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Screw "Entities" Options
#41 Posted : 11/28/2011 10:10:08 AM
a1pha wrote:
So far, they don't provide us any benefit other than personal messages masked in some psychedelic dream.

So that's just your experience, shouldn't you write "They don't provide me"?

There's whole lot more to my journeys than just that what you seem to get out of it, I won't elaborate here though. Just saying that you should state that as your personal experience with the entities.
#42 Posted : 11/28/2011 11:08:41 AM
Some say that everything is just a manifestation of the self... though perhaps it'd be more accurately phrased that the self is a manifestation of everything. I'd watch where you're drawing boundary lines around your ego, they're hazier borders than you might think...


#43 Posted : 11/28/2011 12:01:48 PM
Everything is an entity. Why screw everything?! Say Hi to them, make your peace / enjoy their presence, snap out of it and go about your day Smile Or, take the blue pill and refrain from smoalking...
Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
#44 Posted : 11/28/2011 2:26:46 PM
a1pha i have proof for you,

i am not a professional dancer and could never do anything interesting regarding dance,
nor had i ever seen the dance of Shiva (or any other ancient dancing techniques).

However, when and since i have used dmt i am able to EXACTLY dance those dances.
I wont go explaining all the trips and story's that got me there (unless people really want to know),
but i was given the advice/knowledge by different Archetype Entities to use dance and motion in my trips, to protect, heal, travel, create, destroy, anything.

I wasn't aware of it first, i asked my sitters to please closely observe and in full honesty report the "realness" of the dance experience.
I was aware i might be tripping the complexity and precise movements and that in reality i wasn't moving very interesting at all.

This was not the case, and is confirmed by sitters and a webcam, and after researching WHAT i danced, i found out i was dancing the EXACT moves of the dance of Shiva,
these moves are very unique, not random, every (hand) gesture symbolizes a story and meaning and advanced dancers train many many years to perform them.

Later i was "teached" other ancient dancing styles, all very recognizable and when researched and compared, extremely precisely performed.

Now how could i possibly know all these gestures/moves/dance techniques? i have never studied them, never seen them...
After the experiences i can never get the same control over my body, its just not so precises, i don't know the way to move and do it, i look like a fool when i dance without dmt.

Edit: i forgot to mention NO music was played during most of these dances, so i wasnt reacting on external musical stimuli.

Moderator | Skills: Master hacker!
#45 Posted : 11/28/2011 3:56:11 PM
tele wrote:
a1pha wrote:
So far, they don't provide us any benefit other than personal messages masked in some psychedelic dream.

So that's just your experience, shouldn't you write "They don't provide me"?

There's whole lot more to my journeys than just that what you seem to get out of it, I won't elaborate here though. Just saying that you should state that as your personal experience with the entities.

Nope, I stated it correctly. And I would love for you to elaborate more.
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
Senior Member
#46 Posted : 11/28/2011 5:13:14 PM
Some people see them. Some people dont.

We all perceive hyperspace in our own ways. This is necessary, as we all gather our own bits/pieces to the puzzle.

If we all saw the same things, we wouldn't have a paradox on our hands.

There's a reason (several) why some of us see them and some of us don't.

The proof is in the pudding.
#47 Posted : 11/28/2011 5:38:33 PM
a1pha wrote:
tele wrote:
a1pha wrote:
So far, they don't provide us any benefit other than personal messages masked in some psychedelic dream.

So that's just your experience, shouldn't you write "They don't provide me"?

There's whole lot more to my journeys than just that what you seem to get out of it, I won't elaborate here though. Just saying that you should state that as your personal experience with the entities.

Nope, I stated it correctly. And I would love for you to elaborate more.

I won't elaborate my experiences as I feel like they are too personal to share, but haxxorz has already shared something different from your description.

So nexians, who here agrees with a1pha, that the only benefit entities provide us is personal messages masked in psychedelic dream?
Senior Member
#48 Posted : 11/28/2011 5:43:46 PM

There is a symbiosis.

Their role goes far beyond that of a messenger....if I had to guess...coming to no dead end conclusions...
Moderator | Skills: Growing (plants/mushrooms), Research, Extraction troubleshooting, Harmalas, Revolution (theory/practice)
#49 Posted : 11/28/2011 5:56:04 PM
tele wrote:
I won't elaborate my experiences as I feel like they are too personal to share, but haxxorz has already shared something different from your description.

So nexians, who here agrees with a1pha, that the only benefit entities provide us is personal messages masked in psychedelic dream?

Who cares?

I certainly don't care who agrees with someone or disagrees with someone on a subject no one can (at this stage in the game) speak conclusively on to any degree. I might be interested in knowing where people fall along the spectrum of belief/what experiences they've had (and I do find it interesting that you've chosen to exclude your experiences as "too personal" while using such polarizing language)...but that's just me.

Schisms are boring...perhaps we could recast this question in a less divisive, moar communal context...just a thought.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
Moderator | Skills: Master hacker!
#50 Posted : 11/28/2011 6:03:12 PM
SnozzleBerry wrote:
Schisms are boring...perhaps we could recast this question in a less divisive, moar communal context...just a thought.

Yes, I agree here. Why don't we rephrase the question as:

Nexians: What benefit(s) (if any) have you gained from your interactions with "entities" ("real" or not)?

This is far less divisive.
"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored." -A.Huxley
Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#51 Posted : 11/28/2011 6:07:35 PM

"Have these entities given ANY knowledge to ANYONE not already part of their being?" " So far, they don't provide us any benefit other than personal messages masked in some psychedelic dream."

While its tough to 'prove' these things in a lab, i do think there is a lot of first person accounts that hint something is going on here. I agree with snozz and i don't want to argue-as i don't care to try and convince people, since no one really knows.. but i guess i really just love to rant Very happy

Shamans worldwide have been claiming to go into these dimensions for specific reasons, often to gain knowledge or information to help the tribe, or person they are healing, for thousands of years. They claim it can often reliably provide accurate information. First person accounts of these shamans, in books like the Wizard of the upper amazon have tons of instances where that dimension provides beneficial information that wouldn't have been accessed otherwise, which turns out to be true. So does ayahuasca in my blood, many other books, and many individual reports. heres just one of mine

My plant was saved right after a dmt trip once due to the information i had obtained. I had taken a light combination of mushrooms and acid, and then smoked a good dose of dmt. I immediately heard the words "please help me" in a very chaotic voice in my head (which shocked me, but i initially interpreted it as coming from 'me' as i dissolved)..and then was propelled into a world made of what i first thought was arms, but realized was white worms, but more stubby like maggots. I opened my eyes and saw one of these massive creatures very clearly with a terrifyingly menacing face walk across the room and hide in my roomates closet, and heard again "please help me" coming from somewhere else. I distinctly felt like he had invaded my room and wasn't going to leave even after the trip

i paced back in forth in the room trying to relax and think, and for some reason had a sudden urge that compelled me to take a closer look in the pot of one of my many plants i had. I found dozens and dozens of these white worm things that i'd just seen, but miniature, in the soil of this plant. Once fully down from the dmt they were still there, and were still squirming around in the soil the next day while completely down- it wasn't a hallucination. I ended up feeding a bunch to my venus fly trap Laughing and then killed the rest with a powder i later got at the store. This is just one example of thousands.. and many of which dwarf the level of peculiarity seen here

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
Bill Cipher
#52 Posted : 11/28/2011 7:07:44 PM
I often wonder if the real issue here is that there's just no way to linguistically translate where it is that we go. The experience (to my way of thinking) is extremely impersonal, yet subject to an infinite number of highly personal interpretations.

Myself, I don't really like to think in terms of "entities" per se, because for me the entire space is alive - one infinite consciousness teeming with life and exploding with intelligence. This can be expressed in a seemingly infinite number of ways, and while I've certainly seen all the hallmark archetypes which appear to come up again and again in a great many peoples' experiences, I don't really think of them as individual "entities", but rather as bite sized (and more fathomable) expressions of an infinitely larger whole.

So my question is could it be that what we see and where we go is essentially the same, but that we simply lack the tools to arrive at any consensus description?

Moderator | Skills: harmalas, melatonin, trip advice, lucid dreaming
#53 Posted : 11/28/2011 7:16:41 PM
Uncle Knucles wrote:

Myself, I don't really like to think in terms of "entities" per se, because for me the entire space is alive - one infinite consciousness teeming with life and exploding with intelligence. This can be expressed in a seemingly infinite number of ways, and while I've certainly seen all the hallmark archetypes which appear to come up again and again in a great many peoples' experiences, I don't really think of them as individual "entities", but rather as bite sized (and more fathomable) expressions of an infinitely larger whole.

Yeah that expresses how i feel about it pretty well. Hyperspace itself does seem to be alive. Even in the report i just mentioned, the entire 'place' that i entered was constructed of these living worm things

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#54 Posted : 11/28/2011 8:18:52 PM
gibran2 wrote:
a1pha wrote:
gibran2 wrote:
And one could easily replace the word “entities” in your statement with “other people” to get this:

“I'm curious why people struggle so hard to believe that other people are real and not part of ones' mind. I think people want so badly to believe others are real - and therefore convince themselves they are.

The mind is a powerful thing. We often make real what we want to be real.”

I don't believe one can do this so easily. To do so would assume the DMT "entities" are equivalent to "other people" - which I believe to be false. I can verify the person to my left is 'real' by asking the person to my right - and vice versa. I think it's foolish to assume the 'entities' are unique agents unless you have some proof of their existence.

So are you suggesting if, during my next DMT experience, I ask an entity on my left if an entity on my right is real, and vice versa, and if each entity responds in the affirmative, that I will have verified that the entities are real?

What proof do you have that anything in your everyday life is real? You assume that things in your everyday life, such as other people, are real. Is this foolish?

Gibran, you're always pretty fast at doubting everyday reality. I'm not saying I don't agree with you, I also tend to question everything. And I mean everything.

What I'm trying to understand, is why you are always on the defensive when somebody else doubts the existence of entities or hyperspace.
"If you have any answers, We will be glad to provide full and detailed questions."

Moderator | Skills: Growing (plants/mushrooms), Research, Extraction troubleshooting, Harmalas, Revolution (theory/practice)
#55 Posted : 11/28/2011 9:10:45 PM
ChaoticMethod wrote:
gibran2 wrote:
a1pha wrote:
gibran2 wrote:
And one could easily replace the word “entities” in your statement with “other people” to get this:

“I'm curious why people struggle so hard to believe that other people are real and not part of ones' mind. I think people want so badly to believe others are real - and therefore convince themselves they are.

The mind is a powerful thing. We often make real what we want to be real.”

I don't believe one can do this so easily. To do so would assume the DMT "entities" are equivalent to "other people" - which I believe to be false. I can verify the person to my left is 'real' by asking the person to my right - and vice versa. I think it's foolish to assume the 'entities' are unique agents unless you have some proof of their existence.

So are you suggesting if, during my next DMT experience, I ask an entity on my left if an entity on my right is real, and vice versa, and if each entity responds in the affirmative, that I will have verified that the entities are real?

What proof do you have that anything in your everyday life is real? You assume that things in your everyday life, such as other people, are real. Is this foolish?

Gibran, you're always pretty fast at doubting everyday reality. I'm not saying I don't agree with you, I also tend to question everything. And I mean everything.

What I'm trying to understand, is why you are always on the defensive when somebody else doubts the existence of entities or hyperspace.

I don't think it's about being on the defensive at all...it's more pointing to the fact that frequently, those who actively DO question the "reality" of hyperspace (as in the case of the "baseline tests" we've seen some articulate here and elsewhere) DO NOT question the "reality" of waking life to the same degree. So, if we see this to be the case, it's not that anyone is defensive, but rather, someone is calling into question the "truth" of the basic tenet (that waking life is "real," and proven to be so) of those who declare hyperspace to be other/less than "real." Seeing as this is the platform from which most critiques on the "reality" of hyperspace are launched, it's understandable that this may come off as defensive, but it's really just pointing out that those who rest their claims on the notion that we know reality to be "real" would do best to reconsider.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
#56 Posted : 11/28/2011 9:56:22 PM
BananaForeskin wrote:
Some say that everything is just a manifestation of the self... though perhaps it'd be more accurately phrased that the self is a manifestation of everything. I'd watch where you're drawing boundary lines around your ego, they're hazier borders than you might think...

Purges wrote:
Everything is an entity. Why screw everything?! Say Hi to them, make your peace / enjoy their presence, snap out of it and go about your day Smile Or, take the blue pill and refrain from smoalking...

۩ wrote:
Some people see them. Some people dont.

We all perceive hyperspace in our own ways. This is necessary, as we all gather our own bits/pieces to the puzzle.

If we all saw the same things, we wouldn't have a paradox on our hands.

There's a reason (several) why some of us see them and some of us don't.

The proof is in the pudding.

All of these ^Smile
56 Replies i don't think the OP has responded.
"You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do is to bring back a new idea, because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness."
— Terence McKenna

"They Say It helps when you close yours eyes cowboy"
#57 Posted : 11/28/2011 11:55:43 PM

I won't elaborate my experiences as I feel like they are too personal to share

I think that's perfectly acceptable. Just because someone doesn't want to share something personal means nothing.

One benefit of the entities I would say would be changing religious views. I can't come close to counting all the trips on here where someone runs into an entity and it changes their religious views. The Blue Lady for example.
Let the Tao flow through you. Be the embodiment of it so throughout, that when passed by on the street they say, "Look! There goes Dao!"
Salvia divinorum expertSenior Member
#58 Posted : 11/28/2011 11:56:15 PM
ChaoticMethod wrote:
Gibran, you're always pretty fast at doubting everyday reality. I'm not saying I don't agree with you, I also tend to question everything. And I mean everything.

What I'm trying to understand, is why you are always on the defensive when somebody else doubts the existence of entities or hyperspace.

I don’t really doubt everyday reality, although I also don’t claim to know what everyday reality “really is”.

The reason I always bring up uncertainty about everyday reality is because it’s something that most people take for granted as being real. Yet they never really ask themselves why they make such an assumption. My guess is that most people never question everyday reality because it “feels” so real or just “seems convincingly real”.

If we look at this more deeply, we discover (as I often point out) that there is no way to prove that everyday reality is real.

Oftentimes when someone expresses a belief that hyperspace entities are real, a materialist will chime in and say “You can’t make that claim – you have no proof.” This is true, but the materialists fail to realize that they can’t make the similar claim that everyday reality is “real”. That’s why I bring up everyday reality – it’s not because of what I believe or don’t believe regarding everyday reality or DMT-modified reality, but rather because we can’t prove that reality (everyday or otherwise) is real.

So I’m not defending the existence of hyperspace entities. Instead, I’m defending the logical conclusion that if we can’t make the claim that hyperspace is real on the basis of how we feel, then we can’t make the claim that everyday reality is real on a similar basis.
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#59 Posted : 11/29/2011 4:31:54 AM
So I’m not defending the existence of hyperspace entities. Instead, I’m defending the logical conclusion that if we can’t make the claim that hyperspace is real on the basis of how we feel, then we can’t make the claim that everyday reality is real on a similar basis.

This thread talks about a study done with aya. Where they determined that what you see under it's affect. Appear entirely real in your brain. If this is true. Then what is actually real?

Let the Tao flow through you. Be the embodiment of it so throughout, that when passed by on the street they say, "Look! There goes Dao!"
#60 Posted : 11/29/2011 4:58:38 AM
haxxorz wrote:
a1pha i have proof for you,

i am not a professional dancer and could never do anything interesting regarding dance,
nor had i ever seen the dance of Shiva (or any other ancient dancing techniques).

However, when and since i have used dmt i am able to EXACTLY dance those dances.
I wont go explaining all the trips and story's that got me there (unless people really want to know),
but i was given the advice/knowledge by different Archetype Entities to use dance and motion in my trips, to protect, heal, travel, create, destroy, anything.

I wasn't aware of it first, i asked my sitters to please closely observe and in full honesty report the "realness" of the dance experience.
I was aware i might be tripping the complexity and precise movements and that in reality i wasn't moving very interesting at all.

This was not the case, and is confirmed by sitters and a webcam, and after researching WHAT i danced, i found out i was dancing the EXACT moves of the dance of Shiva,
these moves are very unique, not random, every (hand) gesture symbolizes a story and meaning and advanced dancers train many many years to perform them.

Later i was "teached" other ancient dancing styles, all very recognizable and when researched and compared, extremely precisely performed.

Now how could i possibly know all these gestures/moves/dance techniques? i have never studied them, never seen them...
After the experiences i can never get the same control over my body, its just not so precises, i don't know the way to move and do it, i look like a fool when i dance without dmt.

Edit: i forgot to mention NO music was played during most of these dances, so i wasnt reacting on external musical stimuli.


universecannon wrote:
My plant was saved right after a dmt trip once due to the information i had obtained. I had taken a light combination of mushrooms and acid, and then smoked a good dose of dmt. I immediately heard the words "please help me" in a very chaotic voice in my head (which shocked me, but i initially interpreted it as coming from 'me' as i dissolved)..and then was propelled into a world made of what i first thought was arms, but realized was white worms, but more stubby like maggots. I opened my eyes and saw one of these massive creatures very clearly with a terrifyingly menacing face walk across the room and hide in my roomates closet, and heard again "please help me" coming from somewhere else. I distinctly felt like he had invaded my room and wasn't going to leave even after the trip

i paced back in forth in the room trying to relax and think, and for some reason had a sudden urge that compelled me to take a closer look in the pot of one of my many plants i had. I found dozens and dozens of these white worm things that i'd just seen, but miniature, in the soil of this plant. Once fully down from the dmt they were still there, and were still squirming around in the soil the next day while completely down- it wasn't a hallucination. I ended up feeding a bunch to my venus fly trap Laughing and then killed the rest with a powder i later got at the store. This is just one example of thousands.. and many of which dwarf the level of peculiarity seen here

Both are interesting anecdotes. Thanks for sharing.
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