So SWIM did the rue extraction..
He first let 50g rue sit in 250ml of glacial acetic acid acidified water for 24 hours (no pH measured, maybe 5 drops) then filtered with an old t-shirt, put in a pot, and boiled another 2x in 250ml each time of acetic acid acidified water, for maybe 15mins each boil. He could have just boiled 3x but decided for the cold soak as the first thing just for the sake of it

Each time he filtered with an old t-shirt in a funnel, and squeezed it to get all the juice out

when filtering with the shirt, some gets stuck in the shirt so SWIM just puts some water in a bowl and puts the shirt cloth in it and mixes a bit to get the pieces out, and then pours this water together with the rest of rue that will be boiled again

Then SWIM boiled it all down to maybe 250ml. At the same time, SWIM pre-mixed 250ml of water with about 100g of pure salt (each 100ml of pure water dissolves about 36g of salt).. SWIM also added a bit of salt, maybe 30g, to the 250ml of rue tea. The reasoning behind this is that SWIM wanted the whole thing to be saturated with salt so that the alkaloids could precipitate out.. But since the rue tea is not pure water, it wouldnt hold as much salt, so he just added a bit.
Then SWIM mixed the salt water with the rue tea, and let it sit in the fridge for some 15 hours.
The next day, SWIM saw there was a definite distinction between the precipitated bottom layer and the top layer. SWIM poured the top layer off (and threw away), and when it got close to the bottom layer, SWIM poured in his
self constructed vacuum filter with a filter paper similar to a coffee filter. IT IS A PAIN IN THE ASS TO FILTER THIS RUE SLUDGE! Even with vacuum, its just a pain.. And one cant use a t-shirt at this time because its too porous, so part of the sludge that you want to keep will be soaked inside the shirt
So after long time doing this, SWIM finally filtered, and threw away the filtered water. With the sludge that stayed on top of the filters, SWIM then redissolved it in 500ml hot pure water, filtered with a t-shirt (because this time the alkaloids will be redissolved in the pure (non salt saturated) water, so what will be floating is only impurities). Taking more care in this step will result in a cleaner final product in the end.
Then SWIM went outside, breathed in deep and held his breath, opened the ammonia hydroxide bottle and quickly poured some drops with the help of a little spoon (not measured, maybe 2ml), closed the bottle and ran away (Ammonia has the worst smell in the world, it hurt SWIM's eyes a lot too). SWIM noticed as soon as the drops of ammonia touched the liquid, it turned from dark brown to light cream colour.. SWIM made circular movements in the container to mix it properly and basify the whole thing.
Then SWIM left it stand overnight again. The next day, SWIM poured the top part off (throwing it away), and when it got close to the bottom part, SWIM poured into his vacuum filtration again. Little crystally formations were quite obvious and were also stuck to the sides of the container, but they were brownish, probably plant oils and what not.
So SWIM just filtered the excess water, and then opened up the filter and let it evaporate completely in the sun (also to get rid of any remains of ammonia)
The result was 1,2g shiny brown powder. SWIM spilled some of it unfortunately at some point, but still got enough to try a couple of times.

It can be further cleaned, but SWIM will take it as is.. He will do cleaning next time when he plays with more rue, this was just a test extraction, and SWIM is happy about it.. The only pain is filtering the rue sludge, but im sure SWIM will come up with a solution soon
TIP: With the final step, try to filter as much as possible in one filter.. If you keep changing filters, then there will be less alkaloids per filter, and in the end you will loose a lot of alkaloids just because you cant really scrape too much the filters (or the paper starts being scrapped and coming off together).. So you want it to be a lot of alkaloids on top of each filter so that you wont loose too much like SWIM did