EuphoricHavoc's Mom is out to get us ????!!!!!!11!!22! gAME oVER mAN gAME oVER.... If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
The reason Obama might veto the bill is because it would hold the U.S. to the Geneva Convention, which would give enemy detainees some rights.
simply put the republicans are trying to burn under the obama administration so we go after democrats after. Dems are trying to stall till elections when mant are 'retiring'. Be honest obama hasn't the balls yet to choose a side. There are rumors of factions of tea party supporting OWS thus the militarization those protesters are now going home getting their guns..... Were alll gonna die HAHRHARHAR Turn all your money into Canadian, Buy property there now!!! Imma Maqnwhoring myself for cash......... If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
yep it certainly seems that way. Though when things go south so will I. They'll be expecting us to go north and they'll head us off at the pass (god i hate that cliche!). So I intend to head south and live like Butch Cassidy and the hole in the wall gang only instead of hunting i'll have 1000 pounds of ramen noodles and other needed supplies. Maybe post up in a native american ruin somewhere.shhhhhhh. What are we but stupefied dancers to a discordant stystem, we believe - so we're mislead we assume - so we're played we confide - so we're deceived we trust - so we're betrayed
PrimateSphinx wrote:Though when things go south so will I. They'll be expecting us to go north and they'll head us off at the pass (god i hate that cliche!). So I intend to head south and live like Butch Cassidy and the hole in the wall gang only instead of hunting i'll have 1000 pounds of ramen noodles and other needed supplies. Maybe post up in a native american ruin somewhere.shhhhhhh.
lets just all farm entheogens in the amazon... My wind instrument is the bong CHANGA IN THE BONGA! 樹
Sounds great. They already tried a back-to-the-land movement a few decades ago. If we go that route, we should probs find out why their movement failed so that we can learn from their mistakes. Every day I am thankful that I was introduced to psychedelic drugs.
hixidom wrote:Sounds great. They already tried a back-to-the-land movement a few decades ago. If we go that route, we should probs find out why their movement failed so that we can learn from their mistakes. naaahh common sense and planning ahead never helped anyone... probably. My wind instrument is the bong CHANGA IN THE BONGA! 樹
Here's what I see correct me if I am skewed. The government has been caught tracking OWS protesters. They have dispersed the camps. In the last few months it is reported gun sales have skyrocketed. It is now reported that some of the OWS leaders have been seen consorting with tea party members. possibly unifying OWS and tea party opinions vary widely but both agree the current power structure is not working for anyone. Afterwards OWS and tea party will turn on each other for now they unite to win. The US politicians don't want money out of govt there there solely for the money. Based their lives on attaining money and power. No glory in power if your broke. They are militarizing the police and our army to prepare for 'civil unrest due to economic conditions' The owners of all the media being billionaires sure don't want to loose the Washington puppet strings they have spent a fortune creating and then loose 100 's of millions in revenue from failure to control govt regulations. They are more than happy to suppress it all. But people a suppressed anger no matter how peaceful will eventually explode. When it does in one place it will trigger it to happen all over the country. When elections near the opposition will use OWS events in their ads to compete with the current running individual. It's practically a sure win especially with the skewing those ads do anyway. This is going to rally a already ready to regroup populace now twice as strong given the tea party is up in arms about loosing free speech amongst many other things. 2012 may be a self fulfilling prophecy. Do you really think any mayor of any major city is going to keep his job after there is prolly 10 youtube videos of his cops beating peaceful protesters. That goes doubly sure for police chiefs. This is their last run for 80% of politicians unless they 100% control the media hard to do or take military control of it declaring a police state with the US army from recently passed bills. 20,000 US troops trained for civil unrest- of speech blatantly shut down public generated streams only thing left - to imprison any US citizen in a military prison indefinitely without trial or charge - passed allowing the US to shut down any domain they want 100+ so far. - the nexus All this already occurred plus they have been caught giving 7 trillion of your money away without anyone consent.Yes trillion. Feel free to add even more chaos maybe I'll start a timeline. There have been more things happen most people who go to yahoo or cnn for news or watch television news stations for their info dont even know. Regons are being isolated. Local news cover local things but you can see the pattern easily by just going to: or wait for a reporter to spill the whole game on live TV: other free speech or public controlled sites. Bout everyone knows American society is collapsing. Chances are states will become individual state like countries united in small groups. Much like the European structure. It'll take a good 40-50 years for us to be back in full running order but still divided. Many of these nations will be Decentralist in nature. Some still traditional democracies. More progressive will take on European democratic processes. Lesson learned. Big governments don't work. Can't control that many people in a civilized society where power and wealth or religion are connected. If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
Entropy is the name of the game folks. Our society is ripping at the seams and I couldn't be more ready for the inevitable collapse so we can rebuild without evil cretins in control. A sort of phoenix kind of deal. I also saw (according to some senator) that having more than 7 days supply of food in your house could be means to detain you for being a terrorist... Imagine being arrested and all you can say is "But I like food!". Are you ready folks? Now would be a good time to put some survival gear in your car for a quick getaway to whatever wilderness you find yourselves closest to. Vovin it's a shame you always have to be the bearer of bad news to this thread, but somebody has to do it I suppose. But not all is bad. Aragorn take it away "Sons of Gondor! Of Rohan! My brothers. I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of Men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the Age of Men comes crashing down, but it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West!" What are we but stupefied dancers to a discordant stystem, we believe - so we're mislead we assume - so we're played we confide - so we're deceived we trust - so we're betrayed
Sent a letter of protest to my local senator, and actually received a response! Lots of political talk, but I figured I would share with everyone as it relates directly to what the politicians are considering an acceptable "concession". "Dear Kris: Thank you for contacting me about the detainee provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). I appreciate hearing from you regarding our national security and civil liberties. I fundamentally oppose these ill-conceived and unconstitutional detainee provisions. Sections 1031 and 1032 of the NDAA authorize the indefinite detention of American citizens and mandatory use of military tribunals for terrorism cases. Every American citizen has a right to a fair and public trial, and we should never tie the hands of our national security professionals and make it more difficult to bring terrorists to justice. I sent the attached letter to Senators Reid, McConnell, Levin, and McCain highlighting my concerns. I made every effort to remove these unprecedented provisions from the NDAA. I supported both the Udall Amendment 1107, which would have stripped these provisions, and the Feinstein Amendment 1125, which would have clarified such authority relates to only those captured on foreign soil. Unfortunately, these amendments did not receive enough support from my colleagues to be adopted. Fortunately, the Senate overwhelmingly adopted an amendment stating that Congress did not intend to change current U.S. law with respect to the indefinite detention of American citizens. I believe this modification was a strong improvement to the otherwise flawed legislation. I supported final passage of S. 1867, which was approved by a vote of 93-7, because the bill provides critical support to U.S. troops serving in harm's way. Thank you again for raising your concerns with me about S. 1867. As we do our best to protect this country, we must never violate Americans' basic civil rights. Please contact me with any additional comments or concerns. Also, please visit my website at to view information on current issues and to find out what I'm doing both here in Washington and at home to help Montana." -Max Baccus, Sen. Montana
There should no reason to worry about this. Fear has always attempted to stand in the way of Love and Light. This is only a physical manifestation of what is going on inside of ourselves. If we accept that the old must be let go, and the new accepted into the heart with no hesitation, they could build a fema camp over our heads, and STILL be unable to touch us...If we clear the Pain inside, the environment will reflect this, because ultimately, we are One with everything, including our surroundings. So if these camps freak anyone out, don't let them. It's how its supposed to work....fear and obsession with it to deter you from you earthly mission and destiny. Don't let the elite occupy your mind too. LIGHT! LOVE! TRUTH! WISDOM! COMMUNITY! COMMUNICATION!! There is only One Being here....YOU "The search for Truth is the Greatest, if not, most Sensible form of Rebellion."
tobecomeone00 wrote:If we accept that the old must be let go, and the new accepted into the heart with no hesitation, they could build a fema camp over our heads, and STILL be unable to touch us...If we clear the Pain inside, the environment will reflect this, because ultimately, we are One with everything, including our surroundings. So if these camps freak anyone out, don't let them. Thank you for that reminder. I seem to forget that over and over. I was actually coming to this thread to ask a question, but this has really answered it already for me by redirecting my focus. Exactly what I needed to hear 이 사람은 진짜 사람 안입니다. 모든 포스트들 가짜 입니다.
 My wind instrument is the bong CHANGA IN THE BONGA! 樹
Welcome my son, Welcome to the machine. Where have you been? Its alright we know where you've been! What are we but stupefied dancers to a discordant stystem, we believe - so we're mislead we assume - so we're played we confide - so we're deceived we trust - so we're betrayed
Quote:Combined, NDAA and SOPA simply destroy American democracy. That isn't hype. That isn't exaggeration. Within a few days, your freedom of speech will be gone -- post something controversial online, and the government can legally "disappear" it.
Annoy the government too much, or criticize Congress' infinite wisdom and mercy, and you may find yourself in military prison for the remainder of your life, without access to a trial or attorney. Even if you're an American citizen on US soil.
This is a brave new world. Watch what you say. Be mindful of who you associate with. You may criticize your government within the privacy of your own home, amongst close family or friends, but do not post negative comments online. Do not assemble. Do not protest. Do not agitate. Do not give "comfort" to the "enemy." http://www.businessinsid...nearer-than-ever-2011-12
Well dreamer I almost wish I wouldn't have seen that article... WHAT THE FUCK! It appears that the title of this thread has come to fruition. We just got officially fucked over in america. Where is Gandalf when you need him? I'm speechless. What are we but stupefied dancers to a discordant stystem, we believe - so we're mislead we assume - so we're played we confide - so we're deceived we trust - so we're betrayed
dude seriously keep at least 2 weeks of food and a full tank of gas. Start mapping a route to Mexico or Canada. Shiznit bout to go down soon. Good Place to keep up: you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
vovin wrote:dude seriously keep at least 2 weeks of food and a full tank of gas. Start mapping a route to Mexico or Canada.
Shiznit bout to go down soon. Good Place to keep up:
thats the thing man having more than one week of food in your house is means to detain you for being a "terrorist". Straight from the horses mouth. they thought this one through, but yeah i wish i had a flying saucer or at least an x wing for a quick getaway What are we but stupefied dancers to a discordant stystem, we believe - so we're mislead we assume - so we're played we confide - so we're deceived we trust - so we're betrayed