Nicita wrote:Thats probably the best  I'll post some pictures and reports of bioassay. you mean like this?"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah "Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
I would like to know if there are any extractions out there for mushrooms that people know about that work well. I imagine that with psilocybin and psilocin, you could extract them and end up with crystaline forms of them, just like the extraction of dmt or mescaline or other such alks. So is this possible with the actives in mushrooms? If someone has an idea, I will gladly attempt it or if anyone knows of an actual tek that works, that would be best. Thanks Also, Would these substances be smokeable in crystaline form? Everything published by Gone-and-Back are the mad rantings and ravings of a mind who yearns to be free and thinks he knows what he is talking about. However, these are just delusions made to feel that freedom, because that freedom will never come. Any experiments done are purely figments of the imagination, and are falsified to the highest degree. Nothing should be taken seriously from a crazy mans mind.
check this out. Answers all your questions. these posts are on behalf of Stimpy, my yellow bullhead. He is an adventurous fish, and I feel his exploits are worth much so, I occasionally forget that HE is the one who does these things. Sometimes I get caught in the moment and write of his experiences in the first person; this is a mistake, for I am an upstanding citizen who never does wrong. Stimpy is the degenerate.
Thanks Hyper, but that guide is a bit vague... Do you completely evap the alcohol until there is nothing but the white crystals left? What does it mean to wash the crystals in clean everclear? I am very new to this and could use some help since that tek is kinda vague. Everything published by Gone-and-Back are the mad rantings and ravings of a mind who yearns to be free and thinks he knows what he is talking about. However, these are just delusions made to feel that freedom, because that freedom will never come. Any experiments done are purely figments of the imagination, and are falsified to the highest degree. Nothing should be taken seriously from a crazy mans mind.
I have made one or 2 etoh extractions, but I just drink it. No reduction for me. As for what washing is, and the basics about general extractions, check out some of the teks in the wiki. Benzyme and others have some ideas that would work better, but involve a greater amount of knowledge/glassware/solvents to work with. The link I gave above goes like this: -powder dried shrooms, -place in warm etoh and soak, repeat 2-4 times -reduce volume of captured goodies in solution -scrape goo/crystals up quickly and put in cold oxygen free storage Read, read read. Understanding general extraction practices is a very useful skill All these posts are on behalf of Stimpy, my yellow bullhead. He is an adventurous fish, and I feel his exploits are worth much so, I occasionally forget that HE is the one who does these things. Sometimes I get caught in the moment and write of his experiences in the first person; this is a mistake, for I am an upstanding citizen who never does wrong. Stimpy is the degenerate.
^I thought that tek yeilded nothing but sugars and stuff? Long live the unwoke.
The crystals are supposedly the unwanted stuff, the "goo" is supposed to be the goods. Again, I haven't done a full evap yet, so just summarizing the above. All these posts are on behalf of Stimpy, my yellow bullhead. He is an adventurous fish, and I feel his exploits are worth much so, I occasionally forget that HE is the one who does these things. Sometimes I get caught in the moment and write of his experiences in the first person; this is a mistake, for I am an upstanding citizen who never does wrong. Stimpy is the degenerate.
obliguhl wrote:Quote:The information that psilocybin is only soluble in boiling water is right? I just got the idea to soak the cakes in lemon juice to make a strong lemon tek tea. What would happen if one would evap the lemon juice down? I think this question has been posed before. Perhaps one could alos conservate the psylocin afterwards with alcohol. A standardized mushroom extract is totally doable. No idea about the finer points of purification but it does concentrate well. My experience is extracting from dried ground cyans using water with piracetam and ascorbic acid. Brought to a boil and filtered 3x. The liquid evaporated on low heat. Formed a highly active and extremely sour resin. The original plant material was completely inactive. These aren't the droids you're looking for.
..fas the question's come up again, i'll repeat the 'formula': Quote:Le Genre Panaeolus: Essai taxinomique et physiologique par Gyorgy Miklos OLA'H Laboratoire De Cryptogamie du Museum National D'histoire Naturelle 12, rue de Buffon, Paris. Memoire hors-series No 10, 1970. Page 97.
Dry the mushrooms. This important step is most likely to cause the greatest loss of yield depending on how it is done. Crush or grind the dried carpophores or mycelium to a powder. Shake and allow to stand (e.g. 30 mins) in chloroform. Use maybe twice the dry weight in solvents at every step, or enough to well cover the powder. Filter and discard the chloroform. Shake the reidue and allow to stand with acetone. Filter and discard the acetone. Shake residue and allow to stand with methanol. Filter. Shake residue and allow to stand with methanol. Filter. Shake residue and allow to stand with methanol. Filter. Discard residue. Combine methanol extracts. Evaporate methanol to dryness, preferably in a vacuum, although low heat will do.
This will yield a crude extract containing the active tryptamines, suitable for most purposes. This can be further chromatographed on cellulose etc. to give pure psilocin and psilocybin. The recommended solvents are n-Butanol saturated with water, and n-butanol:acetic acid:water (24:10:10). Anyone wishing to do chromatography should check the relevant texts for more detailed instructions.
nen888: Have you performed that extraction with satisfactory results?
..i'll add to what i wrote in post#29: Quote:the original Albert Hoffman psilocybin extraction formula to produce 'crystal' c.1950s i'm pretty sure it went like this: dry/powder mushrooms, wash with acetone..dry, wash with chloroform..dry, extract with basic methanol and evaporate to almost pure mushroom alkaloids..i have done this once with a friend..the chloroform pulled a ball of waxy stuff that had the 'makes you want to puke' was decided the cleaning washes weren't complete enough as the final product was a dark worked vaporized! was active, but clearly not close to pure a mild mushroom dose, duration approx friend and i decided we would do the extraction again, and do each stage/wash twice and more carefully..obviously chromatographing would get the purest product..also, we hypothesized that converting it to the freebase should be more active [edit: but I don't know about the zwitteronic aspect]..then we forgot about it and never got around to it..!
alzabo wrote:obliguhl wrote:Quote:The information that psilocybin is only soluble in boiling water is right? I just got the idea to soak the cakes in lemon juice to make a strong lemon tek tea. What would happen if one would evap the lemon juice down? I think this question has been posed before. Perhaps one could alos conservate the psylocin afterwards with alcohol. A standardized mushroom extract is totally doable. No idea about the finer points of purification but it does concentrate well. My experience is extracting from dried ground cyans using water with piracetam and ascorbic acid. Brought to a boil and filtered 3x. The liquid evaporated on low heat. Formed a highly active and extremely sour resin. The original plant material was completely inactive. Alzabo I've looked all over and haven't found anything else on the net regarding piracetam why this? What's your ratio: water/mushrooms/piracetam/ascorbic acid? Many thanks MIND YOU THIS IS AN ENTIRE WORK OF FICTION FOR A FANTASTIC NOVEL I AM WORKING ON - THESE ARE MERELY STORIES TO ENTERTAIN AND ARE OF NO RESEMBLANCE TO ANY LIVING OR HISTORICAL PERSONS
I would also like to note the individual in the story I'm writing has access to fungus but no lab equipment. He's willing to reasonably invest as he would like to perform some experiments for the story so everyone may read the results and enjoy. He's looking to be progressive as performing a tech that everyone has done before will not create a worthwhile story. A food safe version would be ideal as well. Perfecting extracts of this fun guy has been a dream of his. @Benzyme I recall you'd mentioned using a piece of equipment that uses ultra sonic vibration. This may seem a bit crude but I know an elderly medical marijuana patient that makes "RSO" using ethanol in a jar. She started using a personal vibrator on the jar and it would turn the plant matter white in a shorter amount of time then the normal week or so soak that was required. Um lol it was a higher end vibrator so I do not know if a similar function could be achieved with say a cheap vibrating toothbrush? MIND YOU THIS IS AN ENTIRE WORK OF FICTION FOR A FANTASTIC NOVEL I AM WORKING ON - THESE ARE MERELY STORIES TO ENTERTAIN AND ARE OF NO RESEMBLANCE TO ANY LIVING OR HISTORICAL PERSONS
There is some really promising reports there about vaping the extracts. One more grow and some methanol or ethanol to track down and I will end up starting some experiments..I cant wait..I have maybe 40g dry now I harvested and just started another liquid culture..I dont want to start trying extractions until I have a couple ounces dry to play around with. Long live the unwoke.
^..good find jamie.. as i said somewhere earlier, a crude gunk extract i once made with a friend was mildly active vaporised..just needed better purification i thought..
^do you know what the ph was of the stuff you vaped nen?..and what sort of pipe did you use? A little glass sort of bulb vape? Long live the unwoke.
..pH was whatever it was in the dried caps..(presumably Not basic, which is why i'm curious as to the theory that basifiying it would improve vaporability) but who knows, maybe it is basic..gunk smoked in small glass pipe..
What about doing a defat with warm limonene then extracting into 99% isopropyl?? Easily available materials... Using 191 Proof Everclear is ideal for consumption but in the evaporation stage you end up a high water ratio, not to mention that small bit of water can make a difference in the extraction itself. The evaporated iso-extract can then be re-mixed into Everclear for consumption tinctures. -Eternally Romping the Astral Savannahlands-
Alcohol extract. Prep plate TLC. If your religion, faith, devotion, or self proclaimed spirituality is not directly leading to an increase in kindness, empathy, compassion and tolerance for others then you have been misled.
A friend of mine has taken a batch of frozen mushrooms out of the freezer and crushed them somewhat. Then he proceeded to finely cut these thawed, fresh mushrooms into very fine pieces. These fine pieces were put into a glass bottle and covered in a cgenerous amount of pure bio-Ethanol. This was swirled around and left to sit in a hot water bath for about 45 minutes. Then my friend strained the ethanol & the mushroom-pulp through a cotton cloth into a glass teapot. He put the mushroom pulp into the glass bottle once more adding a small amount of fresh Ethanol. This was swished around and left in a warm water bath for another 15 minutes. Then this too was strained through the cloth into the teapot. The pulp was discarded & the liquid ethanol extract was poored, from the teapot, into 2 glasses. Now my friend has these 2 glasses of ethanol-extract on the stove, trying to evaporate it down. It's taking forever & there's no emulsion. Does water dissolve in Ethanol? There seem to be white flakey particles settling at the bottom of both glasses. No idea what those are yet. Now he's wondering what to do wth these ethanol pulls. The guide Deoxy provided was rather vague. deoxy wrote:The elves told me they wanted to pour off the darker pure grain and wash the crystals in some fresh everclear while they are frozen. But it doesn't mention putting the tinctures in the freezer or anything. So is my friend to put his tinctures in the freezer or must he evaporate all the ethanol away to gain access to the goodies?