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Living off the grid is now a crime? Options
#41 Posted : 9/5/2011 9:49:27 PM
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#42 Posted : 9/5/2011 9:55:49 PM
caliwa wrote:

World is fucked up, taken over by idiots with guns and more idiots following them

//DON'CHA JUST LURVE IT?? Laughing Twisted Evil

"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing
#43 Posted : 9/6/2011 1:18:03 AM
Every time I see this thread I keep thinking of this...


Sombrios is not far from my home..I can stand on the beach here and look over at vancouver island. I have spent a short time living in my tent on the island surfing just north of sombrios(after all the shit went down there) and I have always admired these people for the life they carved out..and I wish I could tell them how much of an influence they have had on my life indirectly. These people are living legends amongst the surf/beach community here in S/W BC.

It is a beautiful film about people who were able to see the eden that is right here all around us and literally had the lives they build ripped out from under them by the tyranical canadian government.
Long live the unwoke.
#44 Posted : 9/6/2011 2:30:49 AM
Damn Frac, that sucks man. It looks like a very interesting watch. I'll try to get a copy when I have more funds. It's a damn shame that we can't just "live and let live" in this day and age.

Thanks for sharing <3
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#45 Posted : 9/6/2011 8:03:22 AM
I guess living off the grid means you have a mind of your own. And that ISN'T what the States wants you to have. Now yomp on a burger, watch the simpsons, or be suspected of being some terrorist wierdo thingy...Laughing
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
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#46 Posted : 9/6/2011 8:52:47 PM
Government says "jump"... etc.
#47 Posted : 9/6/2011 8:56:37 PM
I couldn't agree with Melodic Catastrophe more...

shrew, you say "they shoulda hid their shit better, and since they didn't, they deserve the injustice"
Where most of us would say "this type of injustice is wrong in the first place, the system does not serve the people, and needs drastic reform..."

You are not required to conform to the norm here. but I personally would not join a forum where i fundamentally disagree with most of the members. For example i wouldnt go to an entheogenic forum (dmt-nexus) and say stuff about ant-hippy dippy love ect. (see your response to melodics comment about "where is the love"Pleased

clearly this is a forum where themes of peace and love are prominent, so why start making fun of it and not taking it seriously dismissing it as hippy bullshit??

You do say that you are merely telling it how it is, not defending the governments actions, but i would disagree with you there because several times you said THEY DESERVE IT!! (because of laziness or whatever the reason you gave)

So is that how life should be? A giant game of constant cat and mouse, living in fear, and limited freedom?

I was born a spiritual child of mother earth, and should not be forced into the rigid life path that society has laid out. it is a fundamental violation of my human rights that i cannot choose my own lifes path free of persecution. Is that a little too "hippy dippy half assed lovey dovey"?

No one is trolling you here mate, no one has outright insulted you, were just arguing the point at hand
It is a fundamental human rights issure man, Its clear as night and day. Talk of codes and laws misses the issue.

I read many great words on this thread, and am glad to be a part of such an aware bunch of people!
You have never been apart from me. You can never depart and never return, for we are continuous, indistinguishable. We are eternal forever
#48 Posted : 9/8/2011 5:05:17 PM
I think Melodic Catastrophe is right. Shrew, you may have an entire tree up your bum, not just a stick.
I've seen many of your comments and none of them are all that social, shrewd.
If you're so indifferent to the fates of so many people, who are only trying to live self-sustainably, and are being
persecuted as criminals, why even bother participating in this Topic?

I can appreciate the tough, cynic, indifferent act from time to time, but when so many people are being displaced and persecuted for no
sensible reason I find this type of cynic coldheartedness extremely misplaced.

This topic was made by concerned people for concerned people. If you don't care, you're in the wrong topic.
Now let's get back ontopic, people who DO care.

I think we, people of the world, should found an agraric, self-sustaining movement.
So we can gather money to buy land for such a lifestyle and hire lawyers to fight off property corporations.
So we can sew the state in a large process, with lots of media attention, for these unethical persecutions and disposessions.
We need to unite to smash this corruption and protect our freedom to live our lives the way we CHOOSE.
#49 Posted : 9/10/2011 7:19:16 AM
SKA wrote:
This topic was made by concerned people for concerned people.

Exactly. These people need a hand and even if it's just posting this story to your facebook account to help bring awareness to it. Every little bit helps. Especially you guys out in Cali. where it's actually happening at.

SKA wrote:
Now let's get back ontopic, people who DO care.

I think we, people of the world, should found an agraric, self-sustaining movement.
So we can gather money to buy land for such a lifestyle and hire lawyers to fight off property corporations.
So we can sew the state in a large process, with lots of media attention, for these unethical persecutions and disposessions.
We need to unite to smash this corruption and protect our freedom to live our lives the way we CHOOSE.

I have no idea how to organize something like that but with the current sustainability movement that is going on, I doubt it would be hard to get support. I'd be willing to help out however I could. These people who are actively trying to live in more harmony with the Earth deserve to have a group of people on their side willing to try and defend them.

I'm a strong believer that if you aren't hurting anyone, you should be left the hell alone.
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#50 Posted : 9/10/2011 10:13:26 AM
Melodic Catastrophe wrote:

I'm a strong believer that if you aren't hurting anyone, you should be left the hell alone.

-True, but you are not free to do as you wish under YOUR OWN system, but you are free to do whatever you wish as long as it fits within the "government system".You have to follow the laws of your country, and they change these laws or complicate them as they wish. So you are never truly "free", but still controlled probably for reasons of extracting all the money you get paid via taxes and so called duties to your country.Wink

"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
#51 Posted : 9/10/2011 10:15:41 AM
I'm well aware of my lack of freedom. Thanks for pointing that out though because a lot of people are not. We're all slaves to the monetary system on some level.
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#52 Posted : 9/10/2011 10:17:07 AM
Melodic Catastrophe wrote:
I'm well aware of my lack of freedom. Thanks for pointing that out though because a lot of people are not. We're all slaves to the monetary system on some level.

--There is a nice cave in India i saw, Melodic .....Laughing

---:idea: -But, you DO KNOW where you are truly free, where there is NO MONEY, remember those free million dollar notes???, i wonder where you are truly free, Melodic..?

---Could it be that SPECIAL PLACE called H-p-rs-a-e ??? Smile
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
#53 Posted : 9/10/2011 10:37:03 AM
I like to think that a switch to a Resource Based Economy would free everyone up pretty nicely.

I dream to live in a world that solves it's social problems with social engineers. Progress would be based on the scientific method instead of politics. Politics don't solve problems, engineers do. And always have.

Once the majority of the population realizes that there is no longer a need for money, we can evolve past the scarcity mentality that has held humanity back for entire history and embrace the natural and sustainable abundance that Consciousness intended when the Universe was created.

We're at a tipping point in our evolution and there is a better way to do just about everything. We are fucking up on a serious level and we can either support the current system and continue to become more of a police state. Or we can stand up as one and demand something better. I propose The Venus Project because it just makes sense.

There is more than enough for everyone's needs, but not for everyone's greed.
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#54 Posted : 9/10/2011 10:47:26 AM
Seriously, i've been thinking for many years now. And i believe that the Amazonian tribes have got it sussed, and always have. They have been laughing their asses of at our pathetic, stupid, daft fussings for millenia!!

-I guess they must think" why build aeroplanes, why build buildings, why this, why that , when it's all free in the jungle!"--your own zoo, entheogens, food water, heat, colours, there is never boredom in nature, no wages, just everything for free. You get it because you grab it, and you get it naturally. You don't go to church to get to your god, you take snuff. You don't buy food, you hunt it. You don't even need much more than a few feathers and strings for clothes!!--And who prvides everything for FREE, and governs you?, why NATURE does, of course, naturally!!!

---VIP amazon, reservations open!! Laughing
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
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#55 Posted : 9/10/2011 2:03:38 PM
and yet when someone visits with a latent pathogen to which the carrier is immune, it pretty much wipes out the entire village

"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
"Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
#56 Posted : 9/10/2011 3:43:15 PM
Yep, those evil Spanish gold robbing fools infected these pure people with their western filth. They thought that God was the key to happiness. The Indians thought differently, they thought that the nature, love, and hyperspace was theirs.

-Only now that the westerners glutton for "safety and re assurances" has been addressed are they SLOWLY allowing themselves to be aware of the truthful fact. That their religions and ideologies do not serve them. Slowly and surely stress and depression is forcing these fools to admit that the Indians were right all along, and that their cities built on gold were really the work of ignorance.

-The Spanish deluded themselves into thinking that their ways were superior, when in fact they were inferior. Anything which is done against the flow of nature, is not natural. The Indians chose to float down the river of nature, and respect her ways. It has taken mankind many years of earth destruction to realise that the way of the Indians is the ONLY way for us to survive. Man cannot live against nature and win!..Man only loses the battle when he tries to work in un natural ways, in one form or another.....Shocked

"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
Moderator | Skills: Growing (plants/mushrooms), Research, Extraction troubleshooting, Harmalas, Revolution (theory/practice)
#57 Posted : 9/10/2011 3:45:13 PM
christian wrote:
-I guess they must think" why build aeroplanes, why build buildings, why this, why that , when it's all free in the jungle!"--your own zoo, entheogens, food water, heat, colours, there is never boredom in nature, no wages, just everything for free. You get it because you grab it, and you get it naturally. You don't go to church to get to your god, you take snuff. You don't buy food, you hunt it. You don't even need much more than a few feathers and strings for clothes!!--And who prvides everything for FREE, and governs you?, why NATURE does, of course, naturally!!!

Sounds like someone needs to do a little reading on the Amazon and what living there requires. I doubt anyone who's made the Amazon their home would say everything is free and you just grab whatever you want. It's a tough life - have you ever hunted for yourself? Have you ever built yourself a shelter in a rainforest? Have you ever had to rely solely on the sustenance you could hunt/gather/trade for other things you've collected?

And let's not get carried away with the noble savage imagery...there's plenty of stuff that is bought in the Amazon. There is interchange and exchange between "modern" society and indigenous society. They might not have the same set of problems as people in the "modern" world...but that doesn't mean everything is idyllic, peachy and edenesque.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
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#58 Posted : 9/10/2011 4:03:23 PM
And occasionally there are wars going on between tribes, just like in the rest of the world.
#59 Posted : 9/10/2011 4:17:29 PM
Damn, i just lost what i wrote and spent ages perfecting, so sorry guys, i had something i really wanted to share, but the laptop or internet connection had other ideas!Mad
"Eat your vegetables and do as you're told, or you won't be going to the funfair!"
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#60 Posted : 9/10/2011 6:01:26 PM
christian wrote:
Yep, those evil Spanish gold robbing fools infected these pure people with their western filth. They thought that God was the key to happiness. The Indians thought differently, they thought that the nature, love, and hyperspace was theirs.

-Only now that the westerners glutton for "safety and re assurances" has been addressed are they SLOWLY allowing themselves to be aware of the truthful fact. That their religions and ideologies do not serve them. Slowly and surely stress and depression is forcing these fools to admit that the Indians were right all along, and that their cities built on gold were really the work of ignorance.

-The Spanish deluded themselves into thinking that their ways were superior, when in fact they were inferior. Anything which is done against the flow of nature, is not natural. The Indians chose to float down the river of nature, and respect her ways. It has taken mankind many years of earth destruction to realise that the way of the Indians is the ONLY way for us to survive. Man cannot live against nature and win!..Man only loses the battle when he tries to work in un natural ways, in one form or another.....Shocked

that's besides the point...
natives are so isolated and maladapted to foreign pathogens, that if you went to visit them,
you might inadvertently kill them. that's just how nature works, it's not all idealistic.
it has no regard for ignorance.

I don't think you understand just how adapted we (the developed world dwellers) are to pathogens. adapt to change, or perish (or just stay in your fishbowl); it's darwinism at its finest.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
"Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
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