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Overexaggeration of the DMT experience? Options
#41 Posted : 1/7/2012 1:43:49 PM
Fizzy wrote:

I already experienced some break-throughs and I admit that is one of the most "powerful" substances, but in my opinion not the most teaching.

I've been down many rabbitholes and DMT is the ONLY ONE where I've actually been tought things actively by these entities. These entities are so happy to see you and they are so eager to teach you about their ways.

If that's not "teaching" I don't know what is Smile Coming to self-realisations on psilocin is flat out dull in comparison, although of no lesser value ofc but it's still only a realisation.

The only thing you will realise with DMT is how little you've actually realised with prior experiences Pleased
Mad, bad and dangerous to know.

There's magic out there!
Senior Member | Skills: DMT, Harmaloids, Bufotenine, Mescaline, Trip advice
#42 Posted : 1/7/2012 2:08:52 PM
I'd say mushrooms alone at high doses have been more profound for myself than a straight freebase flash, though I now very rarely travel without oral harmaloids and oral DMT is my preferred route.

The bad thing is these days, my oral doses very commonly misfire, even at 300mg harmaloids and 200mg DMT fumarate (dont turn this into a thread on correct pharma dosing! I've tried everything, pretty much).

Mushrooms never misfire Smile
Senior Member
#43 Posted : 1/7/2012 2:17:50 PM
Evisceratechuck wrote:

I've been down many rabbitholes and DMT is the ONLY ONE where I've actually been tought things actively by these entities. These entities are so happy to see you and they are so eager to teach you about their ways.

Nonsense. I have achieved samadhi on both shrooms and aya/changa.

One is not greater than the other. Honestly..I don't find freebase DMT to be all that. Yes it's beyond comprehension, but there is so little time to actually do work while in that state.

Now CHANGA...that is a different story all together. CHANGA has got to be the greatest shamanic tool invented in last few thousand years. IMHO. Smile

My favorite way to fly is with a small dose of harmalas, a small dose shrooms/dmt, and then bump with some weak CHANGA. This allows one to precisely dial in the experience. I personally don't find much value being launched into hyperspace for 5-10 minutes. It's overpowering and I don't get much out of it beyond pure amazement... Don't get me wrong. I am very glad I sought out the experience and had it a few times, It's just that I think DMT is like a positive charge and caapi is the negative charge that evens it out.

My route allows my to gradually ease up to the gates of hyperspace...take a peak inside to make sure it's angels and not demons...and then once I decide I'm ready I just take an extra large hit of change...and bingo. hyperspace for 30-45 minutes.

This has become my religion. Literally.

But you can't knock shrooms. honestly if I had to just pick one...and only one...I'd have to take shrooms. Smile

If your religion, faith, devotion, or self proclaimed spirituality is not directly leading to an increase in kindness, empathy, compassion and tolerance for others then you have been misled.
Senior Member
#44 Posted : 1/7/2012 5:21:01 PM
gibran2 wrote:
What reason would any of us have to exaggerate?

I don´t know what reason we would have to exagerate. But i do know that language fails to properly describe the experience.

For that reason, almost any description will be a faulty one in some sense.

In some ways, DMT is far more spectacular than any description would make it seem. In other ways, it is less spectacular. But i can not say how. It doesn´t literally blow your mind for instance, or otherwise people wouldn´t have been able to write those tripreports.

I don´t think that DMT is the 'ultimate psychedelic'. I don´t think there is such a thing as the ultimate psychedelic.

DMT is a 'classic hallucinogen', wich means that it falls in the same category of substances as psilocin and mescaline in terms of what receptors it works on.

It is highly comparable with most of these substances.
You can break through into other reality´s with almost any of them, except LSD, wich merely gives you a glimpse IMO.

If there is one substance that would maybe deserve the title 'ultimate psychedelic' i think it would be iboga, but then again...there are maybe some substances i´ve never heard of that are even deeper and more spectacular, kept secret by a group of shamans.
#45 Posted : 1/9/2012 2:35:28 AM
Terrence Mckenna in his Dreaming Awake [on youtube] speech - basically does a number on LSD by saying out of all the classic entheogens, it's the only one that can't take you on that visionary experience that most ppl seek.
He's like: "this carpet is breathing?? These squiggly little patterns on the wall?? HOW IS THAT VISIONARY?

but I brought him up for this case-point he makes about ALL hallucinogens having the potential to produce deep, visionary hallucinations [like DMT].
Unfortunately, some of the one's [like LSD for ex] require massive amounts of marijuana and/or other drugs mixed in, to reach a visionary effect.

I'd say the ultimate psychedelic is awalys going to be the one in your system.
The second best is the one you took a half an hour before that. And so on and so forth.

Some general advice - enclosing yourself in a closet or a similar light-impermeable room will do wonders at exentuating bewilderment and quality of hallucinations.
Similarly, turning off televisions and any surrounding distraction/noise adds to the immersiveness of the trip.
“The quest is to be liberated from the negative, which is really our own will to nothingness. And once having said yes to the instant, the affirmation is contagious. It bursts into a chain of affirmations that knows no limit. To say yes to one instant is to say yes to all of existence.”
#46 Posted : 1/9/2012 3:25:14 AM
Shamasi Wiz wrote:
I can't even seem to scratch the surface of how crazy, beautiful, and deeply powerful it really was. Someone here has said it before, and I totally agree, that you can't exaggerate when it comes to DMT. It's impossible to do that with a breakthrough.

Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
#47 Posted : 1/9/2012 5:17:38 AM
joedirt wrote:

Now CHANGA...that is a different story all together. CHANGA has got to be the greatest shamanic tool invented in last few thousand years. IMHO. Smile

My route allows my to gradually ease up to the gates of hyperspace...take a peak inside to make sure it's angels and not demons...and then once I decide I'm ready I just take an extra large hit of change...and bingo. hyperspace for 30-45 minutes.

This has become my religion. Literally.

But you can't knock shrooms. honestly if I had to just pick one...and only one...I'd have to take shrooms. Smile


Now I wouldn't "knock" shrooms because they are undoubtably divine but for me NOT in the same sense as with DMT. Psilocybin makes me reflect upon myself in a higher state of consciousness whereas DMT "truly" makes me see through a profoundly visual trance.

I personally dislike the state of mind psilocybin puts me in, it fiddles to much with my mind and emotions Smile

Mad, bad and dangerous to know.

There's magic out there!
Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing
#48 Posted : 1/9/2012 7:54:40 AM
BananaForeskin wrote:
I agree that FREEBASE isn't necessarily the most profound thing I've ever experienced, but changa and ayahuasca trips usually go above and beyond anything else, especially ayahuasca with plenty of mimosa in it.

The most intense trips of my life have been on ayahuasca, once I went on a journey with a friend who'd done mushrooms in the 15g+ range and they said that the ayahuasca was easily the most beautiful, profound and life-shaking trip they'd ever had.

^this. Ayahausca takes you to a different level beyong that of any form of smoked DMT I have had, including changa. I dont mean depth as in, like ayahuasca makes you tri harder or break through farther etc..it is something else. Ayahuasca is more of a true communion with that place than changa has ever been for me and I think for personal exploration changa is great and everyone should try it, but ayahuasca is top of that list. That is just how it is for me though others might be different.

For me and my body, I feel like this is the way to consume DMT..orally with harmalas. Far more introspective..allows me to view my life etc in a way that smoking DMT does not and it definatily can produce a breakthrough just as powerful as vaped DMT, if that is what you are looking for..it will hold you there for a good long while though.

Also with ayahuasca I frequently experience something much more like what imagine true communication with spirits would be like.

So I agree with the above quote. While freebase DMT is amazing and dumbfounding..it is not as profound an experience as ayahuasca is and neither is changa for me. That does not mean DMT is no profound when inhaled..it is. It just became alot more profound when I began to drink it.

In the same way mushrooms can be more profound psychologically than vaped DMT becasue of the realizations I have etc with a night of mushrooms. You just have so much time to reflect..
Long live the unwoke.
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