Hi all, I'm new here but was just wondering if anyone could tell me what kind of acacia this is and if it might contain any DMT or not. I found it on the banks of the river in Windsor, New South Wales. Any help would be greatly appreciated.  
..it's probably either A. leiocalyx or A. concurrens..see acacia info thread for more info.. .
Parshvik Chintan wrote:so i am now an acacian-in-training. i found what i suspect is retinodes, it was found at sea-level (or close to it) unlike every other acacia found thus far.
is my suspicion of retinodes correct? (southwestern maui) post #413 bit of a delayed response..but yes, A. retinodes.. .
Gday everyone was after some plants to be identified there is atleast 3 differnt types and was hoping for one of them to be acacia obtusifolia cuttings where taken in an area in nsw where the forsest has been logged an these plants where pushed into piles where the area has been cleared and where going to die i have not cut off living plants as i dont believe in doing it these first images most resemble the a.obtus but the leaves look way to short compared to other photos  Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us
wouldnt have clue wat this is just had similar leaf structure  Uploaded with ImageShack.us
If its from Vic My book suggests a.longifolia due to its prominent 2 main veins and phyllode shape, also the flowers in spikes and the fact is in flower. Could do with a close up to see if theirs a gland near the base.. I am a newb at this hobby however so dont take my guess for gospel! For keen amateurs I recommend the pocket series by Leon Costermans the'yre nice and portable with good descriptions and illustrations.
they were found in nsw wat set of pictures are you reffering to the last ones
 Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.usthese 2 pictures i think most look like obtusifolia but i am still unsure because on the smaller leaves
and also the fact that they are not ment to flower until later in the year
hey goinpiggen420 ... the ball flowered acacia you have there is acacia myrtifolia... a spermadine alkaloid called acacine was isolated from this plant. don't believe its been bioassayed (at least not formally) ...the second i'm not quite sure. coiled pods suggest could be maidenii? phyllodes don't look leathery enough to be longifolia though don't look quite the right shape for maidenii... perhaps it is a genetic variant of longifolia..anyone? love the look of myrtifolia... the specimen i came across down in vic had slightly more lemon coloured flowers aha nice name by the way
goinpiggen420 wrote:they were found in nsw wat set of pictures are you reffering to the last ones
The ones directly above my post only just seen the others. I stand by my guess of a.longifolia subsp longifolia.
think its another advertiser... not interested mate 
Does anyone have any idea what this species could be ? At first sight it resembled a phleb, but it had a glaucous appearance when it was freshly picked. I don't want to post pictures of the tree because it's in someones front yard. Hieronymous attached the following image(s):  Phyllode.jpg (134kb) downloaded 196 time(s). Phyllode1.jpg (136kb) downloaded 194 time(s).
Ok so had a wander around recently and found some interesting specimens, not a clue what they are my outdated book doesn't have anything similar..  and..  another..  Finally this interesting looking tree an acacia baileyana purperea (purple)  Thanks for your time 
so the mystery acacia in my backyard has finally bloomed and I am still stumped as to what it may be! as you can see the flower rods are creamy white and very sparse. the phyllodes are quite tough and leathery and have no basal gland. bark is grey and smooth without lenticels. the phyllodes also have a lot of red colouring to them... DreamTripper I am not sure what the red is from - I've heard speculation that its an indicator of alkaloids though I'm not sure sure as there are plenty of inactive trees that have it too... i wonder whether it may also be something to do with the sun acacian attached the following image(s):  DSC_8394.jpg (785kb) downloaded 169 time(s). DSC_8374.jpg (1,493kb) downloaded 168 time(s). DSC_8389.jpg (1,719kb) downloaded 168 time(s). DSC_8391.jpg (765kb) downloaded 164 time(s). DSC_8406.jpg (738kb) downloaded 162 time(s). DSC_8404.jpg (1,375kb) downloaded 164 time(s). DSC_8405.jpg (1,139kb) downloaded 168 time(s).
Are the red tips common or an indicator of species? I have seen one with red tips recently, a suspected floribunda...
Need help with ID This tree was found in Adelaide, South Australia The Unknowing attached the following image(s):  photo (9).JPG (786kb) downloaded 158 time(s).The Universe is Breathing As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without ~ message from the divine
you have Acacia Pycnantha, OneEyeAscension