Hi guys, found this little patch of Obtusa's in a forrest, with lots of other Acacias around, but this viney thing was only growing on the Obtusifolias from what I could see.. Anyone seen this before or able to identify the vine? Could they be friends? Acaciasubliminata attached the following image(s):  10474232_10153212854873312_4610357021509909324_n.jpg (119kb) downloaded 129 time(s).
Nice find there. It's hard to see the vine very clearly. It doesn't look like an Marsdenia rostrata, I don't see any leaves or flowers on the vine.. I'm not sure how the vine would benefit acacias. If the vine is draining energy from the acacia at all, it may affect DMT levels either positively or negatively. Would be interesting to know difference, though it would be hard to nail variance down to a vine in either case.. Throughout recorded time and long before, trees have stood as sentinels, wise yet silent, patiently accumulating their rings while the storms of history have raged around them --The living wisdom of trees, Fred Hageneder
We're almost finished flowering for a lot of species of acacias this month and next. Pods are much harder to notice, especially when the animals get to them first (and some species rarely occurring at all) Our acacian friends stay camouflaged well without them.... --Shadow attached the following image(s):  before-after.jpg (863kb) downloaded 108 time(s).Throughout recorded time and long before, trees have stood as sentinels, wise yet silent, patiently accumulating their rings while the storms of history have raged around them --The living wisdom of trees, Fred Hageneder
Thankyou Shadow, sorry for the terrible pic.. I couldn't see leaves or flowers on it anywhere either.. just these little star shaped pods. I wish the lack of flowers hid the acacias more for me... I think it just makes me a less safer driver trying to spot pods from the road now too!
..i had started to get an uncomfortable feeling about some of the recent requests to ID obtusifolia..these were confirmed when a few days ago i saw the worst case of destruction of this species in a nature reserve/national park i have ever witnessed..in it's native environment it is neither common enough or fast enough growing to withstand this assult..in a pristine environment every single large tree, around 50 of them, (based on growth rates, at least 30-40 years old, some more) had been completely stripped, ringbarked, left to die with phyllodes still there...the waste, ignorance, greed and disregard for the future of the trees or environment were stunning..all mature trees left dead or dying, where are the seeds going to come from?
i will be going into this more in the acacia info thread soon..
in the meantime, i'd like the various new members who made obtusifolia ID requests to post their perspectives on ethics, sustainability and environment..
someone out there knows who did this..
they have killed the hand that feeds them..and seriously affected an ecosystem which needs these trees..
this post doesn't really convey the sadness and shock i am currently experiencing.. and i am very concerned at the unintended harm a thread like this may be having on wild environments..
obtusifolia is in trouble...for it's own future generations, and for those who would like it to keep growing in undamaged native environments in new south wales..
this happened sometime in the past few weeks.. seeing it was one of the saddest days in my life..
Hello Nen, long time no see, I'v been very busy elsewhere, long story/travels. Great to be back. Could it be that 'Trout' imagined this comming. I might just keep my knowledge to myself until someone asks the right questions. Knowledge is having the right answers, intellegence is asking the right questions. Gowpen One can never cross the ocean without the Courage to lose sight of the shore
..Hello there Gowpen..it would be great to connect again..seems you've become quite a seer in your spare time the last time i saw those trees, as i left, i saw them 'shiver'.. 'someone bad may come here'..i heard a collective whisper.. they were so beautiful.. 'tell people'...'grow us'...'look after our younglings'.. hard to believe in the moment as it unfolds..but unfold further, and beyond this, it will.. may the force be with you Gowpen.. . ps. i would like to keep enjoying seeing more of the fascinating 1200 species of acacia in this thread, for our collective appreciation..keep it up tree-lovers.. the last post was a wake-up call..
hey guys , in my final trip to search for aacias for my 1st extraction i only found 2 new trees and im not even sure its an acacia, and for my little knowledge and my lack of resources i only have you guys to turn to , sorry if i ask alot The Runner attached the following image(s):  acacia.jpg (76kb) downloaded 272 time(s). acaciaa.jpg (92kb) downloaded 272 time(s).I'm a Runner , my feet just loathe the ground , up a mountain i go running steal your flowers to my cave , i'm a waste of sunshine , a petty rainbow slave ..
Hey The Runner, Not too sure about the first one, was it flowering and seeding at the same time? The second pic is definitely not an acacia. I know this thread is getting huge, you may have missed it, but check out my earlier post #743, or #693, you can see clearly that the flowers are not of an acacia Throughout recorded time and long before, trees have stood as sentinels, wise yet silent, patiently accumulating their rings while the storms of history have raged around them --The living wisdom of trees, Fred Hageneder
Thanks Shadow , im checking it right now and yes it is flowering and seeding at the same time I'm a Runner , my feet just loathe the ground , up a mountain i go running steal your flowers to my cave , i'm a waste of sunshine , a petty rainbow slave ..
Quote: in the meantime, i'd like the various new members who made obtusifolia ID requests to post their perspectives on ethics, sustainability and environment..
someone out there knows who did this..
I've recently been on requesting ID's, learning and educating myself on our bush medicines. I can't understand how someone can attain the knowledge needed to ID these plants and then go and commit murder on the very things the spend time learning about.. These people must be evil. Criminal orgs no doubt. Probably of the bi wheel variety is my guess. I for one, will open a huge can of karmic whoop ass on person I find doing this type of damage. The Bush Avenger !! I love the tree's and this outrages me. Nen, what's your view on planting Obs in national parks? Buy Floribunda people. Its awesome for everything from Aya to free base ,even smoking the phyllodes on there own is very pleasant. Overgrow the world!
..thank you for your post SweetDreams..appreciated..
i would warn Nexians to be very careful who they share information about locations of trees with..
i think karma will get the person/people..and they'd better beware of the 'bush avenger (s) '!
..as for planting in National Parks, regen may be needed, but care would have to be taken to be very location specific in seed source..this is why the loss of large mother seed trees is very harmful.. in the case of 'ob' there a number of different sub-varieties, in different localities, some more rare than others..they also have slightly different chemistry and secondary compounds..so the species in the west is different to coast, the north or the south..they have different habitats..such diversity within a species needs careful preservation..
..good that you mention A. floribunda, and it's usefulness.. also, it is one of the faster growing acacias..
Trying to keep these plants hidden will make collaboration hard between people who want to regen these areas. Call me "The protector of the north".
Another point on Floribunda people.. YOU CAN CLONE IT!! One of the few Acacia that you can.. ITS MADE FOR AUSSIES! Spread the word.
Viva Floribunda !
Hi Everyone SWIM is new here and hoping for some Acacia Obtusifolia ID help from NSW in the land down under. Signed up the other day and have been researching for countless hours. In that time and the research SWIM has done on DMT he has a growing appreciation for plants and trees that he never had before SWIM spent a couple hours searching one location today and had no luck as the ones he thinks he found were too sparse and seemed young. He read that these are becoming rare? So he left them. So on his way home he decided to take a chance and turn off and check a spot and right away SWIM found them! He really hopes this is it because he happened to stumble across a number of fallen/broken examples. As it was fallen and parts dying SWIM removed as much of the bark as he thought he needed. It is not flowering but hoping this doesn't affect the content and can use it? Here are some pics. Cheers     As SWIM has not obtained all his tools is there anything he should do as far as storing/drying prep etc. Thanks again
BUMP Dont think this is being seen as its in a STICKY thread
Hi Hazey82, welcome to the Nexus. I haven't ID's your pic yet. Are you looking for someone to ID an Acacia Obtusifolia, or do you believe you have an Obtusifolia (of the more than 1000+ species of acacia) which you want confirmation of? Just wondering, is Obtusifolia a species of Acacia you are specifically looking for, or do you know of the many abundant other species that are also active? Obtusifolia is a species that has just recently been unethically harvested in national park area. I'd be more incline to leave it until the seed have ripened, then go for the small twigs and leaves in a sustainable manner Throughout recorded time and long before, trees have stood as sentinels, wise yet silent, patiently accumulating their rings while the storms of history have raged around them --The living wisdom of trees, Fred Hageneder
In the first instance looking for ID confirmation of what my pics are. I believe it to be Obtusifolia as it hasn't flowered yet therefore its not Longifolia as I know they are very similar. I'm very open to other active species in NSW but from my research I only came up with Obtusifolia and Maidenii with Maidenii being inconsistent in its active content?
nen888 wrote:..i had started to get an uncomfortable feeling about some of the recent requests to ID obtusifolia..these were confirmed when a few days ago i saw the worst case of destruction of this species in a nature reserve/national park i have ever witnessed..in it's native environment it is neither common enough or fast enough growing to withstand this assult..in a pristine environment every single large tree, around 50 of them, (based on growth rates, at least 30-40 years old, some more) had been completely stripped, ringbarked, left to die with phyllodes still there...the waste, ignorance, greed and disregard for the future of the trees or environment were stunning..all mature trees left dead or dying, where are the seeds going to come from?
i will be going into this more in the acacia info thread soon..
in the meantime, i'd like the various new members who made obtusifolia ID requests to post their perspectives on ethics, sustainability and environment..
someone out there knows who did this..
they have killed the hand that feeds them..and seriously affected an ecosystem which needs these trees..
this post doesn't really convey the sadness and shock i am currently experiencing.. and i am very concerned at the unintended harm a thread like this may be having on wild environments..
obtusifolia is in trouble...for it's own future generations, and for those who would like it to keep growing in undamaged native environments in new south wales..
this happened sometime in the past few weeks.. seeing it was one of the saddest days in my life..
That is really disturbing to hear. Obtusifolia isn't exactly easy to grow. I have two that i've been growing for almost 9 months now and they are barely 6" tall. Contrast that to the several A.Maidenii I've grown from seed which happily grow around 1m a year and Floribunda which is very prevalent and certainly active, there just isn't the reasoning to do that sort of thing. Exctractions are prefectly successful from twigs, phyllodes, fallen branches etc. There is more than enough material free floating around. I've often throught about planting many of the seedlings i've established out in the bush but for this very reason I've stopped short. I haven't even had the heart to clip my own trees. I personally cant fathom the destruction of trees in their native environment. People need to watch their own grow from seed to fully comprehendand just how long an established tree takes to mature. There are some species I can't even get to grow like A.Confusa. Sadly people like this are motivated by monetary gain, not ecology, spirituality or the journey.
Hazey82 wrote:In the first instance looking for ID confirmation of what my pics are. I believe it to be Obtusifolia as it hasn't flowered yet therefore its not Longifolia as I know they are very similar. I'm very open to other active species in NSW but from my research I only came up with Obtusifolia and Maidenii with Maidenii being inconsistent in its active content?
Thanks The main difference between A.longifolia_var_longifolia and A.Obtusifolia, are the tips (apex) of the phyllodes. Longifolia is pointed Obtusifolia is blunt (or "obtuse"  Throughout recorded time and long before, trees have stood as sentinels, wise yet silent, patiently accumulating their rings while the storms of history have raged around them --The living wisdom of trees, Fred Hageneder
--Shadow wrote:I know what you mean. Have you tried the online wattle key yet? Wattle2.2 This is a great find! I had the first proper play with it the other day and was surprised at the amount of detail, the botanical words used are also superb!