Nice find Earthwalker  I've been looking for the a. maidenii for quite some time now! Open source consciousness... The way it should be!
Any ideas on this one? I actually planted these about 10 years ago as a part of a regeneration program around some local man made wetlands(long before I had any idea) and there thriving now. There's a couple of different species down there but I was sitting under this one's shade so took a couple of (crappy phone) pics. Cheers 
halfhead wrote:Nice find Earthwalker  I've been looking for the a. maidenii for quite some time now! Well thank you Halfhead but I can't take all the credit  ................. .....but if you keep being a good boy I might even give you the location !!!!  Lol
Earthwalker wrote:Well thank you Halfhead but I can't take all the credit  ................. .....but if you keep being a good boy I might even give you the location !!!!  Lol Indeed  I'll find more locations soon enough! I've got a lot of possible areas. The less human traffic, the better. Open source consciousness... The way it should be!
Could someone please confirm id on these two for me? --Shadow attached the following image(s):  S1.jpg (3,830kb) downloaded 267 time(s). S2.jpg (3,056kb) downloaded 265 time(s).Throughout recorded time and long before, trees have stood as sentinels, wise yet silent, patiently accumulating their rings while the storms of history have raged around them --The living wisdom of trees, Fred Hageneder
Hi, Can anyone tell me if 1 of these is usable? I bought a few books to check for myself but it turns out Acacias are a little tricky for me Marc
| a bit pressed for ID time...will ponder those very interesting samples --Shadow when i get a chance...
as for 'useable' marc, that's not a straightforward question, and requires some use of google and the nexus
Sorry.. still a strawberry as you can see...  Looking for alkaloids for mind expansion.. There are soo many plants here that look like the ones I see here.. but some dont have the hair or the leaves or have when it shouldnt for what Im looking for. Ill work on my vocabulary.. Thanks very much  Thank you Shadow 
marc wrote:Hi, Can anyone tell me if 1 of these is usable? I bought a few books to check for myself but it turns out Acacias are a little tricky for me Marc You shoudnt give up so easily. Which books did you buy? There have been a few helpful ones mentioned in the thread. Also worldwidewattle has a great by area search feature. Usually in books they are also sectioned off into areas so you can at least flick through the relevant sections looking for look-a-likes. Note these down. Then you can look through the pictures and look for similar looking seed pods (the most unique part of an acacia I believe) If no pods to compare look for similarities of bark structure and phyllode arrangement/size/shape. If your specimen is in flower check in your shortlist for species with the same flowering times. Check for similarities of gland arrangements and or position. Same for flower arrangement, structure and colour. To look specifically for active acacia look at the list and then see if any of them are in your area using worldwidewattle. If there is one study it in detail know its features and distinguishing parts then use the internet or local resources to search its distribution. Go for a drive with firm knowledge of what you are looking for.
Actually giving up hasnt happened.. Just looking for more knowledge I dont possess. The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants: Psilocybin Mushrooms of the World: An Identification Guide Psilocybin: Magic Mushroom Grower's Guide: A Handbook for Psilocybin Enthusiasts The rest are in pdf form that are in excess of 50 .. swim has done a few extractions but to no avail on reaping spice. Even go to the point where after adding the NOAH the TB got blod red... but nothing to draw off of it. Thanks Marc
Those books are nothing to do with acacia I dont see your point here sorry. I was just giving you a start in how to narrow down the id of a certain plant as to whether they are 'usable'or not. Your link doesnt work by the way.
I have this lovely plant bought from a roadside stool when you mist it it sometimes gives off a fantastic fragrance does anyone know what it is? DreaMTripper attached the following image(s):  IMG_20140211_185619.jpg (224kb) downloaded 256 time(s).
Hello Nexians! I have been scanning my surrounding for a usable sample of acacia Karoo, I am choosing this sp as it is literally every second tree in my area, this tree is all over the place and I cannot find much info regarding this sp and its activity. This is my final specimen but before I proceed I'd like the opinions from the community. Can anyone confirm that it is indeed a. karoo? I have seen two variations of this tree around, some have white long thorns and the some don't. By what I am noticing I think its due the age difference (young trees have thorns and older ones don't) Peace Arczilla attached the following image(s):  1.jpg (239kb) downloaded 270 time(s). 2.jpg (225kb) downloaded 265 time(s). 3.jpg (292kb) downloaded 265 time(s). 4.jpg (430kb) downloaded 265 time(s).“We need to interact with like-minded people throughout the world to establish the new intellectual order which will be the salvation of mankind.” – Terence McKenna
Lovely find! Some of those pictures are great. I would have said obtusifolia based on the 'veins' in the phyllodes. Rough and in all directions. A great find! I'll be going searching for some this coming week  should be fun! And I completely agree with dr Sway. Too many fools will destroy the beautiful trees! Open source consciousness... The way it should be!
Did you get any photos of the seed pods and seeds? Open source consciousness... The way it should be!
halfhead wrote:Did you get any photos of the seed pods and seeds? Pretty shaw he ain't gunna answer you about the seed pods bro , this was 2010 !
Fantastic pictures of a beautiful tree! If anyones reading this please have a heart and dont brutalise the trunk or roots and threaten the species even more just prune a branch the % is more than good enough to extract. Ask yourself do you really want to contribute to a species downfall for your own curiosity?...
Hi Everyone, Long time lurker, first time poster. I have a few Acacias and am hoping to get an opinion from yourselves. Shame its not flowering time to make this easier. I do recall seeing these tree flower classic yellow blooms. Any ideas what I have here? Im in South East QLD. Im very green with ID's but it could be : Acacia falcata Acacia longifolia Acacia auriculiformis Would certainly prefer to get your opinion before unnecessarily pruning and going to the trouble of a fruitless preparation. Many thanks, Matt AlwaysSearching attached the following image(s):  IMG_0590.JPG (126kb) downloaded 206 time(s). IMG_0591.JPG (231kb) downloaded 203 time(s). IMG_0592.JPG (233kb) downloaded 205 time(s). IMG_0593.JPG (245kb) downloaded 201 time(s). IMG_0594.JPG (199kb) downloaded 206 time(s). IMG_0595.JPG (144kb) downloaded 206 time(s). IMG_0597.JPG (214kb) downloaded 202 time(s). IMG_0598.JPG (195kb) downloaded 200 time(s).
AlwaysSearching wrote:Hi Everyone,
Long time lurker, first time poster.
I have a few Acacias and am hoping to get an opinion from yourselves. Shame its not flowering time to make this easier. I do recall seeing these tree flower classic yellow blooms.
Any ideas what I have here? Im in South East QLD. Im very green with ID's but it could be :
Acacia falcata Acacia longifolia Acacia auriculiformis
Would certainly prefer to get your opinion before unnecessarily pruning and going to the trouble of a fruitless preparation.
Many thanks, Matt Ive got a similar picture but im fairly sure yours isnt a.longifolia they dont have curves phyllodes leaning towards melanoxylon for both http://www.worldwidewatt...sgallery/melanoxylon.php but I must say yours looks a good tyryptamine candidate its those red margins that a few active species have in common. Yours actually looks like it has some obtsusifolia characteristics with serated edges and blunt tips. DreaMTripper attached the following image(s):  IMG_20140223_161448.jpg (322kb) downloaded 185 time(s).
Hey guys hoping for an id on some acacias from southern vietnam. My friend says this about them, im not entirely sure on i.d's First lot possible acacia Angustissima The big trees I reckon are either the Acacia Auriculiformis, Acacia Longfolia or the acacia Mangium or even the Acacia Maidenii The small one could be Acacia Seyal, Acacia Nilotica, Acacia Constricta, Acacia Concinna or Acacia Farnesiana. :) attached the following image(s):  IMG_0988.JPG (3,393kb) downloaded 165 time(s). IMG_0989.JPG (2,524kb) downloaded 164 time(s). IMG_0996.JPG (4,006kb) downloaded 162 time(s). IMG_0998.JPG (2,491kb) downloaded 168 time(s). IMG_1005.JPG (3,643kb) downloaded 164 time(s).