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2012?? Options
Moderator | Skills: Extraction Troubleshooting, (S)elf ProgrammingChemical expert | Skills: Extraction Troubleshooting, (S)elf Programming
#61 Posted : 10/20/2008 4:03:53 PM
its not technology that has caused the problem..just the way it has been used and consumed
it's a sound
#62 Posted : 10/31/2008 4:18:44 AM
I happen to like Terence Mckenna's idea about the end of linear time.

There's also that theory that tehcnology will keep on advancing faster and faster until we reach a rate where we are making technological advances every second.
#63 Posted : 11/1/2008 1:46:22 AM
I think the molecules of the universe are moving faster and faster so we feel time is going faster. But we can't measure it because we don't have any reference point out of the physical universe to see if it's speeding up. And then the particles will turn into photons and we will turn into light. That's timewave zero. They say time stands still at the speed of light. We're going through the wall of time like the wall of sound. And it will put a lot of stress on our system so we better be ready with a strong mind, and body.

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#64 Posted : 11/1/2008 4:51:25 PM
that is a trippy hypothesis I had never heard about Very happy
Senior Member
#65 Posted : 11/1/2008 5:15:44 PM
mardybum wrote:
There's also that theory that tehcnology will keep on advancing faster and faster until we reach a rate where we are making technological advances every second.

I've read a few articles in New Scientist that say the opposite- innovation is on a downward curve, we've had most of our bright ideas, and this is now the age of development- fine tuning our previous breakthroughs- rather than innovation. Not that there aren't more breakthroughs to be had...
Everything I write is fictional roleplay. Obviously! End tribal genocide: www.survival-international.org Quick petitions for meaningful change: www.avaaz.org/en/
End prohibition: www.leap.cc www.tdpf.org.uk And "Feeling Good" by David D.Burns MD is a very useful book.
Senior Member
#66 Posted : 11/1/2008 5:27:14 PM
I don't believe in predictions, there have been so many doomsayer myth and they've never come through. It seems like every time I open a paper we're about to be hit by an asteroid or something. Let's face it, as far as physics are concerned we're living on the edge, there is the potential for our little planet to get swallowed by a new black hole or universe or whatever at any point. Or a jihadi to get hold of one of those nuclear suitcases that Russia lost and it's bye bye NYC/WashingtonDC/London. Or an airborn killer virus plague or DNA racial targetting chemical weapon. Etc etc. Use that knowledge as a memento mori to enjoy life, rahter than worrying about when your demise may come!

But I do suspect that the recent banking meltdown and recession is the beginning of the end for economic life as we know it... combined with the sustainability issue and our planetary resource debt ('borrowing from the future'Pleased, I think things are going to be changing pretty rapidly over the coming years. Time to buy a nice plot of land with a well somewhere for your vegetables!
Everything I write is fictional roleplay. Obviously! End tribal genocide: www.survival-international.org Quick petitions for meaningful change: www.avaaz.org/en/
End prohibition: www.leap.cc www.tdpf.org.uk And "Feeling Good" by David D.Burns MD is a very useful book.
Moderator | Skills: Extraction Troubleshooting, (S)elf ProgrammingChemical expert | Skills: Extraction Troubleshooting, (S)elf Programming
#67 Posted : 11/1/2008 7:51:16 PM
get away from the cities..

because how do a few million people eat if there is no more food being brought in???
it's a sound
#68 Posted : 12/3/2008 3:06:30 PM
having studied 2012 a fair amount; I have to say that I am partial to the idea presenting in 'Gaia 2012' (definitely worth a gander, if not a full read)

In brief, the experiencial process of humankind is following a type a 'map' ,, one that closely identifies with chakaras (or magnetic centers, meridians, whatnots) where as starting in the base (root) 'cavemen' were primary interested in the development of survival patterns and having an idea of concept of Root. Then, the text continues, came the city of Lemura to run it's course, followed by Atlantis to run it's course as well. I am far from doing the text justice, but as I understand it 2012 is supposed to be around the time of the Ascension into a more universal understanding of Love. not 'romantic' or 'conditional' specifically "Love" as it is intended in the spirit of the word, not it's linguistically based definition. Beings may ascend or choose to participate in a different form of consciousness whereas they will continue to learn and grow until they find themselves ready for such ascension.

do I believe that on a specific day, at a specific time, something huge is going to happen? not specifically, but if it does I wouldn't be surprised. Thinking of the year as a kind of marker for things to hold positive faith in; seen as a refreshing thought to renew personal power in the Now.

*shrug* works for me
better living through change

we can either grow like the non-human beings around us, or try to stay the same just because we can.

posts are ment for entertainment only; and are highly suggested against taking seriously, seriously.
briks hithouse
#69 Posted : 2/12/2009 12:44:35 PM
i think the only noticible difference will be an abundance of depressed looking hippies, upset that we have't all spiritually evolved to the next manifestation and received our light bodies.
Senior Member | Skills: Aquaponics, Channeling, Spirituality, Past Life Regression Hypnosis
#70 Posted : 2/25/2009 11:47:28 PM
Master of plants wrote:
Light bodies?

The idea of Ascension. Shedding our physical bodies for ones made of light/energy. Do searches on Ascension, and Photon Belt.
What, you ask, was the beginning of it all?
And it is this...

Existence that multiplied itself
For sheer delight of being
And plunged into numberless trillions of forms
So that it might
-Sri Aubobindo

Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
The Traveler
Administrator | Skills: DMT, LSD, Programming
#71 Posted : 2/26/2009 7:50:46 AM
Something as described in the book "Childhoods end" from Arthur C. Clark would be really interesting.

Extreme Chemical expertChemical expertSenior Member
#72 Posted : 3/2/2009 4:32:59 PM
#73 Posted : 3/2/2009 5:02:10 PM
Everything will happen. But when, I don't know.

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

ModeratorChemical expert
#74 Posted : 3/2/2009 9:33:39 PM
Master of plants wrote:
Hey everybody I know what will happen in 2012. Wanna know?

I think lots of people would love to know! why don't you simply PM each nexus member about the thing(s) that will happen in 2012?

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#75 Posted : 3/2/2009 9:51:50 PM
you have quite a sense of humour heh, infundibulum? Very happy
Senior Member
#76 Posted : 3/2/2009 10:15:57 PM
briks hithouse wrote:
i think the only noticible difference will be an abundance of depressed looking hippies, upset that we have't all spiritually evolved to the next manifestation and received our light bodies.

Hahahaa! This guy KNOWS!
A mass shift in consciousness- previously happy hippies simultaneously bummed out...
but, with chaotic systems working as they do, this could spark off a sequence of events...
perhaps with cataclysmic consequences... Pleased
Everything I write is fictional roleplay. Obviously! End tribal genocide: www.survival-international.org Quick petitions for meaningful change: www.avaaz.org/en/
End prohibition: www.leap.cc www.tdpf.org.uk And "Feeling Good" by David D.Burns MD is a very useful book.
#77 Posted : 3/5/2009 1:31:38 AM
2012, for me feels like a second chance at the big disappointment y2k was.

in the late 90's, even though we knew it wouldn't happen, myself (along with those i knew and loved) saw 2000 as an apex. an end point. something to move toward and then... it would finaly be over.

that, of course didn't happen.

some of us say that it was the beginning of the end. but really, knowing the end ruins the surprise, and lets face it. if there is a surprise to be had, it will stay secret.

part of me feels the old pull to an end. i want to be there. who doesn't. especially when the end may include some crazy ass-pectacular splodies and aliens beaming thompson's doomed into cryo-freezers to the center most place in the universe. but ultimately it keeps spiraling into the pupil back out to the cornea.

end is an illusion.

but so is beginning.

call me jaded, but 2012 feels like a false hope to be somewhere important.

however, something is always happeing, so i can at least feel peace knowing 2012 will bring something regardless.

life sure is short.

Advertising is tax deductible, so we all pay for the privilege of being manipulated and controlled.
-Noam Chomsky

Do you think that the amoeba ever dreamed that it would evolve into the frog? Of course it didn't. And when that first frog shimmied out of the water and employed its vocal cords in order to attract a mate or to retard a predator, do you think that that frog ever imagined that that incipient croak would evolve into all the languages of the world, into all the literature of the world? Of course it fucking didn't. And just as that froggy could never possibly have conceived of Shakespeare, so we can never possibly imagine our destiny.
-Naked (1993)
Moderator | Skills: Analytical equipment, Chemical master expertExtreme Chemical expert | Skills: Analytical equipment, Chemical master expertChemical expert | Skills: Analytical equipment, Chemical master expertSenior Member | Skills: Analytical equipment, Chemical master expert
#78 Posted : 3/5/2009 1:45:28 PM
what, and believing wholeheartedly that something paranormal is going to happen in 2012 isn't too much?


i used to entertain the thought, but realized how much i was being like chicken little...and for what?
reason and skepticism set in.
I'm more likely to believe I'll bump into Elvis at a gas station than having some sort of spiritual awakening on 12/21/12.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
"Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
Moderator | Skills: Analytical equipment, Chemical master expertExtreme Chemical expert | Skills: Analytical equipment, Chemical master expertChemical expert | Skills: Analytical equipment, Chemical master expertSenior Member | Skills: Analytical equipment, Chemical master expert
#79 Posted : 3/5/2009 1:55:23 PM
it's always strange when people from a community believe in potentially false prophesies.

google: church of the subgenius.

I agree with many of their ideals, but they also prophesized the end of the world several years ago, as did nostradamus.
might as well give your soul to Bob Dobbs. Laughing

"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
"Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
ModeratorChemical expert
#80 Posted : 3/5/2009 4:19:25 PM
I also wonder what the 2012 non-sceptics will say after 2012. That would be funny.

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