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VG VaporGenie: How to use, where to get, advantages, etc Options
#721 Posted : 1/12/2014 1:17:55 PM
Hey everyone,
I just thought this might be an appropriate place to share this finding. I have seen Arc TurboFlame torch lighters sold for upwards of $50. That is just absurd. Buy it here for $15 instead. I'm not certain that it is the Arc TurboFlame brand, but it is identical and has never failed me once. Same amount of efficiency, half the price. Thumbs up

adam wrote:
Also for those in warm sunny places, I highly highly recommend taking off the filter and using a magnifying glass. You may want to practice first on a small amount to get it right and not waste anything.

Wouldn't this render the GVG equally effective as a $5 glass pipe from a headshop? The ceramic filter is pretty much solely responsible for giving the GVG an advantage over any other glass pipe.

EDIT: Just finished reading through this thread in it's entirety. Funny how 95% of the last 5 or so pages are questions that have been answered 10 times in the thread, often in the first 2 pages. Does nobody read anymore?? Come on, people... Rolling eyes
Entheogenerator attached the following image(s):
torch-lighter.jpg (24kb) downloaded 344 time(s).
"It's all fun and games until someone loses an I" - Ringworm
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Salvia divinorum expertSenior Member
#722 Posted : 1/12/2014 1:54:26 PM
Entheogenerator wrote:
Hey everyone,
I just thought this might be an appropriate place to share this finding. I have seen Arc TurboFlame torch lighters sold for upwards of $50. That is just absurd. Buy it here for $15 instead. I'm not certain that it is the Arc TurboFlame brand, but it is identical and has never failed me once. Same amount of efficiency, half the price. Thumbs up

Or buy them here for $10 each with free shipping. (If you don't mind buying 3 at a time.)
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#723 Posted : 1/12/2014 2:00:06 PM
gibran2 wrote:
Entheogenerator wrote:
Hey everyone,
I just thought this might be an appropriate place to share this finding. I have seen Arc TurboFlame torch lighters sold for upwards of $50. That is just absurd. Buy it here for $15 instead. I'm not certain that it is the Arc TurboFlame brand, but it is identical and has never failed me once. Same amount of efficiency, half the price. Thumbs up

Or buy them here for $10 each with free shipping. (If you don't mind buying 3 at a time.)

Thanks Gibran! Thumbs up
"It's all fun and games until someone loses an I" - Ringworm
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#724 Posted : 1/13/2014 10:35:02 PM
Normal for copper to look like this afterwards?

#725 Posted : 1/14/2014 11:55:52 AM
TheHornedOne wrote:
Normal for copper to look like this afterwards?

Did you burn off the nasties first?
"It's all fun and games until someone loses an I" - Ringworm
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#726 Posted : 1/14/2014 12:11:35 PM
Entheogenerator wrote:
TheHornedOne wrote:
Normal for copper to look like this afterwards?

Did you burn off the nasties first?

Yes, but perhaps I didn't do it long enough. The first disc I made I burned liberally, and it turned silver and brown. I thought that meant oxidation, so the second time I didn't burn it as long.
#727 Posted : 1/15/2014 2:35:30 AM
TheHornedOne wrote:
Yes, but perhaps I didn't do it long enough. The first disc I made I burned liberally, and it turned silver and brown. I thought that meant oxidation, so the second time I didn't burn it as long.

Hmm... The one in the picture might be oxidising, but I feel like if it were getting hot enough to oxidize copper it would probably be pyrolizing the crap out of your spice so I'm not sure what's going on there. I'm no expert on these copper mesh discs as I haven't used one in a long time, perhaps someone else will chime in with some insight.

The best advice I could give you would be to buy a couple of 7/16" ceramic flavor discs. They are much preferred to the scrubber-pads by many people on here, myself included. VaporGenie also sells replacement ceramic filters which I imagine would work just as well, but I don't know for sure because I haven't tried one yet.
"It's all fun and games until someone loses an I" - Ringworm
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Salvia divinorum expertSenior Member
#728 Posted : 1/15/2014 3:12:17 AM
TheHornedOne wrote:
Normal for copper to look like this afterwards?

Looks perfectly normal. Nice clean copper, not over-heated and oxidized. Good!
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
Senior Member
#729 Posted : 1/15/2014 3:18:32 AM
gibran2 wrote:
TheHornedOne wrote:
Normal for copper to look like this afterwards?

Looks perfectly normal. Nice clean copper, not over-heated and oxidized. Good!

What does overheated and oxidized copper look like? Black? Mine has been black for months (maybe a year!)
JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
Salvia divinorum expertSenior Member
#730 Posted : 1/15/2014 3:25:27 AM
jbark wrote:
What does overheated and oxidized copper look like? Black? Mine has been black for months (maybe a year!)

Black, dark brown, maybe gray, possibly with flaking bits coming off.

The black could also be from carbon. (Maybe it’s time to change your disc!)

One of many nice things about the ceramic discs is that you can heat them to a very high temperature to burn off any residue that might be accumulating.
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
Senior Member
#731 Posted : 1/15/2014 3:48:32 AM
gibran2 wrote:
jbark wrote:
What does overheated and oxidized copper look like? Black? Mine has been black for months (maybe a year!)

Black, dark brown, maybe gray, possibly with flaking bits coming off.

The black could also be from carbon. (Maybe it’s time to change your disc!)

One of many nice things about the ceramic discs is that you can heat them to a very high temperature to burn off any residue that might be accumulating.

I hope there are no negative repercussions to vaping through a black disc. I just had a changa party with a bunch of friends with that black disc that i reported on in the DMT EXPERIENCES subforum (hint hint Gibran2 Pleased ).
JBArk is a Mandelthought; a non-fiction character in a drama of his own design he calls "LIFE" who partakes in consciousness expanding activities and substances; he should in no way be confused with SWIM, who is an eminently data-mineable and prolific character who has somehow convinced himself the target he wears on his forehead is actually a shield.
#732 Posted : 1/21/2014 6:46:18 PM
Hi Jbark. Good to see you. Good to see everyone.

I've been cleaning my copper pad with acetone. I don't mind the black. In my case it comes from burning the excess spice off after journeys. That's what I used to do, until I realized that cleaning the copper mesh with acetone was a better solution that didn't cause soot build up and didn't leave my room smelling like burnt indole for a week.
I just use a pipette to drop acetone onto the copper disc after I've removed it from the GVG. I do that a few times and then I let it dry. Good as new. Doesn't clean the black off, but I bet if I could get small enough I could scrub it off, while climbing through the tangled matrices.
Actually, now that I think about it I've probably oxidized my mesh disc a bit by my previous torching. Maybe I'll make a new one.
And btw, isn't copper oxide green?
Welcome Home Mister_Niles. We've Been Waiting For You.

"Don't worry. When it happens, you won't be able to not let it do its thing. You won't have the ability to distinguish a pen from a hippopotamus"
- Art Van D'lay
#733 Posted : 1/25/2014 1:41:52 AM
yea i think im sold. must get one. 99.99 is such a high price.
#734 Posted : 1/28/2014 6:13:52 PM
Hi, frequent this forum already has a time and already read the 31 pages of this topic. Next month I want to smoke dmt, I even bought a glass vaporizer bat, I'm thinking of using stainless steel (here in Brazil I not found choreboy or similar) and smoking with a mixture of changa or mullein. I like to go into hyperspace, I will have more chances of getting with changa or greatly depends on the technique? And I do not understand how to heat the ceramic filter?

Sorry for my bad English, google translator facilitated Wink
#735 Posted : 3/27/2014 8:40:52 AM
Okay I haven't read all the pages on this thread... I work away from home and access to the inter webs is often limited.

But I order me a GVG before I left home so it is waiting for me there. I'm so excited. I've had a few failed attempts at breaking through and want to get consistent reliable method down before I share the experiences with others I know are interested.

I was going make a "machine" and still probably with for travel/excursions away from home. But after reading about the VG I decided to bite the bullet.

But the main reason for this post is this that I've been using regular lighters. I've had them malfunction by getting to hot and the wheel supports getting weak, or using the ones with a long stem for charcoal light not sparking and light right, both of which screwed up my session. Then the other day my wife sent me a link to this, http://www.rei.com/produ...06554/soto-pocket-torch I'm a lite weight backpacker and would not carry on extended hikes, but for short ones or as a companion for the GVG it seems as if it would be decent option.

I did a search and only found one short thread that mentioned it. So I was wondering if any others have used it and find it reliable.

#736 Posted : 4/6/2014 4:05:18 PM
Ok Im sold just bought 1.

Thanks for a great thread. This site is awesome.
#737 Posted : 4/6/2014 8:00:22 PM
I stared with the "Machine" a few years ago for FB, and it worked well enough, but was not as effective as I wanted.

Now, I mostly journey with Changa, while it is probably my favorite ROA. I had to see what all the Fuss was about with the GVG.

So, I am now a member of the GVG club!Laughing

I received mine last week, but have not had a chance to use it yet. Going to give it a go, tonight or tomorrow.

Have to say, its a nice piece of glass and I am pleased to know that I will be using something so effective as to not waste the spice.

Just wanted to say Thank You to everyone that paved the way, and shared the information to make it easier for those of us that come after.

Thank you!

who's minding the store?- Ram Dass
Mz.Gypzy is a fictional character. I have a very active imagination. I like to make things up, to entertain myself and others on the internet. I do not use, or condone the use of illegal substances. Everything I write here on the Nexus is for pure entrainment purposes only.

#738 Posted : 4/6/2014 8:14:31 PM
hiker wrote:

I did a search and only found one short thread that mentioned it. So I was wondering if any others have used it and find it reliable.


I have not used the lighter in the link you posted, the only lighter I have ever used with my GVG is the Blazer PB-207http://www.blazerproducts.com/lighters/torch.html. I have since read the Amazon reviews and many people are disappointed with the lighter calling it trash out right. It has never let me down in ALL the many times it has been used. No mis fires, no unpredictable results, no negatives at all in my experience. The only thing that can be a little tricky is working the safety with your thumb as "the shift" occurs after the first 10-20 seconds of launching. You have to sort of roll your thumb forward to make the safety disengage and as manual dexterity is a bit of an issue when launching it is my only complaint, which really isn't a complaint at all.

Good luck friend.
Tranquil Traveler
#739 Posted : 4/9/2014 5:16:32 AM
I've ordered an Aluminum VG, too clumsy with glass, but anyway. I have electronic BICs on hand. Would they suffice or should I get a hold of a quality torch ASAP?
The words of Tranquil Traveler are a madman's work of fiction written in light of entertainment.
#740 Posted : 4/9/2014 8:56:18 AM
get a decent torchThumbs up

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