Type of mimosa perhaps?
The botanical garden is just across the lagoon that they're growing along.
TheAwakening wrote:Sandman it looks to me as if you have acacia longifolia and perhaps maidenii however I'd need a closer photos of the phyllodes. When getting photos it helps to have the veins in focus in some shots. Also note if the plant has a basal gland (little dot near where the phyllode joins to the stem) as this can be a factor that greatly helps id. Longifolia and maidenii can have dmt present but only with the right strain and there is a fair bit of talk on the net on how acacias aren't generally as potent or active at all when flowering. Keep in mind I'm not confident with my IDing just yet so hopefully someone can give a second opinion. I would of thought longifolia var. sophorae Throughout recorded time and long before, trees have stood as sentinels, wise yet silent, patiently accumulating their rings while the storms of history have raged around them --The living wisdom of trees, Fred Hageneder
Yes I think the arrangement of rods almost all along the branch and vast amount is too high for maidenii. It certainly looks interesting.
A.sophorae seeing as the basal gland is almost on the stem. Looks active to me nice photos.
Excellent.. So tree 7 looks active? would I be able to use the whole branch that fell off or bark only? And yeah out of all the trees on that walk the Acacias are definitely the most visually stunning
sandman203 wrote:Excellent.. So tree 7 looks active? would I be able to use the whole branch that fell off or bark only?... My understanding is that branch bark would be fine to work with, and so would phyllodes... Cosmic Spore wrote:nen888 wrote:... STB extraction is not suited IMO to Acacia species..although there are some examples around if you search... Acacia Extraction Workspace search it for the following terms: iii) orthe 'nen-method': While I haven't done that myself, nen888 is among the most knowledgeable-of-Acacia members here.
sandman203 wrote:Excellent.. So tree 7 looks active? would I be able to use the whole branch that fell off or bark only? And yeah out of all the trees on that walk the Acacias are definitely the most visually stunning Well they all display characteristics of active types to me, particularly the leathery phyllodes and the anastomising veins. Number 2 struck me most intuitively. Were they all growing close together? They could be a complex or a small group of hybrids. Did they feel particularly special? However whether they are or not is a different matter and could be about timing or fate. During flowering is generally not considered a good time for harvesting during seeding has seen to have a good result. Maybe developed as an incentive for us to spread the seeds?  Like nectar for bees.
DreaMTripper wrote: Quote:During flowering is generally not considered a good time for harvesting during seeding has seen to have a good result. Maybe developed as an incentive for us to spread the seeds?  Like nectar for bees. nen888 Likes this
DreaMTripper wrote:Well they all display characteristics of active types to me, particularly the leathery phyllodes and the anastomising veins. Number 2 struck me most intuitively. Were they all growing close together? They could be a complex or a small group of hybrids. Did they feel particularly special? However whether they are or not is a different matter and could be about timing or fate. During flowering is generally not considered a good time for harvesting during seeding has seen to have a good result. Maybe developed as an incentive for us to spread the seeds?  Like nectar for bees. Ok cool, well I was looking to do a bark extraction rather than a phyllode extraction on tree 7 just because it looked like an old tree who's time had passed etc.. I definately did get an intuitive feeling from this tree aswell. The trees are located on a trail and theres heaps of them essentially.. the whole walk feels pretty powerful to be honest and the acacias really stand out as something special.. and yeah I won't be extracting for another few months until I do more research on the process and have the spare time, but it's good to know that the tree is there and waiting for me when I'm ready to go!! Also when do acacia's seed?? Thanks
No offence but in this context its not really up to us to decide when a tree has had its day. I see no reason to use bark other than to adhere to the status quo, which is not a good reason as these are wild trees not cultivated on a plantation for commercial ethnobotanical purposes. Let nature decide when its time is up.
That tree could be providing information to all the other trees nearby and could be very important to the local population in maintaining the local ecology not to mention the animals and insects that live off it.
Or did you mean BRANCH bark? If so prune concicely and cleanly with sterilised seceters. I just noticed you said you found a broken off branch from number 7 that gave you the best feeling, thats ideal! It could be meant for you.
Acacia longifolia types seed not long after flowering.
Yep tree 7 Had a branch that fell off, about 1.5m long .. could be meant for me!! Thanks again for all the help!
Hey guys could you please tell me if there is any alkaloid content from this plant ( I believe it is Acacia) lifebinder attached the following image(s):  10583106_692618557484036_288233036_n.jpg (151kb) downloaded 130 time(s). 10585643_692618524150706_974202104_n.jpg (141kb) downloaded 130 time(s). 10589095_692618560817369_232424825_n.jpg (104kb) downloaded 127 time(s). 10592343_692618540817371_411132122_n.jpg (150kb) downloaded 127 time(s).
Without flower it's difficult to say but i would say Albizia (silk tree). I'm not a specialist at all so it's just a guess. « I love the smell of boiling MHRB in the morning »
I doesn't look like an Acacia to me. Are there any seed pods on the tree? Throughout recorded time and long before, trees have stood as sentinels, wise yet silent, patiently accumulating their rings while the storms of history have raged around them --The living wisdom of trees, Fred Hageneder
helloo, i found this tree today and i couldnt find out wat it is , so help please <3 <3 The Runner attached the following image(s):  phyllodes.jpg (140kb) downloaded 104 time(s). buds.jpg (143kb) downloaded 104 time(s).I'm a Runner , my feet just loathe the ground , up a mountain i go running steal your flowers to my cave , i'm a waste of sunshine , a petty rainbow slave ..
thanks dreamtripper , i always find trees that arent acacias maybe i'll be lucky someday.. I'm a Runner , my feet just loathe the ground , up a mountain i go running steal your flowers to my cave , i'm a waste of sunshine , a petty rainbow slave ..
Sorry!@! This was suppose to be in the Acaica ID thread. WHOOPS! This was found on the far north coast NSW , very sandy soil, old quarry I think. A. Floribunda?  A. Longifolia? I also found a longifolia patch the council have planted and found the leaves to have a very bitter astringent taste. Found near a council depot 10 meter's back from a salt water creek, Far N N.S.W.  A. Maidenii? Dead flowers same location as the rest.   