I glanced at it earlier and didn't notice face profile, cool, did you make it or find it?
I wish i was fully responsible. I just took a graphic and started playing with it. But yeah, they're faces. I'll post the original when i can find it. EDIT:have yet to find the OG (original graphic) online, it's from an article on LSD research, IIRC. Here's the graphic from my phone, apologies to the artist for being uncredited null24 attached the following image(s):  Psychedlics.png (484kb) downloaded 335 time(s).Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon *γνῶθι σεαυτόν*
I'm sure this has been posted before and written about, its pretty crazy. Do we still question the presence of psychedelic substances throughout history, informing mystical experience? Check the mushrooms above the giant purple red and blue apostle's heads. And those other structures kind of look like rye heads. And then the strange pattern on the right hand side. A fresco in an Italian church, ca. 15th cent.(IIRC ) I found this image doing some research seraph imagery- see the almost manga looking critter on the far right? null24 attached the following image(s):  gentle.jpg (110kb) downloaded 360 time(s).Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon *γνῶθι σεαυτόν*
No questions here, they knew, have seen them illustrated in all kinds of artwork of antiquity.
Caapi flower  boogerz attached the following image(s):  IMG_3053_3.jpg (100kb) downloaded 302 time(s).
not my own picture alas. Taken in Indonesia. Tally-Ho! DiMoiTou attached the following image(s):  grenouilleetscarabeeindonesie.jpg (123kb) downloaded 293 time(s).
Rhinoceros Beetle Rodeo!!! KiKKer you pioneer!
weasel rides woodpecker  INHALE, SURVIVE, ADAPT it's all in your mind, but what's your mind??? fool of the year
EG entheogenic-gnosis attached the following image(s):  KINDLE_CAMERA_1396349915000.jpg (301kb) downloaded 263 time(s). KINDLE_CAMERA_1422781174000.jpg (221kb) downloaded 266 time(s). 0050270ee8ec886959d666d5dad28ffd.jpg (314kb) downloaded 264 time(s).
3rdI wrote:weasel rides woodpecker  Haha, I saw that right before I came here.
yeahhhhh ○ attached the following image(s):  11043064_669569366502578_7133937282453475655_n.jpg (34kb) downloaded 276 time(s). 11021230_665937453532436_4366254453649523191_n.jpg (28kb) downloaded 271 time(s). 11001764_665936270199221_1146648554967109556_n.jpg (32kb) downloaded 272 time(s). 10404450_665935596865955_8442051122945721962_n.jpg (40kb) downloaded 271 time(s).
<3  ○ attached the following image(s):  1380557_626790210780494_2489387792149211560_n.jpg (49kb) downloaded 268 time(s). 10690277_636534916472690_565359471245024949_n.jpg (68kb) downloaded 270 time(s). 10849806_630532797072902_2588527132777209985_n.jpg (36kb) downloaded 269 time(s). 10881540_636534696472712_71840726154012988_n.jpg (126kb) downloaded 267 time(s). owl-photography-3__880.jpg (271kb) downloaded 266 time(s). owl-photography-7__880.jpg (66kb) downloaded 265 time(s). owl-photography-8__880.jpg (57kb) downloaded 266 time(s). owl-photography-13__880.jpg (95kb) downloaded 264 time(s). owl-photography-33__880.jpg (196kb) downloaded 264 time(s). owl-photography-35__880.jpg (199kb) downloaded 265 time(s). owl-photography-cute-107__880.jpg (178kb) downloaded 265 time(s).
Shatter entheogenic-gnosis attached the following image(s):  KINDLE_CAMERA_1425366477000.jpg (161kb) downloaded 247 time(s).
Banisteriopsis caapi ACRB Peganum harmala seeds entheogenic-gnosis attached the following image(s):  KINDLE_CAMERA_1425367116000.jpg (279kb) downloaded 244 time(s). 4555bc6d113caa158a81a5d239225c1b.jpg (321kb) downloaded 250 time(s).
I really like the owl pictures.
Hala fruit:  He who sees the infinite in all things sees God. He who sees the ratio only sees himself only. -William Blake There is no natural religion. People in the past never lived in ecological balance with nature, they died in ecological balance with nature -Hans Rosling Nothing is something worth doing -Sphongle
@ entheogenic-gnosis- very nice, especially the yote pic =) @ Dead man- Hala fruit, never have heard of it, but man is that super cool! beautiful pics everyone
The last pic of shatter I posted was bizzare, I've never seen shatter that looked like that, it looked like a broken beer bottle, needless to say I gave it away to a guy who asked me for spare change, but I thought I would post 3 grams of GOOD shatter that I got the other day. -EG entheogenic-gnosis attached the following image(s):  KINDLE_CAMERA_1425638821000.jpg (197kb) downloaded 506 time(s). KINDLE_CAMERA_1396349915000.jpg (301kb) downloaded 506 time(s).
As for the bottom picture, I love to see how tall they are getting!
I'm not an expert at all but it seems your babies are etiolating. And yeah, you can send your shatter to me, i will tell you if it's a good one or not (2,5g will be enough to test  ) « I love the smell of boiling MHRB in the morning »