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Senior Member
#41 Posted : 12/12/2011 6:27:32 PM
Citta wrote:
ChaoticMethod wrote:
Citta wrote:
ragabr wrote:

I think, Citta, that no one participating in this thread is in such immediate danger.

Of course not, but that was not the point either. The point is, and I am repeating myself, some perspectives are in fact more valid than others. My two examples should make this clear, while the second one shows where the "all perspectives are valid" argument can ultimately lead. What I am trying to show is that this old argument that so often is used here, is actually just arbitrary nonsense and doesn't constitute an argument at all.

While I would agree that not all perspectives are valid in a shared reality context, I don't see why the unitive concept of the universe is counter-logical and nonsense. In the contrary, science proves us that everything is interdependent; just one big system.

Good to see we have some common ground. I agree that there is a certain unity in this universe, in that chain of events leads to other chain of events, and that for example lots of individual parts make up a whole (for example the human body, consisting of trillions of individual cells). But to go from this (beautiful) but pretty obvious observation, to the more problematic one that we are all One, literally just One thing, is for me quite a leap when we clearly see how distinct certain parts of the universe are from other parts. If we accept the Big Bang, then sure everything was pretty much One, but it is not so anymore.

As a last note, that whole "everything is One" idea is pretty vague anyway.

From a human point of view, i think you could see a colony of ants as one thing. So i see how in a sense you could see humanity in the same light.

There are many ways in wich you can see everything as one.

But i think we have to be realistic here: what we´re doing is not much different than playing wordgames.
#42 Posted : 12/12/2011 7:11:56 PM
I agree, that this is mostly wordgames. But as a philosophical standpoint basing itself on scientific fact, I don't see the declaration "We are One" as invalid, altough it may sound a bit incomplete. I would tend to believe that it is an appropriate realisation to base ethics and philosophy on, though.

But to go from this (beautiful) but pretty obvious observation, to the more problematic one that we are all One, literally just One thing, is for me quite a leap when we clearly see how distinct certain parts of the universe are from other parts

I don't see how the fact that we "clearly see how distint certain parts of the universe are from other parts" is any more a proof than any other perception (a psychedelic experience, for example). I may be wrong, but I think science as an institution still hasn't come to a conclusion as to what are the main indivisible components of our universe.
"If you have any answers, We will be glad to provide full and detailed questions."

#43 Posted : 12/12/2011 7:15:55 PM
ChaoticMethod wrote:
I agree, that this is mostly wordgames. But as a philosophical standpoint basing itself on scientific fact, I don't see the declaration "We are One" as invalid.

But to go from this (beautiful) but pretty obvious observation, to the more problematic one that we are all One, literally just One thing, is for me quite a leap when we clearly see how distinct certain parts of the universe are from other parts

I don't see how the fact that we "clearly see how distint certain parts of the universe are from other parts" is any more a proof than any other perception (a psychedelic experience, for example). I may be wrong, but I think science as an institution still hasn't come to a conclusion as to what are the main indivisible components of our universe.

As of now the smallest indivisible objects are the quarks, for the record. It may be possible to smash these further up, but it seems unlikely. However, String Theory suggests other things, for example that everything are made of vibrating strings (you should search it up for more info, I am on my phone and actually busy right now). But there is still not any Oneness, is it?
#44 Posted : 12/12/2011 7:34:04 PM
This is off topic but Citta my boy, what happened to your super creepy Santa avatar. I liked it. I like the idea of a scientific and ostentatious Santa telling people their beliefs are incorrect better than whatever you have it as now. It had a nice paradoxical effect to it. I mean whats more confusing than a bad-intentioned Santa telling you that your beliefs are in fact make believe. I'm just saying, you had it going for ya.
What are we but stupefied dancers to a discordant stystem, we believe - so we're mislead
we assume - so we're played
we confide - so we're deceived
we trust - so we're betrayed

#45 Posted : 12/12/2011 7:44:05 PM
Citta wrote:
ChaoticMethod wrote:
I agree, that this is mostly wordgames. But as a philosophical standpoint basing itself on scientific fact, I don't see the declaration "We are One" as invalid.

But to go from this (beautiful) but pretty obvious observation, to the more problematic one that we are all One, literally just One thing, is for me quite a leap when we clearly see how distinct certain parts of the universe are from other parts

I don't see how the fact that we "clearly see how distint certain parts of the universe are from other parts" is any more a proof than any other perception (a psychedelic experience, for example). I may be wrong, but I think science as an institution still hasn't come to a conclusion as to what are the main indivisible components of our universe.

As of now the smallest indivisible objects are the quarks, for the record. It may be possible to smash these further up, but it seems unlikely. However, String Theory suggests other things, for example that everything are made of vibrating strings (you should search it up for more info, I am on my phone and actually busy right now). But there is still not any Oneness, is it?

I did research those in the past, although I can't say I understand these theories or models completely (not a science student). Still, my point remains: we haven't come to a definitive conclusion about what the universe is made of and I don't see why the oneness would be any more absurd than any of those theories, specially since we could agree with the idea of oneness in the context of both these theories (but then again, as we said, it is mosty wordgames).

What is the One, the prime unit of everything, is in fact made of a duality, or of a more complex equation?

I'm not saying I have an answer. I don't. I do have a problem with the way you stated with certainty that there is no Oneness, though.
"If you have any answers, We will be glad to provide full and detailed questions."

#46 Posted : 12/12/2011 9:00:34 PM
I think I had this experience (more than a decade ago) and couldn't come to terms with it ever since.

It was:

- a step-by-step backtracking on the reality fractal
- successive levels of understanding, with each level bringing a new set of eyes to see
- each level simpler than the previous, but still containing the previous level (stepping back from the plant to the seed -> the plant could be brought forth from the seed -> the seed is essentially the same as the plant -> there is no need to keep around the plant, as it can be "generated" if the need arises)
- also like z=z^2+c: the complexity of the fractal seems infinite until you grasp the laws of its generation
- the dawn of understanding (quite literally): an inner light, which grows in intensity as the mind gets closer and closer to the root cause
- a peeling back of the onion, climbing the world-tree from leaves to root
- understanding as a chain reaction, with the consequences of an insight crystallizing like water freezing into ice
- truth unstoppable and undeniable (if we have the light and the eyes to see)
- like mathematical proof: once you get it, you cannot deny it
- but the highest truths are understood with the heart (at those levels the mind just wonders at the apparent impossibility of it all)
- at the final step there is purity, innocence, and the longing of the inner child: just God and the I, Father and Son, a final duality of sorts, like yin-yang

I didn't take the final step (2->1), because an alarm bell rang in my mind and pulled me out, back to this reality, or rather the next one (I remember swaying back and forth between the old one and the new one for a while, always crossing that zero point in the middle where the secret lies). Then the old one was gone, and the new one got re-created step-by-step from that zero point again.

After this experience, it proved very hard to live life at the leaves again.
Rising Spirit
#47 Posted : 12/12/2011 9:36:58 PM
tobecomeone00 wrote:
...have any of you had a TOTAL God Awakening, in which everything disappeared, and you realized you were the only One? That you were the devil and the gods, justice and fate, all creating an experience to distract God (You) from the ultimate knowing of Yourself? Everyone in Life is just a hyper-reflection of One. It is a feeling of bliss and agony fused together in a never-ending moment of death and re-birth....I have had plenty of 'breakthroughs' so to speak, but only two of this utter magnitude. They were one after another in a span of 3 days. Anyone experience this, and if so, please share your experience with the rest of the forum. We are evolving, it is time we speak of the Truth and the Meaning.

Yes, hundreds and hundreds of times but whose counting? Honestly, of the 600+ psychedelic experiences that have passed before my internal witness, more than 95% of them included entheogen-induced states of spiritual awakening. Essentially, that state of momentary ego dissolution, which humanity terms, "enlightenment". And sure, we come down from the high, as it is a chemical reaction in our systems. Every eclipse has it's ascending and descending cycle. Like the amazing 1970's rock band YES sang, "I get up... I get down... I get up... I get down..."

This is hardly to suggest that this same Omniscient blossoming has not occurred in more gentle and graduated ways, on numerous occasions, in sober states of meditation. There is, however, nothing so powerful and expedited, as the respectful imbibing of Sacred Medicines.

I do like your analogy of God smoking God, to experience God (as all being and oneself). Ram Das/Richard Alpert mentions a similar idea in one of his first three books, I just forget which one, as it's been over 33 years now since I read his works and passed them on. It was a reference to a bright young human being, who was watching his mother breast-feeding one of his infant siblings, and had a spontaneous awakening. The statement was that it was like watching, "God drinking God out of God". The boy simply perceived an elevated perception of the sameness of the essential energy which flowed through all three forms and despite the appearance of separations within the time-space-continuum, in truth there is but one being. To see it is to know it.

When one's mind is shaken into an empty stasis, thoughtlessness, and one's awareness is still cognizant of existence, such a unified realization is inevitable. Of course, this happens post-peaking, only when the mind begins to weave labels and conceptual formats again. So, I applaud you desire to communicate about The Awakening of The Omniself.

To perceive of the indivisibility of Spirit is a gift and cannot be achieved through reason, discovered while still asleep, nor proven to those who have not had an immersion within The Clear Light of the Void... it can, however, be lived in the moment and known directly. This evidenced by many, many kindred souls, who in their transcendental revelations have praised this singularity of being, above all other noble ideas.

۩ wrote:
To each their own, man. You're just speaking semantics.

Now, now... realistically, all communication is an exchange of semantics. Our discussions are always bound by linguistics and the subjective interpretation of one's very perceptual parameters. Yet, we can and DO find significant ways to interrelate with other earthlings about such profound experiences. Words alone fall far shy of the mark. With proper training in concentration, of exercising intent and practicing the development of one's focus upon one single point of unwavering awareness... all need for the illusion of duality crumbles, as the mirage of self-hood is blown away like cosmic dust (temporarily, mind you).

So, my stance on this issue is that it's a wonderful exchange, to share this vibe. A nonverbal aspect of understanding is saturated into one's individuated mind, with respect for The Undifferentiated Unity of all existent being. Ideally, with the careful use of language, despite it's frequent failings, much can be communicated through words and ideas. That is, provided those who wish to hear the message receive it. Again, "to each their own". Wink

Citta wrote:
I have experienced this, it is pretty remarkable indeed. But do I ascribe it to some truth about the universe based on this drug induced experience? No, I don't, and I suggest you don't either. Keep it real man, take it easy =)

Well, your beliefs are wrong. We are not one with everything just because you "smoked God to experience God", which sounds absolutely ridiculous anyway. I urge you to get some distance from your experiences, and try to remain rational when contemplating their nature.

We all have a unique perspective about this phenomenon, Oneness, so it behooves us to make a polite effort to try and see through another's lens of perception. None of us, arguably, can state that others of us are either right or wrong. Nor can we even claim our stance is founded in sanity or for that matter, insanity, for it's all relative to the circumstances which define the state of mind being experienced through ego-self. As we all are well aware of, reality is completely subjective.

Neither do I suggest that your opinion on the matter is "wrong", for I do not dream through your mind's eye. Belief in the all-pervasiveness of The One doesn't invalidate the myriad views into the fabric of reality, it encompasses each and yet, transcends their limitations as a cohesive whole.

IMO, there is no need for intolerant debate or condescending derision. Conversation can be a useful endeavor, so I really do respect your deductions. I do not agree with them, as I believe they are inadequate means to bridge the gap into a transcendental state of mind. Rationale cannot initiate conscious union with the One. Irrationale is equally useless in the face of The Cosmic Force. Only through spiritual instinct and the cultivation of intuition, can the minds of humankind pierce the veil of the ego-self's dream. Only when the mind become filled with the light of truth, can the eclipsing dawn.

I humbly suggest that there is nothing ridiculous about perceiving "God smoking God" to interphase with The Godhead. One can experience similar levels of awareness through pranayama and deep meditation. Regardless of our perception of the unity, cannot we each find common ground and respect our diversification of thoughts on the issue? I suspect it is our efforts to seek some balanced semblance of unity (or fusion) in our vantage points, which prompted by the author of this topic to post this thread? Sure, we can all privately experience these states of being but... there is a significant need arising, to share our Vision Quests. I do feel that we can speak in more polite, loving and open-minded ways. Yes? We can all agree to disagree, if we are kind in the ensuing process. Wink

I think we have long ago, come to the stalemate, whereby we all understand that the theory of The Divine or The Unified Field of Being, cannot be proven to any others. It is a personal realization and not an equation, which can be communicated or reproduced through reason. It is a subjective perception that in turn, consumes the subjectivity of the individuated witness to it's existence and superimposes it's Light through the mind of the dreamer (throughout the awakening). That Indivisible force which initiates quantum fluctuations... Omniscience. Cant there be no field of study which aims towards an Omni-Science? It is a reasonable supposition to many Nexian's way of thinking.

The insubstantial cannot be measured or quantified to human standards or limited by dualistic notions. The very act of maintaining a logical mental state, creates a barrier to the immersion into The Godhead. The mind must be still to fully merge and one's cherished subjectivity must be shattered, stopping the mind, to become aware that all is essentially Divine.

gibran2 wrote:
I had an experience (which I’ve posted about at least several times), where I became aware that what I ordinarily call reality is a dream. I also realized that once fully awake, there is no returning to the dream – at least not this particular dream. I wasn’t ready for that, and so I willed myself back to sleep. I don’t believe that a living human being can have a true awakening and live to tell about it.

So true, for were we to become fully and permanently awake... this dream of sentient existence would be understood as a fleeting possibility, within an infinity of limitless possibilities. Even the Buddha remained housed within a physical form, after The Great Awakening. I have come to believe that each dream of self is dissipated by our evolution through our material paradigm. I prefer not to speculate about any structured order or pragmatic progression to the unraveling of our material dream of self. NDE, extreme fasting or sensory deprivation, psychedelia and even the inexplicable phenomenon of spontaneous enlightenment, do indeed indicate pathways to such a shift in awareness.

Death will scatter our ideas into the Void, as they are linked to our physical brains and only truly exist within the dichotomy of the physical universe. Psychedelics gift us a preview of dying. Thankfully for our friends and family, we retain our human bodies, for we have come to the understanding that we are not eternally bound by matter. We are timeless, formless being, freely flowing through endless changes. I don't speculate why, I just intuit that we will never know through our pragmatic rationale, for logic will be gone... and without a witness to The Dance, all is an Infinity of Divine radiance, pulsing with cycles of expansion and contraction. :idea:
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.
#48 Posted : 12/13/2011 1:09:52 PM
As a last note, that whole "everything is One" idea is pretty vague anyway

I agree with that one. I never really liked the whole "it's all one, love and light and stuff" type of naivette. People who say things like that too often I used to lable as "fluffy bunnies" or whatever. The OP and many others in this thread would surely fall into that catagory.......

On the other side of the fluffy bunnies is of course the "evil scary bunnies". That's right y'all, I just created another division, ha! The term fluffy bunnies of course is mostly used by LHP darksiders, chaos magickian and such-like to disparage starry eyed seekers and new-age types.

Primate Sphinx is right, the grinch was a hoot.

"Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods." Albert Einstein

I appreciate your perspective.

#49 Posted : 12/13/2011 6:48:06 PM
What were you saying regarding "vague"? I'm sure fluffly bunnies is a much more reasonable idea than Oneness. lol
"The search for Truth is the Greatest, if not, most Sensible form of Rebellion."

#50 Posted : 12/13/2011 9:07:11 PM
Thank you Rising Spirit for yet another highly intelligent and beautiful post!

Rising Spirit wrote:
When one's mind is shaken into an empty stasis, thoughtlessness, and one's awareness is still cognizant of existence, such a unified realization is inevitable. Of course, this happens post-peaking, only when the mind begins to weave labels and conceptual formats again. So, I applaud you desire to communicate about The Awakening of The Omniself.

To perceive of the indivisibility of Spirit is a gift and cannot be achieved through reason, discovered while still asleep, nor proven to those who have had not had an immersion within The Clear Light of the Void... it can, however, be lived in the moment and known directly. This evidenced by many, many kindred souls, who in their transcendental revelations have praised this singularity of being, above all other noble ideas.

^This part states it quite clearly.

I think when you truly have an experience like this there is a realization that this was inevitable and is completely undeniable.
Now, when you come back down your ego can continue believing whatever stories you want. But in the complete and total immersion in Oneness all stories fall apart.

Its the MeICNU

I am only someone's imaginary Smelf posting from hyperspace.
#51 Posted : 12/14/2011 5:13:56 AM
After completing my introduction essay I was drawn to this post. I seem to see eye to eye with many of your concepts Smile
I believe we are god (I reached this conclusion through a lot of practiced meditation, I havent actually smoked DMT, though it does interest me Smile )
I came to the conclusion that LOVE and True Compassion is fuel for our spiritual evolution. I believe we are constantly evolving together as a universe and that the speed of evolution has started to increase. I believe we are all ONE, so while saying that... Every thought i harbor within my mind effects not only the people I express it to but everyone and everything. Just by being aware of something within yourself makes you act differently and or come to conclusions differently. So by changing the way I think, I seem to also change every other mind-set as well. We are all connected.
My other concept I wanted to put out there (Which closely relates to the one above) and receive feedback on is that "Everything Starts With A Thought." The thoughts you have in your mind changes your perception and changes the decisions you make in your daily life. So changing your thoughts, changes who we are Smile

I love conversation! Smile
And I Love You Smile

~We Are One~
What is time really? To me, Time is understood through the steps of awareness that you have taken. We are all beings in this infinite universe of beauty. We are simply energy. We are beings with infinite ability. I Love to Love and always process energy into a positive stream of inspiration that feeds the cosmic plan in the most healthy way known. When I say "I" I really mean "we", in my mind I believe we are all the same. We are all "One." A part of the same living organism, truly wanting the same thing. We are discovering those true beliefs and deciphering which thoughts are "True" and which thoughts are counterproductive to the flourishing of life. Yes, we are all individuals, but we all have an urge to find connection. That feeling of wanting to connect makes us the same. We are all connected, that want for connection is "God", Together connected as a universal organism, ~We are God~ Smile Knowing that we are connected and understanding what your connection is, is the same as knowing everyone else's connection. If I know myself, therefore, I know the Magnolia tree that sways from the winds persuasion. If I am aware of my connection I know that I am "All" and "All" is I Smile


Harmony For All!

~Unity Is Beautiful~

#52 Posted : 12/15/2011 10:26:21 PM
Rising Spirit I applaude your intelligence my man. I must say there are some awesome post on here.

Alls I know is bill hicks was saying that we are all one back in 1994 and he was a huge entheogenic user.

A lot of the people who have had awakening experiences as well as the whole new age community are saying the same thing. We are all one.

This is why I believe a raise in humanity consousness is coming. I believe we are well on the way. It's as if we've hit this point where people are becoming aware that the all are one but it's just starting to pick up steam.

I think once everyone becomes aware the earth will revolutionize. It's as if we've hit this point in time where god is revealing the divine to humanity through entheogens. One awakening at a time. Unifying us on a higher level of consiousness.

We want love to reign king on this earth. We want to take back this earth and free it from the bonds of greed that currently control it. We need change for real. This earth should belong to those who are made of love and rightgeousness not greedy bankers. It should be light and love that runs this living planet. Truly.

I have had an awakening experience. Yes. It told me love and light are the way. Compassion for others. The true awakening experience is right here right now. It is our awareness of the divine and our awareness of each others' inner divinity. It is my awareness of your awareness. It is our awareness. One unified awareness.
All of my post are fictional in nature for the purpose of self entertainment.
#53 Posted : 12/18/2011 4:02:35 PM
Rising Spirit wrote:
Yes, hundreds and hundreds of times but whose counting? Honestly, of the 600+ psychedelic experiences that have passed before my internal witness, more than 95% of them included entheogen-induced states of spiritual awakening. Essentially, that state of momentary ego dissolution, which humanity terms, "enlightenment". And sure, we come down from the high, as it is a chemical reaction in our systems. Every eclipse has it's ascending and descending cycle. Like the amazing 1970's rock band YES sang, "I get up... I get down... I get up... I get down..."

This is hardly to suggest that this same Omniscient blossoming has not occurred in more gentle and graduated ways, on numerous occasions, in sober states of meditation. There is, however, nothing so powerful and expedited, as the respectful imbibing of Sacred Medicines.

I do like your analogy of God smoking God, to experience God (as all being and oneself). Ram Das/Richard Alpert mentions a similar idea in one of his first three books, I just forget which one, as it's been over 33 years now since I read his works and passed them on. It was a reference to a bright young human being, who was watching his mother breast-feeding one of his infant siblings, and had a spontaneous awakening. The statement was that it was like watching, "God drinking God out of God". The boy simply perceived an elevated perception of the sameness of the essential energy which flowed through all three forms and despite the appearance of separations within the time-space-continuum, in truth there is but one being. To see it is to know it.

When one's mind is shaken into an empty stasis, thoughtlessness, and one's awareness is still cognizant of existence, such a unified realization is inevitable. Of course, this happens post-peaking, only when the mind begins to weave labels and conceptual formats again. So, I applaud you desire to communicate about The Awakening of The Omniself.

To perceive of the indivisibility of Spirit is a gift and cannot be achieved through reason, discovered while still asleep, nor proven to those who have not had an immersion within The Clear Light of the Void... it can, however, be lived in the moment and known directly. This evidenced by many, many kindred souls, who in their transcendental revelations have praised this singularity of being, above all other noble ideas.

۩ wrote:
To each their own, man. You're just speaking semantics.

Now, now... realistically, all communication is an exchange of semantics. Our discussions are always bound by linguistics and the subjective interpretation of one's very perceptual parameters. Yet, we can and DO find significant ways to interrelate with other earthlings about such profound experiences. Words alone fall far shy of the mark. With proper training in concentration, of exercising intent and practicing the development of one's focus upon one single point of unwavering awareness... all need for the illusion of duality crumbles, as the mirage of self-hood is blown away like cosmic dust (temporarily, mind you).

So, my stance on this issue is that it's a wonderful exchange, to share this vibe. A nonverbal aspect of understanding is saturated into one's individuated mind, with respect for The Undifferentiated Unity of all existent being. Ideally, with the careful use of language, despite it's frequent failings, much can be communicated through words and ideas. That is, provided those who wish to hear the message receive it. Again, "to each their own". Wink

Citta wrote:
I have experienced this, it is pretty remarkable indeed. But do I ascribe it to some truth about the universe based on this drug induced experience? No, I don't, and I suggest you don't either. Keep it real man, take it easy =)

Well, your beliefs are wrong. We are not one with everything just because you "smoked God to experience God", which sounds absolutely ridiculous anyway. I urge you to get some distance from your experiences, and try to remain rational when contemplating their nature.

We all have a unique perspective about this phenomenon, Oneness, so it behooves us to make a polite effort to try and see through another's lens of perception. None of us, arguably, can state that others of us are either right or wrong. Nor can we even claim our stance is founded in sanity or for that matter, insanity, for it's all relative to the circumstances which define the state of mind being experienced through ego-self. As we all are well aware of, reality is completely subjective.

Neither do I suggest that your opinion on the matter is "wrong", for I do not dream through your mind's eye. Belief in the all-pervasiveness of The One doesn't invalidate the myriad views into the fabric of reality, it encompasses each and yet, transcends their limitations as a cohesive whole.

IMO, there is no need for intolerant debate or condescending derision. Conversation can be a useful endeavor, so I really do respect your deductions. I do not agree with them, as I believe they are inadequate means to bridge the gap into a transcendental state of mind. Rationale cannot initiate conscious union with the One. Irrationale is equally useless in the face of The Cosmic Force. Only through spiritual instinct and the cultivation of intuition, can the minds of humankind pierce the veil of the ego-self's dream. Only when the mind become filled with the light of truth, can the eclipsing dawn.

I humbly suggest that there is nothing ridiculous about perceiving "God smoking God" to interphase with The Godhead. One can experience similar levels of awareness through pranayama and deep meditation. Regardless of our perception of the unity, cannot we each find common ground and respect our diversification of thoughts on the issue? I suspect it is our efforts to seek some balanced semblance of unity (or fusion) in our vantage points, which prompted by the author of this topic to post this thread? Sure, we can all privately experience these states of being but... there is a significant need arising, to share our Vision Quests. I do feel that we can speak in more polite, loving and open-minded ways. Yes? We can all agree to disagree, if we are kind in the ensuing process. Wink

I think we have long ago, come to the stalemate, whereby we all understand that the theory of The Divine or The Unified Field of Being, cannot be proven to any others. It is a personal realization and not an equation, which can be communicated or reproduced through reason. It is a subjective perception that in turn, consumes the subjectivity of the individuated witness to it's existence and superimposes it's Light through the mind of the dreamer (throughout the awakening). That Indivisible force which initiates quantum fluctuations... Omniscience. Cant there be no field of study which aims towards an Omni-Science? It is a reasonable supposition to many Nexian's way of thinking.

The insubstantial cannot be measured or quantified to human standards or limited by dualistic notions. The very act of maintaining a logical mental state, creates a barrier to the immersion into The Godhead. The mind must be still to fully merge and one's cherished subjectivity must be shattered, stopping the mind, to become aware that all is essentially Divine.

gibran2 wrote:
I had an experience (which I’ve posted about at least several times), where I became aware that what I ordinarily call reality is a dream. I also realized that once fully awake, there is no returning to the dream – at least not this particular dream. I wasn’t ready for that, and so I willed myself back to sleep. I don’t believe that a living human being can have a true awakening and live to tell about it.

So true, for were we to become fully and permanently awake... this dream of sentient existence would be understood as a fleeting possibility, within an infinity of limitless possibilities. Even the Buddha remained housed within a physical form, after The Great Awakening. I have come to believe that each dream of self is dissipated by our evolution through our material paradigm. I prefer not to speculate about any structured order or pragmatic progression to the unraveling of our material dream of self. NDE, extreme fasting or sensory deprivation, psychedelia and even the inexplicable phenomenon of spontaneous enlightenment, do indeed indicate pathways to such a shift in awareness.

Death will scatter our ideas into the Void, as they are linked to our physical brains and only truly exist within the dichotomy of the physical universe. Psychedelics gift us a preview of dying. Thankfully for our friends and family, we retain our human bodies, for we have come to the understanding that we are not eternally bound by matter. We are timeless, formless being, freely flowing through endless changes. I don't speculate why, I just intuit that we will never know through our pragmatic rationale, for logic will be gone... and without a witness to The Dance, all is an Infinity of Divine radiance, pulsing with cycles of expansion and contraction. :idea:

Rising Spirit-

BEAUTIFUL POST. Although it may not have been your intention, in my opinion you have eloquently and respectfully put the skeptics from this thread in their place, as I think a few replies have been quite disrespectful and naive.

Thank you for sharing your wisdom.

#54 Posted : 12/18/2011 4:12:25 PM
I know what the OP is talking about, I know the feeling exactly.

We are the creator.

What do you do if you are god, you can do everything, be everywhere, know all, what do you do?

..You make yourself forget you are god.

Take a break, from the throne and divinity, and cast yourself into a world of trial and tribulations, without the knowledge as to why it's taking place, and then once the "safe house" from "godliness" no longer provides a safe haven, we all will return to our original core of being, and realized there's not 7 billion souls that will be flying around in space once the planet dies..

..There'll be one divine being that was represented in 7 billion different ways on the planet.
Living beside the mystery.
#55 Posted : 12/18/2011 5:06:01 PM
universalshaman wrote:
I know what the OP is talking about, I know the feeling exactly.

We are the creator.

What do you do if you are god, you can do everything, be everywhere, know all, what do you do?

..You make yourself forget you are god.

Take a break, from the throne and divinity, and cast yourself into a world of trial and tribulations, without the knowledge as to why it's taking place, and then once the "safe house" from "godliness" no longer provides a safe haven, we all will return to our original core of being, and realized there's not 7 billion souls that will be flying around in space once the planet dies..

..There'll be one divine being that was represented in 7 billion different ways on the planet.

"As above, so below.":idea:

Your post reminded me of a quote from a book I just finished reading:

"What better way for God to know himself than to divide his awareness so that he can observe objectively as creator and subjectively as creation?"

The author also talks about how many esoteric philosophies refer to "us" as being thoughts in the Mind of God- "objects" that "Consciousness-Without-An-Object" has been imagining for eons:

"One of the first things we learn is that emanation consists of a hierarchy of awareness. The Kabbalah explains that the Ein-Sof (Logos, Brahman, whatever) made ten emanations called Sephiroth, vessels to contain the light (consciousness) pouring into them from Consciousness-Without-An-Object's imagination. These vessels weren't able to contain this outpouring, and in what Kabbalists describe as a "cosmic catastrophy", the vessels shattered in into innumerable pieces and scattered throughout the realms of hyperspace, each fragment containing a spark of divine light (that's us). The main task of every Kabbalist is to "raise the sparks" of his or her own separated consciouness to reunite with the Ein-Sof that emanated them."

-The Cracking Tower, by Jim DeKorne

(This sounds to me like a metaphor for the "Big Bang".):idea:
#56 Posted : 12/18/2011 7:29:23 PM
SpartanII wrote:
universalshaman wrote:
I know what the OP is talking about, I know the feeling exactly.

We are the creator.

What do you do if you are god, you can do everything, be everywhere, know all, what do you do?

..You make yourself forget you are god.

Take a break, from the throne and divinity, and cast yourself into a world of trial and tribulations, without the knowledge as to why it's taking place, and then once the "safe house" from "godliness" no longer provides a safe haven, we all will return to our original core of being, and realized there's not 7 billion souls that will be flying around in space once the planet dies..

..There'll be one divine being that was represented in 7 billion different ways on the planet.

"As above, so below.":idea:

Your post reminded me of a quote from a book I just finished reading:

"What better way for God to know himself than to divide his awareness so that he can observe objectively as creator and subjectively as creation?"

The author also talks about how many esoteric philosophies refer to "us" as being thoughts in the Mind of God- "objects" that "Consciousness-Without-An-Object" has been imagining for eons:

"One of the first things we learn is that emanation consists of a hierarchy of awareness. The Kabbalah explains that the Ein-Sof (Logos, Brahman, whatever) made ten emanations called Sephiroth, vessels to contain the light (consciousness) pouring into them from Consciousness-Without-An-Object's imagination. These vessels weren't able to contain this outpouring, and in what Kabbalists describe as a "cosmic catastrophy", the vessels shattered in into innumerable pieces and scattered throughout the realms of hyperspace, each fragment containing a spark of divine light (that's us). The main task of every Kabbalist is to "raise the sparks" of his or her own separated consciouness to reunite with the Ein-Sof that emanated them."

-The Cracking Tower, by Jim DeKorne

(This sounds to me like a metaphor for the "Big Bang".):idea:

Just what would the name of the Authoer/Book be?

Want it want it want it!! lol
Living beside the mystery.
#57 Posted : 12/19/2011 1:32:17 AM
universalshaman wrote:

Just what would the name of the Authoer/Book be?

Want it want it want it!! lol

The Cracking Tower

by Jim DeKorne.Smile

It is an amazing book, one of the best I've read on the subject.
#58 Posted : 12/19/2011 3:48:50 AM
tobecomeone00 wrote:
have any of you had a TOTAL God Awakening, in which everything disappeared, and you realized you were the only One? That you were the devil and the gods, justice and fate, all creating an experience to distract God (You) from the ultimate knowing of Yourself?

Yeah. I've read and listened to a lot of the works of Adyashanti. He says there are two parts to awakening, and two questions. The first part is awakening to the mystery of "who am I?". The second question is, "how shall I live?". The second part is at least as important as the first. I don't know anything about you personally, tobecomeone. Just saying that without the right kind of intention, if your heart isn't in the right place, the awakening experience will fizzle away and mean nothing, except another interesting experience you had at some point. Just remember to keep your heart and spirit healthy as you go forward.
#59 Posted : 12/19/2011 5:16:31 AM
All I live for is Service to Others. Anything else is trivial. Material is non-material. My environment and surroundings are just an extension of my consciousness, providing never-ending opportunities for growth, in any and every way possible. No Fear. Only Love. Hangin on to the ride, balancing dimensions within my mind, allowing me access to my higher-self and Intuition at any given moment. I am aware of what I am, and why I am here. And the reason I am here is to help others understand what is happening to them during this great time of Change and Truth. Hence, Service to Others. I still deal with the inner-darkness, but knowing it is Me, and Only Me, helps me understand and deal with the imps any time they arise out of the woodwork. The only reason I am here, is because You are here. My opinions mean nothing in retrospect. What I am interested in is bringing out the best in all of You, however that may come to be. In the instance of this post, it was to provide a meaningful discussion among Nexus members, regarding Individual Truths contributing to a Whole Truth, void of meager arguments, debates, and the never-ending ideal of Dominance, both physical, mental, and emotional. I feel it worked quite wonderfully. Something is quite near, and it would be best for All if we dropped our judgements, and came together to help prepare each and every aspect of this One Consciousness for this speedy-evoltuion we are undergoing. God is Evolving. We are Evolving. And what this means, is You are Evolving. There is no one here but You. Love your reflections. Love your Illusions. Love Yourself.
"The search for Truth is the Greatest, if not, most Sensible form of Rebellion."

#60 Posted : 12/19/2011 7:36:12 PM
Wow, that sounds very focused, tobecomeone. I think whatever the universe manifests is what it wants. So if this is where you're at, that's great.

It is an interesting thing to wonder.... will our consciousness evolve beyond biological machines? It seems to me that for the moment, animals are not conscious of their true nature, only of their biological programming. The brain can only understand biological programming. The only other thing the brain can do is accept that it does not know anything else. Why it is this way I don't know. I wonder if our intelligence and technology is building toward something that is beyond biology.

It's not really humans that are advanced forms of life. Life itself is advanced. Human consciousness and the animal body is just the machine that does the work for LIFE'S agenda. The brain knows only one program: survive and multiply. This is done for the sake of spreading life itself.
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