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Bridging mystic with scientific Options
#61 Posted : 3/17/2012 11:06:27 PM
Ya bricklaya thank you. I wouldn't have built this theory if not for your post. Certainly got me thinkingSmile
#62 Posted : 3/17/2012 11:29:03 PM
P.s. Parents are a sketchy area for me. I'm in a similar area with my Dad in that I want to share my views with him but he has no desire to listen.

I guess its just that I have a hard time keeping emotion out of my judgement. I know I want to be helpful to him deep down, but his views seem so destructive to not only himself but everyone he's near, including my Mother, it infuriates me.

My recent discovery thanks to Spice, meditation, and integration is that If I want to help someone I ask myself my intentions. Once I've locked them down I'll try to find the most positive way to help that person. Usually the most humble and objective or emotion free approach is how I go about it. Trying not to assume too much and sharing how I think the knowledge I do have relates and hope it somehow helps facilitate the person in helping them self.

I recently realized this is pretty much impossible for me to do with my parents cause it's too hard to not get emotional and assume I know what they're thinking. So I'm keeping my intentions focused on remaining as helpful as possible, but trying to accept I probably won't be any source of revelation to them.
#63 Posted : 3/18/2012 7:28:17 AM
Thats a good way to be and is something I try really hard to integrate these days(the purity of intentions i mean) Wink I totally see what you mean about it being hard to keep your emotions at bay with your parents with this kinda stuff though. I have a bit of a hard time with it. I feel they have no interest in what I do anymore.. all they care about me doing is getting a job... well not entirely... they want me to get a job so i can earn money and be able to do what I do. However the lack of interest in my spiritual ventures (which are a huuuuuuuuge part of my life now) can be a little upsetting. ultimately it boils down to them associating the spiritual experiences with simple drug taking to get high.

It can be hard watching those you love go down a path that you know ultimately won't do them good. My parents recently split up. My dad is incredibly lonely and it hurts me seeing him that way. He's hurting really bad. I have this inkling that either DMT or ayahuasca could show him that he is not alone in the universe and that he can maintain a healthy relationship with it to further his spiritual growth. However, he, and my mum as well aren't interested. Dad doesn't exactly doubt the experience like my mum does and sometimes he likes to hear about my journeys if I bring them up and he's got a few glasses of wine in him.. but rarely. My mum just doesnt want to know.. everytime i mention the word dmt or ayahusca I hear her voice take on a skeptical tone and she changes the subject.
#64 Posted : 3/18/2012 6:54:26 PM
Shoot, it sounds like your Dad might ask you about it someday though. Especially when what's changed in you becomes apparent in the way he looks at you. My Mom thankfully almost immediately asked me about trying it when I told her about it which doesn't surprise me that much cause she has extremely bad rheumatoid arthritis and already eats cannabis to keep comfortable.

Her first experience was pretty nuts I guess. Floating rainbow snake that goes inside her and then she would get freaked out and it would come out and dance for her to let her know it's OK, then go back inside her. She said finally she just accepted it was there and that felt good. Pretty cool.

It's nice having everyone here sharing their experience. I'm pretty new to DMT and I read a warning in a post about taking on a healers role, which maybe would have happened because I do like to think of myself as someone who could heal her. It warned along the lines of being a family member and a spiritual healer are roles that should remain separate. Doesn't say anything about being a spiritually inclined family member though so I still shared the SpiceSmile

I know you didn't ask but if I were in your shoes I'd probably try to keep growing and hope my parents eventually see It's a good thing.

#65 Posted : 3/18/2012 11:59:05 PM
ComplacentCatalyst wrote:
Shoot, it sounds like your Dad might ask you about it someday though. Especially when what's changed in you becomes apparent in the way he looks at you. My Mom thankfully almost immediately asked me about trying it when I told her about it which doesn't surprise me that much cause she has extremely bad rheumatoid arthritis and already eats cannabis to keep comfortable.

Her first experience was pretty nuts I guess. Floating rainbow snake that goes inside her and then she would get freaked out and it would come out and dance for her to let her know it's OK, then go back inside her. She said finally she just accepted it was there and that felt good. Pretty cool.

It's nice having everyone here sharing their experience. I'm pretty new to DMT and I read a warning in a post about taking on a healers role, which maybe would have happened because I do like to think of myself as someone who could heal her. It warned along the lines of being a family member and a spiritual healer are roles that should remain separate. Doesn't say anything about being a spiritually inclined family member though so I still shared the SpiceSmile

I know you didn't ask but if I were in your shoes I'd probably try to keep growing and hope my parents eventually see It's a good thing.

Your mums experience sounds amazing. Was she gobsmacked afterwards? And did it help her arthritis in any way? I reckon spice is a great tool for beathing... it would be interesting to see what else it can do with the human body

well funnily enough my last experience about a month ago sent me that message very strongly ... i actually asked that question during the experience and the message i got back was to let her see the change in me.
thanks for the posts comlacement been enjoying your point of view Smile .. looks like any chance of people posting up articles here is pretty much dead though Sad
#66 Posted : 3/19/2012 12:54:29 AM
My going off about parents didn't help I'm sure. Shoulda PM'd or somethin. It's nice to know someone's in similar shoes though.
I think you should try that topic again sometime though or I will. I'm very interested to see what more scientific minds have to share.
#67 Posted : 4/8/2012 3:14:41 AM
interesting doco about a scientific approach to studying mystical states

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