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2012?? Options
Extreme Chemical expertChemical expertSenior Member
#41 Posted : 7/7/2008 5:56:11 PM
If science were to learn how to stop tumors and cancer cells from growing and spreading, well.. heart disease is the second bigget killer but heart disease is 100% treatable, preventable, etc with stents, artificial hearts, pacemakers, etc.

there are many drugs that kill cancer cells the problem is they often kill your healthy cells too. there will never be a silver bullet cure for cancer. its a multifactorial disease with multiple ways of treating.

"I believe that in 2012 the end of linear time will come. Linear time is a Jewish invention and as such a silly one. When people understand that time is not linear but it can assume other geometrical shapes, a new epoch will begin"

#42 Posted : 7/9/2008 9:58:29 PM
If anyone could really say what's going to happen in the future, he could easily make a lot of money and be fucking rich. Well, I'm not fucking rich so I have to say that I have absolutely no idea what's going to happen in 2012. I also have no idea what's going to happen next year or even tomorrow or the next hour.
God is dreaming us.
TrYpt / PhEnEtHyl -AMinE
#43 Posted : 7/20/2008 3:31:22 PM
flyboy wrote:
I racked my brain last night trying to figure out what single event could transform the world in an instant, and tried to remain positive, I came up with this:

The cure for cancer is discovered in 2012

If science were to learn how to stop tumors and cancer cells from growing and spreading, well.. heart disease is the second bigget killer but heart disease is 100% treatable, preventable, etc with stents, artificial hearts, pacemakers, etc.

If all cancers were curable, in an instant, most of us could be expected to live past 100 which would change everything. (for the west at least)

For one, everybody would start smoking and drinking without guilt once again! Smile

OR... The cure for cancer is discovered but it turns out that the virus they used mutates and turns people into vampires and the only person left as a human in New York is a virologist that looks like Will Smith...

Oh wait, thats the plot of the I am Legend movie...

There are many profound and important things in life.... I just happen to think that most of them have to do with serotonin.
Michael Sharp
#44 Posted : 7/30/2008 7:08:23 PM
Big Inhale wrote:
[quote:ed0b2ba03b="pattern"] we would need something radical and extreme to change us

Well, we could start with the Truth. That be something pretty radical eh, at least for this tiny little planet

Michael Sharp
#45 Posted : 7/30/2008 7:16:58 PM
Annunaki2012 wrote:
TrYpt / PhEnEtHyl -AMinE wrote:
Well unlike the usual Christian paranoia at the end of centuries (it happenned in I am also a kind of economist and I know how easy it is to make really good money with the peoples fear. You can make so much money with that! Just look at the movies, all those books, survival stuff, shelters, .... this is actually a great market guys! But what happened to reality ?

Reality gotted sucked away into a Hollywood black hole. Confused

[quote=Annunaki2012][quote=TrYpt / PhEnEtHyl -AMinE]Well unlike the usual Christian paranoia at the end of centuries (it happenned in
Just because some ancient callendar run out of stone, everything should end in a cataclysmic event, or in a pole shift that wipes out humanity ? I think this is very, very unlikely.
What should change? One thing is for sure, - one thing that does not change is the human tendency to keep running into trouble.
Forgot the Iraq war already ? - Or take our unstoppable will NOT to change at all, to keep producing weapons, guns, land mines, fighter jets, bullets, atomic nukes, ships, tankers, cars, tanks,... and to spend 100 trillion for war instead of helping and conservation of energy and the environment ??

It's not my will to produce weapons, and I bet if we took a global poll, most people would say they aren't interested in weapons. And it's not that fear makes money so much as fear controls. YOu can control a population filled with fear much more readily than you can control a population that is free of this psychic encumbrance. What has to change is that the people who "control" have to wake up and quit playing their silly little game.

my humble .02 cents

as for 2012, 2012 will be what we, as a planet, make it to be. I don't any planetary alignment or mythical Mayan wisdom is going to make a sniff off difference. It's what we choose to do that's going to make the difference.

Michael Sharp
#46 Posted : 7/30/2008 7:20:22 PM
El Ka Bong wrote:

I expect that DNA supercomputing or answering the mystery of Junk DNA ought to be very 'enlightening' ...

I'd rather use the term "awakening" to describe that. I think "junk" DNA is just a reflection of our spiritual somnabulism. Once we all start to wake up, that DNA isn't going to appear to us as junk anymore

ModeratorChemical expert
#47 Posted : 7/31/2008 10:18:36 AM
Jnk DNA is not junk at all....

There are plenty of theories about what this massive bunch of non coding DNA might be doing and the first insight are coming from almost 10 years ago.

What "junk" DNA apparently has, has turned out to be sequences that regulate the expression of the coding genes, like:

1) enhancers and silencers
2) micro RNAs
3) generally sequences that are used to regulate NOT what the DNA is encoding but HOW the coded sequence is accessed and organised. It is known that long streches of sequence totally barren of any genes can be organised into heterochromatin which, for instance affect how DNA is packed inside the cells.

With the progressive unravelling of all these funny DNA functions, SWIM would consider the term "junk" as banalPleased

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#48 Posted : 8/1/2008 10:27:49 PM
Either something happens, or not

If something happens, it can be a catastrophe or it can be a good thing...

Either way, Im gonna keep doing my part, im not gonna ´count on it´ in any way.. I dont want to put the world´s destiny in the hands of some possible event.. Im gonna act as if it wouldnt happen, and if it does, then so be it, I will at least have a good conscience that I did my part

Here´s some possibilities of what could happen that ppl didnt talk about (at least I didnt see):

- drug legalization, or psychedelics being used officially as medicine, or something of the sort
- something special related to the large hadron collider (black hole destroys earth, some scientific revelation that will unite spirituality and science, some sort of time warp)
- sunspots and magnetic bursts will destroy every electronic equipment on earth (imagine! all bank accounts erased, no more computers, etc...)

(plus all the other possibilities people already mentioned, like endogenous dmt release, new enlightened person being born, everyone enlightened, or whatever catastrophes ppl say)
Moderator | Skills: Analytical equipment, Chemical master expertExtreme Chemical expert | Skills: Analytical equipment, Chemical master expertChemical expert | Skills: Analytical equipment, Chemical master expertSenior Member | Skills: Analytical equipment, Chemical master expert
#49 Posted : 8/1/2008 10:57:25 PM
endlessness wrote:
Either something happens, or not

my favorite words of wisdom (seriously) Very happy

it applies to everything, and is a rock-solid argument.

i think there's more of a chance that jesus will magically appear and kick every guy in the nuts and snatch out womens' ovaries, than a spontaneous global "release" of DMT.
I'm more in agreement with the logic that it will simply be the beginning of a new epoch.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
"Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
#50 Posted : 8/8/2008 3:36:48 PM
Well if anyone knew this, Terrance McKenna translated the I Ching to also saying the world would end on the exact date.
#51 Posted : 8/8/2008 3:38:03 PM
endlessness wrote:
Either something happens, or not

If something happens, it can be a catastrophe or it can be a good thing...

Either way, Im gonna keep doing my part, im not gonna ´count on it´ in any way.. I dont want to put the world´s destiny in the hands of some possible event.. Im gonna act as if it wouldnt happen, and if it does, then so be it, I will at least have a good conscience that I did my part

Here´s some possibilities of what could happen that ppl didnt talk about (at least I didnt see):

- drug legalization, or psychedelics being used officially as medicine, or something of the sort
- something special related to the large hadron collider (black hole destroys earth, some scientific revelation that will unite spirituality and science, some sort of time warp)
- sunspots and magnetic bursts will destroy every electronic equipment on earth (imagine! all bank accounts erased, no more computers, etc...)

(plus all the other possibilities people already mentioned, like endogenous dmt release, new enlightened person being born, everyone enlightened, or whatever catastrophes ppl say)

The hadron collider was set off yesterday, and I'm still here.
#52 Posted : 8/12/2008 10:56:44 PM
only a test Zoro, only a test of two sectors and the electric capability and the proton injection mechanism. Complete startup when all sectors are cool @ 1.9 K in sept. Various experiments to be run over the next decade.
Onwards and upwards
"am SWIM human? am SWIM alien? am SWIM even WHAT?!"
Senior Member
#53 Posted : 8/16/2008 2:45:37 PM
I'd like to know if the LHC will help us to discover what all this dark matter is.
Anyway, the maya calender misses 5 days a year, so they had to invent all these cycles to make it fit. Would be fun though if something would happen at the exact moment of the mistaken maya calender. I'm in for a few changes here and there.
#54 Posted : 8/20/2008 5:57:18 AM
ZoRo wrote:
endlessness wrote:
Either something happens, or not

If something happens, it can be a catastrophe or it can be a good thing...

Either way, Im gonna keep doing my part, im not gonna ´count on it´ in any way.. I dont want to put the world´s destiny in the hands of some possible event.. Im gonna act as if it wouldnt happen, and if it does, then so be it, I will at least have a good conscience that I did my part

Here´s some possibilities of what could happen that ppl didnt talk about (at least I didnt see):

- drug legalization, or psychedelics being used officially as medicine, or something of the sort
- something special related to the large hadron collider (black hole destroys earth, some scientific revelation that will unite spirituality and science, some sort of time warp)
- sunspots and magnetic bursts will destroy every electronic equipment on earth (imagine! all bank accounts erased, no more computers, etc...)

(plus all the other possibilities people already mentioned, like endogenous dmt release, new enlightened person being born, everyone enlightened, or whatever catastrophes ppl say)

The hadron collider was set off yesterday, and I'm still here.

Just a question, what was the purpose for the Hadron Collider?
So glad to see you have overcome them.
Completely silent now
With heaven's help
You cast your demons out

I lie compulsively, and I am subjected to mental disorders as to where I have trouble even considering my own existance.
Senior Member
#55 Posted : 8/20/2008 2:05:10 PM
Smash particles (protons) at such high speeds that a cascade of particles resulting from it would reveal some particles that never have been observed yet (directly or inderectly). The first particle everybody expects to be revealed is the so called Higgs boson, wich is supposed to be the particle that gives mass to all the other ones. But many scientists hope to see other particles as well. Apparantly the vast majority (i believe it was something like 96 %) of all the matter that exists is 'invisible', so called dark matter. You can imagine scientists being very curious about the nature and 'fuction' of this stuff.
#56 Posted : 8/20/2008 2:46:58 PM
benzyme wrote:
i think there's more of a chance that jesus will magically appear and kick every guy in the nuts and snatch out womens' ovaries, than a spontaneous global "release" of DMT.

I would so pay to see Jesus kicking guys in the nuts...seriously. Not so much with the snatching womens' overies out.

Smash particles (protons) at such high speeds that a cascade of particles resulting from it would reveal some particles that never have been observed yet (directly or inderectly).

The earth is going to be a large glowing ball of strange quark matter by 2012...good times!

Golly, and the US is worried about "terrorists". Osama's got nothing on the super collider!
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#57 Posted : 8/20/2008 7:45:39 PM
ZoRo wrote:

The hadron collider was set off yesterday, and I'm still here.

well, according to their website it was not turned on properly yet, it was just some synchronization tests..

the real show starts next month apparently
#58 Posted : 8/20/2008 9:40:27 PM
As far as the 2012 thing goes, I'll bet all of you that absolutely nothing spectacular happens at all in that year other than a bunch of people getting together and thinking something might happen. There will be a lot of events celebrating the year, and many expecting something, and that pure expectation will cause some minor events to happen, but nothing spectacular will happen.

Many will trip in 2012 just because it’s a cool idea to do so. I’ll probably be at one of the Mayan locations at the time just for the fun of it. But other than some parties, and lots of people taking shrooms, yopo, ayahuasca, DMT, and stuff like that, nothing spectacular will happen.

I think at best 2012 will bring out all the users of entheogens around the world. It will be sort of a large get together or “happening” as they used to call it in the 60’s. It will be fun, some people will expand their minds and souls, but other than that it will be business as usual.

Mark my words. And for those of you who think otherwise, I’m reserving my right to say “I TOLD YOU SO” in the year 2013 after 2012 passes without any spectacular event ever happening. It’s just like the year 1999. People predicted chaos, the end of the world, etc., and here we are. Nothing happened. A few clocks got messed up because of some bad programming. That’s it!
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
Big Inhale
#59 Posted : 9/11/2008 3:15:26 PM
The LHC fired its first particle beam yesterday YYYYYAAAAAAYYYYYYYY Were still here. Go LHC
Can you Imagine? From one single Idea everything appeared here.

Here in the Prime Creators universe all things are possible,because all things are possible many lessons are learned.

None Of This Is Real!
#60 Posted : 10/20/2008 4:19:24 AM
Every time something goes wrong in the world people flock to the conclusion that the world's going to end. It's really just a bad case of self-importance to think that humans are the cause of global warming. Earth has cycles of global climate changes and has been through much worse than humans.

Personally I hope this whole system of technology collapses and our society realizes what a mistake they made turning to consumerism.

But probably nothing will happen
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