DisEmbodied wrote:I have been using my GVG without the top on why spend all that money for a glass pipe? My wind instrument is the bong CHANGA IN THE BONGA! 樹
pretty colorz.. but i think a large part of why people choose glass is more for the ability to see the vapor, which you wouldn't be able to do the BVG so for people with poor vaping technique, glass would be preferable so they could see what they're doing G wrote:To each their own. isn't that what makes it so beautiful? My wind instrument is the bong CHANGA IN THE BONGA! 樹
MomentOfTruth wrote:exactly.
Changa/herbs are a different story and you just need a couple practice hits to figure out the amount of heat needed to keep the herb from burning. But the vapor is still very visible in the pipe, even with herbs.
\ OK, I'm glad you admit this, because I have seen my herbs glowing with red embers after I've left the lighter above the ceramic filter for too long. What I inhaled that time was DEFINITELY smoke, because the herbs were black upon examination afterwards. I listened to what you said about seeing clouds of vapor, so left the lighter in for a while and tried to make sure I didn't burn the herbs......but I still can't really tell the difference between smoke and vapor in this case. They both look the same, and they both have a definite harsh feeling, making it difficult to hold the (cloud of whatever) in for more than 20 seconds without coughing. Regarding the Spice, it could very well be that the extracted plant material I've used is inactive. Also, a possibility in my case is that the spice goop just turns to liquid instantly, and does not get trapped in my steel wool. I need to carry out some more investigations on this, but it's frustrating because I followed all the advice throughout this thread. One area of doubt is from the person who said to only make the steel mesh platform 3-5mm thick....I'm beginning to think that maybe that is too thin.
My personal experience with the VG was that after doing the posted technique of putting some steel wool in there, I barely got any spice to hit me. It was after my friend suggested that I lay a bed of syrian rue underneath the spice, it would hit evenly. I felt like I had just overcome a large obstacle after launching with the bed of rue. It was ecstatic as I was not really expecting it to work that well. To anyone having trouble with steel wool, I hope this post helps.
Betaphenethylamine wrote:My personal experience with the VG was that after doing the posted technique of putting some steel wool in there, I barely got any spice to hit me. It was after my friend suggested that I lay a bed of syrian rue underneath the spice, it would hit evenly. I felt like I had just overcome a large obstacle after launching with the bed of rue. It was ecstatic as I was not really expecting it to work that well. To anyone having trouble with steel wool, I hope this post helps. Was the rue in addition to the steel wool or by itself? Were the rue seeds whole or ground up? Thanks! "The real secret of magic is that the world is made of words, and that if you know the words that the world is made of, you can make of it whatever you wish." - Terence McKenna
I must admit it has been a couple of years since I cleaned my gvg, one of the reasons is that I am hoping that all the brown crystal crud at the inside bottom of the pipe may come in handy if I'm out. But what is that stuff? Do you think it is dmt which fell through my steel wool and filters and re-crystallized on the bottom, or is it just left over crud? This is a funny question but one I bet many will not admit having.  peace! Meditate before you venture, take it seriously, use it as medicinal—it is good psychotherapy if needed. Realize that you, the Earth, others, and the Universe are all one and the same process. Then take that knowledge back to become, as you already are, one with nature. Eternity in every moment. Divinity in every particle. All is one organism.
It's hard to say in your case specifically. But if you have it setup correctly most likely it's from the condensation of the vapor recrystalizing. It is most definitely active IME. I just read that you removed your ceramic filter. How did you go about cleaning the ceramic? I suggest that you removed the copper disc and clean the small hole underneath it. Get that thing unclogged so you use it properly. Harsh taste hints towards waste. Edit: also you don't need to leave it all in there to save. Heat up some naphtha and clean it out and freeze precip. Or you can use ISO and evap it off. Put the stuff in a glass vial for emergency use and enjoy your nice clean GVG. "Energy flows where attention goes" [Please review the forum Wiki and FAQ before posting questions]
Thanks, I will try my hole. I burned the ceramic filter for a minutes with a propane torch, it was RED hot for a while so I don't think that's it. I will try to rinse it with naphtha and freeze precip!... Meditate before you venture, take it seriously, use it as medicinal—it is good psychotherapy if needed. Realize that you, the Earth, others, and the Universe are all one and the same process. Then take that knowledge back to become, as you already are, one with nature. Eternity in every moment. Divinity in every particle. All is one organism.
Hi I'm looking for some help with my (classic) VG. I bought a couple of those volcano pads (as seen in this post https://www.dmt-nexus.me...aspx?g=posts&t=8730)I'm a complete newbie to using the VG, so I'd really appreciate any help. Do I just need to put the pad in the pipe, or should I put screens in as well? Should I melt the DMT into the pad beforehand? How would I do this, heat the pad up before putting it in the pipe and then place the dmt on it? Or just put it in, put the top on and start vaping? Also why use a torch lighter, would it not make it too hot? VG recommends using a normal lighter, although I know that's not for dmt. How far away should I keep the lighter from the pipe? Sorry for so many questions, I just really want to get it right this time, I've had a couple failed attempts with the sandwich method in a normal pipe. Thanks!
Cut the pad to fit and put it on top of a screen just to hold it on, then put another screen on top to 'sandwhich' the pad in. Just put the DMT on top of the steel and screen and go. No pre-melting, that will not work. I have had much more success with a regular lighter than a torch one, the torch seems to hot and destroys the D. Just put the lighter on the top of the ceramic filter and suck, one of the functions of the filter is to block the flame so it doesn't matter much, the flame is going to go its own way and go down as you suck anyway, its no big deal. Enjoy!, and let us know how it went man... Peace Meditate before you venture, take it seriously, use it as medicinal—it is good psychotherapy if needed. Realize that you, the Earth, others, and the Universe are all one and the same process. Then take that knowledge back to become, as you already are, one with nature. Eternity in every moment. Divinity in every particle. All is one organism.
Hello, first post, been informing myself on DMT for a while. This forum is a great source, cool community! Lots of helpful and interesting reads.
I've ordered a glass vapor genie, turboflame ARC and some volcano liquid pads to maximize my chance of a good experience. ;-) Will start with a low dosage and work my way up.
hello Revisor you have made some fine purchases and with a little practice you will be vaping like a champ. welcome to the Nexus INHALE, SURVIVE, ADAPT it's all in your mind, but what's your mind??? fool of the year
I don't think it's too bad for you but I always use hemp line whenever I use vg products mostly because the butane tastes awful to me
Quote:I have had much more success with a regular lighter than a torch one, the torch seems to hot and destroys the D. Agreed, for me good lighter (not torch) is better option. Im using long, metal lighter, which doesn't contain any plastic parts, so nothing melts and makes your smoke uncomfortable. also @Revisor, you can always try to train with other vaporizeable herbs, i was learing how to use VaporGenie with MJ. Then i understood, that it take some time to gain the necessery heat and so on Also little doses at the beggining could help learining. Personally, i smoked DMT properly after second try with VG, because then i knew when im getting the first hit, and i was having experience with heating properly. I also advice to use 10 screens on VaporGenie and taking slooooooow tokes, so if you have good lungs, whole 50mg DMT will be vaporized within 2 hits. Im doing it like this, but as far as i heard most peoples takes 3 or 4 tokes from VG. Greetings.
I need advice on how to vaporize correctly using the glass vaporgenie. I was told that it was VERY tricky to smoke DMT using the GVG and I have to say they were correct. I followed all the common instructions experienced users have explained: I used 6 screens in order to prevent the DMT from melting through. I also used a good lighter from Vaporgenie as well, kept the flame away from the filter and inhaled more than 3 times, held it as long as I could, etc. I only experienced very mild effects such as tingling and vague visuals with some colors and movement, but not much of anything. As I applied the lighter's flame and inhaled, I could see the DMT disappear from the top screen and thought I was vaporizing it correctly. However, after letting the GVG cool off and after I realized I had not succeeded in breaking through, I noticed that most of the DMT simply melted through the screens and ended up stuck in the screens themselves or inside my gvg, at the bottom of it. Since this seems to be much more difficult than I even anticipated after being warned, can someone please explain how I can vaporize the DMT without having it just melt through the screens and get wasted? Many experienced users have recommended using 5-8 screens to prevent melting through, but this obviously did not work for me.
have you read this thread? Its all in here. use copper scruber not screens as they still leak as you have found out. Are you using a torch or a bic lighter? I heat the filter till glowing red, then start to inhale as i raise the torch flame, this will produce a plume of thick white vapour, i then then bounce the flame up and down to keep the filter glowing on and off untill the dose is fully vaped. This method will clear at least 40mg in a single hit, it would probably clear much more but, well, you know INHALE, SURVIVE, ADAPT it's all in your mind, but what's your mind??? fool of the year
3rdI wrote:have you read this thread? Its all in here. use copper scruber not screens as they still leak as you have found out. Are you using a torch or a bic lighter? I heat the filter till glowing red, then start to inhale as i raise the torch flame, this will produce a plume of thick white vapour, i then then bounce the flame up and down to keep the filter glowing on and off untill the dose is fully vaped. This method will clear at least 40mg in a single hit, it would probably clear much more but, well, you know I am using a Vaporgenie lighter (http://www.vaporgenie.com/products/lighters-hempwicks/vaporgenie-pipe-lighter-details) which I don't think is a torch lighter. The flame is yellow and I don't think gets as hot as a torch lighter. So it sounds like I am not getting the substance hot enough to vaporize before it melts. And I will look for copper scrubber as you explained. Thanks.