Voidwalk wrote:You're such a negative bundle of energy, OP. have you ever used Psychadellics for consciousness expansion? if by negative bundle of energy you mean curious about all of the things ive been lied to about and have been force fed you would be quite accurate. My use of psychs is for that purpose solely. I find no other reason to use then for the expansion of the mind. I also dont always depend on them for growth have you listened to any of Gregg Braden? astrongbodycouldneverconquerarighteousmind
"But yeah... it helps when we are sharing decent sources instead of highly questionable youtube videos.." um..if you actually would take a look at the video before being passive aggressive it cites some credible studies and information "Although I'm still not convinced about the fact the pineal gland "absordbs almost all of it when ingested". Care to give me more info on that?" i never claimed it did. i don't know really, and i'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. if you want info on it its pretty obvious where to look
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
By negative bundle of energy I mean that is how you come across quite rude and pessimistic in the way you communicate these thoughts. I can't say I've listened to any of what this person has to offer. Who is he?
universecannon wrote:"But yeah... it helps when we are sharing decent sources instead of highly questionable youtube videos.." um..if you actually would take a look at the video before being passive aggressive it cites some credible studies and information "Although I'm still not convinced about the fact the pineal gland "absordbs almost all of it when ingested". Care to give me more info on that?" i never claimed it did. i don't know really, and i'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. if you want info on it its pretty obvious where to look I'm not being passive agresive toward you. What I am saying is that contrary to the OP, you are actually showing something more consistent in terms of source than some conspiracy theory videos. And I know you didn't say that "the pinieal gland absorbs almost all of it when ingested", but the comment I first reacted to did actually say that. Anyways, I'm curious about the issue and will look more into it. "If you have any answers, We will be glad to provide full and detailed questions."
I believe we are all moving away from the origin of this post and it kindof seems like one big arguement now. Esotericagenda - You do come off as quite a negative person. I have been there. Yes, it is all likely a fake artificial life compared to what is likely beyond life. This is some extradimensional existance we cannot comprehend, in ways a psychedelic experience is something rational cognition cannot comprehend. Yes, the government and authorities do try to control us. Once a person realizes this, they are empowered and can grow from it. It is one of the steps that helps you view the world in a different light. This doesnt mean the sky is falling. The way you use this knowledge is up to you. Once you have the knowledge, you can take steps to ensure you dont fall victim to the system and you can view things for what they really are. You become more aware and stronger than all those who are victim to it. Or you can go through life miserable and scourning your awareness. The choice is yours. Always keep an open mind. Live life to its fullest. Never accept things as truth without thinking about it first for yourself. Experience is the meaning of life my friend. Thoughts, feelings, actions. How will you craft your experience in life? --------------------------------------------------*Kash's LSA Extraction* * Kash's Mescaline Extraction*------------------------------------------------------ All things I say are complete and utter ramblings of nonsense. Do not consider taking anything iterated from the depths of my subconsciousness rationally and/or seriously.
OP - I'm going to give you a one month vacation to figure a few things out.
Why not take this time to do something that actually improves your outlook a bit? Go volunteer in a soup kitchen. Go read books to the elderly. Make sandwhiches at your parents' house and hand them out to the homeless. Do something other than whining to make the world a better place, and that world you see may not look so grim. Or don't, if it's all so pointless. But you can't be bringing the conspiracy bullcrap and adolescent angst in here.
mmcakes wrote:esotericagenda wrote:mmcakes wrote:OP, I think you are being a bit melodramatic. Since the birth of civilization different sorts of things have been fucked up in one way or another. Do you really want to be living as a slave in ancient rome? or a soldier in the revolutionary war? or a Jew in Nazi occupied Poland in the 30's? Do you want to go back to the days before the Polio vaccine? Before antibiotics? Before ships and airplanes? Before houses? Would you rather be illiterate and never have read a book? Not have the freedom to search Google or post on DMT-Nexus? You really want to give up all those things? To say that modern society has a host of problems is true by anyone's standards, but that has been true all along and people always disagree about what the problems are. To assert that your ideas about how society should be are greater than other's ideas is egotistical and fascist in nature. Didn't Hitler also have a vision about a better human race? Humanity is a constant struggle between people and their environment. All you can do is educate yourself to the best of your ability and communicate your ideas to others in hopes of educating them too. To say that we are worse off today then we we're 500 years ago is absurd. Money is not fake, it is the system that we use to trade commodities in this modern world. Sure, the distribution of money is pretty skewed in this country right now and it's devalued at a certain rate, but at least be grateful for the things you have. I'm guessing you have a roof over your head right now and obviously you have access to a computer and food. Be grateful you don't live in a box and you know how to read. Instead of whining about all the things that make you miserable/paranoid, get out there a make a positive difference to somebody or something. Society has produced amazing things because of adversity, if we lived in a utopia, what would be the point of doing anything? universecannon wrote:the groups of people trying to run the show really aren't, although they'd love to.. and of course they prefer it that people think they do. its just a bunch of brain damaged constipated folks desperately clinging for control over a naturally unfolding process that will always be way beyond they're grasp or imagination..imo Yeah it can be agrivating for sure in this society, i've been there. but when you let the fear/anger/despair get to you your just doing the mans work for the man, get it man?  ..i remember mckenna mentioning that paranoia is like an inability to recognize the pattern..the mama matrix most mysterious! and how the amount of hilarity we notice in this overall situation we call existence is almost like an index of awareness..i think that's accurate in a sense. its not healthy to take life too seriously either way Well put. your entitled to think im being melodramatic but i assure you i am not and i assure you nothing about my post is egotistical in any fashion. We live in a world that is run by very few and who seek to divide and create conflict. The plan to control the world has been in effect since the knights templar who went into hiding and re appeared under the freemason name it started in france to scotland to brittain to the U.S and the elites power has no end. All of the problems and conflicts in the world are planned. war in iraq was planned, 911 was planned this is all bullshit bro get off your high horse if the leaders of the world wanted world peace they have all the power and tools and resources to make it happen. fluoride in the water, contaminated food, the list goes on and on you must know about CODEX ALIMENTARIUS if you dont look it up they plan on cutting the worlds population by more then half. just because peopl arent being slaughtered in your face doesnt mean violence is down. this is all one big cluster fuck plan that has been planned since any of us were born ad quite frankly you calling me melodramatic is quite insulting i think you may be being egotistical mr high and holy. and yes money is fake its a piece of fake paper people slave to get they can wake up any day of the week nd say its worth anything they want they can say hey money isnt worth shit your u.s dollar is worthless what the fuck u gonna do with all your "real" money then bro? Where is the evidence for all these conspiracy theories? You'd think that in the age of the internet, where a file can instantly spread billions of people, there would be at least a bit of evidence for any of the things you just claimed were happening. Can you please provide a link to real evidence that these things are happening and not just a link to Zeitgeist or conspiracy site. Show me the evidence or stop being a paranoid. I don't want to get into CT when the real CT is the "official" story. People will argue for eternity on such things like 9/11 etc but when it comes to things like that i like to stick to things that can't lie, like physics and not a guy in a suit with a puppeteer controlling him. "2 very large buildings which were both built to withstand multiple plane hits and wh9ich both were hit at different points on their structures fall down in an hour or so in an identical fashion due to another unheard phenomenon (fire collapse) is just ridiculous. I don't care what politicians say, physics doesn't lie. I could go on but out of respect for the victims of such atrocities i will stop here.
Banning the OP for a month? Come on Art that's a bit harsh. The argument could have ran its course and evryone learns something out of it. Banning isn't the answer in this situation imo.
DeMenTed wrote:mmcakes wrote:esotericagenda wrote:mmcakes wrote:OP, I think you are being a bit melodramatic. Since the birth of civilization different sorts of things have been fucked up in one way or another. Do you really want to be living as a slave in ancient rome? or a soldier in the revolutionary war? or a Jew in Nazi occupied Poland in the 30's? Do you want to go back to the days before the Polio vaccine? Before antibiotics? Before ships and airplanes? Before houses? Would you rather be illiterate and never have read a book? Not have the freedom to search Google or post on DMT-Nexus? You really want to give up all those things? To say that modern society has a host of problems is true by anyone's standards, but that has been true all along and people always disagree about what the problems are. To assert that your ideas about how society should be are greater than other's ideas is egotistical and fascist in nature. Didn't Hitler also have a vision about a better human race? Humanity is a constant struggle between people and their environment. All you can do is educate yourself to the best of your ability and communicate your ideas to others in hopes of educating them too. To say that we are worse off today then we we're 500 years ago is absurd. Money is not fake, it is the system that we use to trade commodities in this modern world. Sure, the distribution of money is pretty skewed in this country right now and it's devalued at a certain rate, but at least be grateful for the things you have. I'm guessing you have a roof over your head right now and obviously you have access to a computer and food. Be grateful you don't live in a box and you know how to read. Instead of whining about all the things that make you miserable/paranoid, get out there a make a positive difference to somebody or something. Society has produced amazing things because of adversity, if we lived in a utopia, what would be the point of doing anything? universecannon wrote:the groups of people trying to run the show really aren't, although they'd love to.. and of course they prefer it that people think they do. its just a bunch of brain damaged constipated folks desperately clinging for control over a naturally unfolding process that will always be way beyond they're grasp or imagination..imo Yeah it can be agrivating for sure in this society, i've been there. but when you let the fear/anger/despair get to you your just doing the mans work for the man, get it man?  ..i remember mckenna mentioning that paranoia is like an inability to recognize the pattern..the mama matrix most mysterious! and how the amount of hilarity we notice in this overall situation we call existence is almost like an index of awareness..i think that's accurate in a sense. its not healthy to take life too seriously either way Well put. your entitled to think im being melodramatic but i assure you i am not and i assure you nothing about my post is egotistical in any fashion. We live in a world that is run by very few and who seek to divide and create conflict. The plan to control the world has been in effect since the knights templar who went into hiding and re appeared under the freemason name it started in france to scotland to brittain to the U.S and the elites power has no end. All of the problems and conflicts in the world are planned. war in iraq was planned, 911 was planned this is all bullshit bro get off your high horse if the leaders of the world wanted world peace they have all the power and tools and resources to make it happen. fluoride in the water, contaminated food, the list goes on and on you must know about CODEX ALIMENTARIUS if you dont look it up they plan on cutting the worlds population by more then half. just because peopl arent being slaughtered in your face doesnt mean violence is down. this is all one big cluster fuck plan that has been planned since any of us were born ad quite frankly you calling me melodramatic is quite insulting i think you may be being egotistical mr high and holy. and yes money is fake its a piece of fake paper people slave to get they can wake up any day of the week nd say its worth anything they want they can say hey money isnt worth shit your u.s dollar is worthless what the fuck u gonna do with all your "real" money then bro? Where is the evidence for all these conspiracy theories? You'd think that in the age of the internet, where a file can instantly spread billions of people, there would be at least a bit of evidence for any of the things you just claimed were happening. Can you please provide a link to real evidence that these things are happening and not just a link to Zeitgeist or conspiracy site. Show me the evidence or stop being a paranoid. I don't want to get into CT when the real CT is the "official" story. People will argue for eternity on such things like 9/11 etc but when it comes to things like that i like to stick to things that can't lie, like physics and not a guy in a suit with a puppeteer controlling him. "2 very large buildings which were both built to withstand multiple plane hits and wh9ich both were hit at different points on their structures fall down in an hour or so in an identical fashion due to another unheard phenomenon (fire collapse) is just ridiculous. I don't care what politicians say, physics doesn't lie. I could go on but out of respect for the victims of such atrocities i will stop here. I'll be honnest, I don't have any definite answer about 911. But I gotta ask you: do you personally have any background in physics? Or any knowledge about architecture and industrial buildings like that? Because if you don't all you are doing here is putting your trust in some stranger claiming to know about it, rather than another stranger who is part of the government. (By the way, this is totally unrelated, but may I know who is the artist of your display picture?) "If you have any answers, We will be glad to provide full and detailed questions."
Lets please keep CT's out of this thread, as per our rules, as well as keep the tone of words more friendly and avoid cursing and agressive attitude: https://www.dmt-nexus.me...aspx?g=posts&t=11487 The OP has first posted about his disilusion with our modern society, denouncing negative parts he saw. At the same time, the OP seemed to miss what a lot of others correctly pointed out, that everything has two sides and that there are also advantages of being alive at this moment in time. Not only that, but regardless of disadvantages and advantages, we have no choice, these are the cards at hand so it's what we must play with. Victimizing is a fruitless strategy, one must do the best possible given the context and limits. I think when you are feeling very down like that, the best imo is to go to nature for a while and relax, and then when coming back try to be more strategic in interactions. Maybe you can find more similar minded people and gain a bit more hope for humanity, at the same time as trying to make one's part with personal actions.
DeMenTed wrote:Banning the OP for a month? Come on Art that's a bit harsh. The argument could have ran its course and evryone learns something out of it. Banning isn't the answer in this situation imo. It's not a ban, it's a temporary suspension to reinforce the rules. And I'll ask you once to keep your armchair 911 theories to yourself. How many ways can we spell this out? How often must we ask?
Û© wrote:All beings in the universe are birthed into any given parameters available and possible. It is made to seem accidental, like we didn't choose this. Maybe it was on sale, or maybe it's automatic.
Here we are riding the wave of something that will inevitably fall, but it still stands, illusively structured in the background, slithering it's influential tentacles around the ones that don't know any better.
And then there is out, and then there is through. Ultimately it's up to you to decide what you want to do with your time here given what you have, and what you can have. It's all about intention, focus, connection, meditation. Accepting and paving pathways at the same time.
It may not be the prettiest thing, but compared to the reproductive rituals of slugs, I am rather content. Are you insane man?! Or have you just never seen the way slugs go at it? I swear...you ever seen something that was just so utterly beautiful that it made you cry? Without having the spice in your system I mean. http://movies.netflix.com/Movie..._2/70046892?trkid=496624When slugs have sex........I won't even try to explain it! Too goddamned beautiful. And I am not kidding at all. House, if you consider what I saw slugs doing in this video to somehow be ugly, then you sir and I are certainly from different planets, if not universes. Delicate....spiraling......true poetry....the song of life..... Very reminiscent of a motif I have beheld multiple times from dmt, the spiraling sex-love of the universe. What we do is clumsy and ugly, a pale imitation, the merest crumb to fall from the archetypical cake that is slug sex---!!! Okay, I'm done. "Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein
I appreciate your perspective.
haha, I was trying to be humorous ;]
Replace slugs with mantis, there we go.
Uncle Knucles wrote:DeMenTed wrote:Banning the OP for a month? Come on Art that's a bit harsh. The argument could have ran its course and evryone learns something out of it. Banning isn't the answer in this situation imo. It's not a ban, it's a temporary suspension to reinforce the rules. And I'll ask you once to keep your armchair 911 theories to yourself. How many ways can be spell this out? How often must we ask? I agree but a warning maybe could have avoided having to suspend people, especially people who do seem to have a brain in their head.
I can't give out that sort of information on the artist chaoticmethod 
In short OP, yes... I do also feel like this. -Я Ξ √ Ω L U T ↑ Ø N-
esotericagenda wrote:I said look up codex alimentarius and also watch the esoteric agenda movie. Are you sure you’re referring to the same Codex Alimentarius whose primary goal is related to food safety? How is trying to reduce foodborne illness and strengthen consumer rights a conspiracy that seeks to cut world population in half? It seems to me that at least some of your strongly held beliefs are based on misinformation and paranoid conspiracy theories. As others have already said, in spite of its many problems, the world is a better place to live in now than it has been during most of human history. It’s easy to romanticize the past – especially the past that you didn’t actually live through – and imagine how wonderful it must have been. Here's the first sentence of a book I read a long time ago: Life is difficult.* Life is difficult for many people now, just as it has always been. That’s the nature of life. Once you come to terms with that, you might begin to find some peace in the here and now. * The Road Less Traveled gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
endlessness wrote:Lets please keep CT's out of this thread, as per our rules, as well as keep the tone of words more friendly and avoid cursing and agressive attitude: https://www.dmt-nexus.me...aspx?g=posts&t=11487 The OP has first posted about his disilusion with our modern society, denouncing negative parts he saw. At the same time, the OP seemed to miss what a lot of others correctly pointed out, that everything has two sides and that there are also advantages of being alive at this moment in time. Not only that, but regardless of disadvantages and advantages, we have no choice, these are the cards at hand so it's what we must play with. Victimizing is a fruitless strategy, one must do the best possible given the context and limits. I think when you are feeling very down like that, the best imo is to go to nature for a while and relax, and then when coming back try to be more strategic in interactions. Maybe you can find more similar minded people and gain a bit more hope for humanity, at the same time as trying to make one's part with personal actions. INFORMATION No input signal