What had come out of my LSD years, stemming from the realization that we were all one consciousness experiencing reality through different bodies and all that implies, is that as you die, you experience reality without your senses (and your mind, all that is body related) and therefore you can't begin to make an idea about what it's like, you can't know, it's totally out of your capacity to envision - because you are bound by this beautiful body. I have this sort of view of how things work but it can begin to describe or understand what it must be like or if there is a linkage that happens to another body. I would tend to think you just dissolve into this layer of consciousness that is all around, or you join (closer to) eternity. There are layers I guess ... Woody wrote: "for us to prepare ourselves for when our time does come". I think this idiom is interesting, death is the absence of the body and therefore the annihilation of time to a very drastic degree. But maybe that's what happens when time does ... come 安心精神芝簡単吸収前進'''.'''''...'''''''..'~>\\\*'*¤@¤-.*;,^/ò°ò\^,,;*.-¤@¤*'*///<~'..'''''''...'''''.''' */(°_-_-_-_-_-_-,-:_:°_°::.:..((<u><u><u><u><u><vvv><vvv><vv><vvv>((",°^°FFF[[[--°°°___<<<```///---_°°°<<`_`_`°o°o°O°O°.°-)-(-°..°o.)°..O))°°(O°;';;'';;;''<°<°<<°°°<°°°<<<°°__-_---___---_°_°°___°°--°°_---____/__//___//__///__/_///_/_///_//o°oo°°oo°°oo°oo°°°ooo°o°o°o°o°o°°o°o°o^°^°^^°^°^°^°,,-.'''..--''__--```((-°-),-.-,,((),)(),) .°o;;;^`^_<<<8>>>_^`^,,,O.°