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THH extraction tek Options
Senior Member | Skills: DMT, Harmaloids, Bufotenine, Mescaline, Trip advice
#61 Posted : 3/17/2009 10:54:56 PM
Anyone got an estimate on how long this should take?

#62 Posted : 3/17/2009 11:13:15 PM
what are some USA sources for methanol any way? and if its hard to get whats a decent alternative?
Dorge is cooperatively owned and cooperatively run by various hyperspacial entities working as a collabertive sentience project for the betterment of sentient exploration.

Offical Changa web sitehttp://changa.esotericpharma.org/

#63 Posted : 3/18/2009 12:43:59 AM
Ethanol' but you got to pay tax on it'
Methanol is easy to get' it is used to make bio-diesel' plus it is seriously cheap'
If you use "Ethanol" it must contain no "Water"'
Your object of using methanol/ethanol is that sodium chloride is practicaly insoluble in it'
But Harmine HCL is fairly soluble'

As to time'
It takes about 5 hours to wash the seeds'(this is dependant upon the amount of seeds you intend to extract) plus 2 days salting out the alkaloids'
Then you got to dry your resultant product' wash out the alks with alcohol'
Then attempt to reduce the Harmine hcl to THH'
Then you have to recover the alks'
Either by salting them out again' or by freebasing the alks with ammonia'
So you got the best part of a week'


Nobuoni +
#64 Posted : 3/18/2009 12:53:34 AM
nobuoni. There is a considerable amount of reports out there of people dissolving harmalas in alcohol (and apparently acetone too) and when evapping, the product changing into a red goo (turkey red, harmala red, etc).. Apparently this product is even used as a dye. Nobody seems to know exactly what it is (maybe harmine/harmaline n-oxide? ) and if its active or not.

So whats your take on this? did you never get a red oily byproduct when evapping in methanol/alcohol?
#65 Posted : 3/18/2009 12:57:57 AM
You could use IPA instead of methanol or even ethanol. Or you could use a base to freebase the Hcl's.
Here you!!! Gonnaenodaethat

"Iceberg???? - What Iceberg????"
#66 Posted : 3/18/2009 1:21:42 AM
you dont HAVE to pay taxes on it at all... heheheh...
not with the easy still... even a retard can make ethanol with this...
Dorge is cooperatively owned and cooperatively run by various hyperspacial entities working as a collabertive sentience project for the betterment of sentient exploration.

Offical Changa web sitehttp://changa.esotericpharma.org/

Chemical expertSenior Member
#67 Posted : 3/18/2009 1:34:18 AM
Nobuoni wrote:

Add your Harmine/Harmaline to a strong solution of ascorbic acid and H2O' and heat gently' until the yellow colour has changed to a clear solution'
Of what happens is the ascorbic acid attracts the oxygen and the production of H2O2 donates a hydrogen'
Hydrogen peroxide H2O2 acts as a reducing agent in acid solutions' and is produced by boiling ascorbic acid in H2O'
This natural production of H2O2 is enough in this reacion to add the H ion to the Harmine mole' after the oxygen has been attracted by the ascorbic acid'
The process slows down in acid solutions' but works faster in alkaline'
The stability of ascorbic acid decreases with increases in temperature and pH.
Of which means heat and increased ph makes for the ascorbic acid to attract even more oxygen'
In this reaction the ascorbic acid is oxidised' hence destoyed'
So more ascorbic acid is added to the gently boiling solution as required'
Base with ammonia to pressipitate the THH'

Seems simple enough, excellent! Is there any visual indication as to whether the synthesis has completed? It'd be nice to simply use equimolar amounts, but since the heat destroys ascorbic acid, that's probably not very reliable.
#68 Posted : 3/18/2009 2:47:39 AM
endlessness wrote:
nobuoni. There is a considerable amount of reports out there of people dissolving harmalas in alcohol (and apparently acetone too) and when evapping, the product changing into a red goo (turkey red, harmala red, etc).. Apparently this product is even used as a dye. Nobody seems to know exactly what it is (maybe harmine/harmaline n-oxide? ) and if its active or not.

So whats your take on this? did you never get a red oily byproduct when evapping in methanol/alcohol?

No' no red oily gunk' but a pile of red/yellow/brown sparkly crystals'
A tiny bit' made the tongue go numb'

You got a problem salting out Harmine HCL with salt'
You can no take salt and a maoi' cos it gives you high blood pressure'
So if you salt out the Harmine and salt it out to clean it' as of when you dry your end product'
it has salt in it'

Cooked up 130 grams of Rue' four times in acetic water' no ground the seeds' or filtered' just let settle and decant' reduced to 400ml of dark red tea' of which smelt extremely strong of Harmine'
Added 300ml of saturated salt solution' stuck it in the fridge'
A couple of hours later the whole 700ml of solution had turned to a semi solid gunk' of yellow sludge' seperatedfrom the red tea'
So mixed it all up again and added 700ml of salt solution'
Now 2 litres of solution getting cold in the fridge'

50 grams of Rue ground and boiled for a few hours' one serious bitch to filter'
Salted out in the fridge for one day' poured off the solution' added a tiny bit of water to the sludge and poured the sludge into a china bowl'
Stuck china bowl in the a warm oven until completely dry'
Busted up this cake and ground it in the coffee grinder'
Then added a generious amount of Methylated spirits'(Methanol/ethanol/napth/pyradine/methyl violet) of which turned instantly red'
Methyl violet turns red in acid solutions'
The methylated spirit was siphoned off leaving the undissolvables in the bottom of the flask'
Then evaporated to leave a hard cake of red/brown/yellow/sparkly crystals' of which dried completely'
This product was chucked out' cos of methyl-violet is poisonious and a skin irrative'
Shall use virgin methanol next time'
So quite possible the alcohol solution turned bright red down to the alcohol and no the methyl-violet the spirit had in it'
The only way around this would be to base the Harmine hcl with ammonia and let the base crash out of the solution' decant off the solution and wash the resultant crystals in ph adjusted water' then dry them'
Or no' a test of the resultant "RED" shall be the only way to tell if the "RED" is active'
Awaiting to see if virgin methanol turns instantly red'

So yes to red' but no to oily red'
The resultant product dried completley'


Nobuoni +

#69 Posted : 3/18/2009 4:53:41 AM
Harmaline hydrochloride is yellow, not red. Harmine hydrochloride is also yellow, not red.

The red color is harmala red. No one knows the activity of harmala red. If there’s just a little bit of harmala red, it generally just coats the harmaline crystals a little making them appear reddish. If there's a lot, it looks sort of gelatin like just like this:

That's harmala red forming right from harmaline after evaporation from alcohol. That pic was taken with a microscope. It’s a little hard to see the harmala red with the eyes.

It's very easy to make harmala red. Just boil some pure harmaline hydrochloride in 99% isopropyl alcohol and then evaporate it. It works every time. Keep doing it over and over and more red color keeps forming.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#70 Posted : 3/18/2009 5:36:02 AM
Cheers' appreciated'
Shall know soon if absolute Methanol has the same effect as the first attempt in Methanol/Ethanol' or it was the methyl-violet that turned bright red'
The only other way around the sodium chloride would be to freebase the alks with ammonia solution'
Red or no red' it shall be tested for activity'


Nobuoni +
Moderator | Skills: Extraction Troubleshooting, (S)elf ProgrammingChemical expert | Skills: Extraction Troubleshooting, (S)elf Programming
#71 Posted : 3/18/2009 5:40:57 AM
LLB wrote:
you dont HAVE to pay taxes on it at all... heheheh...
not with the easy still... even a retard can make ethanol with this...

HAHHA SWIMS FOAF got one of these...they are AWESOME...throw in the cheapest 50% alcohol vodka you can get..and boom a few hours later you have close to 95% ethanol...you make two mixed drinks from this stuff and you are toast!! and this comes from a serious alcoholic!! hehehe
it's a sound
#72 Posted : 3/18/2009 5:54:21 AM
Nobuoni wrote:
Cheers' appreciated'
Shall know soon if absolute Methanol has the same effect as the first attempt in Methanol/Ethanol' or it was the methyl-violet that turned bright red'
The only other way around the sodium chloride would be to freebase the alks with ammonia solution'
Red or no red' it shall be tested for activity'


Nobuoni +

Harmala red could even be more potent than harmaline. Who knows? I never heard of anyone testing it.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
Senior Member | Skills: DMT, Harmaloids, Bufotenine, Mescaline, Trip advice
#73 Posted : 3/18/2009 12:20:58 PM
Ok, I gave the Ascorbic Acid thing a try.

A solution of ascorbic acid (300ml h2o/9g) was gently warmed until slightly bubbling then 1g of rue extract (slightly brown) was added. This was then gently heated for five hours with no colour change observed. An additional 9g of ascorbic acid was added gradually throughout heating.

Afterwards the solution was allowed to cool and then was rebased with sodium carbonate. Unlike before when the solution would turn a bright yellow this time it's a more dark/orangey colour.

Basically I have no idea what I have now. I was relying on seeing a colour change but after 5 hours it was getting late and I didn't want to leave it over night (plus it already had taken longer than expected). Once it has completely dried it will be weighed and tested sublingually.

Anyone else tried this yet?

Also does anyone know at what ph THH is expected to crash out of a solution?
Senior Member | Skills: DMT, Harmaloids, Bufotenine, Mescaline, Trip advice
#74 Posted : 3/18/2009 1:14:45 PM
The inital ph was around 3-4 but as things went on I managed to balance the ph up to around neutral, oh yeah I missed this bit by adding a little sodium carbonate. I guess that was kind of important.

Once everything's dried up I'm going to make 2 solutions. 1 of standard rue extract and the other of the ascorbic acid treated extract. I'll make them slightly acidic and then add sodium carbonate dropwise and see if they precipitate at a different ph.

I'm wondering if the slight impurities in my extract in contact with the ascorbic acid may have something to do with the darker colour when I was expecting a clear one?
#75 Posted : 3/18/2009 10:37:59 PM
Nice one bro' the only way to tell if it had any effect on the Harmine is to test it'
No got that far as of yet' still cleaning the mole from the seeds'
Keep us posted as to any difference in effect from untreated alks'


Nobuoni +
#76 Posted : 3/18/2009 11:26:01 PM
A dry extract salted out twice' brown yellow in colour was added to 50ml of Methanol'
The Methanol went instantly red/brown'
A most deffinite red colour'
Shall leave the Methanol to do it's job' then draw it off and evaporate'
Of whatever the result is' it shall be tested sublingualy'
The red/brown colour is the same colour as the boiled seed extract' except it has no yellow to it' as in the Harmala alkaloids present in the boiled seed extract'

So possibly another Harmala alkaloid reacts with the Methanol' making the bright red colour'

A test shall prove'


Nobuoni +

Looks like you got to base crash the alks out !

Still no info on the pKa of THH'
Harmine 7.7
Harmaline 9.8

I am guessing here by the xlog of THH' it has a pKa somewhere at 8.5 ph' Smile))
#77 Posted : 3/18/2009 11:53:00 PM
There are 22 alkaloids in Sirian Rue seeds'

Peganine (Vasicine)
2,3 - Trimethylene-4-quinazolone
2-Alkoxy-4-quinolone derivative
Ruine (8-Hydroxy-glucosylharmine
Dyhydroruine (8 -Hydroxyglucosyl-harmaline
5- Hydroxytriptamine
6- Hydroxytriptamine

Any one' or a combo of many could be the reason for the red in Methanol'
Only a test shall tell to it's activity'


Nobuoni +
Senior Member | Skills: DMT, Harmaloids, Bufotenine, Mescaline, Trip advice
#78 Posted : 3/19/2009 3:27:53 AM
Nobuoni wrote:
Nice one bro' the only way to tell if it had any effect on the Harmine is to test it'
No got that far as of yet' still cleaning the mole from the seeds'
Keep us posted as to any difference in effect from untreated alks'


Nobuoni +

The thing is I never tried THH before and if it happened that only some of the extract was converted would I still notice the difference?
#79 Posted : 3/19/2009 10:22:04 AM
From all accounts a small amount should be slightly stimulating' unlike Harmine' of which is sleepy dreamy'
If the ascorbic acid had any effect' then it shall be noticable in your extract'


Nobuoni +
Chemical expertSenior Member
#80 Posted : 3/19/2009 3:44:10 PM
Nobuoni wrote:
From all accounts a small amount should be slightly stimulating' unlike Harmine' of which is sleepy dreamy'
If the ascorbic acid had any effect' then it shall be noticable in your extract'


Nobuoni +

SWIM's always found harmine to be fairly stimulating but understands that it's actually harmaline that makes one sleepy/dreamy. THH is more centered, like something between a mild psychedelic and a nootropic. 69ron's posted his account of the difference between the three here: http://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=3950. SWIM finds it to be quite accurate, though he has little experience with harmaline itself. The difference between THH and the other two is that THH lacks the mental cloudiness commonly experienced with them.
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