I had to make an account here to see if anyone could help identify this acacia that started growing in my veg garden a few years ago. It has not gotten flowers like I see on some of them as far as I know. I thought it was a fern at first but it seems I was wrong. Every year the leaves die in the fall, but it comes back in the spring. I noticed at night the leaves sort of curl up a bit then reopen when the sun comes out.   [/url][/img]   [/url][/img]   [/url][/img]
I could be wrong tribunal but I dont think its an acacia tree.
I'm guessing these are Acacia Pycnantha? Any confirmation?  The Unknowing attached the following image(s):  photo (13).JPG (588kb) downloaded 135 time(s). photo (12).JPG (719kb) downloaded 136 time(s). photo (11).JPG (593kb) downloaded 135 time(s).The Universe is Breathing As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without ~ message from the divine
Looks like it to me but I am no expert. I believe these are also a.pycnantha..  DreaMTripper attached the following image(s):  IMG_20131023_180904.jpg (328kb) downloaded 121 time(s).
Kindly anybody could identify this plant? acacia tortilis?  Image in high resolution HERE
Wondering if anyone can help me ID what appears to be an Acacia tree? I see a lot of these trees in Southern California. Ive attached a couple pictures... hope they're helpful. Thanks! InnerVoyages29 attached the following image(s):  download.png (515kb) downloaded 224 time(s). photo-2.JPG (123kb) downloaded 225 time(s)."It has touched people, changed points of view, accelerated self improvement, given hope to those without, pushed those who seek to learn, and hyper slapped those that need to be put in their place." - anrchy The Art of Changa Making - Courtesy of OM "There is no... Life I know... To compare with Pure imagination.... Living there... You'll be free... If you truly Wish to be" - Willy Wonka
These look like the Acacia Cyclops maybe? Any suggestions?   The Unknowing attached the following image(s):  photo (20).JPG (759kb) downloaded 202 time(s). photo (19).JPG (2,800kb) downloaded 200 time(s). photo (18).JPG (582kb) downloaded 201 time(s).The Universe is Breathing As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without ~ message from the divine
Barretium - Acacia 1 looks like acacia saligna.. not sure what the rest are but they are very interesting looking trees. where abouts in aus are you? Innervoyages.. yours is actually a species of bottle brush OneEyeAscension.. yours looks like a form of longifolia.. I think probably acacia sophorae which is a coastal form (though by many considered another species in its own right)
Hello! Been lurking for quite a while now. This tree has me stumped, I've looked everywhere for an I.D with no luck. I will be trying an extraction on this, but just wanted to see if I could get an ID before I start. Thanks in advance, if anyone needs more pictures please ask and I will deliver! EST4L EST4L attached the following image(s):  DSCN3873.JPG (6,291kb) downloaded 177 time(s). DSCN3870.JPG (6,521kb) downloaded 183 time(s). DSCN3875.JPG (6,104kb) downloaded 177 time(s). DSCN3871.JPG (7,007kb) downloaded 179 time(s).
EST4L.. beautiful tree! not sure what species you have but its got an intriguing look about it.. would be interesting if you tested it?
Thank you! The tree found me! I will try an extraction and see what happens, because I have a very good feeling about this. Would more pictures help the ID? I can get exact measurements if it would help? Thanks for the reply!!. L&R
the pics look pretty good for i.d i'm just not familiar with the species... i'll keep looking because it looks like a tree i've seen in an identificaiton guide before
Got a couple more if you want to have a look? Love&Respect (this is a different tree, any help on this one would be muchly appreciated!) EST4L attached the following image(s):  DSCN3878.JPG (6,655kb) downloaded 163 time(s). DSCN3879.JPG (6,669kb) downloaded 165 time(s).
EST4L pics in post 527 looks like a pic I posted a few months back the phyllodes are very similar , identified as a.iteaphylla in July if iirc so that may be a good place to start. It had ball style flowers.
I found a tree some time back and revisited again recently out of curiosity. It has pods as depicted for a.mucronata but phyllodes light green rounded and arranged on the stem like a.longifolia but shorter and wider like a.sophorae, any idea what this could be? It did have abundant flowers on rods in July.
Hey, more info needed, country, state photographed in and a close up of phyllodes and bark also, pods if present.. Ive come to learn pods, glands and bark type are better for id'ing. Some species seem to have almost identical phyllodes. I saw one recently that couldve been a maidenii, implexa or floribunda with narrow hooked phyllodes I'm still baffled as all the pods are tightly coiled...will post a photo soon.
I saw this the other day and I am baffled what species it is, it looks like the labelled a.floribunda at the botanical gardens however as you can see the pods are coiled and as far as I am aware floribunda has straight or slightly curved pods. Any ideas?  Here is the same tree from stood back..  Here is the labelled a.floribunda from the Botanical Gardens..  Ive just noticed the same bow in the trunk so they are clearly the same species..So do a.floribunda pods coil? A bit closer up..  Below is one that I suspect is a strain of a.pycnantha ...  Possibly came from this tree that is nearby? There are also many a.implexa nearby is it possible it hybridized with a.pycnantha? Vastly different to this pycnantha that was nearby also..  Im also curious about this one seen recently.. a.verniciflua? Nice looking plant very bitter phyllodes, leathery and slightly furry to the touch. Close up..  Even closer  and the trunk of another very nearby..  Finally another from the Botanical Gardens  Sorry for the bombardment haven't been near a PC in weeks! If anyone has time and curiosity it would be great to know what they are especially the second to last one but in the meantime I will try and suss it out and post back if I find out 