Ive been following this thread for quite some time and thought I would wade in and offer my contributions, if I can. Firstly thankyou nen for creating this thread and organizing all of the first page into easily accessible info, and for all of your hard work! Everyone else involved in researching, collecting and sharing this information provided here, thankyou! You are really doing some important work and I take my hat off to you all.

Ive been pondering sharing some acacia information that I have been sitting on for some time. I have noticed that there are some active acacia species conspicuosly missing from the list. Some of the plants I am talking about are in SWIMS opinion very good sources to be working with, however they are not very common in the wild and in some cases completely endemic to very small areas. I can understand that this information should be closely guarded on some level to stop any 'commercial' harvesters coming through and damaging the small number of these plants left in their native habitat. (you bastards!) Some of these plants have been quietly spoken about at EGA from various sources, but have not made it out into the general collective awareness as of yet... is it time for this info to become available to help create awareness about the ludicrous attempts to make DMT containing acacia illegal?... and to take some of the stress away from known active variants that have been singled out? and in my opinion completely overharvested and focussed upon simply because of lack if information about viable alternatives? ... Im really not sure and I dont think that is my decision to make at this point... but I believe that time may be coming soon... so I will continue to guard some of the knowledge I have at this point from this public thread but i would like to perhaps share it in private with nen and any other true protectors of the acacia spirit involved in this project who may be able to help me with some IDs... and help explore some particular acacias in more detail

In particular I would like to share an experience that happenned to a close friend recently. She was travelling through a state forest on the east coast of NSW and happenned to travel down a small track towards a small creek to do some exploring and refresh in the cool waters after a long day of travelling. The beautiful environment contained a very powerul forest energy and after about an hour or so exploring the waters her intuitive sense that there was something important in this forest waiting for her could not be ignored. She travelled back up the same track she had come down only to find that a medium sized acacia had fallen down completely covering the track she had travelled in. It is interesting to note that there was very little wind or any other real indication as to why this particular acacia had fallen over the road. It felt like an important message at the time. The tree had to be moved off the road to get past and her intuitive sense that this was a sign to look into this particular tree in further detail could not be ignored. The phylodes and some twigs of the tree were carefully removed and many thanks given to the spirit of the tree and the forest for providing this gift. No bark was taken as it was beginning to get late. After the tree was moved from the road my friend left the forest and forgot about the phyllodes for a number of weeks. I received a report from her this morning that she had awoken to find a very lovely surprise awaiting her in her freezer after working with the phyllodes last night.

Needless to mention that I am quite happy for my friend to have found a new species after undertaking this quest many many moons ago Smile

It is interesting to note that this particular acacia has not been included in any lists my friend or I have found... the phyllodes are quite similar to another active acacia that is missing from the list, but the shape and size of the tree and the color of the bark are unique... and it is from a completely different area.


so after a brief conversation with nen in private I have decided to release the information about a new active species. I believe I have acurately identified the acacia (or at least a very closely related brother. Its habitat has proved to be more prolific than I originally suspected and is definitely something I would like some other acacia heads to explore further:

Acacia mabellae

positive id: phyllodes, fruit, and flowers from specimen harvested.

My friend asked me to share this:

Today a bioassay was undertaken using 5-10mg of dark orange brown waxy extract on a small bed of cannabis. Definitely active! (this is the first time I have tested an unknown acacia extract in my body, it takes a little courage ey... Surprised luckily it smelt like spice, haha) threshold visuals, mild distortions open eyes and very slight hypnogogic monotone patterning with closed eyes. Very pleasant body load still lingering 15minutes after... (beta-carboline content perhaps?) I will try another slightly larger dose later today if time permits. I have some more purified extract waiting in the freezer, i will give it a good couple of days to completely precipitate out before I can report back.

So it seems this is definitely a very interesting acacia to explore that is relatively common up the south coast of new south wales.... and I find it interesting to note that it can be found on the west coast, north and south of Perth as well.

I would also like to present two other acacias that have not previously been discussed. I believe that they may have potential:

Acacia Stricta
Acacia Cognata

If any acacia heads would be able to help explore all 3 of these acacias in more detail I believe we may make some substantial progress.

Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#965 Posted : 11/28/2012 12:54:37 AM
^..awesome!! when i stop dealing with the mundane, i'll focus my bush-adjusted retinas..Smile thanks timeloop..
i be back..

ps. i'm beginning to philosophise that a book or IA (info application) 'authored' or channeled through one individual is also an out-moded concept in these moving times..so, i'm now thinking of establishing a Collaborate Acacia Book 'House', or whatever you want to call it..the logos becoming increasingly collective..greater power through parallel processing..strength in numbers! ..and bio-diversity plus cross-pollination..
any ideas..? ..see you soon ..watchers of the treeinfo..<3
#966 Posted : 11/28/2012 1:38:01 AM
i'm now thinking of establishing a Collaborate Acacia Book 'House', or whatever you want to call it..the logos becoming increasingly collective..greater power through parallel processing..strength in numbers! ..and bio-diversity plus cross-pollination..
I want to join! I like the idea. Like editors. And different angles. I guess that's Already what this is here at Nexus. Nice to see Durga too thanks. Did you anticipate my question haha?
And happy 50th page around the corner! congratultions TreeinfokeeperSmile. and 'threaders' to borrow your term Nen.
peace all.

And good stuff Timeloop!
#967 Posted : 11/28/2012 2:40:28 AM
acacia 'c' is named by someone who is a member here in a thread which is still active on a different locus of information.. it's not my thread but is naming and posting photos something people think is ok? i think it isn't. no greater publicity than a censor, the more times obtusifolia and phlebophylla and 'c' are bought up the more people are going to see it .. maybe i just have a dim view of human nature but it is the internet.

does anyone have any information on bioassays of phenethylamine containing species? notice a few of the high % yields from the csiro screenings had these types of alkaloids, seemingly comparable amounts in some to trichocereus spp. cacti

p.s - timeloop you are champion!
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#968 Posted : 11/28/2012 3:03:41 AM
..in the name of trying to improve acacia information, i have been threatened by both the authorities and gangsters..i have had my life threatened in the past..

i started this thread because i was sick of fear and dark people being shielded..
and because i felt most people deserve clear, un-censored info..

if people think that they can lurk in the shadows, profit from endangered trees, and rely on some kind of 'hippy code of honour' forget it!

..i will take any measure i see as discouraging people selling these un-ethical products..

people can name me if they want..half the authorities know who i am, and that i do not condone dealing..

..so, sorry if it upsets you Seldom, but no i will not back down on threatening to name people
..i'm standing up for the trees!!

ps. this is NO-ONE's thread..say what you want!Smile (within nexus rules)
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#969 Posted : 11/28/2012 3:18:31 AM
Seldom wrote:

does anyone have any information on bioassays of phenethylamine containing species? notice a few of the high % yields from the csiro screenings had these types of alkaloids, seemingly comparable amounts in some to trichocereus spp. cacti

..i know of one oral bioassay of A. harpophylla..Hordenine and PEA..was described as sedative, even though people say hordenine is stimulant..i know of acacia extracts which are mainly dmt with some PEAs which have stimulant effects continuing 2 hours after the tryptamine effects have worn off..
#970 Posted : 11/28/2012 5:07:36 AM
no worres Wink

also what's Pharm.Excp.blog?
#971 Posted : 11/28/2012 8:50:40 AM
But Seldom you yourself are now creating a locus of focusSurprised Shocked

I have censored my post on that site, which now reads:
folias wrote:
Obutsifolia is an extremely common tree. There are places where loggers are cutting down as many in a day as any tryptamine harvesters could possibly harvest in a year. And still, there are places where this tree is thriving, and many of these places it is really hard for humans to go to. The biggest threat to obtusifolia is fire, but paradoxically, this also brings them to sprout anew.
..basically bullshit..almost every national park has severe damage to all mature adult trees..there aren't that many state forests..
i will now go after you..i mean it tree killer!

ps. phlebophylla is estimated 15-20,000 trees in THREE locations..the most endangered is CENSORED!

These species names have been hyped and used like info games. Not everyone at an EGA is your friend Seldom!
Do you know how much time I've spent crying, Nen too, at what people are capable of?
We can't keep living in an age of darkness and shrouds.Sad
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#972 Posted : 11/28/2012 9:01:20 AM
..for Seldom:Wink with love..
..i'm infused and i'm not confused as i hope you're not seldom, as you areSmile as you are! private! seldom..look senior sergeant acacian and major tom are friendly organisms!

censorship is not good publicity mate! it's like UK-WWII and beyond!

the best publicity is too much information as in: "that was a little bit too much information! thanks" followed by jugular cocaine OD and prompt revival..

locus>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>distant locust mate

creasing size Smile, these words mean different things to different consciousness..

Meaning is beheld

Meaning Is Beheld.

"Use your voice"

"..it has to do with contacting these entities.."
i once asked McKenna: "yeah but you always just give that same first breakthru experience don't you..it's the only dmt trip you actually tell anyone about!! ha ha

then i spoke and said : "once in One interview you said: 'No matter how astonishing or terrifying my smoked dmt experiences have been, i couldn't help but feel that it was all still like a 'playroom', all set up with hand-pointing arrows to be safe for toddlers..one time i felt like i got there and the 'big people' were home. And that was utterly terrifying and there's not much more I can say!"

{(i thought to 'myself'Pleased i once, in my early 20s, gave after being pressed umpteen times 15mg dmt to smoke to a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic..afterwards she looked kind of annoyed and no better off..i asked: "what happened..you were very quiet? do you mind sharing?"

she said like a melody: "They just said 'round and round like a fish bowl!" over and over again.

i thought but didn't say (because that's what you're doing, perhaps subconsciously for survival, and yet it's killing you..this so-called disease..it's Dis-Ease! what do you believe in? i don't care but i care about YOU..you can't experience the love of the clearlight of the void without being open and transparent..?)}

i realised Terence was just staring at me intently looking strained that he had no words for this young man..
and he said: "Once someone told me that they went into a house, and it was full of rooms like in photo-reality..and they wandered about..and then they got lost, because someone was chasing them through the house..someone in a monkshood..and someone who was a witch on flames!"

incidentally, monkshood is the most poisonous plant i am aware of..it's not illegal to grow (unlike pot!) ..what to do with information..? yes some is dangerous..so why have nukes when you need to fight to suppress the easily obtainable information of how to make them..?

and the fool screamed: "No my Lord! Cover your eyes! You must not look! Stone Burner!"

but Maudib said: "No. I Must see..i must see what they have done to 'me'!"

then the Matrix3 ripped off the whole 'blind but can see' brilliance of Herbert..at least give spiceman a nod talented gnostic bros..!

and while we procrastinate the guild of navigators lurks on..

for gods sake mate

just have faith!

generalseldom…the thin red line..bulls on parade..it was all over reel-estate, fishermen 3 -

some of your men are going to die!..this is a war!..take that Hill!, hawk.!


only by lots of people growing these plants are they safe..

sincerely, Feel Marshall and similar to hawkish,

Safety in Numbers

there are more numbers between 0 and 1 then all the other numbers counted..

the Aleph, then the Omega..'unreachable' by all mathematical and rational definition..'alien'..and yet experienceable even by mathematicians in 'transcendental states'..dimensionally transcendental..'hyper-objects'

where meaning is beheld..

each reader of the thread finds their own meaning..the Message Is the Medium!

ps. Pharm. Excip = http://pharmaceuticalexc...m.au/2009/07/acacia.html
a blog by Niazi, last updated 15th July 2009..was real class A for it's day!
another good reference site is the Sweedish http://wiki.magiskamolek...8;xter,_svampar_och_djur
Acacia expert | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingExtraordinary knowledge | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, CounsellingSenior Member | Skills: Acacia, Botany, Tryptamines, Counselling
#973 Posted : 11/28/2012 9:12:19 AM
timeloop, mabellae looks lovely!Smile..i will now put another card i'm holding in my deck on the table..this is like revealing a dear friend..but the time for solar not lunar energy now seems..

i ask that anyone who accesses this plant because of the information please let me know how they're looking after my friend..

it's another one of those unfortunately not so abundant in the wild trees, and inconveniently for it, has good amounts of mainly dmt in the phyllodes..more convenient if humans listen and become symbiotic!

we need to grow this, and species 'c' up now..all hands, please, i'm on my knees!

so, native of NSW and Queensland..Acacia caroleae (L. Pedley 1978 )

treat her well this time fellas!

nen888 attached the following image(s):
Caroleae.jpg (369kb) downloaded 264 time(s).
Acacia-caroleae-main.jpg (51kb) downloaded 264 time(s).
#974 Posted : 11/28/2012 10:15:13 AM
cheers Very happy ..yeh i get around, just another larrikin like all of ye! much appreciated for the link. and good move phyllode, ducks on the pond Wink Wink Very happy

from philosopher Gilles Deleuze:

" But what do you know about me, given that I believe in secrecy, that is, in the affirmative power of falsity, rather than in representing things in a way that manifests a hopeless faith in accuracy and truth? If I stick where I am, if I don't travel around, like anyone else I make my inner journeys that I can only measure by my emotions, and express very obliquely and circuitously in what I can say .. "
#975 Posted : 11/28/2012 10:40:31 AM
Seldom wrote:
acacia 'c' is named by someone who is a member here in a thread which is still active on a different locus of information.. it's not my thread but is naming and posting photos something people think is ok? i think it isn't. no greater publicity than a censor, the more times obtusifolia and phlebophylla and 'c' are bought up the more people are going to see it .. maybe i just have a dim view of human nature but it is the internet.

does anyone have any information on bioassays of phenethylamine containing species? notice a few of the high % yields from the csiro screenings had these types of alkaloids, seemingly comparable amounts in some to trichocereus spp. cacti

p.s - timeloop you are champion!

I agree with much of what you said, however, both species are already very well known for their alkaloids, and at least in the context of this thread all mention of them has been carefully attached with the strong suggestion of sustainable harvesting to anybody who is reading...and they won't miss it. the disclaimers are always strong, as ANYBODY who reads this thread will know. Take for example the non-stop emphasis of phyllode activity now when some of the more popular species which used to only be known for trunk bark are mentioned (acuminata/obtusifolia).. as well as the species growing in popularity which are pretty much only sought out for phyllodes now... floribunda is a good example

I don't think they should necessarily be shunned and censored as if they don't exist... its already common lore that they are two of the most reliable species for dmt. emphasis needs to be put on how people can enjoy the plants via sustainable and sensitive harvesting..phlebophylla for example.. CSIRO released the info a long time ago and it has been common knowledge of its active properties for some time now too. It is rare and it may be confined, but if good information is available about it people will know that there is absolutely NO need to EVER touch the living trees as there are thousands and thousands of dead leaves on the sides of the roads going up the mountain which are of prestine quality for spiritual use.. and are just as obvious to as the tree itself. they're everywhere. literally everytime phlebophylla has been mentioned on this site or any other site it has been strongly emphasised that it can be enjoyed via fallen material ..so yes, you are right, the more these species are mentioned the more people will see them, but that goes for the topic of sustainable harvesting too. the more it is mentioned and emphasised, the more people will learn about it and the closer we will come to the end of the trunk bark harvesting era.

Other than the rarer and threatened plants which remain unkown, I don't think species should be held back in times like these. I think a good harm reduction method would be to expand the list and spread the harvesting over a larger volume of species.. if this were to happen, yes you would still see trees being damaged as long as greedy people exist.. But I guess you have to ask.. would you rather see huge devastating impacts on a concentrated amount of trees likely leading to extinction, or see smaller impacts over a much vaster range of species. To me the latter seems more sensible and the more the list keeps spreading out, the smaller the impact will become on each species.
#976 Posted : 11/28/2012 10:58:41 AM
Well, this is a very happening day for the acacia info thread. this is big news! Thankyou nen and timeloop for taking the initiative to expand the list. The combination of constant emphasis of phyllode activity and sustainable harvest as well as a broader range of species I think will be for the best. I would rather see the list be expanded, less harm done to each individual tree spread over a vast range of species, than all the knowledge focused on two or three species and those species ending up becoming extinct if exploited anymore.
#977 Posted : 11/28/2012 8:10:37 PM
I'm in awe of all of you people. You've taught me a lot already and it's my hope that education and freely available information will ensure the survival of these trees well into the future. Selfish human nature being what it is, "It's all MINE!", is hard to transcend, but the laziness of humanity should prove to be the saviour. The mantra must remain sustainability - phyllodes not ring-barking. I live in hope.

On a different note, can anyone point me toward any research on A. parramattensis? I've not seen this discussed anywhere.

The Meddling Monk
#978 Posted : 11/29/2012 12:15:57 AM
Yes, very exciting 50th page!
timeloop wrote:

Acacia mabellae

positive id: phyllodes, fruit, and flowers from specimen harvested.

My friend asked me to share this:

Today a bioassay was undertaken using 5-10mg of dark orange brown waxy extract on a small bed of cannabis. Definitely active! (this is the first time I have tested an unknown acacia extract in my body, it takes a little courage ey... Surprised luckily it smelt like spice, haha) threshold visuals, mild distortions open eyes and very slight hypnogogic monotone patterning with closed eyes. Very pleasant body load still lingering 15minutes after... (beta-carboline content perhaps?) I will try another slightly larger dose later today if time permits. I have some more purified extract waiting in the freezer, i will give it a good couple of days to completely precipitate out before I can report back.


Thank you and congratulations timeloop. Great name, he he. It sure does take some courage to try an unknown extract for the first time. Thankfully Nen has outlined the safety and risk factors in the thread. Safety and Risks p12 But I'm always nervous even with a fairly clean extract I've smoked a dozen times! I think it's my ego that's nervousVery happy .

My further reading tells me that A. mabellae is related to f A. falciformis , A. penninervis , A. retinodes , A. rubida or A. saliciformis . I remember cavepaintings getting something out of a tree in america that Nen identified as A. penninervis? From #568
nen888 wrote:
^..cave paintings, nevermind, looks like you've a few choices..the second tree you tested does look a little different to the first..trees can also be individually variant in content..[EDIT - also, cave paintings, [see ID thread here for pics] that does appear to be A. constricta and A. texensis..i'm sure your last experiments were A. penninervis and a crossbreed..and the last is a Mesquite..

I've got my sights set on 'Swamp Wattle'Wink now.
And Nen would love to join the House of the Book of the Acacia! Sounds fun. Where do I join?
The Meddling Monk
#979 Posted : 11/29/2012 12:23:44 AM
And Nen, leopard man! I think Caroleae is one of the most beautiful trees I've ever seen. Thank you for this sharing. I will do the right thing by her man, should I ever have the blessing of being graced by her prescence. Smile
Reminds me of an 'east-coast acuminata'.
You really are sharing and generous and trusting Nen. May the goddess bless you!
Major Tom
#980 Posted : 11/29/2012 1:50:22 AM
I have learned so much from this thread ; in both terms of practical knowledge , and also in wisdom in relation to attitude and treatment of different life forms . I will always be concerned at the ethics of wild harvesting , no matter how abundant [ or not ] any particular species might be . Although I am opposed to censorship - I feel it is necessary and appropriate when it comes to publicizing less abundant species , and especially so in relation to endangered species [ eg , Acacia " C " ] . . . I am wondering if it may be possible to prepare a list of threatened and endangered species - ones that are not to be touched under any circumstances , except perhaps , for propagation . Furthermore , I am wondering if it might be possible to approach the government with such list , and argue for increased [ very severe ] penalties for any unauthorized harvesting . [ unless some sort of action is undertaken , I fear some species are in danger of extinction ... ] Finally , I am appalled that nen and others have been threatened , or worse [ eg , Dr. Ott ]. Such bigotry is utterly unacceptable imo , and somehow must be stopped asap .Stop .... love , and regards to all , Tom .Smile
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