Looks very similar I will count the flower heads next time I walk past, cheers!
Hi, i have ignored this tree in my backyard for years and recent flowering has made me wonder. can someone help? i think i might be acacia burkittii but some photos ive seen contradict that opinion (different phylodes?) Thanks in advance for any help. Curb attached the following image(s):  IMG_20140606_123741_479.jpg (1,086kb) downloaded 87 time(s). IMG_20140606_123849_762.jpg (2,533kb) downloaded 87 time(s)."you know, there are many people in the country today... who, through no fault of their own: are sane. some of them were born sane, some of them became sane later in their lives. it is up to people like you and me (who are out of our tiny little minds) to try and help these people overcome their sanity" -Monty Python
"I have reasoned and i have logicked and mentally discovered with my mindthoughts that this world (the one we live in) is created by people. people are making this happen." - Unpopular Youtuber
Victoria, SE. I have being lurking here for quiet some time, and i swear i have seen quiet a few very alike looking acacias. radmotion attached the following image(s):  IMAG0502.jpg (394kb) downloaded 79 time(s). DSC_0648.JPG (199kb) downloaded 81 time(s). DSC_0650.JPG (6,194kb) downloaded 81 time(s).
radmotion[/] 3rd pic definitely not an acacia [b]curb looks like burkitti but im not 100% ... is there a gland at the base " glands absent or 1 inconspicuous gland at base" http://plantnet.rbgsyd.n...p;lvl=sp&name=Acacia~burkittii Its now classed as Acacia acuminata subsp. burkittii by the way..
thankyou DreaMTripper, im not too sure about the inconspicuous gland at the base of phylode or what that means, as you can see from the close-up picture the phylodes are bigger and round hairy balls, they arent elongated like that website shows. it may be another subspecies all together as im in a northern part of WA and burkitti references seem to be more southern examples. I suppose the only definitive way to know would be collecting a bunch of phylodes or leaves and doing an extraction (from 50g or so im thinking) come to think of it i HAVE seen bukitti in the bush, but this is quite a large tree, maybe it changes as it reaches full maturity. this tree would have to be atleast 25 years old. "you know, there are many people in the country today... who, through no fault of their own: are sane. some of them were born sane, some of them became sane later in their lives. it is up to people like you and me (who are out of our tiny little minds) to try and help these people overcome their sanity" -Monty Python
"I have reasoned and i have logicked and mentally discovered with my mindthoughts that this world (the one we live in) is created by people. people are making this happen." - Unpopular Youtuber
It means its hard to see or well hidden. I read its no taller than 5m either and apparently it doesnt grow north of central WA..
Hi could anyone help ID this plant? It's growing in the state of Quintana Roo;Yucatan Peninsula;Mexico in the jungle.These trees are not very tall- about 5-7 metres.There weren't any visible seedpots I could photograph.I am surely to upload more photos but has anyone got any idea?I was hoping it might be A.rigidula, but the leaves are totally not right.Help please.  Ego is a structure that is erected by a neurotic individual who is a member of a neurotic culture against the facts of the matter. And culture, which we put on like an overcoat, is the collectivized consensus about what sort of neurotic behaviors are acceptable.” ― Terence McKenna
The first 3 pics are probably leadtree (Leucaena leucocephala) [̲̅ə̲̅٨̲̅٥̲̅٦̲̅] « I love the smell of boiling MHRB in the morning »
The latest WATTLE v2.2 By Bruce Maslin is out now! Throughout recorded time and long before, trees have stood as sentinels, wise yet silent, patiently accumulating their rings while the storms of history have raged around them --The living wisdom of trees, Fred Hageneder
I am trying my hardest to engage the acacia plants, could someone please identify this species? im sorry for the quality, if need be ill take higher res. The leaf's sort of reminded me of snow flakes. radmotion attached the following image(s):  DSC_0671.JPG (333kb) downloaded 187 time(s). DSC_0673.JPG (247kb) downloaded 184 time(s).
Does that book work only for Australian acacias or it is worldwide?
lifebinder wrote:Does that book work only for Australian acacias or it is worldwide? What book? The software is just for Acacias of Australia atm (which are still being discovered) Throughout recorded time and long before, trees have stood as sentinels, wise yet silent, patiently accumulating their rings while the storms of history have raged around them --The living wisdom of trees, Fred Hageneder
hey everyone .. there was a fire under my house last month , today i was walkin wher the fire was and i saw acacia trees , they are drying but still i managed to find green branches , and i would like to know what acacia this is , if anyone can help , i took branches from tow different trees , they might be the same though .. The Runner attached the following image(s):  20140621_001.jpg (758kb) downloaded 160 time(s). 20140621_002.jpg (701kb) downloaded 165 time(s). 20140621_003.jpg (763kb) downloaded 163 time(s). 20140621_004.jpg (794kb) downloaded 163 time(s). 20140621_005.jpg (727kb) downloaded 160 time(s). 20140621_006.jpg (613kb) downloaded 156 time(s).I'm a Runner , my feet just loathe the ground , up a mountain i go running steal your flowers to my cave , i'm a waste of sunshine , a petty rainbow slave ..
The Runner wrote:i took branches from tow different trees , they might be the same though .. The first picture looks like A. stenophylla + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- DMT Nexus Research ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- + ---- +
ya i just checked the A. stenophylla and it looks so much like it .. how can i be sure about it ? and thanks.. alot  I'm a Runner , my feet just loathe the ground , up a mountain i go running steal your flowers to my cave , i'm a waste of sunshine , a petty rainbow slave ..
DreaMtripper i wondered if i can get your opinion about it ,, I'm a Runner , my feet just loathe the ground , up a mountain i go running steal your flowers to my cave , i'm a waste of sunshine , a petty rainbow slave ..
radmotion, We can narrow it down with the following information: a) Rachis length (mm) b) Pinnae numbers (pairs) c) Pinnae length (mm) d) leaflet length (mm) e) leaflet width (mm) f) Penduncle length (mm) g) Penduncle hairs (present or not?) h) State? (WA/VIC/etc) --Shadow attached the following image(s):  acacia-taxonomy.jpg (235kb) downloaded 149 time(s).Throughout recorded time and long before, trees have stood as sentinels, wise yet silent, patiently accumulating their rings while the storms of history have raged around them --The living wisdom of trees, Fred Hageneder
Can anyone help ID this plant. Looks to be in the Acacia/mimosaceae family. Noticed it spring over the past few months. Found in Vic Rachis length 63mm Pinnae 4-5-6 varied. Pinnae Length 57.84mm Leaflet Length 13mm Leaflet width 3.2mm A.Silvestris or A.Terminalis? Tryptallmine attached the following image(s):  sus.mimosaceae.jpg (106kb) downloaded 128 time(s). pinnae.jpg (117kb) downloaded 128 time(s).
hey .. can i get a second opinion on the pics i uploaded , cuz it was in a fighting area and half of it is gone and i think the roots are still alive , so i want to know if they are good so i harvest them before they die .. I'm a Runner , my feet just loathe the ground , up a mountain i go running steal your flowers to my cave , i'm a waste of sunshine , a petty rainbow slave ..
Sorry but Im not familiar with it but judging by the seed pods I would say they arent constricted enough between seeds to be a.stenophylla http://www.cpbr.gov.au/c...a-stenophylla/index.html , shame acacian isnt around these days he was like an encyclopedia.. Whats a 'fighting area' by the way? Brilliant little tutorial there shadow !