hey aussietripper.. yes you do indeed have acacia obtusifolia. treat her well.. remember not to strip trunk bark just take phyllodes and small twigs.. or one large branch top photo is a beauty by the way.. one of the nicest photos i've seen of obtuse on the net
Thank you i will not be taking anything off these plants i am going to keep a close eye on them and try to get some seeds to grow from, they truly are a beautiful plant in every way i have heaps of photos if anyone else is interested in having look to help with identification
this is the place for it 
more obtusfolia aussietripper attached the following image(s):  IMG_3541.JPG (5,374kb) downloaded 119 time(s). IMG_3538.JPG (8,579kb) downloaded 116 time(s).
Hey dreamtripper you were right! after reading around I am pretty sure on the I.D. Its been 5 months since Dimitri found me after many hours of hiking reading I has evolved from an obsession to an appreciation/love of Acacia and leading me back to nature and gardening  Confidence is growing in identification and I have learnt so much I want to be 100% sure before any attempt is made I really do appreciate this site cheers peeps The brain is a dream device everything therefore is a man made concept.
Doesnt happen often! WHich was it retinodes or saligna? Is this attached merely just a strain of a.longifolia? Maybe the age gives it much brighter phyllodes than older? DreaMTripper attached the following image(s):  P1020244.JPG (1,546kb) downloaded 125 time(s). P1020238.JPG (2,286kb) downloaded 124 time(s).
^thats a.longifolia subs.longifolia young and bright green. I think the more sun they get the brighter green they are. The one in the photo gets most of the days direct sunlight.
I saw one today that looked very much like a.stricta but with showy white ball flowers, had the vibe, as did another that was stood up like an a.phleb sucking the sunlight in all leaves fanned out, I have no idea where to start looking to id that one i will have to post a photo.
DreaMTripper wrote: Quote:Is this attached merely just a strain of a.longifolia? Maybe the age gives it much brighter phyllodes than older? ..while i conclude like you did that it's longifolia, it really shows how variant longifolia can be..phyllode paleness can be due to lower nutrient levels.. apologies that i haven't had a lot of time in here lately..there's a few in here doing a sterling job at ID..thanks.. Deletrious..i'd have to think a while about that one...but close-up of phyllode vein structure and ripe pods is required to conclusively ID it..likely a relative of A. retinodes family..
Ah I see similar to marijuana plants when they are deprived of nitrogen? Just going to post a few of these here if anyone knows what they are then cool if not hopefuly I will find out once Ive bought a new book!  The second could be a.melanoxylon but it doesnt seem to have a mucro as in the illustrations.. http://www.worldwidewatt...l=m&id=10955&o=2I think the last one is actually a.retinodes.. DreaMTripper attached the following image(s):  P1020270.JPG (2,712kb) downloaded 240 time(s). P1020272.JPG (2,679kb) downloaded 241 time(s). P1020273.JPG (2,705kb) downloaded 239 time(s). P1020277.JPG (2,921kb) downloaded 238 time(s). P1020278.JPG (2,184kb) downloaded 236 time(s). P1020280.JPG (2,857kb) downloaded 231 time(s).
Found this the other day. Can anyone identify? I can take somr better pics if needed. sleepypelican attached the following image(s):  20131203_111020.jpg (3,025kb) downloaded 224 time(s). 20131203_111009.jpg (2,811kb) downloaded 228 time(s). 20131203_111028.jpg (4,138kb) downloaded 230 time(s). 20131203_111028.jpg (4,138kb) downloaded 227 time(s). 20131203_111028.jpg (4,138kb) downloaded 222 time(s). 20131203_111028.jpg (4,138kb) downloaded 222 time(s).In dreams...I walk with you In dreams...I talk to you In dreams...Your mine All of the time We're together In dreams...In dreams
I have a few local west coast species that I am having trouble identifying:  denyr1 attached the following image(s):  059.JPG (4,424kb) downloaded 200 time(s). 058.JPG (4,393kb) downloaded 202 time(s). 047.JPG (3,652kb) downloaded 202 time(s).
No word from the nexus resident ID'er acacian for a while must be deep in dialogue with some trees.
Can I please have a positive ID on this, I am sure its a A.Cyclops. The pic was taken in the South West Coastal region of Western Australia about 10km from the coast. It is very similar to one I have seen on a local nursery website from a local nursery website.  denyr1 attached the following image(s):  DSC_0136.JPG (3,478kb) downloaded 185 time(s). DSC_0104.JPG (5,173kb) downloaded 180 time(s).
Much appreciate the ID confirmation Acacian.
Hello all, I just thought I'd share these pics that were taken today at the end of my street to try and get a positive id. My most awesome wife brought me a dirt bike for chrissy so I went for a little adventure only 5mins from my house and took these......oh, there around 1000m altitude in the blue mountains of nsw     Suspecting A. obtusifolia and have seen good results already from an A/B/A/B extraction. Cheers
Happy new year all! I was thinking, what about programming an acacia ID program that is web based? Would be great to be able to ID on the fly (out in the bush), using your smartphone It would work something like this (it's gonna be hard to describe via text): Using various drop down boxes eg 1) phyllode type (allow you to select the different phyllode types, whether single or bipinnate etc) 2) phyllode length (select different sizes) 3) flower type (ball or rod) 4) pods (straight, curved, clustered etc) 5) flower colour (yellow, pale yellow, red) As you select each value, it narrows down your search to the acacias that contain those values I'm sure it could be done relatively easy with a access or SQL/MySQL, and a web front end. I'm not a programmer (not my field), but I would be happy to crunch out data entry to populate the database House of Acacia, bring it on! --Shadow Throughout recorded time and long before, trees have stood as sentinels, wise yet silent, patiently accumulating their rings while the storms of history have raged around them --The living wisdom of trees, Fred Hageneder
sounds like an excellent idea!!