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Has anyone ever asked an entity Options
#41 Posted : 12/4/2011 2:58:34 PM
gibran2 wrote:
Geines wrote:
Your mind. Reality is the final product of external stimuli mixed with the inner workings of the brain. Come on people, you all know this.

This thread is full of crazies, no disrespect and I've been feeling a little crazy myself lately, but you took a hallucinogen and then believed what you're hallucinating. Hyperspace, entities, they're inside you, when the drug. The brain's very powerful, more powerful than any super computer built and look what they can do. Our consciousness is the tip of the iceberg, and our study of the brain, neuroscience and psychology etc is still taking baby steps. Don't fill you lack of knowledge of humans, the world, life, reality etc with absurdities. It's not healthy. I'm convinced the brain has something inside of it which lets people believe something is real.


If it's any consolation after feeling a bit out of it I delved in one last time and what came out of that experience was reassurance that I/we only perceive the world, not make it. We all know this, thinking otherwise is poison to the mind.

Sorry for the wall of text. Peace.

I hope you understand that what you express concerning the nature of psychedelic experiences and reality are your beliefs. The “ultimate” nature of reality is something that can’t be scientifically tested. We simply don’t know what reality actually is, or even if there is such a thing.

For all you know, everyday experience is a hallucination. How would you go about scientifically testing that idea? And does the fact that you believe in something which quite possibly isn’t real make you a “crazy” too?

Someday, it might be possible to scientifically show that all DMT-induced hallucinations are brain-generated. I don’t think we’re anywhere near where we’d need to be scientifically and technologically to approach such a problem, but it’s possible at least in theory.

However, it’s not possible, not even in theory, to “prove” that reality exists as it seems. (In fact, the deeper physicists explore the basic constituents of physical reality, the less “physical” reality seems to be.)

There are many other possibilities than the seeming dichotomy you offer when you suggest that either our minds create reality or reality is entirely something we perceive. Use your scientific imagination and you’ll see this is true.

And here’s a question for you which you need not answer, but at least think about it: What would it mean to you if “reality” isn’t what you think it is?

"We simply don’t know what reality actually is, or even if there is such a thing."
Reality is a human concept my friend. It has already been defined. What you're doing is acting on these concept. You may add or take away as much as you see fit.

"For all you know, everyday experience is a hallucination."
Then that is reality.
"How would you go about scientifically testing that idea?"
Hallucinate the idea of science.
"And does the fact that you believe in something which quite possibly isn’t real make you a “crazy” too?"
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/crazy look for yourself

"However, it’s not possible, not even in theory, to “prove” that reality exists as it seems. (In fact, the deeper physicists explore the basic constituents of physical reality, the less “physical” reality seems to be.)"
Matter is mostly made up of space. That doesn't change reality. It might change your perception though, as I see it already has.

"There are many other possibilities than the seeming dichotomy you offer when you suggest that either our minds create reality or reality is entirely something we perceive. Use your scientific imagination and you’ll see this is true."
I have no need imaginative thoughts of science only facts and plausibility.

"And here’s a question for you which you need not answer, but at least think about it: What would it mean to you if “reality” isn’t what you think it is?"
Crazy. Have a read.
#42 Posted : 12/4/2011 3:07:52 PM
easyrider wrote:
Your reasoning tries to rationalize us as successors who have inherited this notion of God(s), subsequently forcing God(s) to forever lurk inside our mental framework. And how would you explain the proto-theists, Geines? Those who first conceptualized (or experienced?) some sort of divinity.

Seriously, you're asking me an impossible question. No has found that out. Some think entheogens, or should I say, some psychedelic researchers think entheogens.
All concepts are made through life, unless aliens came and gave us it. But then who gave it to them. Similarly if god external who is also internal exists who created it or them. If you entertain the thought it or they existed forever than entertain the thought that god the subconscious is always with us and it's no miracle for it to surface now and then, within individuals who eventually start religions. Add to the stories of creation and you got your omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent deity.
Sky Motion
#43 Posted : 12/4/2011 3:16:17 PM
Geines, I think you need to smoke more spice.

#44 Posted : 12/4/2011 3:21:39 PM

It's very difficult to understand some of your posts- I don't even know who's saying what. Can you please learn how to use the quote function?

You're also borderline rude in your attitude towards other posters so you might want to check the Attitude thread.

#45 Posted : 12/4/2011 3:39:32 PM
Sky Motion wrote:
Geines, I think you need to smoke more spice.


I think I've done enough for a life time.
#46 Posted : 12/4/2011 3:47:02 PM
SpartanII wrote:

It's very difficult to understand some of your posts- I don't even know who's saying what. Can you please learn how to use the quote function?

You're also borderline rude in your attitude towards other posters so you might want to check the Attitude thread.


Don't blame me of your perception of rudeness. I have yet to attack anyone and don't intend to, regardless if I feel others are "borderline rude" to me. So I decline your offer. If someone is speaking in public and you think their tone is rude, what would you normally do? WWYD (what would you do) Smile
I used quotes on those I was quoting. Quite simple.
Sorry I'm not as good as you on the internet. I'll hon my cyber space skills at a later date.
Salvia divinorum expertSenior Member
#47 Posted : 12/4/2011 3:51:21 PM
Geines wrote:
"We simply don’t know what reality actually is, or even if there is such a thing."
Reality is a human concept my friend. It has already been defined. What you're doing is acting on these concept. You may add or take away as much as you see fit.

"For all you know, everyday experience is a hallucination."
Then that is reality.
"How would you go about scientifically testing that idea?"
Hallucinate the idea of science.
"And does the fact that you believe in something which quite possibly isn’t real make you a “crazy” too?"
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/crazy look for yourself

"However, it’s not possible, not even in theory, to “prove” that reality exists as it seems. (In fact, the deeper physicists explore the basic constituents of physical reality, the less “physical” reality seems to be.)"
Matter is mostly made up of space. That doesn't change reality. It might change your perception though, as I see it already has.

"There are many other possibilities than the seeming dichotomy you offer when you suggest that either our minds create reality or reality is entirely something we perceive. Use your scientific imagination and you’ll see this is true."
I have no need imaginative thoughts of science only facts and plausibility.

"And here’s a question for you which you need not answer, but at least think about it: What would it mean to you if “reality” isn’t what you think it is?"
Crazy. Have a read.

You’ve contradicted previous statements you’ve made with almost every response here.
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#48 Posted : 12/4/2011 5:33:52 PM
Geines wrote:

"How is calling people crazy not disrespectful?"
Because I said no disrespect.

So, if I said: "No disrespect, but you're an asshole," would that be okay? Your logic is seriously flawed.

I love you guys though, you meaning the folks who had a bad time on dmt then spend the rest of your time informing the rest of us, in so many words, that we're all drugged out crazies being brainwashed. You people (the ex dmt travelers) are a lot like the man dumped by the girl who becomes jaded toward all women.
The Shift is About to Hit the Fan
#49 Posted : 12/4/2011 6:04:06 PM
gibran2 wrote:
Geines wrote:
"We simply don’t know what reality actually is, or even if there is such a thing."
Reality is a human concept my friend. It has already been defined. What you're doing is acting on these concept. You may add or take away as much as you see fit.

"For all you know, everyday experience is a hallucination."
Then that is reality.
"How would you go about scientifically testing that idea?"
Hallucinate the idea of science.
"And does the fact that you believe in something which quite possibly isn’t real make you a “crazy” too?"
http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/crazy look for yourself

"However, it’s not possible, not even in theory, to “prove” that reality exists as it seems. (In fact, the deeper physicists explore the basic constituents of physical reality, the less “physical” reality seems to be.)"
Matter is mostly made up of space. That doesn't change reality. It might change your perception though, as I see it already has.

"There are many other possibilities than the seeming dichotomy you offer when you suggest that either our minds create reality or reality is entirely something we perceive. Use your scientific imagination and you’ll see this is true."
I have no need imaginative thoughts of science only facts and plausibility.

"And here’s a question for you which you need not answer, but at least think about it: What would it mean to you if “reality” isn’t what you think it is?"
Crazy. Have a read.

You’ve contradicted previous statements you’ve made with almost every response here.

And yet you only post a few sentences. I don't see anything wrong here, I think you're looking to deep. If you don't mind, quote me and tell me exactly what's wrong.
Hyperspace Fool
#50 Posted : 12/4/2011 6:04:07 PM
@ Geines

I would like to nip this in the bud, because these discussions and debates are a constant theme here. No one ever gets swayed to change their beliefs based on something written on a website. We might fine tune our thoughts on a subject by debating, and we can come to appreciate the personalities of our friends here, which brings us together as a community... a family even... but we are not going to browbeat each other to modify a lifetimes worth of experience and contemplation.

As such, you will never convince those of us who feel we have had direct experience of (pick one or more) gods, angels, spirits, actual higher dimensions, elves, or even G*d almighty that we are crazy. I can't speak for the rest of the crew here, but I personally don't want to convince you of anything... I don't see anyone else here trying to do much more than get you to open your mind a bit, and be a bit friendlier perhaps, either.

So, I offer you an olive branch and an opportunity to say live & let live. I can see by your link that you have had some fairly horrific experiences which color your view of the spice and what it shows you. It is probably best if you don't believe in Hyperspace being real... and avoid such deep entheogenic experiences, at least for the time being.

But I will take a moment to point a few things out to you... feel free to ignore me.

Geines wrote:
It's theoretical. The information is out there, and I'm no neuroscientist so I don't have archives or the stuff. If you want to believe fairies from another plain is controlling your mind, well good luck with that.
I don't think anyone here said this... I certainly didn't.

As for the information being out there, I have never read a single neuroscientist's work where they even claim that they have a working model of consciousness. It may happen one day. There is plenty of correlation work between emotional and psychic states with activity in certain areas, but this is huge leap from saying that the brain is the source of consciousness.

How is calling people crazy not disrespectful?"
Because I said no disrespect. If you choose to think someone calling you crazy because you're doing something odd is bad then deep down you're insecure with your actions. If you thought what you was doing was right you wouldn't be offended even if I was trying to offend you.
Saying something disrespectful and qualifying it with "no disrespect" doesn't make it less disrespectful per se... it is merely an acknowledgement that you are engaging in behavior that many people would find disrespectful. Your posts here have shown that you know you are being disrespectful and bellicose, but that you feel it is your right to be so.

While I support your right to speak how you see fit, and even have no problem with people going beyond the Attitude guidelines here... I will just say that your arguments and opinions would carry more weight if you were more measured and friendly. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

As for me being offended... I am not. You can not offend me. A cursory look at the forums here will show you that I am especially thick skinned and hard headed. You are not the first person to cast aspersions at me or sit in judgment as to the rationality of my opinions. Your insults and jibes are rather tame TBH. But my being offended or not doesn't constitute the definition of disrespect. You can show less respect for me and others than is considered par for this website without me taking the slightest offense whatsoever.

"And, even if I were pronouncing things you disagree with (or simply have no direct experience of), your attitude here seems immature and judgmental."
Are you unaware you're judging me? I know I'm judgmental, but you don't even know what you're doing.
Informing you that your attitude seems immature and judgmental is a rather weak form of judgment... and it is not you that I was referring to, but how your self-expression here seems from the other side. Calling someone crazy multiple times in multiple ways is many orders of magnitude more judgmental than informing someone as to how they are coming off... in your opinion.

But it is clear that you don't feel that judgmental posts are uncalled for or counter-productive, so the finer points of this are irrelevant, as is whether I am actually judging you or not... and my level of awareness on this topic.


"These are your conjectures. You can't hope to verify this, so you are sure of all this... how?"
And you can't hope to verify you're not dreaming because the only way to know is to wake up. Why try to go down this road. You're brain works, you take a drug, your brain now works differently. Is taking heroine shooting magical balls of living euphoria into you red blood cell traffic highway? If you choose to question reality in such a way, why not question biology. Your outlook on reality ultimately makes up whats inside of it, including me and biology.

I am the first one to point out that we can not prove that we are not dreaming... I say it frequently. However, as a daily lucid dreamer, I will take issue with your assumption that the only way to know when we are dreaming is to wake up... You can know you are dreaming without waking up, and, in fact, it is only in these lucid moments that you truly know you are dreaming.

When you wake up from a dream, you could still be dreaming. All you can say for sure is that what you just awoke from was a dream, as well as you are able to remember it. False awakenings, dreams within dreams, and even more esoteric phenomena are quite common in Oneirology. With lucid dreaming, you can know 100% you are dreaming and use this knowledge to practical advantage.

My thoughts on this are that since we can prove dreaming regularly and surely, but we can't prove not dreaming... ever... we must leave open the idea that perhaps there is no such thing as not dreaming. Perhaps all of existence is of the nature of dreams.

"I realize that you are ridiculing us" You assume incorrectly, I fear for you. I don't want people to go through what I did. I know it's like telling people to not have intercourse because they might catch AIDS, all I'm trying to do is give you a condom.
You may, in fact, fear for us. But calling someone ridiculous is the definition of ridiculing them... you can do both.

I often take this stance with people here in what I consider a harm-reduction advice. I'm still learning to state my concern for others in a way that remains as friendly as possible.

"As for dangerous... you could make the opposite argument just as easily."
Perhaps, but being ignorant is way better than being absurd.
Your opinion. Both as to the idea that the opposite argument is absurd... and that it is better to be ignorant. (I prefer absurd people to ignorant people, personally... fools are much more fun to hang out with.)

The fact that drugs in general produce the same effects is escaping you. That fact that I never saw those is coincidental but funny that it doesn't help your case.
It doesn't escape me that drugs produce similar effects. The fact that you never saw any of the entities that are commonly reported actually argues against your idea.

When talking about typical acid or shroom hallucinations, it is easier to buy into the whole "these are just the effects of a drug" argument. With heavy entheogenic experiences, however, it is pertinent to recognize that these are not alterations of sensation or thought processes, nor are they synesthesia or other effects that can be explained by the model of a chemical reaction altering the neurochemical firings of neurons.

People are independently (and without prior knowledge of other experiences) encountering beings that have basically identical appearances, methods of communication, and even content of communication. Furthermore, this communication often goes well outside of what might be considered information that the psychonaut might already have stored in their subconscious somewhere. And, most importantly IMHO, the information that they are apt to download to many of the most intrepid explorers tends to include things that can be verified later on by the psychonaut... not usually of the variety that would prove anything to a skeptic, but more than enough to convince the person who received the transmission and later was presented with the validity of it.

At any rate... I am not perturbed how you choose to take any of this. I am not invested in what you believe or think you know to be true. It would be nice if we could do these fencing matches in a civil and courteous manner... but this is not always easy even when the participants are trying to be nice.

Be well my friend. I wish you well.

"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
#51 Posted : 12/4/2011 6:33:38 PM
tetra wrote:
Geines wrote:

"How is calling people crazy not disrespectful?"
Because I said no disrespect.

So, if I said: "No disrespect, but you're an asshole," would that be okay? Your logic is seriously flawed.

I love you guys though, you meaning the folks who had a bad time on dmt then spend the rest of your time informing the rest of us, in so many words, that we're all drugged out crazies being brainwashed. You people (the ex dmt travelers) are a lot like the man dumped by the girl who becomes jaded toward all women.

Wow relating a technical term to derogatory slang. Maybe if I knew you calling me an asshole wouldn't be disrespectful. You sound like you're frigid in your mannerisms and communication. Do you get upset if your mother calls you silly for making an obvious mistake?
It sounds like there have been many predecessors before me warning you of eminent doom. Except I never said that. Initially I commented on what people in this thread were saying is "real", and told them it's all in their head. I said similar things before on different threads while I still used DMT. But if you "know" DMT can become disastrous, if all seasoned users here know then why aren't you warning people, huh? Why would you in fact try to belittle someone who was, huh? If you think this behavior is suitable representation for an action which can go either way then you, personally, are brainwashed. I feel sorry for you, you don't want anyone talking bad about your precious drug do you?
Bars, clubs and pups promote responsible drinking and the public are aware of what can happen, the good and the bad, whatever you want to call it. Cigarettes have warnings on them, people know they can get cancer.
What's wrong with informing new psychedelic users with some of the effects?

If you had read my posts properly you wouldn't have come to your conclusion. I choose my words carefully even if I made spelling mistakes. It seems like you'd rather be ignorant and comment on random parts to inflate your tiny ego and raise your low self esteem. Keep at it.
#52 Posted : 12/4/2011 6:53:26 PM
Hyperspace Fool wrote:

Be well my friend. I wish you well.

Likewise. Don't go frying your brain now Cool
Sky Motion
#53 Posted : 12/4/2011 7:32:34 PM
tetra wrote:
Geines wrote:

"How is calling people crazy not disrespectful?"
Because I said no disrespect.

So, if I said: "No disrespect, but you're an asshole," would that be okay? Your logic is seriously flawed.

I love you guys though, you meaning the folks who had a bad time on dmt then spend the rest of your time informing the rest of us, in so many words, that we're all drugged out crazies being brainwashed. You people (the ex dmt travelers) are a lot like the man dumped by the girl who becomes jaded toward all women.

#54 Posted : 12/5/2011 12:33:55 AM
Geines wrote:

Do you get upset if your mother calls you silly for making an obvious mistake?
Bars, clubs and pups promote responsible drinking and the public are aware of what can happen, the good and the bad, whatever you want to call it. Cigarettes have warnings on them, people know they can get cancer.
What's wrong with informing new psychedelic users with some of the effects?

But you're not my mother, are you?

And comparing DMT to alcohol and cigarettes is just plain stupid and makes for a lousy analogy. Of what ill effects can the good Surgeon General of the Nexus tell us about? A pack of cigarettes has a little warning on it, likewise this site has a little warning on it. We're all grown ass adults and very few here take DMT lightly; you're practically comparing us to crackheads when we get riled at some troll telling us how we don't know what we're doing. It's like going on a forum dedicated to marijuana and telling everyone they're all going to wind up 40 year old brain dead stoners living in mommy's
basement. Sure, you have those types that highlight the effects of abuse of pot, but not everyone winds up like Cheech & Chong. Likewise, people have bad trips on DMT, sure, so what, get over it. We can all read the numerous bad trip reports and decide for ourselves.
The Shift is About to Hit the Fan
#55 Posted : 12/5/2011 1:16:54 AM
wow, my brain got tired after reading this last page. intelectualizing to much isnt allways good folks!

going on topic again: next time i will ask the entities: do you have to smoalk to be here? or is this dmt overload your natural state?
Healing someone is an act of love, but how can you love someone whitout loving yourself first?
#56 Posted : 12/5/2011 1:30:07 AM
tetra wrote:
Geines wrote:

Do you get upset if your mother calls you silly for making an obvious mistake?
Bars, clubs and pups promote responsible drinking and the public are aware of what can happen, the good and the bad, whatever you want to call it. Cigarettes have warnings on them, people know they can get cancer.
What's wrong with informing new psychedelic users with some of the effects?

But you're not my mother, are you?

And comparing DMT to alcohol and cigarettes is just plain stupid and makes for a lousy analogy. Of what ill effects can the good Surgeon General of the Nexus tell us about? A pack of cigarettes has a little warning on it, likewise this site has a little warning on it. We're all grown ass adults and very few here take DMT lightly; you're practically comparing us to crackheads when we get riled at some troll telling us how we don't know what we're doing. It's like going on a forum dedicated to marijuana and telling everyone they're all going to wind up 40 year old brain dead stoners living in mommy's
basement. Sure, you have those types that highlight the effects of abuse of pot, but not everyone winds up like Cheech & Chong. Likewise, people have bad trips on DMT, sure, so what, get over it. We can all read the numerous bad trip reports and decide for ourselves.

You made me chuckle. Your use of words, comparisons and assumptions amuses me greatly. Throughly entertained. I have nothing to say to elitists of any kind, except for things that I wont post out of respect for this site.

So I'm done. I pray to your gods fairies elves and whatever else people on here may or may not, or truly or unsure, believe in, that have the acclaimed supernatural power to effect you in some fashion that you don't "accidentally" poison someone with such powerful mind altering substances, shown profusely here that it has such a hold, just because 'You're Ready'. Others might not be. And if your entities are real and exist and can hear my thoughts or read the english language on a hyperspace computer I hope they judge you and punish you accordingly, for being careless.
If your entities exist then cool, they can do what I asked. If they don't exist then I'm right. I'm alright with that, are you? (rhetoric)
Peace and love. Take care.
Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#57 Posted : 12/5/2011 1:34:14 AM
get over yourself

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#58 Posted : 12/5/2011 1:47:55 AM
Geines wrote:

I hope they judge you and punish you accordingly, for being careless.

Good lord, man, really? Ah, well. At least my posts have helped you decide not to post anymore, so I feel I've contributed to some good here tonight.
The Shift is About to Hit the Fan
#59 Posted : 12/5/2011 1:56:20 AM
Geines wrote:
I have yet to attack anyone and don't intend to,


Your posts effectively reflect a hypocritical, egotistic, immature, and insecure attitude, and I've reported your posts as abusive, as I think others should too. If you can't play nice, I would suggest you leave this community and go seek attention elsewhere.

#60 Posted : 12/5/2011 2:34:44 AM
SpartanII wrote:
Geines wrote:
I have yet to attack anyone and don't intend to,


Your posts effectively reflect a hypocritical, egotistic, immature, and insecure attitude, and I've reported your posts as abusive, as I think others should too. If you can't play nice, I would suggest you leave this community and go seek attention elsewhere.

Well I didn't intend to. But feel free to take what I say and try to use it to your advantage in your mind games of pleasing the crowd and stepping on the outsider. What ever makes you feel good buddy.
You reported me as abusive? Heh that translates to me as "oh no I'm offeded I'm telling on you." Didn't know this was such a gated community. I expected more, had high hopes, oh well. Next time I'll remember to agree with everything, question nothing and bow to almighty users who are absolute by degree of seniority.
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