Eggs are people too. ۩ attached the following image(s):  CAM00104.jpg (215kb) downloaded 459 time(s).
^ Looks like my breakfast every morning. looks like your poppin the Cayenne on that egg, like a real egg. Gotta be poppin the cayenne and blacken that youlk with black pepper piperine Don't forget the tumeric. get fryed Expect nothing, Receive everything. "Experiment and extrapolation is the only means the organic chemists (humans) currrently have - in contrast to "God" (and possibly R. B. Woodward). " He alone sees truly who sees the Absolute the same in every creature...seeing the same Absolute everywhere, he does not harm himself or others. - The Bhagavad Gita "The most beautiful thing we can experience, is the mysterious. The source of all true art and science."
  ۩ attached the following image(s):  sriracha_hug_1024x1024.jpg (14kb) downloaded 443 time(s).
those are some really wild shirts cyb universecannon attached the following image(s):  stage.jpg (90kb) downloaded 430 time(s).
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
Universecannon, what an awesome and surreal image! I'm sure there's a story in there but in some ways it's best to be kept guessing.
Made by dried fruits of Peganum harmala  handicrafts of locals in Sistan and Baluchestan Province of southeast Iran. It has both decorative aspect as well as removing the evil eye at homes. 
More hexagonal symmetry then... electron microscope image of snow flakes. And a beautiful, unreal little fella, the tardigrade. Vodsel attached the following image(s):  electron microscope_snowflake.jpg (110kb) downloaded 313 time(s). Water_bear_in_moss-SPL.jpg (57kb) downloaded 312 time(s)."The Menu is Not The Meal." - Alan Watts
Edit: Pics are off the net
Some artisan jewlery made by my brother- The Day Tripper attached the following image(s):  226867_468799816502288_1873537638_n - Copy.jpg (103kb) downloaded 275 time(s). 539127_460802953968641_247583752_n - Copy.jpg (135kb) downloaded 276 time(s). 155090_460802417302028_1220064159_n - Copy.jpg (115kb) downloaded 276 time(s). 549939_460802663968670_694603273_n - Copy.jpg (112kb) downloaded 275 time(s). 404956_465653960150207_722371876_n - Copy.jpg (137kb) downloaded 277 time(s)."let those who have talked to the elves, find each other and band together" -TMK
In a society in which nearly everybody is dominated by somebody else's mind or by a disembodied mind, it becomes increasingly difficult to learn the truth about the activities of governments and corporations, about the quality or value of products, or about the health of one's own place and economy. In such a society, also, our private economies will depend less upon the private ownership of real, usable property, and more upon property that is institutional and abstract, beyond individual control, such as money, insurance policies, certificates of deposit, stocks, etc. And as our private economies become more abstract, the mutual, free helps and pleasures of family and community life will be supplanted by a kind of displaced citizenship and by commerce with impersonal and self-interested suppliers... The great enemy of freedom is the alignment of political power with wealth. This alignment destroys the commonwealth - that is, the natural wealth of localities and the local economies of household, neighborhood, and community - and so destroys democracy, of which the commonwealth is the foundation and practical means.” - Wendell Berry
"Be clearly aware of the stars and infinity on high. Then life seems almost enchanted after all." Mickey_Mouse_33 attached the following image(s):  598941_283567221773661_1421170180_n.jpg (184kb) downloaded 288 time(s).If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough. - Meister Eckhart
Psychotria Elata, the luscious cousin. Vodsel attached the following image(s):  p_elata.jpg (56kb) downloaded 494 time(s)."The Menu is Not The Meal." - Alan Watts
cyb wrote:^^^^...Feed me Seymour...Feed me all night long...^^^^ Please do not PM tek related questions Reserve the right to change your mind at any given moment.
I can't tell if that's photoshopped or not... ۩ attached the following image(s):  IMAG0014.jpg (1,840kb) downloaded 502 time(s).
something i came across earlier "you can't arrest the awakening of humanity" d-T-r attached the following image(s):  388878_526781814040229_1493076896_n.jpg (138kb) downloaded 474 time(s).
d-T-r Such an awesome picture, thank you so very much for sharing it... Much Peace and Kindness
 Van Gogh's last painting...
 If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough. - Meister Eckhart
 INHALE, SURVIVE, ADAPT it's all in your mind, but what's your mind??? fool of the year
I performed a google search to find this thread without success and now it pops up! I feel like the little guy on the picture you posted...exactly like this! My contribution: How you feel on mushrooms 