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2012?? Options
TrYpt / PhEnEtHyl -AMinE
#21 Posted : 2/5/2008 8:03:13 AM
Well unlike the usual Christian paranoia at the end of centuries (it happenned in 2000, and it happen in 1000, just read some Gregorian chant translations from that time period, they believed the apocalypse was at hand).... 2012 has a lot of different things related to it... first of all the Mayan calendar ends, second, the Hopis believe that a new world will be created, third, Terrence McKenna's graph of novelty predicts the invention of time travel, and fourth, although not directly related to 2012, in fact, Kurzweil estimates its more likely to be around 2023, is the technological singularity, after the invention of a certain technology, say for instance, the exocortex, technology will exponentially advance afterward (interestingly enough, McKenna's timewave zero fits this model). Any number of things could happen, and even if we don't see anything overt, a subtle change of minds throughout the world may come about, fostering a new era of political, social, spiritual and philosophical innovation. In the least case scenario, the very thing this forum is a part of, the so-called "psychedelic renaissance" may reach its point-of-no-return and society's outlook on the use of entheogens may change forever... in that regards, interestingly enough, an FDA-approval study funded by the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (www.maps.org) researching MDMA-psychotherapy as a treatment for PTSD is expected to complete around 2012, what that means is that it is highly likely that the FDA will approve the production of MDMA as a pharmaceutical to be used in conjunction with psychotherapy in the treatment of PTSD, in simple terms, MDMA will be a legal, pharmaceutical drug.....it is also highly likely that such will be a cataclysmic event which leads to the subsequent dismantling of the scheduling act and further approvals for other psychedelic/empathogen/entactogen psychotherapy supplements and/or medicines.
There are many profound and important things in life.... I just happen to think that most of them have to do with serotonin.
El Ka Bong
#22 Posted : 2/16/2008 8:57:11 PM
I 'translate' all the prophcies into a simpler notion - by 2012 a new 'path' will emerge for our evolution, and it'll be just that - new 'upward' direction.

2012 will be like an 'inflection point' on a graph - the line of our fate will begin to point another way, 'up instead of down'. But this is just the beginning of the change, technology will be invented that will break-open our heads and hearts and pour in the enlightenment we are lacking now.

By 2012 more technological "E = MC^2" type breakthroughs will happen, and we'll be like the first generations who had to comprehend that the world was NOT flat - ie it's more than 4-dimensional and it's also non-physical ! We'll be the first to teach our children that that the whole Universe is 'alive', is us, is our home, so "planetary citizenship" will be a given, and we'll see that Gaia is our truest Mother.

These are some technologies I feel that by 2012 will possibly shatter our current world-view:

The continuation of the Human Genome Project -


I expect that DNA supercomputing or answering the mystery of Junk DNA ought to be very 'enlightening' ... Any Panspermia adherents here ..!? I bet we'll confirm life is universal, and it was 'seeded' here on earth 4.6 billion years ago ..

And there's the new Hadron Prticle accelerator (just came on line)!


Apparently mini-blackholes and time-travel (at the subatomic scale) can be the result of this device... ! Updates to String or M-theory ought to be the next revolution as we had happen with quantum mechanics, and it will have to account for 10 or 11 dimensions existing, not just space-time.

And then there's the DMT telescope ! it's due to be on line by December 2012 ~!


Dark Matter and dark energy comprise 95% of the known universe - the 'luminous' Universe we can see is a mere 5% of ALL THAT IS OUT THERE !

This is kind of like the fact that less than 3% of our entire human genome codes for the body - the rest is apparently "junk DNA" ..! .. ie Junk DNA is like Dark matter ...

There are volumes and volumes of 'unrevealed' stuff, hidden dimensions and facts about existence that will emerge after 2012 .. That's the turning point our children will tell their kids about.

#23 Posted : 2/20/2008 3:13:25 AM
2012...wow that's a big can of worms.
Remember the Mayan's were calculating galactic events many thousands of years in advance with incredible accuracy. For this reason alone, that thier calendar ENDS 12/21/12 is enough to peak my interest......BUT the one thing that hasn't been mentioned here that really convinces me something BIG is gonna happen? Look at the Mayan art and symbols....remind you of anything you may have seen in certain voyages? Remember these guys were using ayuhuasca thousands of years ago and making contact with who knows what kind of high level entities, dimensions, etc......and since I know for a fact that that substance shows you the true nature of reality....well...I tend to trust people whose shamans used it for GENERATIONS. Who better to let the future know the real deal?
So, yes I believe that a major shift in human consciousness will happen in 2012. As in a shift to a higher frequency. Maybe light bodies for those who are ready? I dunno. But it's gonna be a hell of a ride!
Any experiences I or SWIM mention have happened only in my nightly dreams.
Big Inhale
#24 Posted : 2/21/2008 5:39:52 PM
These are facts 1.The end of the Mayan calender which marks an alignment of our planet ,solar system and the center of our galaxy this not happen again for another 26,000 years
2.March 10,2006 a cycle of solar storms ended and a new cycle began this cycle will peak in 2012 with a 30 to 50% increase in intensity(These storms are what caused the blackouts in New York)

3.Scientists agree earths magnetic field is weakening and some scientists think we are in the early stage or pole reversal
4.Correlations between earths magnetic field andhuman experience suggests that its easier to accept change and adapt to new ideas in weaker fields of magnetism
5. Recent validation of quantum principles proves that the way we perceive our world-our beliefs about are experience -strongly influences our physical reality
6.1993 ateam of scientists studying magnetoreception announced that the human brain contains millions of tiny magnetic particles these particles connect us to the earths magnetic field just like other animals
7.The maya knew of the blackhole in the center of our galaxy we just discovered it recently the maya also saythat the blackhole gives of consciousness changing waves our blackhole has been dormant until 5 years ago it is now giving off energy waves
8.Earths magnetic fields affect humans The west coast and the middlle east have a zero gauss (gauss measure of magnetic Intensity)reading these are places of great change and new ideas Central Russia has a gauss reading of 150 this is a place where change comes slow
9.There is also a winter solstice on this day
10. The Earth will also be completing a full rotation of its axis
Can you Imagine? From one single Idea everything appeared here.

Here in the Prime Creators universe all things are possible,because all things are possible many lessons are learned.

None Of This Is Real!
#25 Posted : 3/4/2008 5:45:36 AM
TrYpt / PhEnEtHyl -AMinE wrote:
Well unlike the usual Christian paranoia at the end of centuries (it happenned in 2000, and it happen in 1000, just read some Gregorian chant translations from that time period, they believed the apocalypse was at hand).... 2012 has a lot of different things related to it... first of all the Mayan calendar ends, second, the Hopis believe that a new world will be created, third, Terrence McKenna's graph of novelty predicts the invention of time travel, and fourth, although not directly related to 2012, in fact, Kurzweil estimates its more likely to be around 2023, is the technological singularity, after the invention of a certain technology, say for instance, the exocortex, technology will exponentially advance afterward (interestingly enough, McKenna's timewave zero fits this model). Any number of things could happen, and even if we don't see anything overt, a subtle change of minds throughout the world may come about, fostering a new era of political, social, spiritual and philosophical innovation. In the least case scenario, the very thing this forum is a part of, the so-called "psychedelic renaissance" may reach its point-of-no-return and society's outlook on the use of entheogens may change forever... in that regards, interestingly enough, an FDA-approval study funded by the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (www.maps.org) researching MDMA-psychotherapy as a treatment for PTSD is expected to complete around 2012, what that means is that it is highly likely that the FDA will approve the production of MDMA as a pharmaceutical to be used in conjunction with psychotherapy in the treatment of PTSD, in simple terms, MDMA will be a legal, pharmaceutical drug.....it is also highly likely that such will be a cataclysmic event which leads to the subsequent dismantling of the scheduling act and further approvals for other psychedelic/empathogen/entactogen psychotherapy supplements and/or medicines.

I agree with you on many points.

The problem I have with 2012 is this:

I personally really like the 2012 Mumbo-Jumbo, I think it is a cool thrill to think about a change, or to anticipate that something will happen. It's interesting that all these things leads to that date. So personally I really would like to see something happening that will change the world. I would in fact love to see a change coming, because we can not keep going this way any more!

I am also a kind of economist and I know how easy it is to make really good money with the peoples fear. You can make so much money with that! Just look at the movies, all those books, survival stuff, shelters, .... this is actually a great market guys! But what happened to reality ?

Just because some ancient callendar run out of stone, everything should end in a cataclysmic event, or in a pole shift that wipes out humanity ? I think this is very, very unlikely.
What should change? One thing is for sure, - one thing that does not change is the human tendency to keep running into trouble.
Forgot the Iraq war already ? - Or take our unstoppable will NOT to change at all, to keep producing weapons, guns, land mines, fighter jets, bullets, atomic nukes, ships, tankers, cars, tanks,... and to spend 100 trillion for war instead of helping and conservation of energy and the environment ??

In fact I believe - If nothing happens at all we have a serious problem, I hope change is coming in 2012, however I doubt it.
There is no fairy that will bail us out of this shit.

DOOM comes because nothing will change, that is what 2012 is all about. So in this regards, Yes, shit will hit the fan..

#26 Posted : 3/4/2008 3:58:10 PM
I agree with what Annunaki2012 is saying. Also I would like to add that 2012 could be a great time to smoke some spice Smile
Extreme Chemical expertChemical expertSenior Member
#27 Posted : 3/14/2008 8:03:20 PM
people believe a lot of strange things...
#28 Posted : 3/26/2008 11:57:56 AM
With all the attention that people give to this date, maybe the collective conciousness will have an influence on this date. I feel that there will be a change although alot more subtle than what people would have you believe. In any case John Major Jenkins provides interesting reading in his book Galactic Alignment. Many people like to dismis things as hocus pocus bullshit but everything should be considered. After all truth is stranger than fiction. Peopl are alive, we live on earth and the earth spins in a universe so huge that we cant even imagine. How strange is that truth if you really think about it? Dwarfs the 2012 prophecy I say. Only difference is that we are well adjusted to that truth.
#29 Posted : 3/27/2008 1:53:26 AM
i agree that this will be a time more for change in consciousness than any kind of doom.. i think we will be closer as a whole to achieving the next stage in our evolution - telepathy, multi-dimensional travel etc... Channellings from the Pleidians suggest it will be the beginning of the evolving of our dna strands from 2 strands to 12 strands! imagine the implications of that! when i have more time i will find the relevant quote and post it...
Extreme Chemical expertChemical expertSenior Member
#30 Posted : 3/27/2008 9:12:04 AM
If DNA ever did evolve into new elaborate pattens its not going to happen in 4 years. Gravitational pulls from other large bodies certainly could effect things on earth. the moon effects womens cycles for example but as far as giving us super brain powers i dunno about that.
#31 Posted : 3/27/2008 10:47:40 AM
no i don't think it would happen that quickly either, but perhaps could be the time of setting things in motion, or consciousness reaching some kind of critical mass? i also highly doubt though that anything visibly noticeable will happen on a particular date...time will tell
Extreme Chemical expertChemical expertSenior Member
#32 Posted : 3/27/2008 5:41:16 PM
Yea either way the best thing is to hope and work for the best in our lives and the lives of those around us.
I just find terrances theory a bit too irrational. He was trying very hard to explain something that really isnt explainable. I have much respect for the man and his work but I think he often delved into irrational theories based on his experiences. People have many experiences the schizophrenic experiences all kinds of delusions how is tripping any different (besides the difference in brain parts being effected)? Does it matter? Is delusions induced by damages or strong non drug induced changes to brain chemistry any different any more or less meaningful then those that come from psychedelics. I dunno..
peter griffin
#33 Posted : 4/18/2008 11:29:58 PM
So I've been listening to Terrence McKenna lectures lately and while listening to one from 1992 on Novely Theory and his time wave calculator software, he began explaining how it works. Someone asked if he could predict future events with it, he said no, but he could predict when something big would happen, he said for instance sometime March - May of 1995 (he said this in 1992). So I thought that was interesting, jotted it down to look up when I got home. Sure enough, Oklahoma City Bombing April 95. It gave me chills, because his theory also predicts major events in late 2009, early 2011 and the biggest on, dun dun dun, Dec 21, 2012. Something to ponder. Check out the software link.
#34 Posted : 4/19/2008 5:52:39 PM
A lot of people I know think they will gain "enlightenment" from the massive shift, so they sit around playing video games all day being usless.

To me it is the end of an era, which era, I dunno, but it ends there for a reason.

As for the lazy people, if it is a global shift of consiousness they in theory will all wash away due to the lack of drugs they used properly to get their consiousness used to slippin and sliddin all over the place.
#35 Posted : 6/11/2008 9:45:13 PM
#36 Posted : 6/12/2008 2:36:22 AM
pattern wrote:
Personally I think you all should stop putting your faith in some far-away date in hopes of some cataclysmic historic event to change humanity. YOU, AND I, WE, have to change humanity for the better. One small step at a time! When 2012 comes and goes, then it will be another date, 2020, or whatever. And then will you still do nothing but cross your fingers? Don't wait. Start living now.

the date is insignificant.. but I suppose people could potentially will something to happen. who knows.
Moderator | Skills: Analytical equipment, Chemical master expertExtreme Chemical expert | Skills: Analytical equipment, Chemical master expertChemical expert | Skills: Analytical equipment, Chemical master expertSenior Member | Skills: Analytical equipment, Chemical master expert
#37 Posted : 6/16/2008 3:21:16 PM
i don't buy it.
I entertained the theory (known as Calleman theory) a couple years ago, but it certainly hadn't turned me into a alarmist. I don't know what to expect, but I definitely don't think we're all going to be flooded with endogenous DMT, that's highly unlikely.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
"Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
Chemical expertSenior Member
#38 Posted : 7/2/2008 6:28:00 AM
Well let's hope that mankind can mobilize itself enough to cause something to happen, otherwise we're probably pretty far gone and lost to the void of the postmodern age. If something big happens, it'll probably be something we made happen, so let's start figuring out what that is going to be. I think we'll see catastrophe and renaissance on or around this time. Maybe it'll be the age of the Ragnarok and Armageddon in a way, and maybe this will forge a new mankind for the coming age of Aquarius. Frankly, I don't really believe in any of this, but the majority of Western minds have a certain neurosis about these sorts of things; not to mention there are plenty of people in high seats of power who would love nothing better than to take part in fulfilling the prophecies of their professed religions.

Anyway, I say we takes steps to high-jack their Apocalypse and make it our renaissance.
#39 Posted : 7/7/2008 4:22:16 PM
I racked my brain last night trying to figure out what single event could transform the world in an instant, and tried to remain positive, I came up with this:

The cure for cancer is discovered in 2012

If science were to learn how to stop tumors and cancer cells from growing and spreading, well.. heart disease is the second bigget killer but heart disease is 100% treatable, preventable, etc with stents, artificial hearts, pacemakers, etc.

If all cancers were curable, in an instant, most of us could be expected to live past 100 which would change everything. (for the west at least)

For one, everybody would start smoking and drinking without guilt once again! Smile

ModeratorChemical expert
#40 Posted : 7/7/2008 4:53:43 PM
flyboy wrote:
The cure for cancer is discovered in 2012

The cure for cancer is prevention!Smile As a matter of fact, cancer, just like any other diseases is the convergent outcome of a plethora not well understood factors. Put aside mutations on the DNA, it is environmental pollution, whether you eat healthy or not, whether you are stressed, etc. etc. Cancer is the disease outcome of our western civilization sort of and cancer has certainly not been a great deal in the older times (that is, when people had other things threatening their well-being!)

As for 2012, I can hardly believe that anything will happen, or just to be on the fun side I will quote my dentist, with all due respect of course! (she's a great woman, also holds a degree in Chinese medicine, and fancies pulling teeth out using acupuncture instead of anaesthesia)

"I believe that in 2012 the end of linear time will come. Linear time is a Jewish invention and as such a silly one. When people understand that time is not linear but it can assume other geometrical shapes, a new epoch will begin"

Free to any interpretations.....Smile

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