Thats exciting. Thanks for all the info banc, i feel like im finally at a point in my life where i can dedicate a lot of focus towards learning these techniques. This has been something of interest to me since i was young, but ive always had a lot of distractions like stress and life stuffs keeping me from being able to experiment much. Edit: exploding head syndrome LOL. I enjoy it, cant imagine why anyone would take medications for it haha. Read the words "...suffering from exploding head syndrome" and laughed. This is def exciting times. Ive also added daily meditation to my schedule and am already feeling slight positive effects from it. "Energy flows where attention goes" [Please review the forum Wiki and FAQ before posting questions]
Interesting to read about the IAC, even though their primary method does not seem that special to me. In fact, i've heard about it on the astraldynamicsforum many years back and tried it in conjunction with binaural audio without great success. Perhaps it is time to revisit it. A while back, i had yet another experience. I found myself in the vibrational state and tried to enter Virtual Reality Mode. I somehow managed to open a Window but was tumbling around at a fast pace because that's how i tried to break free from my body. I tried again, this time with the proven "getting my legs pulled out" technique. I suddenly materialized in the room of a young boy aged ~6. I could not see his face because he was sitting at his desk. On his side was a shelf with neatly ordered model cars (firetrucks etc). I then took my hands and stroked his head in a "Oh hey boy!" kind of way. Then, it ended. I wonder if children are able to attract spirits more easily...doesn't matter if they are "ghosts" or still alive and traveling. It was a weird experinece, that's for sure. I'm just wondering how much of what i experience is a dream. I have absolutely no control over where i go. With ayahuasca for instance, i can decide the place and time. Or at least have a say in in it.
Hi obliguhl, are you referring to the VELO technique here? The IAC describes many different OBE induction techniques, and the VELO is not a direct method for the induction of OBE's, but rather an exercise you perform prior to engaging a technique of your choice. With training it can be used as a method to reliably induce the vibrational state, which is a state highly conducive to OBE's, but it is not a launch technique unto itself. It took one of the IAC instructors five years of daily practice of the VELO to be able to summon the vibrational state at will, it is definitely cumulative in effect. I have been impressed with the effects of it alone so far...I recently had an iboga flood and employed it later on in the experience, and very tangibly felt waves of energy going up and down my body with my awareness. I actually started to detach from my body but wasn't really wanting to have a full OBE while on iboga, I want to be fully sober and clear headed inducing these experiences for starters I think. But the tangible effects I've felt so far have motivated me to make this a nightly, pre-sleep ritual, even if I don't employ an OBE technique.
For many people, once in the vibrational state, things become much more thought responsive. Have you tried thinking about places you'd like to go? May be worth having a defined target location in mind in these states. Interesting to hear of your experience though! I have had some really vivid and highly unusual and symbolic dreams recently, characterised by very sudden and intense senses of inner motion. My hunch is I wasn't far off projecting. Interesting to hear how you experience ayahuasca, this is not how I experience it at all.
This is some advice on projecting from Luigi Sciambarella, who represents the UK branch of the Monroe Institute and comes across as a really decent chap, shared here if it is of any interest or use to anyone.
"I’m with the first group...OBE practice prior to sleep is usually a bad time. Your body needs recovery sleep and will quickly sink into unconsciousness. However, if you have an evening nap prior to your usual bedtime, this will give you a bit of recovery to then practice. So, it’s not about the time but rather how well rested you feel prior to practicing.
Of course, it also depends on the type of practice...for instance, I ALWAYS set an intention before going to sleep. I’ll work through a short visualisation to incubate a dream scene and how I become lucid within it. Then I let my subconscious deal with the rest.
My best practice time is 3.30-4.00am...that’s because I’m in bed at 11pm, sleep for 3 sleep cycles of 90 minutes (so 4 ½ hrs) which gets recovery sleep out of the way, and then I’m fresh enough to begin a deep bodily relaxation and either prompt the vibrational state or start to build a dream environment around me. For me, it’s about engaging the imagination as strongly as possible until the imagined scenario, however weakly perceived, starts to exhibit autonomous elements. Then I know another part of me is wanting to play along and that makes things so much easier. Detail then increases, other senses get involved and I’m in a dream scene.
So, to answer your question...yes, getting an early night and waking at 3/4 will help. However, so will going to bed around 1 hour before your usual bedtime and starting the practice then. Also, you can boost your chances by practicing in another bed (in another bedroom) or in a comfortable chair instead of your usual bed (in which you’ve been conditioned to go to sleep). This will help your pre-bed meditation. Motivation and intention are very important, but so is destination...this can also be a purpose. So, what is it that you’d like to do once your out of body or lucid? I know a lot of people focus on the state as a destination but I’ve rarely found this productive. Personally, I find it far more useful to think about what I’m going to do when I’m out of body. It’s the equivalent of learning to drive. You don’t learn to drive so that you can drive a learn because you want to use the car to go places. Going out of body is like moving into a new where do you want to go? When you really give time to uncovering your motivations, many things will fall in-line. You’ll also find that you’ll start to build a stronger relationship with those aspects of yourself that are constantly connected with the states of consciousness which you’d like to access.
And I totally agree...some people can listen to a tap running and go out of body, others have to work at it a bit. But it’s something within everyone’s grasp. If your practice is already producing results such as deep relaxation and more vivid and immersive dreams, then acknowledge these as great markers along the path. It’s very easy to overlook small victories because others are coming back with Stephen King novels every night! Go at your pace as it’s the right pace for you."
"even though their primary method does not seem that special to me. In fact, i've heard about it on the astraldynamicsforum many years back" All the techniques out there are like that..they have been around for a long time. I was on forums like LD4ALL and astraldynamics and similar forums like 12 years ago and remember all the same stuff on those forums. about 5-6am is the best time in my experience. Long live the unwoke.
Interesting to know jamie, I was a regular at LD$ALL back in the days. Great Forum with a lot of innovative techniques. @Bancopuma Yes, i meant the VELO Technique. I only know it in the context of trying to get in a vibrational state, not as a daily practice. This is certainly interesting. How do you experience ayahuasca? Do you travel with it? I always thought this to be a core feature so to speak. But now that i think about not sure if i really have a say in it...but i can switch "camera perspectives" and such and it feels as if it is my will to travel to these places. I can also travel to the afterlife in the future or into the past...very curious.
Interesting. Ayahuasca, for me, is a personal, psychoanalytical experience, I never go anywhere, and if I see anything it is moving, abstract geometric patterning, it is rare I experience actual visions. It tends to induce a state of alternating agony and ecstasy and makes me confront life issues or my shadow head on; it seems to be a very personal therapeutic orientated experience for me. Your experience with it sounds very intriguing and a whole world apart from mine. Funny how responses can vary so much.
It sounds like lower doses of ayahuasca bancopuma. Some people seem to really need to drink a lot of the stuff for some reason to get into the other worlds. I dont know why. Long live the unwoke.
Hi jamie, I think I may be a little hard headed to ayahuasca in some respects, or perhaps wired in a certain way that makes me a little more resistant to these type of experiences. Now caapi/harmalas and mushrooms for me is a whole different ball game of visionary power and I experience things through this combination that others report with aya. My one breakthrough experience with DMT took me much, much further in the space of ten minutes or so than any of my aya experiences thus far. My last experience with aya (with the Kaxinawa shamans) was my strongest by far, it was incredibly intense and it felt like a form of pure insanity. I'm something of a veteran but it had me on the brink of panic for a few hours. It was an experience of my mind being unhinged and all my memories and experiences and human concepts being blended up, and while I was experiencing this I perceived these abstract moving geometric forms, they were abstract in that they did not relate to anything in the "real" world if that makes sense. On the contrary to going places, this latter experience felt very internal and neurologically orientated, an experience of the inner mechanics of my brain. Maybe these kinds of experiences will come with time.
Great information, thanks for sharing Quote:"Ride the chaos, ride the beast Ride the dreams shattered into smithereens Ride the wave into the abyss" -Prana2020
A nice forum here devoted to OBE's, lucid dreams and altered states, nice peeps and quite well grounded with good info if it is of any interest to anyone. It seems to assist in OBE practice by reading about them and discussing them for some people by retaining the thought of them in your subconscious.
Today I've had the chance to practice exit techniques for a very long time. i'm now convinced, that the buzzing sound is both a signal that you are close, but also something to rather avoid. The buzzing wakes you up, so there is no point in trying to make it stronger. Instead, there seem to be two ways to continue.... A) Try to imagine some kind of magnetic force pulling you upwards, starting from your feeet B) Try to spin around as fast as possible The spinning seems easier to do, but you could still be spinning upon entering the other dimension. This time, i tried both techniques, but only spinning worked. Instead of focusing on the buzzing sound, i relaxed into the experience, similiar to the world famous "letting go" during psychedelic experiences. I then discovered by accident, a possible technique to teleport yourself, even though the validity of this remains unclear: I tried to "look" with my eyes closed into the darkness to see "something" ...and yes, i saw "something" looked like a testscreen of some sort: Black numbers and symbols embossed on some sort of grey metal sheet. I tried to read them but i was still spinning so fast. I'm fairly certain it was just "1234567890" (and a skull symbol) though. It also felt just like a salvia divinorum trip. It had this "neutral realness". I now wonder if salvia divinorum isn't just a "trip" but induces OBE like states. If you have tried Salvia before, you know that it also has this dreamlike quality while feeling very, very ancient and real. Very curious. Perhaps both OBEs and salvia Divinorum experiences let you tap into the same consciousness circuit.
Hey obliguhl,
Good to hear you are making progress. I've been practising sporadically and have definitely noticed an expansion in my dream life, and I've also had dreams of projecting, attempted projection from lucid dreams, and just before new years experience my first fully fledged vibrational was centered in my head and was felt as a very powerful tangible electric a vast amount of raw voltage was surging through my head but without any pain. It came after some breathwork relaxation having listened to binaural beats when I was a little sleep deprived, and came on quite suddenly. My priority now is on including an OBE from waking consciousness...lucid dreams may make a convenient platform but it seems like the experience induced from there is more dream like and subjective in nature.
I was surprised but immediately did my best to relax into the I did I tangibly felt something rise/float upwards above my body, but whatever it was, my conscious awareness remained in body unfortunately. Definite progress though! I had also drunk a bit that night and smoked a little cannabis so this may be contributed to or affected the experience.
A key thing I think with many of these methods is focussing your awareness outside of yourself, and when you are in the right state you will project as a reflex. Your method sounds to be along these lines, and is definitely worth persevering with. Your spinning technique sounds interesting, my mum has had spontaneous OBE's for many years and her usually begin with an intense internal spinning sensation.
The buzzing sound/vibrational state signified you are right on the threshold of an OBE. If you are experiencing the vibrational state, the ROPE technique may be worth a shot (a fair few peeps report success with this) and this technique may be worth a shot, from 'Mastering Astral Projection' by Robert Bruce...this technique is specifically designed for when you are experiencing the vibrations.
Brow Center Trigger Exercise
The brow center trigger requires that you angle your eyes up and slightly inward as if looking at your brow center (third eye) from the inside. The point to aim for is in the middle of your forehead. This may be a little difficult at first. It helps to press a fingertip into your brow. You can locate this point of pressure with body awareness and use this point as a target from the inside.
At first you will only be able to hold this position for thirty seconds or so comfortably. That is all you need for starters. Try to increase this time by ten or fifteen seconds per day. Eye muscles get used to this position fairly quickly with regular exercise. You will be able to comfortably hold the trigger position for much longer in a couple of weeks. This position may cause a little eye discomfort for several days, but this is only mild muscular strain and it will not harm you. If you have trouble performing this exercise or have particularly weak eye muscles, start with a shorter time and build up slowly. This is an exercise that you can practice any time.
Eye Muscle Warm-up
1. With your eyes closed, look up as far as you can and hold it for two breath cycles. 2. Now look down as far as you can for two breath cycles. 3. Look left as far as you can for two breath cycles. 4. Look right as far as you can for two breath cycles. 5. Repeat steps 1 to 4. 6. Move your eyeballs clockwise, taking a full breath cycle to make the circle. 7. Move them counter-clockwise for one breath cycle. 8. Alternate the clockwise and counter-clockwise motions until you have circled your eyes three times in each direction.
You are really my favourite Puma, and i'd like to congratulate you on the experience. This is how it feels for me too. Like some sort of electric surge. It also comes with a feeling of pressure buildup, and now also tends to spread throughout my body. Quote: My priority now is on including an OBE from waking consciousness... For me, the mornings are best, just inbetween waking and sleep. I recon you could enter this state during meditation, or before going to sleep, but i might be difficult not to fall asleep then. In the past i've heard that you need full on sleep paralysis - not true! It is sufficient to wake up without feeling your body. Then try to relax again without fully waking up. The vibrations should start then. I'm not sure if i believe in binaural beats and all that stuff anymore. It seems to be sufficient to be in that state where your body still is asleep and you are just slightly awake . The rest appears to be a matter of practice. This morning, I've been able to to get in and out of the vibrational state for at least half an hour. I was also able to "project" with varying success. I remember at least 5 different scenes which left me pondering the nature of these experiences. I know use two different techniques which seem to accomplish two different things. The first one is waiting for the vibrations and then relaxing into it, until a small blob of light appears. I then try to "look" at this point of light with my inner eyes..this opens them to a degree. The more i'm able to open them, the broader the field ov vision and the more detailed the scene becomes... 1. I see a small point of light and at first, it appears to be the moon...but then i notice, its some sort of backlit cloud, made of small caviar like circles. There are two layers above each other and i would spin around them. This experience might point towards a dream, because i was watching a tv show in which one guy would propose a two-layered laptop design. 2. I'm seeing a 3D wordticker, but the words are nonsense To me it seems to be the case, that this technique helps to magnify a layer of your own consciousness, similiar to some forms of tripping. But from this state, i could enter the "next phase" so to speak. The vibrations would grow stronger, trying to ground me in my body. But the shorter and stronger the buzzzzzzzzzzzzz... the more intense the ..melting into the experience and the higher the chance to be catapulted into some kind of hyperreal scene, what i always believed a dmt breakthough would be. 3. I'm walking through a suburban neighbourhood somewhere in the US and it appears someone had broken into some guys garage. The neighbourhood is desert dwelling and it is a very sunny day. It also appears to be in the past, possibly 50s or 60s. 4. I'm floating out of my body and would sit in my room...but it wasn't my room, but some kids room..again some kids room! The weird thing was, i was on the floor and in front of me sat a huge squirrel, as big as a 12 year old! I could also kinda stand on my "astral hands" in midair and make some sort of somersault, while being able to look at the scene as clearly as i would with my eyes. Dreams do not haqve this sort of "visual processing power" and imagining something like that isn't as easy either. It reminded me very much of the visual upgrade you get during ayahuasca visions... ...but these weren't "phantastic" ...but appeared to be more dream like. Just as if i was tapping into someone elses dream ...Entering the sleeping vibration at a time?
Thanks dude, you're alright you, too... Sounds like the force is strong with you young Jedi and you are making great progress and further along than I. And yes the morning after naturally waking seems like the optimal time, recommended by many people from Robert Monroe onwards. I'm in Ethiopia currently and pretty noisy in the mornings (right next to building site at the mo) so evening practice is the only feasible time, and even then it can be pretty noisy! It does seem like sleep paralysis makes a great springboard for OBE's, but I don't think it is a necessary prerequisite, and I certainly hope it isn't as I've only had one very brief spell of it on one occasion. Binaural neats seem to work better for some than others...they certainly aren't necessary but do seem to assist some with getting into the right preparatory state. Have you had any experience with isochronic beats? Some report more success with these, and they don't require headphones to be effective. Interesting to hear of your experiences! Your experience of the light blob rings a bell. I recall both Robert Monroe and Robert Bruce describing similar things. And your experience of the energy cloud also rings true to the experience of others. I would encourage you to persevere as sounds to me like you mare making great progress. It seems that more experience one gains to some degree, the clearer things get and you progressively find your "sea legs" and can explore more of that environment. Some experiences can be very dream like, others hyper clear and conscious, surpassing even waking consciousness, and everything in between. And it seems you can get OBE's which feature individual, dream content to superimposed onto them. I've very recently started a nightly practice of pranayama (Bhramari, Sama Vritti with spinal breathing, and Nadhi Shodhana with breath retention) followed by mindfulness meditation, followed by a brief full body psychophysiological relaxation technique, followed by some energy work. Already this seems to be having an effect...the last two nights running I've noticed a persistent subtle vibration after doing this. I'm not sure this vibration is connected with the OBE electrical vibration we've experienced. But I did attempt the Monroe exit technique and the rope technique last night, and both times the vibration increased and I had mild feelings of dizziness...both promising signs I think so going to persevere. All the more impressive actually as was distractedly doing these as was constantly getting assaulted by mozzies last night...I'm not yet that mindful to just let them bite me (they are malarial in these here parts). So I definitely wasn't as relaxed or still as I otherwise could have been. When you are having an experience, it might be really interesting to try the higher self technique and see what transpires...simply but firmly (but silently!) utter "Higher self, NOW!". A fair few report impressive results with this, and seems to work well in lucid dream states to. Prior to your sessions in the morning, this technique may be worth a try...very simple and even a few mins of doing it may help. One of Robert Bruce's core energy techniques and one he recommends be prioritised above all others. I have done it for three nights so far and have noticed a marked increase in dream vividness and recall and I haven't been using another techniques bar recording my dreams on waking. Irrespective of one's views on energy work stuff, worth trying with an open mind I think. Full-Body Storage Circuit (10 minutes recommended)The full-body circuit combines awareness energy raising with breathing, as with the above technique, but covers the whole body with one continual flow of energy, rather than two separate technique, but covers the whole body with one continual flow of energy, rather than two separate flows. This stimulates the majority of energy conduits, pathways, and energy centers in the body, including the primary energy centers. A full-body circuit should be done, if possible, for ten to fifteen minutes per day to gain significant developmental benefits from it. This can also be split into many smaller sessions, and even a minute per session is valuable. Once learned, this technique can be used to make better use of free waiting and traveling time. There is no limit to the length of time this can or should be practiced, the more often the better. If this technique is done for just a few minutes before falling asleep, the extra energy raised increases the vividness of dreams and lucid dreams. This empowers all subtle and dream bodies, thus making conscious-exit projection easier to do and to remember. The energy-raising action used in the full-body circuit can be fairly wide; it does not have to be narrowed to just the spine. Allow it to spread out as energy is raised up through your back and down over your front, narrowing it just before it flows into your sub-navel. Use slow, deep, natural breathing. Prestimulate feet and hands and bounce awareness through your whole body a few times before beginning the full-body circuit. The full-body circuit can be done in any position, but is best learned while lying on your back with arms resting comfortably at sides. During the downward sweep over the head, the energy is best taken into the mouth and down the throat, and then out onto the upper chest as it continues moving down toward the sub-navel. Otherwise the throat area will be skipped as awareness passes over the face and chin, and it contains important centers that should be stimulated. It helps if the tongue is rolled back and held gently against the roof of the mouth during the full-body circuit. Taking energy into the mouth can be omitted entirely if this is found to be too difficult or too distracting. In this case, simply take the energy down over the face and chest, skipping the mouth entirely. The mouth part of the full-body circuit should not be forgotten. Add it at a later time when you are more comfortable with it. 1. Prestimulate as needed, then center awareness firmly in both feet. 2. During the IN breath, raise energy up the legs and through the back. 3. Raise energy through arms as awareness passes where hands are resting (optional). 4. Continue raising energy up the neck to top of the head. 5. Hold awareness in the top of your head and accumulate it there until the IN breath is completed. 6. As the OUT breath starts, sweep energy over your face, into your mouth, throat, and chest to the sub-navel. 7. Continue flowing energy into the sub-navel until you complete the OUT breath. 8. At the end of the OUT breath, flick awareness back to the feet, ready for the next IN breath. 9. Repeat steps 2 through 8 while settling into a natural rhythm. 10. If you cannot split awareness, alternate and use one limb at a time. 11. IN and OUT can be reversed if preferred. Also this is another very simple technique, interesting as both Robert Bruce and the IAC recommend the same technique for predisposing projections, and doesn't take long to do. Energy Body Bouncing: Full Body (5 Minutes recommended)The full-body bounce is easiest to learn while lying down with your arms raised above your head and your legs together. Take your awareness from both feet up through the legs, torso, head, and arms, all the way to just past the fingertips. (If you are sitting or if there is no room to raise your arms over your head while lying down, you can rest your arms at your sides where awareness is bounced from your feet to just past the top of your head.) Bounce your awareness back and forth from your feet to your fingertips. The bounce rhythm should be fairly quick—about one or two seconds each way. Whatever feels most natural is best. Try to feel the whole of your body, inside and out, with each full-body bounce.
Bancopuma, have you had any success achieving an obe? Yesterday, i tried the suggested energy bouncing before bed. I don't know if it had any effect, but ... ...i entered a dream in which i had the distinct feeling of living my life in a paralell dimension in which i had made better decisions. It was lovely and someone told me "Say hello to your younger self" so i assumed i had entered a dream world in which i would enter after my death.... Tht was too weird so i recognized this as a dream and was promptly teleported to my living room. I tried the "clarity now!" command, without success. I decided to spread my arms and levitate through the ceiling. That did the trick. I was pulled into a void, heard the typical buzzing sound and tried to relax even further. I started spinning into a vortex of black, white and blue lightening bolts at which end was a circle. It felt as if i'd be getting pulled into a black hole. Then, i woke up. Happy though as this was the most methodical obe attempt yet. I believe its a good system, but not always that easy to execute. Especially not waking up after the buzzing has set in has proven to be difficult.
My dear Mr obliguhl, Nice job dude that sounds like a cool experience! It seems like when you're new to projection the first few experiences can be a bit unclear, fuzzy or short lasting, but things seem to improve with each experience, so worthwhile to persevere. So I've had success at achieving the beginnings of OBE's several times now, but seem to scupper things on the exit. Thus far I've experienced very powerful feelings of acceleration (in the forward direction like a roller coaster), falling (into deep blackness) and having my feet electrocuted (but without the pain)! The power and realness of these sensations has taken me by surprise...nothing remotely vague or dream like but seemingly very real feelings...and it kinda derailed my attempts! I guess I just need more practice and with that one will likely become a little more familiar with the sensations. I will be sure to update this thread if and when I have a full blown, real deal OBE. Onwards!!! A few experiences along the way... A while back, before attempting a projection, I sat in a rocking chair and rocked back and forth with my eyes closed, trying to memorise the sensation. I then got into bed, did some deep breathing relaxation, and when in a deep state of relaxation, I attempted to rock myself out of my bed, using that sensation of rocking (have read that quite a few people's OBE's start with unprovoked rocking sensations, and this technique was highly effective for OBE author Robert Peterson). Surprisingly quickly, in a space of just a few minutes, I reached the vibrational state! Only this time I both felt AND heard it at the same time, this was a new experience to me, and has given me a good morale boost on this quest. Interestingly I'd had a bit to drink this eve (just a few beers), so I wasn't really expecting much, although I had a little alcohol in my system and a similar mindset the previous time I experienced the vibrational state. Anyway the sudden power of this feeling of rocking myself out of my body with all these vibrations that I could heard and feel all around me kinda make me chicken out of the lame!! Another time, more recently, I was in a dream, and suddenly was whisked to my childhood room was just like it was when I was younger with the bed in the same place as it was then. It was a very vivid experience. Then a old housemate and a current housemate walked into my room, which annoyed me at the time as it was the middle of the night and I wasn't expecting visitors and was trying to sleep and I asked themm what they were doing there. Suddenly I came to in my actual current bedroom in bed, only my current housemate was in the room to with me. I could feel electrical energy in my feet, it was like they were being electrocuted but minus the pain. I asked my housemate if he was electrocuting my feet, he replied "No" and then promptly disappeared into thin air and it occurred to me then that that electrical feeling was linked to the beginnings of the vibrational state preceding an OBE. A short time after this I had another interesting experience. Pre-bed I'd done a little Trakata (yogic candle gazing) meditation, focused on the third eye, while listening to some binaural/isochronic tones. It took me longer than usual to fall asleep, and it was night with lots of dreaming. Despite having had a late night I woke up at around 5, feeling surprisingly awake, so I thought I'd use this time to my advantage. I did some more third eye meditation while doing some deep relaxation breathing, listening to binaurals while wearing eye shades. I felt deeply relaxed, and had a twinge around my third eye, but nothing else really. After half an hour or so I got bored, and I rolled over and went back to sleep. This is where things get I was falling asleep, I remember sinking into this very heavy, very tired kinda feeling, and I fell directly into a vivid dream. I was dreaming I was in some large circular underground room with concrete walls, kinda like a missile silo, and it was flooded. We were doing a walking-on-water workshop, and while I seemed to expect instant Jesus Christ like results, this was not happening, the laws of physics seemed to be applying and I was walking along the bottom of this indoor pool. The water started to get really deep, and then it suddenly went over my head. Right then I started to go into a very intense feeling of free fall, down through the pool, which had suddenly become bottomless, into blackness. The rate of this fall was MUCH greater than it could have been in real life, but it felt VERY real at the same time! It was a pretty scary feeling given its intensity when it first came on. Now, at the same time of this free fall sensation, I also became aware of my body lying in my bed...however my body had it arms raised, or they were floating.. My arms were definitely not raised "for real", but again, this felt so real at the time it kinda had me fooled. After this sensation of falling however my flight or fight instinct kicked in very rapidly and brought me out of it...this was very much more vivid and real feeling than any dream. I guess one can learn to make friends with this feeling through experience. However, and this was really interesting...I found when I was back, I could reignite this same falling sensation, but it was less intense the second time around. I think I lost it though and my alarm went off not long after this. My feeling was that I was actually in the beginning stages of an OBE but just didn't realise it at the time, as it felt SO real. I think the WBTB practice in the early morning having already slept seems to help one's chances, at least in my limited experience so far. I've been a little lapse with practice of late but have been reading up on OBE's a lot of late so I'm going to persevere with practice, thanks for the motivation boost! This guide is worth a look: like the more simple approach, I think some techniques are unnecessarily complicated, and think the WBTB approach is an ally. Below I've shared the OBE technique of Dr Ed Kellogg, a researcher in biochemistry and bioenergetics who is into OBE's and has had his life transformed by them. Note: Using the technique described below, I succeeded in eliciting an OBE in about 1 out of 3 attempts. Exercise:1). Lie on your back, in a semi-comfortable position keeping the head and spine aligned. This means comfortable enough to relax, but not comfortable enough to go to sleep. If you normally fall asleep on your back, try this position without a pillow, or using a book wrapped in a towel as a pillow substitute. 2). Use whatever techniques you know to relax deeply, such as slow deep 1/2 inhale/exhale breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, hand warming, and so forth. When you have relaxed let your breathing follow a natural rhythm. 3). From this point on, for at least the next two hours, you’ll need to refrain from any voluntary movement. Basically, you want to keep your mind awake as your body falls asleep. In order to do this, you need to choose an activity to keep your mind alert and occupied in a manner that will not interfere, and that may even enhance, the natural process of your physical body falling asleep. I recommend the following: As you inhale repeat the word en/er/gise and ‘perceptualise’ (visualise and sense) the energy rushing from your feet up the back of your body to the top of your head. On the exhale repeat the word op/ti/mise and perceptualise the energy rushing from the top of your head down the front of your body to your feet. Repeat continuously. Do not control your breathing rhythm, but only the perceptualisation pattern accompanying it. Alternatively, you might want to perceptualise the energies moving inside your body, moving up to the head on the inhale, and down to the feet on the exhale. When your physical body has gone to sleep it will feel catatonic – immovable. Stay calm and gently try to roll out of your physical body in your more subtle second body. If this doesn’t work easily, try willing or imagining yourself to a floating position near the ceiling. Optimal Conditions:This procedure probably works best if attempted after 3 or 4 hours sleep in the early A.M. hours, when the mind feels refreshed but when the body still undergoes the biochemical conditioning of your normal sleep cycle. Get up, walk around, and read for 15 to 30 minutes. Don’t overdo it – you want to reactivate your mental faculties to just over the threshold of what you consider your normal ‘conscious waking’ state.
^^^^^^^^ This post gave me a semi-OBE like dream. Thanks! I read it at 3 in the morning, nearly finished my Juergen Ziewe book and popped 200mg of HupA. Then I proceeded to watch some Warren Buffett annual shareholder meeting videos on Yahoo and fall back to sleep. There I went to my local supermarket and suddenly had a goggle, which made me see the food prices for what they really are. Like in the (great!) movie "They live". I remember it all broke down to some costing 0.005 (€?) and some costing 0.006 (€?). I think you loose buying those costing 0.006 credit since the food quality was basically all the same. There's a WB saying: price is what you pay, value is what you get. My sister was disgusted by my ability - or the price value fact? But I just used those goggles. And who wants to loose? Weird dream. I think I'm going to try to wear my sunglasses in my supermarket next time. Let's hope they won't kick me out.
Bancopuma wrote: Do not control your breathing rhythm, but only the perceptualisation pattern accompanying it.
Do you think its important to synchronize the breathing with the visualisation? For me it is a bit stressful to rush through the body so fast from bottom to top, while at the same time visualising, it seems much more comfortable to take all the parts slowly, like in some relaxation techniques. Also how do you visualize this energy, do you give it any specific color, or just white light/maybe even a more grounded visualisation like the blood stream? Also do I also sense my hands, as it seem this would take same extra time, and might interfere with the direction, as to me the energy stream would go from shoulders downward, before coming to the head? Thanks by the way, very informative thread.
Ufostrahlen - nice one, well played, am glad to hear it! That time of the morn when returning to sleep does seem to be peak time for OBE's and hyper vivid lucid dreams.
woogyboogy - I wouldn't get too hung up on the finer details of the method...Ed Kellogg described this has his own personal method he adapted for himself as he hadn't had much success with any others. So I would suggest doing whatever you feel works best for you. It seems that relaxing the body (and mind) via psycho-physiological relaxation and/or deep breathing is an important first step emphasised by a lot of experience projectors...some people employ the energy work as a later step, and even if one doesn't actually believe in this energy, it is an exercise that occupies the mind while the physical body is deeply relaxed, so it helps you draw out that event horizon of body asleep/mind awake which is the state most conducive to projection, otherwise the mind may follow the body's desire to sleep.
It's interesting how often this kind of exercise crops up though, focused on energy movement from head to toe. I know some people have reported this prior to an OBE, and Robert Monroe is one such person, and he suggested also directing the energy from head to toe. One of the core techniques of the IAC is the VELO which is also about directing energy from the top of the head to the soles of the feet and up and down the body in an oscillatory fashion (gradually speeding up the motion). They emphasise one should not synchronise this movement with breathing, and to avoid using visualisation or imagination and instead employ one's will. I've only just come across Ed Kellogg's technique so I'm yet to experiment with it myself.