No Knowing wrote:Very interesting thread. Only idea I have to add is that of the "Green Man".
This idea is explored in various sci-fi works and I'm not sure where it originated. But the idea is that as man advances in his knowledge of genetic manipulation and biology he will CHOOSE to become a plant.
Could this be what the psychedelic species are grooming us towards?
Imagine us being the caretaker of the earth and having a VERY small footprint because we all have photosynthetic green skin. We would no longer consume animals OR plants. We could sit in the sun for days or tend to the forest. Nothing would be motivating us to do anything but our natural inclination to aid Gaia in her being and enjoy our life.
Helping animals and plants, cultivating new species, tripping out, frolicking, and possibly no real material culture.
We would live in being, could something like this be the end result of the becoming of evolution and culture?
Just an idea, not my own, that I thought was pertinent to this conversation.
No Knowing
Fascinating... When I came back from a hike one day I noticed something was stuck under my skin on my shin. A few days later the area on my shin had become slightly irritated and sore, so I made the decision to remove the unknown item from my leg. I discovered it was a sprouting seed that had some how made its way into my shin, it was a very strange discovery to say the least. Everyone I tell the tale to always finds it to be incredibly gross but I find it to extremely intriguing that a seed was able to sprout and germinate within my shin.
Bizarre Things In HumansMuch Peace and Kindness