I always thought deemsters a harmless name because of its affectionate reference to (little?)demons (or at least that's what I think of). IMO spice is a cooler name b/c of the Dune reference. Ask yourself, what would an elf call it?
Sandtrout wrote:I always thought deemsters a harmless name because of its affectionate reference to (little?)demons (or at least that's what I think of). IMO spice is a cooler name b/c of the Dune reference. Ask yourself, what would an elf call it? I think Spice is a suitable name, and my favorite, because it does sting the taste buds a bit... I don't think any 'name' for DMT is disrespectful to be honest. "Deemsters" is used by hipsters, because it sounds 'cool' and flows easy. IE: Easy to sell on people. It should be called 'Bore' because it always makes me yawn like I'm bored, and it's quite an ironic name, as you definitely are not bored while you yawn  I think the elves would name it something to do with 'visitor(s)'. 01:13:08 ‹Ellis DEmpty› I met the people living in my head... I disturbed them while they were sitting down at the table.... They were as shocked as I was!
We were born too soon to explore the cosmos, and to late to explore the earth. Our frontier is the human mind; religion is the ocean we must cross.
spice for me. has a nice ring to it. but yeah people should call it whatever it feels best to call it. i like dreamtime too
Earthyvision wrote:Korey and Snozzle you missed the point about having a large ego. Whether you do psys or not you can still work out that being humble, patient and not up your ass is the best way to approach people. Yes to a certain extend i am saying people who do psys should understand the importance of patience and time and how actions and consequences affect social and personal life. Being confident is one thing, being an arrogant prick who takes her/himself too seriously and can't handle being told otherwise is another. Social interaction and appreciation of other people is amazing and yet people are having these weird fucked up sour, bitter, butthurt relationships with no sense of joy. Have some fucking patience people and listen.
I seriously find it weird that even with psys people aren't able to clock into being chilled and at peace.
You appear to have missed the point about your perceptions not being the "be all/end all." I hear what you are saying and I am saying that that is your opinion...please understand it as such. Please re-read the attitude and adjust your language/tone accordingly. If you are unwilling or unable to do that, you are welcome to take a vacation from the Nexus. Wiki • Attitude • FAQThe Nexian • Nexus Research • The OHTIn New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested. In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names. גם זה יעבור
^^^ I don't think my perceptions are the "be all/end all" what i'm saying is that it is weird how people aren't able to be patient with others and seem to be defensive about what they think and by the way they are expressing themselves it stinks of ideology. Clearly that is my perception it and expression of what i'm seeing - a lack of patience and acceptance - being humble, understanding, patient is a nice way of being and approaching people. Whether you agree or disagree with my outlook is not an issue. For the record i'm not being malicious or personally attacking anyone here, so no issue with language.
Maybe the way i see psys as being able to bring time and social interaction into perspective and therefore affecting the user might not apply to everyone. But those things can still be thought of without psys. Basically i'm complaining about people not being nice lol
Earthyvision wrote:For the record i'm not being malicious or personally attacking anyone here, so no issue with language. Actually, there is an issue with the language. The profanity is neither appreciated nor accepted here. Regardless of whether or not you view yourself as being malicious or attacking people, the language presented earlier is not conducive to the atmosphere we seek to create at the Nexus. That is all. As to people being nice or not...well...the world does seem to suffer from a general lack of nice people. All we can do is work on ourselves and hope that others will do the same  Wiki • Attitude • FAQThe Nexian • Nexus Research • The OHTIn New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested. In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names. גם זה יעבור
On second thought: who cares what they call it. at least they're calling it.
Does anyone use "The businessman's lunch" anymore? I like that, but it's a bit of mouthful.
I work from home, so I like to have a quick healthy lunch round 12:30.
Deemster is kind of annoying, not in a disrespectful way, just annoying like Lucy and Boomers.
Quote:people are gonna do what they are gonna do, regardless. I mean, really.. who cares? this. i mean really people, this thread is getting pretty silly. i understand where the OP is coming from even if he didn't word his statement PERFECTLY for those of you who seem to be picking it apart at a molecular level. he tried to explain it as best as he could and i do understand where he's coming from, it is frustrating to be in that situation. i am going through it myself as well. but everyone here seems to think that they're take on this topic is the ONLY correct one or simply the best most enlightened way to do it. just like all things in life, it's probably more of a little bit of everybody's take. not just one of you. take the op's statement as a whole, with a pinch of salt, not a finely chopped salad that's been divided into 5 bowls, if you get what i'm saying. Quote:make him smoalk 50mg+. should do the trick this too. i know this is gonna get a moderator on here telling us to encourage safety, but given the context of this thread, i agree. some people just need to fall flat on their face to "get it". and even then, not everyone does ever get it. it's a sad part of life, but it's one you HAVE to come to except. some people just get swallowed by the world in this life. i used to always want to help everyone i could, and that is a good attitude to have, but you know the saying "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink." YOU CAN'T SAVE EVERYONE. as much as the majority of us on this forum would like to, we just can't. they can only help themselves when it comes down to it.
SnozzleBerry wrote:Actually, there is an issue with the language. The profanity is neither appreciated nor accepted here. Regardless of whether or not you view yourself as being malicious or attacking people, the language presented earlier is not conducive to the atmosphere we seek to create at the Nexus. That is all. As to people being nice or not...well...the world does seem to suffer from a general lack of nice people. All we can do is work on ourselves and hope that others will do the same  Stop trying to imply that i'm seeing my self as not being malicious or attacking people, I am technically and literally not doing that. Those are just words in between points if you aren't able to over come your sensitivity to words to see points then you are missing out. Earlier i read someone go "I stopped reading there" lol its shit like this that makes me judge someone's character not whether they use 'stuff' instead of 'shit'. Cursing are just words and harmless specially if they aren't purposely used to be malicious, the importance placed on them is just you. To be honest I actually started posting to criticise OPs crappy behaviour towards his friends and I can say I made a good judgement on his behaviour being not nice. I call people out when they are not being nice its what I do. What's kinda interesting is my criticisms towards egos where met by people defending themselves and attacking my perceptions, tangents on assumptions of what i'm saying and language as opposed to the points i'm actually making. I'd say read my posts and try to understand and get to know me by everything I say not just the tone or cursing.
was discussing this with my house mate the other day, and he had an interesting take on it - "DMT is an illicit drug, the more words for it the better and less chance of people getting in trouble" ... when it comes to text on the internet, and self incrimination, perhaps he has a point? what do you guys think? lol i don't have a problem with people calling dmt deemsters apart from that it sounds super duper lame. 
۩ wrote:When I see funny slang terms I just look at it as an indicator. ;] Exactly. It does not mean that a person is NECESSARILY ignorant or anything, it just shows where they might be coming from. And if it matters to the thread, the only time I've seen people trying (sadly) to buy/sell the molecule, they used the word "DMT" and not "deemsters" or any of its variants.
Yerba wrote:۩ wrote:When I see funny slang terms I just look at it as an indicator. ;] Exactly. It does not mean that a person is NECESSARILY ignorant or anything, it just shows where they might be coming from. And if it matters to the thread, the only time I've seen people trying (sadly) to buy/sell the molecule, they used the word "DMT" and not "deemsters" or any of its variants. same i've never come accross the word deemsters in a selling context. just plain old DMT. i guess they wanna make it clear what they are giving to people. also, i live in australia, the land of slang. so hearing people use slang for anything is the norm and is generally accepted as part of our culture
I find that the concept that language defines who you are, is, for want of a better word, bollocks. Your actions, feelings, attitude and heart may be closer to defining who/what you are, but 'you' is a very flexible concept. Language (verbal) is merely talk. Dialect and slangs .... it's just words. Art Van D'lay wrote:Smoalk. It. And. See.
Orion wrote:I find that the concept that language defines who you are, is, for want of a better word, bollocks. Your actions, feelings, attitude and heart may be closer to defining who/what you are, but 'you' is a very flexible concept. Language (verbal) is merely talk. Dialect and slangs .... it's just words. And then again, it is still YOU who decides to use the slang and the bad language, thereby in that process probably insulting other people. So in that regard it IS an indicator. And the phrase "just words" always makes me smile. It's words that describe science and how to do things like making a DMT extraction. Just words and still, they can bring you to hyperspace. Yeah, just words... Kind regards, The Traveler
Orion wrote: Your actions, feelings, attitude and heart may be closer to defining who/what you are . . . yes, but it is your words that express those actions, feelings, and attitudes of who you are. Was The Diary of Anne Frank "just a bunch of words", or did it express Anne's actions, feelings and attitudes? What a different picture we would have if that diary was full of slang and needless vulgarities. (The Diary of Anne Frank ends with--not an exact quote, just from memory: "Despite everything, I think people are basically good." What if that line was changed to: "Despite all the fucking bullshit, I think people are basically good."  The Shift is About to Hit the Fan
Global wrote:3rdI wrote:
"oh man, you could make a fortune off this stuff"
I've heard that one a million times. I've got 3-4 good reasons I'll normally pull out to explain why I choose not to make a fortune on the stuff. Just wondering what your reasons are? It seems you feel strongly on this matter. "I'll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you'll come to understand that you're connected with everything." ― Alan Watts “As long as you have certain desires about how it ought to be you can't see how it is.” ― Ram Dass “Everything changes once we identify with being the witness to the story, instead of the actor in it.” ― Ram Dass
Orion wrote:I find that the concept that language defines who you are, is, for want of a better word, bollocks. Your actions, feelings, attitude and heart may be closer to defining who/what you are, but 'you' is a very flexible concept. Language (verbal) is merely talk. Dialect and slangs .... it's just words. The way we conduct ourselves around others and how they interpret that is what defines us to other people. Communication and the words we choose are very important, since others do not have access to our feelings, attitude and heart unless we tell them. So what do people have to go on when they make a judgement about us? What we choose to show them through our language; verbal and physical e.g. body language. The whole point of verbal communication is to intentionally convey meanings to other people. It is more than just talk, words or noise. Much love, Sally xx ॐ . Amateur Entheogen Botanist. PM me if you need help in finding or identifying plants. For research purposes only . ॐ ॐ bwrrrr bWWrrr bhrrrr bHWRRR ॐ . Pure Universal Pulse Vibrations . Saloreo Nebulum .
3rdI wrote:
it has made me feel responsible for the spread of just another "drug" and i feel that it could damage the community. Why is the world full of idiots???
Sounds he of all people needs it the most?
I have found over the course of my life that I only have control over how I present myself and speak and that any attachment to changing others is pure folly. People will change of their own volition or they will not regardless of your input. There will always be a consensus group in society that, for lack of a better phrase "never learns to not shit where they eat". Just my 7 cents adjusted for inflation. Blessings Pup TentacleYou are precisely as big as what you love and precisely as small as what you allow to annoy you.Robert Anton WilsonMushroom Greenhouse How-ToI'm no pro but I know a a few things - always willing to help with Psilocybe cubensis cultivation questions.