Fwiw...much of the aversion to deem/deemsters/dimitri/etc. probably comes from the fact that these are terms frequently associated with selling/buying DMT. Many people hear these terms in use at festivals, shows, etc (to say nothing of posts that espouse reckless attitudes). I have not heard of (m)any people saying that someone was offering to sell "spice" at the last festival/show they attended. Most likely because it's not a common street term for DMT and is used by a specific subset of the drug-using community. Given the aversion to selling DMT, the terminology frequently associated with its sale is (understandably) looked upon with disgust by many within the entheogenic community. There's certainly no reason to get your hackles up over this or point fingers at folks to declare them "hypocrites" or proclaim your own more "enlightened" attitude or anything of the sort. As soon as the term "enlightenment" enters a personal debate it's probably best to end it before it devolves completely into ad hominems and self-justification. $.02 for the thought jar Wiki • Attitude • FAQThe Nexian • Nexus Research • The OHTIn New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested. In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names. גם זה יעבור
On the bright side if the deemster selling/buying community gets any bad publicity it doesn't automatically puts entheogens in a bad light aswell. In fact i think it could be used as an argument FOR entheogens because their scene is more about taking stimulants and getting fucked up than it is about psychedelics and growth. Altho in most cases it is a mix of both and i think this is already very positive.
bricklaya wrote:
don't you see the hypocrisy here? "disrespectful calling SPICE "dimitri" ... spice is just as much slang as dimitri is, and no i don't think that nickname would have been made by some junky it would most likely have been made by somebody who loves DMT and had fun experimenting with different names for it. DiMiTri .. get it? not really seeing the disrespect in that buddy. I am however seeing the disrepect in you assuming whoever coined that term under junky status
and theres tons of enlightened people in the west. i'm realising day by day how many beautiful people there are all around me. that attitude will only stop you from finding them
It's one thing to call it spice and another to call it "deemster". And even spice is something I avoid using, irl if i want to say it in public i just say dimethyltryptamine and no one gets anything.The excuses of the sort "i use it so others won't get it" are not valid.And yes most street terms were coined by street people ( i'm sure as hell no scientist coined the term "deemster" ) and your last bit about " tons of enlightened people is the west" is just straight up funny.I don't know in which country you live in,but i've lived in 4 different western countries in my life and visited many others,and my experiences have showed me otherwise. The character Indoril_Nerevar is an artistic work of fiction, and thus all his claims and ideas are works of falsehood and fiction and should be treated likewise. There is no relation between Indoril_Nerevar and any real living or dead person, and any existing similarity or seeming relation is purerly coincidental.
Damn, when I came to this forum I kind of had expectations of people being more I don't know realistic, humanistic, love for nature, appreciative of what we have and more acceptant of people especially an appreciation for patience and listening. Posts in this thread makes me think that you people even after messing with your mind with DMT and possibly other psys aren't at peace and full of bs. I'm no one to judge but damn, your egos come out alot in the way you write.
bricklaya makes a great point: "i'm realising day by day how many beautiful people there are all around me." Totally true, I see that too even if you don't think so, it's true for us and it makes us happy.
Earthyvision wrote:I'm no one to judge but... These are the kinds of statements that generally don't need to be made, for obvious reasons. Wiki • Attitude • FAQThe Nexian • Nexus Research • The OHTIn New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested. In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names. גם זה יעבור
^^^^That doesn't make my point not valid. People here have large egos and it's weird considering we are dealing with psys here.
Earthyvision wrote:^^^^That doesn't make my point not valid. People here have large egos and it's weird considering we are dealing with psys here. I'd rather have an inflated ego than a diminished one, only because I know my next trial with a psychedelic will be loads more meaningful.  edit: also, I hear people say things like that a lot. "How can you take so many psychedelics and still be an egotistical prick?" etc. Psychedelics don't change people, they enable change, it's up to the person to make that change themselves. Having an experience of ego loss or ego death doesn't mean he/she is going to live their lives as an ego less being, it's something they are going to have to work and strive for every day. Psychedelics can also act as a double edged sword for some people. I know people who've become the messiah on psychedelics, or come to the conclusion that they alone are "God" and that they only exist, and other people are just illusions made up from a computer program in their mind. Conclusions like these have often melded people into extremely ego-inflated states of being. Also, I remember after I first started taking LSD regularly I began to be quite upset when I looked at the world around me. I didn't understand how people could be so ignorant and non- accepting, and even people I knew shrugged me off when I tried to introduce them to LSD or psilocybin. Then I thought back a few years, before I had taken psychedelics, and I smiled at the realization that if someone was telling me that LSD would open my mind and heart, and babbling on about the how I would be doing myself some good to enter these realms of experience, I really doubt I would have taken them seriously or even considered seeking the drug. My point being, just let it be, it's not such a big deal imo. If you hold DMT in such a high regard as you claim, I don't see how someone else's opinion can effect your sense of respect and gratitude towards the molecule. “The most compelling insight of that day was that this awesome recall had been brought about by a fraction of a gram of a white solid, but that in no way whatsoever could it be argued that these memories had been contained within the white solid. Everything I had recognized came from the depths of my memory and my psyche. I understood that our entire universe is contained in the mind and the spirit. We may choose not to find access to it, we may even deny its existence, but it is indeed there inside us, and there are chemicals that can catalyze its availability.”
Earthyvision wrote:^^^^That doesn't make my point not valid. People here have large egos and it's weird considering we are dealing with psys here. No...it doesn't...I was merely pointing out the lack of utility in such statements. I was also, to at least a minimal extent, referencing my earlier statement about what claims on enlightenment vis a vis personal arguments may indicate. Lastly...as far as validating/invalidating your point...your point is one about your perceptions, which belong to you alone. By definition, nothing I do or say can invalidate your viewpoint for you, until you decide it does. However, that does not mean your viewpoint necessarily reflects the viewpoints or perceptions of others. While you may be surprised to find people here that you consider to have large egos, it is not a rule that the use of psychedelics (even when routinely taken in manners that are ego-dissolving) diminishes ego in waking life. For some people that may be the case...for others it may be the opposite. What's weird to you may be normal to someone else. Psychedelics are, imo, more of a mirror than a panacea or permanent ego-dissolving agent. To claim that all people who use entheogens are X, or people who use psychedelics are/must have/must be/will be Y sounds like a rather fundamentalist viewpoint, imo. Wiki • Attitude • FAQThe Nexian • Nexus Research • The OHTIn New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested. In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names. גם זה יעבור
Earthyvision wrote:Damn, when I came to this forum I kind of had expectations of people being more I don't know realistic, humanistic, love for nature, appreciative of what we have and more acceptant of people especially an appreciation for patience and listening. Posts in this thread makes me think that you people even after messing with your mind with DMT and possibly other psys aren't at peace and full of bs. I'm no one to judge but damn, your egos come out alot in the way you write.
bricklaya makes a great point: "i'm realising day by day how many beautiful people there are all around me." Totally true, I see that too even if you don't think so, it's true for us and it makes us happy.
What are you trying to say exactly, that because you take psychedelics you must accept everything everyone says/believes? how does having critical thinking make my ego huge? Your point lacks completely of logic... The character Indoril_Nerevar is an artistic work of fiction, and thus all his claims and ideas are works of falsehood and fiction and should be treated likewise. There is no relation between Indoril_Nerevar and any real living or dead person, and any existing similarity or seeming relation is purerly coincidental.
3rdI wrote: This has left me with a very sour taste in my mouth. This guy is one of my best friends and i have spoken to him endlessly about what it has done for me and how powerfull it is but this seems to have done nothing. I dont think i will be introducing it to anyone again because if i cant trust my best frinds to be responseable with it then who can i trust.
make him smoalk 50mg+. should do the trick  Gun it to 88.....::those who speak do not know, those who know do not speak::..ॐ<3ॐ
Indoril_Nerevar wrote:bricklaya wrote:
don't you see the hypocrisy here? "disrespectful calling SPICE "dimitri" ... spice is just as much slang as dimitri is, and no i don't think that nickname would have been made by some junky it would most likely have been made by somebody who loves DMT and had fun experimenting with different names for it. DiMiTri .. get it? not really seeing the disrespect in that buddy. I am however seeing the disrepect in you assuming whoever coined that term under junky status
and theres tons of enlightened people in the west. i'm realising day by day how many beautiful people there are all around me. that attitude will only stop you from finding them
It's one thing to call it spice and another to call it "deemster". And even spice is something I avoid using, irl if i want to say it in public i just say dimethyltryptamine and no one gets anything.The excuses of the sort "i use it so others won't get it" are not valid.And yes most street terms were coined by street people ( i'm sure as hell no scientist coined the term "deemster" ) and your last bit about " tons of enlightened people is the west" is just straight up funny.I don't know in which country you live in,but i've lived in 4 different western countries in my life and visited many others,and my experiences have showed me otherwise. aren't you forgetting that the majority of people who use dmt are street people? and that whoever coined the term spice is probably part of this group? labelling whoever coined that term "some junky" is just plain disrespectful and you should be aware of that. especially considering it was most likely a user of the sacrament like ourselves. its just a word for christ sake let people call it what they will. if dmt has a problem with it i'm sure it will let people know when they smoke it. so far... ol' DiMiTri seems pretty chill with it .. dmt judges people by the heart not by their slang however so this doesn't seem to be happening i'm not saying 'enlightened people' are everywhere you look and will conveniently pop up for your enjoyment, i'm saying you just gotta get off your computer thinking everyone around you is less intelligent and get out there and find the people worth knowing, cause believe me they're out there... it aint that hard. like Ron Wheeler said: "its easy to be negative.. positivity takes hard work"
Quote:if dmt has a problem with it
I stopped reading there.When someone uses a substance it doesn't necessarily mean he is right or that we are part of a same "group" as you call it.And you obviously don't understand my use of the term "street person",unless you do in which case I have to inform you that neither I or any of the other people I know irl that use entheogens are "street people". As for your objectivity...if you think a chemical substance can judge you I guess it is absent. The character Indoril_Nerevar is an artistic work of fiction, and thus all his claims and ideas are works of falsehood and fiction and should be treated likewise. There is no relation between Indoril_Nerevar and any real living or dead person, and any existing similarity or seeming relation is purerly coincidental.
Indoril_Nerevar wrote:Quote:if dmt has a problem with it
I stopped reading there.When someone uses a substance it doesn't necessarily mean he is right or that we are part of a same "group" as you call it.And you obviously don't understand my use of the term "street person",unless you do in which case I have to inform you that neither I or any of the other people I know irl that use entheogens are "street people". As for your objectivity...if you think a chemical substance can judge you I guess it is absent. well perhaps you should clarify then. seriously.. are you not getting what i am saying? you are basing all this on assumptions that whoever made the term dimitri is just some degenerate junky when you don't even know them -i find that disrespectful in a number of ways. firstly because you have no idea who this person is or their intentions towards the sacrament .. and secondly because a lot of my friends use that term in a friendly manner.. and they respect DMT wholeheartedly.. so your basically saying my friends are disrespectful towards spice. i'm sorry i didn't clarify that DMT isn't a person i assumed people would understand that and get the basic idea behind my statement... that if your showing disrespect towards the sacrament, it will let you know when you smoke it, and that it doesn't matter what word you use for DMT, its about your intentions with it. After all, DMT is just a name thats been given to the sacrament by westerners... the shamans of the amazon still don't call it DMT. "i stopped reading there" -well perhaps you should keep reading because the advice at the bottom was for you.
bricklaya wrote:Indoril_Nerevar wrote:Quote:if dmt has a problem with it
I stopped reading there.When someone uses a substance it doesn't necessarily mean he is right or that we are part of a same "group" as you call it.And you obviously don't understand my use of the term "street person",unless you do in which case I have to inform you that neither I or any of the other people I know irl that use entheogens are "street people". As for your objectivity...if you think a chemical substance can judge you I guess it is absent. well perhaps you should clarify then. seriously.. are you not getting what i am saying? you are basing all this on assumptions that whoever made the term dimitri is just some degenerate junky when you don't even know them -i find that disrespectful in a number of ways. firstly because you have no idea who this person is or their intentions towards the sacrament .. and secondly because a lot of my friends use that term in a friendly manner.. and they respect DMT wholeheartedly.. i'm sorry i didn't clarify that DMT isn't a person i assumed people would understand that and get the basic idea behind my statement... that if your showing disrespect towards the sacrament, it will let you know when you smoke it, and that it doesn't matter what word you use for DMT, its about your intentions with it. After all, DMT is just a name thats been given to the sacrament by westerners... the shamans of the amazon still don't call it DMT. "i stopped reading there" -well perhaps you should keep reading because the advice at the bottom was for you. Your logic is flawed and naive..."DMT is a name given to it by the westerners" "shamans don't call it dmt" yes cause shamans of the amazon don't have a clue about it in a molecular level.They just know that if you mix this with this you get this effect,and that's it.Anyway you are just repeating the same bunch of sentences over and over again so this isn't even a conversation.Call it what you like,I just have to say that my opinion is calling it "dimitri" or "deemster" or "d-dog" or "that pimpin white stuff" is just utterly disrespectful and ignorant. The character Indoril_Nerevar is an artistic work of fiction, and thus all his claims and ideas are works of falsehood and fiction and should be treated likewise. There is no relation between Indoril_Nerevar and any real living or dead person, and any existing similarity or seeming relation is purerly coincidental.
ok well fair enough. i just find your view a bit disrespectful and quick to judge of people you don't even know. basically your saying if we don't use the molecular name for the sacrament we are being disrespectful? i find you disrespectful because i pour my heart out into the work i do with the spice and your willing to claim me ignorant and disrespectful cause i've let the word dimitri slip a few times? gimme a break
Korey and Snozzle you missed the point about having a large ego. Whether you do psys or not you can still work out that being humble, patient and not up your ass is the best way to approach people. Yes to a certain extend i am saying people who do psys should understand the importance of patience and time and how actions and consequences affect social and personal life. Being confident is one thing, being an arrogant prick who takes her/himself too seriously and can't handle being told otherwise is another. Social interaction and appreciation of other people is amazing and yet people are having these weird fucked up sour, bitter, butthurt relationships with no sense of joy. Have some fucking patience people and listen.
I seriously find it weird that even with psys people aren't able to clock into being chilled and at peace.
Earthyvision wrote:Korey and Snozzle you missed the point about having a large ego. Whether you do psys or not you can still work out that being humble, patient and not up your ass is the best way to approach people. Yes to a certain extend i am saying people who do psys should understand the importance of patience and time and how actions and consequences affect social and personal life. Being confident is one thing, being an arrogant prick who takes her/himself too seriously and can't handle being told otherwise is another. Social interaction and appreciation of other people is amazing and you all are having this weird fucked up sour, bitter, butthurt relationships with no sense of joy. Have some fucking patience people and listen.
I seriously find it weird that even with psys people aren't able to clock into being chilled and at peace. Dude please step back and look at your attitude. 1.) You're cursing all over the place. 2.) You're judging peoples personality through ONE thread. 3.) Quote:you all are having this weird fucked up sour, bitter, butthurt relationships with no sense of joy. Have some fucking patience people and listen. Where in the world did that come from? You clearly aren't working in any way towards getting full membership here.
^^^ yeah i changed that cos more specifically i meant some people not everyone. Ah but is my cursing malicious?
SnozzleBerry wrote:Fwiw...much of the aversion to deem/deemsters/dimitri/etc. probably comes from the fact that these are terms frequently associated with selling/buying DMT. Many people hear these terms in use at festivals, shows, etc (to say nothing of posts that espouse reckless attitudes). I have not heard of (m)any people saying that someone was offering to sell "spice" at the last festival/show they attended. Most likely because it's not a common street term for DMT and is used by a specific subset of the drug-using community. Given the aversion to selling DMT, the terminology frequently associated with its sale is (understandably) looked upon with disgust by many within the entheogenic community.
There's certainly no reason to get your hackles up over this or point fingers at folks to declare them "hypocrites" or proclaim your own more "enlightened" attitude or anything of the sort. As soon as the term "enlightenment" enters a personal debate it's probably best to end it before it devolves completely into ad hominems and self-justification.
$.02 for the thought jar exactly. this is why i said the term just has a bad association for me- hence why i don't like it. There was even a thread here the day this thread started, which linked to in my first post, that was about a guy buying "deemsters"..just to hit the point home I could really care less what people call it though and don't think anyone should let it really get to them. But it seems people here are just forgetting what you pointed out, so thanks snozzle
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
people are gonna do what they are gonna do, regardless. I mean, really.. who cares? Gun it to 88.....::those who speak do not know, those who know do not speak::..ॐ<3ॐ