Hello good people! I come to you from the land of the racist! Australia! Although, I am not a racist don't worry

OK, silliness aside now... I have been testing different types of acacia around New South Wales in Australia, Mainly around Sydney and the coast, and have had no success with any extractions thus far! I have been looking for a specific tree called Acacia Maidenii.
These are the main pictures I have been basing my search on.

"Green fruit"

"Ripe fruit"

Here are some pictures I have taken on my journey to the southern coast of Sydney. Feel free to distribute these images! Open source! I greatly appreciate any input! Even that which tells me I need to keep looking

I was told of a vast area south of Sydney, which contains a good majority of these Acacia Maidenii according to wiki, and went for a decent hike. I found a location with about 8-10 fairly large trees! Approx. 7-12 meters in height. As you can see, this is also surrounded by babies!

This is a picture of the flowers before they had grown out and budded. Below are pictures of a dried branch, the same buds starting to grow out and flower.

A close up of the trunk. This one was approx. 12-13 inches in diameter.

This was a bit smaller, maybe 10-12 inches in diameter.

From far

The seed pods don't appear as red as in the photos. They are in fact more of a browny orange, borange?(good song). Brown like bark on the outside with borange on the inside. VERY twisted and tangled!

The leaves are approx. 8-15mm wide. Approx 80-120mm in length. Very thin, slightly curved, slightly rough.

Seed pod with some seeds still attached.

Thought I'd add this one too

Nice little birds nest in there. approx. 9-10cm.

I also took some time and gathered approx. 35-50 seeds. This is an image of one. They would hang from a little either off-white or yellow thing which connected the seed to the pod.

As you can see, they look almost identical! Problem is, I've had a couple of people disagree. I would like more feedback! I can see why this COULD be A. Maidenii but I'd like to know why it ISN'T, if that is your claim!
Thank you very much for your contribution! The fight for freedom of open-source consciousness shall continue!
Open source consciousness... The way it should be!